No. 55791
I know she is not a cow but she was discussed in /cgl/ before and she just released this video and I am kind of really confused with what she means with it. Does anyone know what is really going on with her?
Links: & IG: Lovisakawaii
No. 55902
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>>55842that was… really weird. i dont know how to feel about watching that. it wasnt even cringe, it was just really strange. the music, the way the camera just follows behind her, the lack of any talking, it was just… weird.
No. 55930
>>55842I'm not american or anything, but don't they have regulations for the clothes you wear?
Her skirt seems a littleā¦ .short.
No. 55932
>>55930oh wait, sorry, I was watching the videos without sound. She's not american
my bad.
No. 55974
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I really wonder what it is that she has. It seems like it causes co hair growth since she has no eyebrows or eyelashes either.
I'm sure all this web stuff is a defense mechanism or makes her feel cute. it's really sad.
No. 55981
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>>55974sorry I'm not that great at shoop, but I think some brows, bottom lashes, and bit of eyeliner would go along way and make her feel more confident.
she used to shoop brows on her older pictures.
they make false eyebrows now too.
No. 55988
>>55861I want to know too, what did he lie about?
I'm so confused.
No. 56837
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No. 56842
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>>56837I know she's pretty much retarded but, why do her parents let her go out like this? And that wig is just awful, why won't they buy her something nicer? Then again, if they take it away she might throw a tantrum. This shoop she did is horrible but she looks good in this wig. I also think she may have something on her chin, because whenever she takes that jewel mask thing off she always shoops over her skin.
No. 56894
>>56842Because parents of ill children tend to spoil them and let them do whatever she wants.
I sort of feel bad talking about her tbh. She looks like she's dying.
No. 56923
>>56837She actually has a really good body.
Is she so ugly because of a disease or because she's mixed race (I think SE Asian/white because I know some that sort of look like her) and has an unrelated disease?
No. 56933
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I think the Agent Orange thing is a possibility.
Pic of some political guy that got poisoned for a short while and got treatment. If she got poisoned young it probably fucked with her development
No. 57043
>>56933Hang on, Agent Orange… she'd have to be 50!
But there is the possibility of something inherited which is caused by parent/s being exposed.
No. 57101
>>55791Oh man… her videos are retarded.
People are licking her arse bc they feel sorry for her. Sick or not, someone needs to tell her how dumb she sounds.
No. 57110
>>57104I think it's a skin disease.
Besides, she wasn't born with this skin condition. Maybe it's treatable..?
No. 57111
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No. 57144
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>>57112Maybe so but why is it even on /snow/ if that's the case? She's not a snowflake, she seems like a young girl with a very unfortunate affliction trying to make the most of her life.
In any other case, it looks like she has what's called "chloracne", which, surprise, surprise, has heavy links with Agent Orange and can be passed genetically.
>>56933Yes, this is chloracne.
No. 57148
File: 1447356250284.jpg (81.58 KB, 853x477, sriimg2006071068846550jpg-1287…)

Did this make anybody else feel sad.
No. 57163
File: 1447360769128.png (200.52 KB, 505x592, SkaĢrmavbild 2015-11-12 kl. 21…) other instagram account for her drawings, doesnt make her any less strange..
im swedish but its very hard to understand what shes saying in her videos, shes talking just like shew writing in english. it seems like she had to go through some grades in school more than once and also she talks about having an assistans. im not sure if she has some mental problems or if shes just very childish + hasnt gone to as much school as most 18 year old bcs of all diseases + didnt learn to talk until she was 10. but doesnt most deaf people at least write grammaticaly correct?
No. 57189
>>57163Can you try to befriend her and find out more about her disease? I'm curious.
The girl is a paradox. She's got everything to be a cow (awful outfits, autistic behavior, cringe vids etc) yet her disease makes it utterly wrong to make fun of her and actually makes you feel sorry.
I am all for to keep this thread, I am very intrigued by her.
No. 57202
>>56010>poor girlie's got no friends baaaawI'm so sick of those ungrateful bitches. Anastasiya Shpagina baw'ed she's got no friends and is forevur alone on tv, yet someone def helped her out with all her vids from the very beginning.
The same to this girl. Someone films her and def helps to edit her vids/add those broken English subs. I seriously doubt she does all of this by herself.
If that is not your good friend, then who?
No. 57239
>>57151Plot twist: She only has eczema (and deafness), but makes everything into much worse than it is.
I don't want to doubt her diseases but there is always a chance she's heavily exaggerating….
No. 57241
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>"Why? What is it with you?"
these drawings creep me out
No. 57251
>>57151Wearing glasses would probably irritate the skin above her ears, and putting contacts into sore eyes would be painful. Her skin disorder probably affects all connective tissues, including organs and membranes, which would explain why she has trouble with her stomach and going to the bathroom too.
Bless her poor little heart. ;_;
No. 57300
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No. 57303
>>57281Same fam, same.
I generally have aa strict rule in not engaging/supporting threads like this where the subject is somebody with legit disabilities or deformities.
Some reason I wouldn't touch the PeacockFeather threads back on /cgl/.
It's just bad taste you know?
No. 58323
>>57303I'm glad someone agrees with me. It just feels fucked up. inb4 'you're on lolcow, you can pick and choose what you think is moral or not!' yeah I can, that's how life works.
I'm actually friends with PF on facebook now. I don't know how it happened. It's.. a very strange experience. But I'm not going to pick on her.
No. 58335
>>58334I did read the thread. But people are always attacking anyone who doesn't think that anyone who has their life on this internet should be made fun of 24/7.
