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No. 56816
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Some caps from the Kate thread
No. 56818
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>>56817And the referred post
No. 56822
>>56814She's not, Charms approaches everybody who retains any form of e-fame be it mild or major in order to piggyback off of the attention.
She's done it to so many people now I can't possibly begin to count but some include Shmegeh, Austin White, Lomeli, Miss Alice, see <any popular cam model or Tumblr famuz person>.
No. 56847
>>56830nah, buttcape started it off to my knowledge & then choke chimed in with her knowledge.
the main scandal in her case was that she was apparently asked to make colorful dyed extensions for the AP show by John, and the AP crew never knew this was part of the plan. so she spent a fair bit of effort making/shipping them and then they never got used. If I remember properly, they were also part of the stock that got 'lost'/was stolen by AM?
Looking back on it, it's kind of miraculous…or just fucking stupid… that she agreed to go back this year
Did AP ever recover any of their shit, btw?
No. 56881
>>56866 was the blog post I read, not sure of more beyond that.
…Anime Matsuri should have a fucking lolcow thread by this point, imo.
No. 56934
>>56797Can someone please post any caps of her on her personal Facebook from her big apology? Has she said anything new?
Does she have any response to being now on /snow/, too?
No. 57016
>>57006Ash always uses "Sage" with a capital S. I've never seen her post without it. Ergo, whenever I see an 'anon' with
Sage instead of
sage, it's Ash.
Get the sand out of your #assholegap.
No. 57028
>>57016Nevermind, obviously I'm ~~completely retarded~~ for thinking this may in any way be true. There is obviously no correlation at all, and I'm just stupid as shit for being neurotic and noticing something that no one else was looking at.
Carry on, I'll go sit in the corner with the dunce cap on now.
No. 57100
>>56902I read a statement he had released about everything. I think that his behaviour was innapropriate, but when you take his reccolection against Chokelates….It seems like she is definitely obscuring some details to make herself look better.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find his statement. I wish I had saved it.
No. 58396
>>56816>"Yes, I started drama and talked shit about someone first.">"BUT she clearly should have just accepted my apology and not have been upset bc I mean like…I'm CHOKEAFUCK!!!"Lol, is she fucking serious? Is she really whining about an immature response in retaliation to her immature behavior? Lots of people were hurt and angry at Kate, MANY chose to let it go and not stir drama by posting caps bitching about it on their facebook.
Her narcissism and ego are as big as Kate's.
No. 58407
>>56826Yeah she posted about it like a few months ago? But charms hasnt said anything since so I doubt it will happen.
>>58400Modeling isnt a long lasting career. Choke is naturally skinny and you can see how thin she was in her modeling photos (search under her real name) but they kept wanting her to be thinner and she found that being at the weight she had to be for modeling fucked with her health. She has gained weight since she has stopped for sure, and ignoring her PR issues making a business like lockshop is a good move in that sense.
No. 58821
>>58558It's also because she had "personality issues and minor disagreements" with the modeling gigs she got, like people are going to believe that. Is that a real reason to quit a dream career of modeling and take up crappy wig making? What really happened was she didn't get along with other models and especially staff, since she incites drama a lot.
Ever notice it's always her that's innocent in any situation, yet she's always at the center of the chaos? She acts so innocent with AM but she was involved in the BtSSB packaging going missing (refused to give details on /cgl/) and a lot of the core drama with John. She just paints it like she's always a pure innocent girl who got involved with mean people.
She's doing the same thing with Kate. I hate all these e-fame girls shitting up lolita, but she's trying to paint Kate as immature when she should be happy Kate gave her such a response period. I wouldn't have even answered Choke's immaturity and fake olive branch of peace. Hell, to show you how mature Choke is, she named the filename she fucked up on "girlytoot". She was probably behind the original story. She's like stuck in high school with insults and her mental capacity.
No. 58836
>>58551And demanded Kate accept her "I'm sorry" and proceeded to run her through the mud again when she didn't.
The least I can say about farmers is that they wouldn't try to kiss a lolcow's ass to save their public face, and then do something retarded like throw a tantrum if their apologies weren't welcomed. We're at least consistent and not phony.
No. 58886
>>58821>She was probably behind the original story.How is naming the file a joke that people been using for months now a sign that she posted the story herself? Lots of people called kate girlytoot, there were even secrets about it.
Choke loves drama but all that proves is that she went on cgl and we know that since she tripped.
No. 59281
>>58821>modelling>dream 'career'kek.
please tell me you're fucking 14 or something, nobody can really be this naive.
