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No. 47258
>>47197>>47245There was drama about how she lived with her friends but didn't pay for rent or for her own food. She just mooched off of them and spent all her money on cosplay and other shit for herself instead, expected them to take care of her.
Apparently she also tried taking another girl's man? I think her name was Heidi. They had some feud and thankfully Andrea got her butt kicked on that one. I also vaguely remember hearing that she had a sex with another girl's boyfriend and caused that relationship to end. There was also some story about how she lied about having a deadly disease to hide the fact that she was anorexic.
She was friends with JJ too, and apparently shit hit the fan between them as well.
I wish I had paid more attention to her drama threads because they were juicy.
No. 83669
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Apparently IK caused some issues at TaiyouCon.