No. 44703
>>44696Apparently his sister and mother have posted about going shopping with him on FB after he supposedly died, then deleted the posts as soon as they got called out.
Not sure if that's true, but one thing's for sure, the "Frank Wolf" persona is long gone.
No. 44704
>>44702Wait a fucking second. All the videos of him with brown hair are from 2009.
He changed it to blue and 2011 is when he got the undercut.
So I was right. Not that the BJ video is going to get removed from the porn site anytime soon, of course.
No. 44709
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No. 44710
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>>44709that hair is giving me adhmed angel vibes
No. 44712
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here's where he talks about showering with his friend after he arrived in norway (he deleted these posts) also a picture of his friend from norway [IMG]
No. 44717
>>44714>why would he stop?He was being "cyberbullied". He took photos of his self-harm and posted them on Tumblr at least once.
Another thing that could have contributed to it is the fact that someone found his amateur camwhore videos.
No. 44719
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>>44718Right after Frank Wolf "died" all of his accounts had mysterious activity in it. It showed him logging in and deleting all of his videos. Hell even his vampire freaks had activity after his death where he deleted some of his pictures. Which is strange unless he told his sister the password for even his camwhore sites. But I don't think he killed himself over that. His fucking screen name for porn was Frank Wolf. He obviously wanted those to be found.
And honestly when he reached 20 he looked like your average dude. I think he didn't want to age and photoshopped himself more like pedo bait and put in the squirrel cheeks. But he couldn't keep up with the persona as he started to physically mature (Like Cris he starved himself, but he lost the baby fat because of it) he realized he couldn't keep up with this persona anymore and killed himself.
He and his sister decided to be bigger dicks and scam his dumb fans for a funeral service. Even when on Facebook his parents were arguing with the sister in French that Frank was still alive. This was also the time Frank was active on all his accounts deleting shit. All in all I think his whole family figured out his uke gay boy persona and decided that at least online they can pretend he is dead since I'm sure they want that dumb ass persona dead as well.
Sadly the picture below is like all that remains after his deleting spree. Even then this picture was edited by him, so no doubt he edited in some way.
As you can see he isn't as delicate as he looks, has obvious body hair, does not look like a chick.
So if he just cut his hair, let his facial hair grow, and stopped starving yuh I can understand people not noticing who he was in Canada.
No. 44725
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how old was he here? he still looks like this kind of it's like he doesn't age
No. 44728
>>44719shit he looks cute tho and that body on the pic is cute imo. Chris' super stick thin body scares me on some pics and vids tbh this is too much. Frank wolf was always super kawaii to my eyes…i wish he would come back. i had a gender identity crisis and became a fakeboi years ago when i first saw him ("baww i feel so ugly and even this boy is prettier than me as a girl i'll be a kawaii uke boi then i'll be less uggo maybe"), all the lulz and shame. Personal shit no one cares about apart, he was fucking stupid to name his camwhore stuff with his kawaii persona's name jfc. i wonder what persona he got this time if he is still alive and if he miss being a kawaii internet uke.
he seemed to love having emo hair and dye them so would he really stop all of a sudden and grow facial hair and stuff? or maybe he really was sick and tired of being a kawaii uke emo boi and kept doing it for his retarded pedo fujoshit fanbase to see only.
Now i really want to investiguate that shit and see if he still is somewhere out there. I speak french as first language so i could translate.
No. 44730
>>44729He was already quite known from his scene kid these on Vampirefreaks and YouTube but he deleted almost everything after he started that bishie persona.
And like said before, keep that shit to his thread
>>44096 No. 44737
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>>44707i wonder if this anon is the girl in leopard
No. 44744
>>44743Apparently he did fake it but I've never seen any proof.
He did it because he got a lot of shit from guys who thought he was a girl (he cross dressed a lot and posted pictures). Just in case anyone's wondering
No. 44748
>>44747Fucking wot
Caps? Deets?
Are you sure it's Chris Dakota we're talking about and not Frank Wolf?
No. 44757
It's been so many years since I've heard or thought of these 2 OP. Chris Dakota and Sam….wow. I remember they used to be quite popular on stickam just like Kiki was. It was kiki/koti, chris/sam, and some other boy that I cant remember. Stickydrama used to harp on him for being jewish and even had some sort of jewcam or something on the side for when he was streaming. I wonder whatever happened to that kid too. Last I heard, he went to some sort of camp and was filming himself talking to the other little campers. Anyone know who he was?
As for Chris, well. He's a pretty little thing. But as other have said, very self obsessed. Arrogant little shit, he is. That blowjob was miserable looking. Even when he sucks dick he's too concerned about how he looks, making stupid faces looking all around the fucking room. Either look up or look down, christ. I hope that's not his best work. For his dick sucking rep that BETTER be because he wasn't really interested or just too worried about it being recorded, because if that's him truly having at it I can see why he never maintained any real relationships.
No. 44758
>>44689That is a REALLY nice dick. I fucking hate how every dude I've dated is circumcised, that shit needs to be illegal.
I would have a one night stand if I knew the dudes dick looked that good.
No. 60467
>>44689Worst blowjob ever
Put some effort in! Go deeper faggot
No. 63307
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No. 73472
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>>73471Also, don't see why people are fawning over this Frank Wolf guy in a Chris thread when Chris has pics like this
No. 78764
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He posted this on>>73471
his instagram but took it down later. The full version is still available on his blog which is now password protected
No. 82738
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Is he gay? His name Koitsu Danieru. Hosto in Japan.