No. 59435
>>59295so much fucking debt
talk to any model that is smart enough/ has the connections to get out and still have a successful life. everyone admits this shit. Cara even discussed it.
only fucking delusional weebs like himezawa and 14 year olds think its some sort of luxurious life. you dont need to be a fat ass to admit that
you're forced to wear sample sizes that 9/10 don't fit and fucking hurt like hell. your hair and skin is murdered. people in other languages constantly bitching you out. the competition from girls who are actually from poor families…they'll burn your portfolio and ruin your reputation just to get rid of one more person.
No. 59450
>>59449Well I've made at least one of these posts so you're wrong on one count.
I don't know why people continue to believe that modelling is all sunshine, roses and a fat heavy purse.
Don't models frequently get paid in clothes and shit in lieu of actual currency?
No. 60245
>>60241I made the mistake of wasting my money on one. I was ridiculously over priced and shipping was crazy. She only shipped out like once a month so I had to wait forever for the wig.
I got it in the mail and it was crap. Hair falling out, visible inside cap…It was identical to some of the cheap lace fronts you can get from ebay. Those weren't being made/specially dyed..there is no way.
I could have bought the same thing off of ebay for less than 60 dollars + free shipping instead of 200 dollars.
I didn't even realise she was the shop owner. They made it seem like she "won a modelling contest" and was their sponsor model
No. 60315
>>60245I don't really have a way to prove this because I've searched in the archives and they don't go back this far, but I was on /cgl/ years ago when she was tripping and first started talking about getting wigs made and I remember her mentioning Chinese based manufacturers.
I am like always shocked that people pay so much for her wigs
Whaaaat, for $200 you could have got a human hair wig, that price is crazy
No. 60335
>>60323American money plus shipping it was almost 200 dollars. It was a lace front when she first released them and shipping to the states was more than 10.
I just was an idiot and saw the wig thinking " oh how beautiful lets get it" and then I paid for my foolish mistakes by wasting my money kek.
No. 60336
>>60335samefagging. I just checked her site and the lace fronts are WAY cheaper than when I purchased mine. My wig was purchased early 2014
I purchased the wig on the first of march 2014, it shipped 12 april 2014. And took three weeks from then to arrive.
I contacted them twice because it took so long to ship/arrive. I thought I'd been scammed.
No. 60469
>>60336Why do you think she ships out only once a month? jfc what a spoiled entitled brat. Something pisses me off knowing you're giving her all her time and money so she can buy a bunch of lolita and trash talk on lolcow and /cgl/.
I don't get how you can run a business like that. Whenever I've sold something on eBay, I get it out usually the next day. You literally just drive down to the post office and ship out a fucking package. It won't even take 40 minutes of your day. Waiting three weeks for shipping, then you have to wait for it to get to you overseas as well? That's just insane.
No. 60474
>>60469I wouldn't expect a store owner to be able to run to the post office every time they had an order, but even once a week would be a huge improvement and it'd be a good middle ground for her, instead of either running individual packages once a day and running a car load of packages once a month.
I'm assuming the stock is already there waiting to be sold, in which case I agree that 3-4 weeks just to get the box put in the mail on her end is ridiculous.
No. 68841
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>>68238What? Trouble sleeping? That's such a fucking excuse to smoke. I've personally dealt with insomnia for years and pills are the only thing that has really helped me.
"I never do it in lolita". Yeah, that's always the excuse. Has she ever smelled weed? It gets into everything anyway. I guess I won't be buying any of her sales now.
No. 68870
>>68841Holy shit, please calm down.
Indica marijuana gives you a 'body' high; its the kind that cancer patients use because it makes you hungry and sleepy, and reduces nausea. So yes, smoking weed to help insomnia is incredibly legitimate; medical marijuana is prescribed to help that. I am a person who has insomnia, so please don't try to tell me 'you don't know nothin!!!1' People's bodies react to treatments differently; just because something works for you, doesn't mean it works for everyone else.
I'm sure she doesn't do it in Lolita, and she probably doesn't smoke around her clothes. However, if you have an allergy to weed smoke or something, you can always not buy from her. But please don't pretend that THC cannot help people medically.
Sage for autism.
No. 68897
>>68841You're overreacting. She said she doesn't do it while wearing lolita. Plus it's vaping, which is much less odorous and won't stick to things as much. And even if it wasn't vaping, it's not like it would affect her other clothes unless she's smoking right by her closet or something.
Many people do rely on weed to help with sleep, pain, and anxiety. Most sleep medications have worse side effects than weed if taken long term. Even melatonin shouldn't be taken long term.
No. 68900
>>68889Are you fucking kidding me? How does living in a state where pot is legal and understanding its benefits to certain individuals make me spoony?
Get the fuck out.
No. 68906
>>68897How is it overreacting? I had a cousin who I roomed with that vaped and did weed all the time. I had some cloth items that smelled like it long after it happened.
