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No. 468671
Cameron/Felix is a trainwreck of a cosplayer who is mildly well-known in the US Midwest convention circuit. He is also a fakeboi, a failed amateur pornstar, and a drama king/queen.
His drama within the cosplay/convention community includes:
>Regularly ghosting conventions>Bitching about not having fun at the conventions he ghosted >Public, sloppy drunkenness >PDA and public lewdness>Has contributed jackshit to conventions and meetups, but is very vocal about how he thinks these events should be run. >Starting Facebook drama about every Midwest convention >Wears lewd, nearly shirtless cosplays on the convention floor despite being a fakeboi. When he gets asked to cover up his cleavage, he throws a sjw tardfit about "transphobia">Wearing cosplays that he's shot porn in to conventions (if you see him at a con, don't hug him)Even though he doesn't have many followers (due to hopping to a new account every 6 months) a lot of anons on lolcow and cgl at least recognize him. His online drama includes:
>Posting shirtless pics on FB and IG with his tits badly shooped out, then crying "transphobia" when they get zucc'd>Taking laughably bad boudoir photos>Shooting grainy webcam cosplay porn>Making fetish porn of himself literally pissing on his cosplays.>After getting called out for the piss porn, he sperged out and claimed that it was photoshopped, or that he just spilled water on himself>Lewding underage charactersSocial Media Links
Personal Facebook: Facebook: Tumblr:
https://caffeinated-cameron.tumblr.comPiss Fetish Tumblr:
https://liquidgoldcosplay.tumblr.comManyvids: dumping ground for his piss fetish pics: No. 468677
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Him doing piss porn, getting piss porn posted in a cosplay cringe thread, then denying doing piss porn
No. 468690
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I never saved his videos before he deleted them so thank you anons on /pt/ and /snow/
No. 468693
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>>468690Him wearing his porn cosplays in public and interacting with other congoers
No. 468705
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What he wants us to think his tits look like:
No. 468706
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>>468705The size of his actual tits
No. 468709
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More cursed images of his Yoosung cosplay:
No. 468710
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>>468709Another anon posted this in /pt/ and pointed out the tampon string
No. 468715
No. 468719
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Lewding minors. Also what an unnatractive pose, it looks like he's about to fart in the viewers face.
No. 468720
>Using "he" pronouns in the OPCome on anon.
>>468710>anon is shitting me, it's not— GOD NO As sick and vile bullshit this is (don't unspoiler the images anons I beg of you) this is an awful lot of content you know of a cosplayer that only has 26 likes on FB. Where did you find this nugget?
No. 468723
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Stolen edit from the fakeboi thread
No. 468727
>>468720The only reason he's on my radar is because he's constantly instigating drama with someone I know and respect a lot. I posted him in fakeboi threads here and cringe threads on /cgl/ and other anons recognized him from porn and dropped screenshots.
After finding out that he used to do porn I posted on the request thread in /pt/ and other anons delivered
No. 468744
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No. 468747
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>>468744But how can you have a sale on something that's free?
My guess is she tried selling them but nobody wanted to buy them. Not sure why people wouldn't want to pay for grainy, low-effort webcam videos.
No. 468802
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Jesus Christ the shooping on this one
No. 468849
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>>468814But anon, he's totally a boy. Look at how masculine he is.
No. 468882
>>468710They defo took or take test if they have a clit that size
Surprised there's not more male pattern body hair though, unless they shave it
No. 469001
>>468887Is it really likely to /that/ extent, though, naturally? I mean, without a hormonal disorder?
blog-tier but I (shamefully) used to use steroids and have a huge clit as a side effect. Even then, it's no where near as large as hers. I've also seen a lot of transmen's junk via google and that clit is still particularly impressive
(No offense to any farmers who might be reading who are naturally endowed; I may well just be uneducated in… clit-prowess? Lmao)
I guess it doesn't matter too much either way, but like
>>468892 said, the odds are stacked against her with fakeboi tier
No. 469448
>>468849This picture bothers me a lot. It looks like she's bathing in blood which just makes me think she's on her period and being disgusting. It's not too much of a reach considering all her other photos especially the tampon string one, but I'm guessing it's the work of a filter or some kind of bath product.
Or at least I hope it is.
