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No. 39702
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Before and after her eating disorder. These photos are roughly 5 years apart. She was 15 in the black and white image, at the height of her disorder.
No. 39703
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>>39699I personal like her shape but most of you will say she is "too fat". You do have to keep in mind how short she is. If she were 5 inches taller, she would still be below average height but she would be skinnier.
No. 39706
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>>39703oops personally*
Check out this post she made though lol.
No. 39712
>>39703well, being short makes it a lot easier to become overweight.
i wouldn't say she's fat but she could probably stand to lose a few pounds.
No. 39722
>>39703Same anon who called her fat~
See here she's just cute. I dig it. Op pic is probably just unflattering. I retract my statements.
No. 39725
>>39698pic and ig for anyone unfamiliar think she shoops and abuses photo stretching apps to get that spoopy look - her agency lists her stats as 5'9 31-24-33 which is thin but not super crazy skinny like you see on her ig No. 39736
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this girl claims to be 16 years old but i couldve sworn she was way older when i followed her she looks at least 30
No. 39756
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her new hairstyle look horrendous yet i love it so much?
No. 39775
>>39756I fucking love short, dark hair on women.
No. 39785
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>>39779Ikr, she looks great.
No. 39866
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anyone have an opinion on Alise Carter? Her tumblr is
I believe she used to be good friends with Felice Fawn.
No. 39891
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I dunno whether she qualifies for a tumblr celebrity, but Staz Lindes is the hottest thing I've seen since the days of Livejournal. No. 39911
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This girl's looks, blog, and lifestyle intrigues me though I honestly believe she is underaged which is a quite unsettling considering she has posted nudes of herself and does a large amount of drugs.
Her name is Lily Jet and here are the only accounts that I know of: recently shaved her head completely bald and has several stick 'n' poke tattoos.
No. 39912
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>>39911found another instagram but at first i thought it was someone posing as her but now im pretty sure it is really her old account No. 39923
>>39736TBH I love this 80s revival look done right
So so so so sick of those fugly ass buddy holly black hipster glasses that LITERALLY every person on earth wears now, these are fresh as hell
No. 40103
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>>39930aw that's mean. i love lily.
No. 40107
>>39698you should see how hard the skinnygossip girls are bashing her now they know shes a whiny fuck and she shoops her photos.
and i think someone from lolcow posted there about her widows peak and everyone fucking lost it haha
No. 40108
>>39714Nah, I believe you; I compared the teeth, moles and freckles too.
It's just bizarre how different she looks.
No. 40109
>>39930I thought the same thing, I feel like washing my face thoroughly.
I can smell her B.O. from here.
No. 40243
>>39911lmao I actually know this girl irl
she gave me a stick n poke tattoo mid September!!
I hadn't met her b4 and she said to just bring something cool as trade for the tat
shes of age, tho she certainly doesn't act like it
No. 40492
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Best tumblr genre: fucking daddies and littles
everything is written as though it's from /cringe/
pic related, from a fat-ass "weight loss blog" of a little
No. 40554
>>4049018 maybe 19 now, her birthday was coming up
shes a sweet girl just into a grimy pill-filled subculture
No. 42187
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>>42181Also wanted to add that she lives in Oklahoma and I don't know the context of this image but I don't think 15/16 year olds should be going out at night, hanging out with gross dudes (example on the right), doing drugs/getting drunk while dressed in bikini tops and short shorts. I hate to "police their bodies" but they're all minors so I don't feel bad with thinking this tbh.