I think what she takes it for isn't really what matters. The important thing is to specify in your sales you smoke weed. Does she say that in any of her sales? She only mentions her cat, but like the other anon said, some people have allergies related to weed specifically.
No. 79268
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She's still scamming people. What is wrong with her lately? Can anyone see what she's up to on her personal Facebook and post caps? She acts like she's doing things more important but we'd all like to see what she's doing normally.
No. 89748
>>89198Too lazy to screen cap fb but she has mentioned being sick the last few weeks. But what I think the anon was referring to is that she was having issues with her landlord of her warehouse.
No excuse for her being mia but if this was going on for months I can see why it went bad.
No. 103937
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what I want to know is, if she's only now back at work, then why didn't she close her shop while she was unable to do her job? she clearly doesn't have the staff she claims to have or things would run more smoothly. you can't blame months of missing orders on you being sick and claim you have other people responsible for actually shipping the items.
No. 104993
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>>104847pretty embarrassing if you admit you have a bunch of neglected customers in the same post you're announcing a sale in
No. 105538
>>104993Fuck off, Choke. Why is she doing a sale on these low quality wigs anyway? Shouldn't she scrap them as a loss? She should just get a new batch, prove how high quality they are in detail shots, and actually
It's not so hard is it?
No. 115058
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>>114716she posted about having commissioned an outfit for UtS and other prep like pic related.
No. 117272
>>117187what do you mean?
>>117189I remember there was a girl, Naomi maybe? Nao or whatever she's called. She joined the competition and received a lot of likes, but Choke didn't include her. She complained and Choke didn't do anything about it lol
No. 117319
>>117272I mean that she's suffering no repercussions for ripping people off whatsoever. Lockshop continues to run and people continue to fawn unknowingly over their products. Anyone who has posted to their social media has had their comments deleted, and they've taken very little in the way of an official stance on the situation.
I'm just wondering how long more people will be left waiting, or how many customers from here will be ripped off.
No. 123055
>>122167could you send the story, pictures, caps and ideally proof of purchase (remove any personal details, but leaving a name would be good) to email above? if you can't be fucked to do all of it it's no problem, but anything would be fantastic.
so, some of you might've seen me out and about, but I've been collecting stories and caps on facebook and /cgl/ about lockshop's abysmal quality wigs and nonexistent customer support. with this I am planning to first confront her/the company, and if nothing changes, the German authorities (consumer protection organisations). since the cgl mods/jans have been touchy shits about this and have been deleting posts despite nobody attacking choke, this, along with a tumblr (that I haven't yet made) will be the place I will be posting updates about how far I am in the process. I'm probably going to be creating an Instagram as well to help spread the word about it.
if anyone here has been burned by lockshop, please send screencaps and any other helping information to the email above. if you see someone complaining about them, please send them to me or send me a link. (I'll try to have the tumblr up asap so it'd be an easy way to contact me)
the current situation is that I'm still trying to gather stories and links. I've got caps of the complaints removed from facebook that I've spotted, and a few anons have contacted me directly, but it's still nearly not enough. right now, we need to get word out about lockshop being unreliable/a scam. I'll be setting up the tumblr this week hopefully, and the instagram should follow soon.
No. 125714
>>124247, but I haven't set it up completely yet so it's currently password protected. instagram will happen soon as well.
going to be using a trip in this thread so the email, tumblr etc would be linked. (guess the reference)
No. 125741
>>125676I don't think she's a mod, but it is obvious she's on /cgl/ 24/7 and here as well. I'm not surprised she took up a janitor job because she's absolutely addicted to these boards and prides herself a lot on her "seagull queen" status in real life, embarrassingly enough.
I really hope she isn't, though, and it's just /cgl/'s typical "no singling out" rule that makes the posts deleted. Although, the board is fucking hypocritical because things about the Leigh's stay just fine, but stuff like Kate and Choke mysteriously vanish. That scammer needs to be outed on a board where lolitas are the most.
>>125714Can't wait to follow the tumblr! I think Instagram will hit her the hardest.
No. 133895
>>133639yes but I would also like to graduate school first so it's not exactly #1 on my priority list right now, sorry
I'll try to get something up soon but don't expect much until a week into June or so
No. 135609
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Wig related. Not my customer photo, but I also have this wig and it looks just like that tangled mess on the right. The part is pretty bulky, but the sides of the hairline (down the side of my face, idk how to describe it) look pretty good. Any tips on how to make this wig work and what hairdos would be nice without sacrificing the length? Sage for OT
No. 561606
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Sorry for necro but she's been making a lot of excuses for her bad customer service again. Did anything ever come out of the plans for a lawsuit?