Nigga get the sand out of your vajayjay
No. 58338
>>58335Clearly you didn't pick up on the multiple 'I feel bad for her' comments.
And apparently, this thread got her more people to send her pity likes on facebook. Good for her
No. 58348
>>55791Seriously what the fuck. You're acting like you're alone in feeling terrible for the disabled just cause your dad is awesome and religious. You sound like someone that shares ~inspiring~ posts of high school kids taking autists to prom.
Maybe you come on here to make fun of 'girls that deserve it' and call people niggas and faggots but I just want to read interesting shit and am waiting for either her to come out with her condition or for someone smart to figure out whether this poor girl has been poisoned by the US government, because that could have easily been me if my Vietnamese parents had been caught in that
No. 58494
>>57189i really want to befriend her, shes got a really nice body i think.. too bad she writes a lot about wanting a boyfriend on her hehe. i added her on snapshat and ill see if i can get her to talk to me.
>>57302i thought it could be something like this but it feels like theres something more than just the grammar going on. but i dont know, she just sounds like a child talking and i guess it could be because of the lack of grammar?
No. 58834
>>58827I think it's just some kind of weird self insert that makes them feel safe/superior/less insecure in some way.
Like I think the reason this girl draws the pink haired girl bondaged up and being approached by people is because it's a 'safe' way for her to imagine herself. If people are forcefully objecting her to interaction/romance/sex/whatever and she is helpless(tied up) then it can't be perceived as rejection (a safety).
Hope that even kind of made sense, p. Tired right now
No. 58837
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>>58834I'm 95% sure they just jack off to it.
What really confuses me is how they jack off to these horrible MS Paint drawings. Anyway, some of these requests remind me of the Deviantart guy who has a fetish for dying in the hospital (and crystals).
No. 59286
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She's been showing a lot of skin lately. I wonder if she just feels more confident after the new wave of followers.
No. 59293
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No. 59466
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No. 60189
>>60180>>60173It's probably the same situation as PeacockFeather. Her parents are loaded and they spoil her.
I wonder if laser or dermatology treatments would help the texture of the skin at all. Like, maybe it more smooth and less bumpy.
No. 60654
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She appears very briefly in this video. No. 63040
File: 1448208990826.png (3 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-11-22-12-08-18…)

Holy crap I feel so bad for this girl. This is on her latest video. I knew her skin was shitty but I didn't expect it to be this bad. Her skin is literally tearing apart and it looks so damn painful God.
I wonder what she has and if there is really no way of at least controlling how the skin reacts to it.
No. 63042
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Looks like she has it down to her stomach too. It really intrigues me. I wonder why she won't say…?
No. 63063
>>60453Yea american health insurance system is fucked.
Someone gets sick and their finances crumble or collection agencies crawl up your ass like a swarm of fire ants
No. 77336
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Her skin is literally rotting.
Has she said what she has yet?
No. 77340
>>77336I used to have cysts all over my face when I was younger and would hide the bumps with editing software. She is brave as fuck for posting this, I could never do such a thing.
Could you all imagine if she actually hid her illness from us? Like what if she just constantly photoshopped herself and never reveal her true apperence. Never even HINTED at it.
I would feel like a fucking dirt bag for ripping this girls bad photoshop if I later discovered what exactly she had to edit out.
No. 77344
>>77336I knew a girl who had really bad skin like that. It wasn't rotting on her face or anything but it was really bumpy like in
>>63040. It had something to do with her mom working with chemicals (she's a chemist) during the early stages of pregnancy. Her younger sisters had the same skin problem but it wasn't as severe and just looked like bad acne scars.
I'm pretty convinced that Lovisa's condition comes from some kind of chemical poisoning. I just don't know what.
No. 77410
>>77336This is awful, I feel absolutely dreadful for her.
I thought my persistent seborrhoeic dermatitis was bad but she's made me realise how blessed I am.
>>77361I'm sure her parents have already tried all they can, however there are some illnesses that are impossible to treat.
It may well be that whatever is causing it vanishes in the future seeing as she did not appear to have it as a child. Skin complaints are funny like that, similar to alopecia. Seemingly anything can
trigger them and seemingly anything can make them go away.
No. 77686
>>77336also are those cysts or something other?
I also think she is brave for posting it
No. 77701
>>77685She keeps teasing people with it though. Making everything about her disease but not telling what it is. If she really wanted to keep it that secret she would just explain once then ignore everything else and make her channel/page only about the jfashion and dancing.
At least she gets mostly good attenton.
No. 77715
>>77714Yeah, I would probably do the same if I were her parent, too, but in this case, "her parents buy her a lot of stuff" is what people mean when they say she's "spoiled".
They don't mean it as some kind of fault of hers, as in, they don't mean she's a spoiled brat or anything, they're just saying that her parents probably spend a lot of money on her because of her illness.
I get what you mean, 'spoiled' is generally a pretty insulting word, but in this context, I don't think anyone really means to use it in an insulting way.
No. 103221
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Anyone know what are those chunks of yellow stuff on her face??
No. 103230
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I'm slightly convinced she has a horrible case of impetigo and maybe a staff infection/MRSA that prevents it from healing
Picture of a pretty bad impetigo outbreak. Spoilered because it's gross
No. 103770
>>103230that was a traumatizing google search holy shit….
whatever she's suffering with i hope her kawaii shit makes her happy.
No. 103818
>>55791>>103770I feel like I'm not sure why this thread was made, there's nothing lulzy about her
Her personality is weird yeah, but i feel sorry for her