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No. 564301

>"You're jealous because I'm pretty"
>Asks for criticism and then gets upset and lashes out at her fans.
>"If you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything at all."
>Started doing crummy covers and when it doesn't get popular she gets salty.
>"Lol I'm cynical so I'm cool" posts often.
>Started a patreon and is pushes it all the time so she can do cosplays and post pictures of herself in skimpy clothing.

She has done this a lot and as her popularity is rising she's getting worse.

No. 564772

she's a minor by the way, junior in high school

No. 564880

Wtf is she doing when she isn't even a fucking adults Jesus.

No. 565039

You can't post minors on lolcow

She has big problems in OP image…literally conflating follower account with attractiveness. If she loses 100 followers = uglier?
She needs an intervention

No. 565280

There are other posts about minors on here.

It doesn't protect them when they're stuck up number thots.

No. 565297


Can you really not post minors on here?
There are literally other posts about this.

The child needs to reel herself in.
If you take a look at her facebook she's constantly full of herself.
That's what happens when you're surrounded by blind fans and yes men.

No. 565309

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Here is how she treats her fans if they give constructive criticism.

Seems pretty two faced to me.

No. 565311

It takes two seconds to read the rules. Rule 2. Provided she’s over 16 it’s fine.

This thread is shit anyway though. Links? Screenshots? Sauce? Anything that’s not just vendetta fail?

No. 565404

You need to provide more proof she's worthy of her own thread.

No. 697110

Sage because no milk. But ive been following her for a long time. And shes just. So annoying. Repetitive posts. Open legs, tit shot. 18+ material. "Ew stop sending me gross messeges im only 17" shes getting on my nerves and sucks the internets dick for a couple hundred likes. Her clothing and cosplay is cheap and unoriginal. Yet she acts like shes famous…..

No. 703440

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Tfw your Finna 18

No. 705800

File: 1538895241253.jpg (13.56 KB, 720x405, FB_IMG_1538870841939.jpg)

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