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No. 501058
>>501046I've seen people act like this for sure, you don't see it so much now because of block+delete but yes.
They are usually not attractive but love to viciously attack others to their faces, one of them spammed me with messages a few year ago when I told them off for slagging off a much more attractive woman than them
No. 501092
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She is denying ever being a part of this. Beside from being a massive bitter cunt, this girl is a nobody. Anyone who get offended to the point of starving themselves because of this koreaboo 99 SNOW filters 240p shooped selfie bitch’s hate chat should just block these thots, get off social media and seek help. Next.
No. 501662
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I remember some drama about her on PULL, just another white girl fetishizing asian people and being a racist cunt at the same time. Here's the video of her being racist, btw. (also we can see how different she look here compared to selfies.) : No. 501715
>>501662This is the girl who is attacking other girls appearances?!
Definitely has issues.
No. 502418
>>502400Lol. You think I'm one of Dae's friends just because I'd fuck her? Remember the only reason I came her was because I got banned.
also, I got a brief ban for mentioning my sexual preference? Have you guys been gazing into the abyss for too long?
(still not using sage) No. 503191
>>502473Proana, ring leader for a group of insecure
petty wannabe koreaboos and trying to jump ship once exposed, thinly veiled white supremacist and "not like the other girls" anti-sjw, and I'm pretty sure PULL had some stuff about her being elitist over her Asian boyfriend while actively shitting on him for being inferior since he's Filipino. I have screencaps on my laptop that I need to dig up but a ton of her stuff is public anyway
No. 503213
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>>503191He left her ass apparently. But with her posting things like this about him, no wonder why.