No. 42316
>>42187Do you know how old she is? I'd guess she's in her early/mid-20s and just looks/tries to appear young because:
1. She doesn't post her birth year on her tumblr FAQ, just her month and day.
2. She complimented herself as "forever 12" on one of her photos and 15/16 year olds generally are concerned about trying to look a little older vs younger
3. All the piercings…
No. 42330
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>>42320tbh i cant tell if she is lying or what anymore. she apparently used to be in a band? No. 48013
>>48008its 2015 and theres people who still look like this
i hate this type of style its ugly and looks trashy let scene stay in the past
No. 70048
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>tfw you follow bc you think she us a hottie with a body but she ends up being a butterface :/
No. 70049
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>>39645here's an old photo of the girl in OP's pic
No. 70077
>>70048cardcaptorr is a bitch lmao
I used to follow her on tumblr and she called a 15 year old pathetic and got her followers to send her hate for "copying" her pictures
which, ykno, are just typical teenager selfies
No. 70088
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>>70052girl in op pic also shaved her head then died it blonde
No. 71324
>>39706how is white tears a thing if it's only black people that whine about their non-existant racism every fucking day on tumblr? lmao
oh god
No. 73614
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Alright let me take the time to tell you guys about my old personal lolcow from a few years back. Has anyone here ever heard of the blogger catatonia? Real name Victoria or Toria?
I originally followed her account back in 2012, when she was 16, and I was around the same age. She never reached yawl (pink hair chick up top) level Tumblr fame but she did seem to draw quite the crowd for being a suicidal heroin addicted, vulgar, crudely photoshopping attention whore/juggalette.
She isn't really active and I don't consider her to be worth milking anymore though I still feel like some of you will get a kick out of hearing about some of the stuff she has done because well idk, I found it all rather amusing/disturbing at the time.
>at 16, she would post bestiality videos and tell people that's what she is "into"
>posted selfies with heroin needles
>would put make up on her face and pretend as if she was beat up/attacked multiple times
>was actually grossly overweight but would edit her images horribly to hide this fact. she sent another tumblr user an unedited version of a photo she had on her blog and he shared it on his page, those are the two images I included with my post. Here are more examples of her terrible photoshopping jobs:
>also sold clothes in her online shop and i was never positive if it was a scam or not? this is the post she repeatedly reblogged's her blog url if those who want to lurk: Okay, the end.
No. 73625
>>73624If she did, I never saw it. She has had the same url for years though she has slightly changed it.
No idea if she went by anything else.
No. 73780
>>73624hah, yes! i knew i recognized this trainwreck from somewhere
>>42187ugh, i hate feeding tumblr personalities' egos because they're already huge enough, but i'm jealous of her arms
No. 234818
I was one of the few people at the time pointing out what a hilarious sham she was. It's actually really funny that so many people fell for it.
No. 285353
Wait, being "tumblr famous" is still a thing?

No. 305362
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sorry for necro and little offtopic, but does someone know something about this? it's taken from girlrejectsgod, maybe also named as girl2god, i don't remember. she could have some milk of her own too.
No. 305544
>>305362Girlhatesgod or empiregrotesk?
girlhatesgod had her own thread for a while here as clownhysteria. All she does is sit around and post weird pictures she finds on the Internet.
No. 760379
>>760371I hate this fucking word but there's no better way to convey how I feel: yikes. That… Is
so unfortunate. He looks absolutely awful and there is zero chance that will change. More evidence the "hsts are normal and pass better!" meme is pure bullshit. All trannies are hopelessly fugly kek rip in piss to the 6.8/10 twink he used to be.
No. 760401
>>760398i retract my previous statement
>>760393 he does not pass convincingly at all kek
No. 760405
>>760371>>760398That's one busted ass uggo woman. He was so freaking cute.
>>760378Can we spell autogynephilia? To a lot of these people the hardest part of being a woman is cHooSinG WhAt To WeaR. Messy ass people.
No. 760618
>>760371HOLY FUCK LMAO!!!!!!!!
what happened to his girlfriend? the one everyone thought she looked like ramona flowers?
No. 760677
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Was anybody into the whole funny person crowd on Tumblr almost a decade ago? I remember this girl named failbag, she had a Simba icon and used to make comics all the time. I think she fell off the website in the mid 2010s, but I remember the other users she was close to. One of them was Josh Macedo and another was Meysell, who was into making Pokemon references. Weird group.