As for the clit size I have never seen one that large from a woman not on T. That's purely anecdotal though. She otherwise doesn't look like she's on T, especially because of that horrid sharpie beard.
No. 469540
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No. 469551
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>>469540The late wrestler Chyna had a similarly sized clit (still from Chyna’s sex vid w/Shawn Waltman). Pretty sure it’s the result of steroid use.
No. 469566
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>>469540google how do i delete someone else's post
No. 469597
Morbid curiosity how you have forsaken me
No. 469656
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I'm guessing he is on T because he also has stomach hair
No. 469673
>>469109yeah you aren't considering how far away the camera is in that pic that it still looks so big from the distance
and yeah, I used to be a bodybuilder; but that's neither here nor there
like I said, it's possible she just shaves the body hair or whatever. She does seem to have a bit extra in the pubic area/spreading down her legs (though that's not unheard of for females either, still seems odd she wouldn't be naturally more hairy elsewhere if so)
if there are any vids/recordings of her voice, that'd probably be the biggest give away, as she'd likely be far enough in to effect it with that size
No. 469674
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>>469660I think he does bind for (non-porn) cosplay. His chest looks flatter here than it looks in his nudes.
No. 469762
>>469674Lord what an unfortunate nose
He she looks like one of bailee jaes drawings lmao
No. 470347
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He's somehow getting worse at cosplay. Yeah the cosplay on the left isn't perfect, but it's clear that he actually put effort into it. His new stuff has just gotten so low effort and ratty.
No. 470389
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>he/him pronouns being used in this thread
smells like selfpost and samefag in here
No. 470487
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Her face bothers me so much, like so much. And these fucking newds are so disgusting it’d make any clitdick jump back in their body and run for the hills. The sloppiness is overwhelming, it’s like she’s intentionally trying to look like a potatoe slob. I’ll pray for her, but I don’t think there’s much god can do with this.
No. 471212
>>471124>>471188>>471185The "entire midwest cosplay community" doesn't have an issue with him. Hell, not even the entire Michigan cosplay community has an issue with him. It's probably just one group of people.
Basically, one of the bigger Michigan conventions is going to shit, and Cameron has been very vocal with his complaints throughout the entire process, and he eventually resorted to making fun of the con/conchair. He was photoshopping the convention's mascot onto memes, and the convention chair issued him a really crappy cease-and-desist (written by herself not an actual lawyer). Cameron argued that fair use applies, that he's not going to stop and the conchair can get bent, and poked fun at the convention/conchair's financial status again saying that "between the two of them, he's the one that can afford a good lawyer."
That's the entirety of the "drama". Conchair probably baww'd to her whiteknights and someone leaked his nudes with the intention of hurting him. I'm not sure where the claims of ghosting, drunkeness, or lewdness come from. I'm a close personal friend of his and can confirm that none of those are true.
Can also confirm that he's not a fakeboi. He's been on T for 2 years, been living stealth for 1 year, and literally has top surgery this thursday (Thanks for stressing him out RIGHT before surgery, by the way!)
No. 471250
>>471212The rumours of “lewdness” come from all the porn shots in this thread no? Could you even say they’re rumours?
Also to say you’re a close personal friend I’d say ur reply is a little biased. This thread seems cringy rather than milky imo
No. 471682
>>471212>leaked nudesStop it. You posted them on a public site. These are all public for anyone to see. No lraked any fucking thing. You are a fakeboi who loves to do porn and not even for money.
Dint get mad because pplcalled you out. You even tried to claim you didnt piss your pants for pervs. You do cosplsy porn just admit it.
No. 471831
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No. 471832
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No. 472677
>>471881-tits chopped
-pissing her pants
Sorry typos
No. 472683
>>471909agreed. One of my friends in their 20's got into the gay vampire knight shit. She was on T for a full year before she wanted to have babies with her boyfriend and decided she wanted to be a girl again. If people remember that weird half korean fake boy was very dedicated. She was very dedicated until one day she was wearing girly shit because she got a boy friend
I'm referring to this thread
>>298852 No. 475525
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Not even Tide Pods can wash away his sins
No. 524171
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>selfposted in the cgl Instagram thread
>got called fat
>sperged out about not being fat (she's fucking fat)
>got made fun of for having thin skin
>admitted to having an eating disorder