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No. 558651
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Her homage to fellow lolcow EffinRawz
No. 558653
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No. 558654
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No. 558659
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Her postings on pol
No. 558690
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No. 558694
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>>558690Wow, She has an ugly face, ugly body, ugly tits, a roast beef pussy and a shitty personality!
Many people have at least one thing that compensates for their other shortcomings but she has nothing. Would feel sorry for her if she wasn't so edgy.
No. 558779
>>558690Ugh. Her vagina looks just like mine.
BRB,killing myself.
No. 558811
>>558779Her pussy is honestly the best part of her. I know that's not saying much, but…
Don't worry, anon.
No. 558824
>>558779This anon
>>558811 is right. only incels actually dislike roasties, most dudes prefer it to gash pussies
No. 558922
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No. 559017
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>>558988I guess I haven't seen any other than my own and those online. Its not like my friends show me theirs or anything. Mine looks basically just like the diagrams, except one side is a bit puffier than the other. I've honestly never seen one that looks like the lips are hanging out so much.
No. 561333
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>>558988This is lolcow, average bodies are hideous here and normal vaginas are flesh cuts. Nothing new on this thread, other than farmers having no concept of what's real and what's fiction.
Don't smile, or you'll get told about your awful nasolabial lines.
pic very relevant.
No. 561398
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>>561333>>561359Can you guys stop getting so offended some anons don’t like some vaginas? Unclench your roasties and enjoy the shit show.
This girl is really disturbed.
No. 561406
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>>561398Her dad really dragged her, damn.
No. 561476
>>561406What the fuck, what an awful dad.
No wonder she hates her ancestry and family. Almost literally fucking her grandmother in the face.
She needs some help, poor girl.
No. 561753
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No. 566644
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>>561359>>561359i dunno what people have been telling you but its not uncommon in porn stars
No. 616192
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>>558650That strange girl started spamming again on /r9k/ last week. Seems like some Guy in Athens busted her out and let's her stay in his one room apartement…doubt for free.
Does anybody know more? All I heard that she doxxed some of her beta orbiters on 8ch. And like she missed her period, but I'm not sure. She's a diagnosed Histrionic personality, so I don't envy that dude she's with. Probably ratting him out to the Police, as soon she doesnt get enough attetion.
No. 616838
>>561491Exactly. We can't know if the fucked up home life came before or even caused her awful behavior but if my daughter was posting about how she loves nazis/isis and using your mother's funeral picture as a porn prop then that's a fair paddlin
>>616192This is going to end so badly. Why does she take such ugly photos though? If she at least brushed her hair, put some concealer on and used some better lighting then she could get better money from her cucks
No. 619797
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>>616838I think mainly because she is lazy
Btw she made a discord server
No. 621471
>>616192>>619797This girl is honestly disgusting and hideous. She's somehow even grosser and more unlikable than Himeka. It's like she hasn't bathed in 7 years.
Her vagina is nasty-looking, too. I don't know why there was discourse around that.
No. 621490
>>616838Tinfoil (or maybe it's not): but I think the reason why girls take unflattering and ugly pictures of themselves is so they can brush off any insults or criticism easier. Like they weren't trying
on purpose of course, or they were taking the pictures
It would probably hurt them a lot worse if there was evidence they made an attempt at their appearance and were still labeled unattractive. At least when they're looking unkempt, greasy, and makeupless they can pretend like their ugliness was intentional.
No. 621497
>>619797holy FUCK those dark circles
>I AM THE PRETTEST>PRETTESTlmfao not the smartest tho apparently!
No. 621670
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>>621490Yeah Idk about her effort ones
No. 621733
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>>621490she's just fishing for compliments, like most low level camgirls are. Because she's so plain looking, most betas will think they have a chance with her. She can't get the same attention irl, because betas are too shy irl. So there's only the way online.
She's basically a whiteknight enabler, looking like some fragile little girl that needs to be saved.
No. 621867
File: 1530017805104.png (513.4 KB, 1080x976, Screenshot_20180626-155543~01.…) is sucking off some random degenerate mod right now
No. 629688
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idk if she's actually a lolcow. But last week I got her discord on one of her 4chan Spam Thread and then went on a livestream. She's still at home, yelled at her mom and then started snorting some stuff.
>>616192Either she never left, or the dude kicked her out
But she maybe just get put into a mental asylum soon.
No. 629812
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No. 629817
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No. 629871
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that is just sad
>>629834yeah she did more on the stream i think she just started snorting it
No. 630397
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>>629871>trying to appeal to people like that.girl, really needs to love herself.
No. 636832
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>>629688I'm glad that I kept following her, I think she really turns into a sad lolcow. So she made a livestream, seemed like she tried to kill herself at first, but maybe she's just stupid af. She took xanax and booze and couldn't even sit, barley walk. He mother next door didn't even bother, at some time just came in to laugh at her (can't understand the language). Then she puked all over her bed and the stream ended.
No. 636836
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No. 636837
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No. 636840
No. 637510
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What a timeline
Makes you think
No. 637846
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>>621867>>629811>>629817Notice the screenshot names:
Rozelli uses Ubuntu as a main operating system, this is Ubuntu:
>>629871>>636833>>636834She forgot to remove the (You)'s.
Another post.
No. 637952
>>637846Wow it must be hard being that amount of ugly and mentally ill…
Weird how incel males degrade women while incel women degrade themselves
No. 640939
>>558650Serious question
Is this place just fat whores getting butthurt over other women being successful
Am I just weird for a woman or is it normal to not boil over when someone looks better than you
>>629688That's Xanax, you dumb whore
No. 640942
>>636832Whomst the fuck isn't into alcohol
Lsd and Whisky is fucking amazing, I'm sad that she's not getting as much satisfaction from xanax as she would from lsd
I'd unironically send lsd to her if it was legal
No. 640944
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>>558650>leaching off her parents They kept her locked in her room and to my knowledge she's only been out a few times recently
By that same logic prisoners leach of the system
No. 641998
>>640939>>640942>>640944>>640956>>641945Stop talking to yourself
If you're gonna bump your own thread at least post nudes Rozelli
No. 651474
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No. 674993
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No. 726311 honestly this is sad
fetishizing being retarded and "first time on drugs"
No. 1939495
File: 1701979006786.jpg (Spoiler Image,438.77 KB, 1920x1088, 1494329948672.jpg)

>>558650She's cute. I'm not a /pol/tard anymore uwu
No. 2003101
File: 1718043038587.jpg (133.33 KB, 995x485, 1493628077708.jpg)

Fo me it's my cute wife Rozelli