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No. 55428
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in her video, near-death weight supposedly and around when people started to really intervene. or something.
No. 55429
File: 1446936403634.png (187.4 KB, 208x543, Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 2.37…)

and her with the body she's promotes on insta constantly saying she's "totes recovered!" there's even a video on her "recovery" where she's still skeletal but wearing a big white shirt, it's hilariously delusional and strange.
No. 55430
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"i'm totally gonna eat all dis! #vegan4lyfe #totesrecovered #imnotlyingtoyounggirlsarealllol"
No. 55431
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another plate she supposedly ate…
No. 55432
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who is she kidding..
not gonna lie though it looks good, huh?
No. 55433
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#itoootallyusethisalllthetime #pleasepaymelol
No. 55528
this vid is called "teen overcomes anorexia"
take a look.. No. 64749
>>64748thanks for bumping a 2+ week old shit thread
we keep getting these threads about random anorexics on instagram and they are always boring and cancerous
at least shmegeh was well known and occasionally did things other than being anorexic and using social media
No. 64949
>>64749>>64749>did thingssuch as…? Lie, exaggerate, use her aNA fAmE~~~ to keep encouraging ed's and make people buy shit?
Are only weaboos allowed lol