Anyone following this crazy drama?
Maddox is known for The Best Page in The Universe and he also launched his youtube channel and his podcast "The Biggest Problem in the Universe" together with a comedian Dick Matterson (aka Dax Herrera) , owner of the satirical site
So here is a summary of the drama (courtesy to some dude on reddit)
-Dick leaves a friend's wedding with Maddox's ex-girlfriend, who he broke up with three years previous to this event. Maddox at this time has a live-in girlfriend. He proceeds to blow up his Ex's phone with numerous messages confronting her for leaving with Dick.
-A significant amount of time passes, Maddox ends the Podcast. He does the final episode on his own with a previously recurring guest (Asterios). He goes out of his way to thank everyone but Dick. We later find out this is when he finds out Dick was dating his ex and he called the show staff minus Dick into a meeting where he tearily said Dick was dead to him for dating his ex.
-Maddox claimed he owed his fans no explanation for the show ending and that his fans should be "thankful" for all the free content he provided and that he owes his fans nothing.
-They each start their own podcast. Many fans flock to Dick requesting information on why the show ended, having been told to fuck off by Maddox. Dick thanks Maddox for the partnership and attributes the end of the podcast to "artistic differences."
-Randomly throughout some of the next few episodes Dick talks a bit about Maddox, making fun of him with his friend Sean who at this point also works with Maddox.
-Maddox releases a YouTube video to his personal Facebook account wherein he accuses Dick of owing him money (by "withholding w9" which if you know what they are, is ridiculous), being a rape apologist and "maintaining a rape list." His evidence of this maintenance is a Reddit thread, downvoted to zero with seven comments telling the OP to fuck off, to an 8chan board that contained a post by an anonymous user entitled "The Dick Show Rape List" containing picture of hillary clinton and some of the old show's guests. This release gets Dick kicked out of UCB.
-Dick releases the accounting books, Dickheads quickly find out Maddox still owes Dick money. The quotation Maddox used to call Dick a rape apologist was Dick stating that everyone should always anticipate the worst and that women should protect themselves accordingly (regarding date rape).
-Maddox tells frequent guests of the old podcast (most notably Asterios) that if they appear on Dick's show they cannot appear on his show. Dick makes no such demand, and he acquires the community's least and most favorite guest, Asterios who then also dumps goss showing the insane logic of Maddox.
-Dick utilizes the attention from Maddox's hit-piece for his Patreon to climb from $8,000 to $20,000. He dishes out all the "goss" he can think of in response and we just get loads of stories about absolutely insane things Maddox did over the course of the old show.
-In response to Dick's frequent goss releases, the final straw being an alleged breakup letter from Maddox to his ex that Dick has located, Maddox's girlfriend calls the school that Dick's girlfriend works at and tries to get her fired because of who she is dating.
-Dick's GF is granted a restraining order against Maddox's GF by the state of California. Maddox prepared an 80 page document of Dick's tweets claiming that his girlfriend's actions, harassing a third party, are justified, because Dick refers to his girlfriend as a cunt on Twitter.
-Maddox tries to file a solo claim at the trademark for the Podcast he and Dick hosted. He is slapped down in court, because once again, he has no idea how these things work.
-Maddox is now suing Dick, Dicks company, his business partners, Asterios (former friend), Asterios’ employer, the general counsel of the employer, Patreon, and someone from Patreon for 20 million dollars