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No. 391667
>>391658if a lesbian wants to have sex with a trans women, then i think that she can totally do that and still be a lesbian.
at the same time though i really really don't like trans women telling lesbians that they HAVE to have sex with them - its honestly really creepy.
No. 391678
>>391667I agree, if Riley wanna call herself a lesbian then I don't really fucking care, if she identifies as a woman and wanna bang women and call that lesbian, she can be my guest. If that makes her feel better about herself I think that's fine. Unlike alot of people on this board I don't really give a flying fuck about how people wanna identify.
However Riley is creepy af and such a bad influence, she is literally rapey and thinks that you can't say no to a trans person who wanna have sex with you, because then youre being transphobic. All of the usual "you can always say no to sex if you don't want to" suddenly flies out the window when it comes to trans people. She doesn't even make it seem like she thinks it's wrong to dismiss trans people without giving them a chance so you can see it might not be that awful, she is legit saying HAVE SEX WITH A TRANS PERSON OR YOU'RE EVIL!!! TRANSPHOBE!!
She thinks you can't dismiss people for sex based on their genitals, which Is total bullshit… so a lesbian can't say no to a man because she doesn't like penis?? I feel like that conflicts with basic SJW mindset, which is ironic. I guess trans people are so special they defy all rules and common sense.
Forcing somebody to fuck you by guilt-tripping them into thinking they're being discriminatory if they don't is probably the most scumbag bullshit I have ever heard.
You don't owe trans people sex just because they're trans, saying you don't want to have sex with a trans person does NOT mean you don't take their identity seriously or you're being discriminatory. It just means you don't fucking want to.
Sorry, sage for ranting
No. 391759
>>391669Sorry but logic like this doesn't matter at this point. Once you go full PoMo, there's no going back and everything is subjective and relative.
It's a fucking cancer.
No. 391762
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>>391678Here is an example of that. Fucking gross.
No. 391767
>>391667Trans women are not women, they are men, no matter how much they butcher their body and take hormones. Their chromosomes are XY. Their bone structure is different. The holes they have post op are not vaginas, they're holes that can get mold inside an even necrosis.
He is not a woman and will never be, I hate how entitled he is.
No. 391773
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I feel like OP was pretty nice to put a normal looking picture of Riley as the thread pic. Theres way worse.
Don't you wanna give somebody wearing a sportsbra and a beanie saying LITTLE QUEER all your paypal money?
No. 391775
>>391767Holy terfchans, batman.
Gender dysphoria has been proven to be a mental disorder and transition is the treatment for that. Just because you're a salty cunt doesn't mean you know jack about the science behind it and all the studies that have been done in the last 5 years and prove it's real.
Yes, tumblrinas have co opted it and turned it into the absolute circus it is today, but there actual transgender people who aren't retarded.
Justin Dennis is a piece of shit and an absolute tr00n, but that doesn't mean all transgender people are like him.
This thread is terrible. Fuck the antiscience terfs on this site.
Sage because I am sperging.
No. 391783
>>391773MTE, Riley looked feminine before the surgery but now….?!
Welp, riley describes themself as non-binary so, i guess the surgery was a success?…maybe?
>>391775Not that anon and you may well be a troll but just in case you are not:
>Gender dysphoria has been proven to be a mental disorderExcept people like riley say its not a mental disorder, its an "orientation" which is why there is an issue.
>studies Out of interest I am interested in the science behind this if you wish to actually post any. I do not doubt gender dysphoria is a mental disorder but there have been conflicting reports on the success rates of post-op transpeople being "cured"
>terfchans>calls riley a "he"you are either a troll or this is a case of irony where you have misgendered someone who is trans why complaining about others misgendering.
>sage because i am spergingSo the salty cunt remark was merely projection?
But in all seriousness not sure why you are sperging over that remark when its technically correct. Trans women are biologically men, which is why they are trans women and why they want to transition. You're comment was a very long way of saying "i'm
>This thread is terribleWell then ho why is you here? Contribute or leave, you are not required to stay here.
No. 391923
>>391741Not OP but if i may: In response to farmhand request while there is probably a few things riley can be called milky for especially on the snowflake side (ie being a non-bianry transwoman) the main thing riley is known for was making a video entitled your dating preferences are discriminatory where riley states that you should date transpeople because when it comes to your sexuality, genitals do not matter. This blew up on youtube and garnered many response videos. While riley said it was mostly the alt right/anti-feminist brigade who took offence there have also been response videos from feminists, lesbians and left leaning individuals who also said this video is akin to gay conversion therapy.
Since then riley went onto make two other videos which also got a lot of attention: "are gential preferences transphobic" and "biological sex is a social construct" which again got lots of response videos
Recently there was a twitter spat between riley and arielle scarcella because arielle said she would not date a transwoman and it prompted other youtubers like kat blaque and jaclyglenn to make response videos to this issue.
Here are the riley videos i mentioned if you are interested: No. 391924
>>391829>>391847This is also something I would genuinely like to know as I have watched riley video on how biology is a social construct and there are so many things wrong with that video…
>>391920The only anti-trans stuff I have seen here is the argument pertaining to biological sex and the arguments some transpeople, like riley are making which is its a social construct. Not sure how that makes these anons "look like idiots" but I would be more than happy for you to enlighten me.
No. 392075
>>392036if biological sex doesnt exist then where does trans people's sex dysphoria come from? god, that's such a stupid argument i can't believe people actually say that (im not
>>391775 but i agree with what they said)
No. 392427
>>392414So what? There's the one freedom we should have, being allowed to pick and choice who we fuck without judgement. I'm so sick of that 'oh well, if you dont like to be with blank, you're insert racism or sexist or whatever term here.'
Riley is full of shit and has stated on their twitter that not wanting to be with a trans person makes you 'transphobic.' Bitch, please
No. 392508
>>392439As a gay person here who loves dick and can't get enough of it. Us Gays/Lesbians will always prefer what we want and this Riley Dennis fuck is never going to change that. Why the fuck does she care about this anyway? Doesn't the bitch have a girlfriend who actually is willing to be with her (because seriously, what sane woman do you see dating someone like this borderline rapist?). Why can't she just stick with bisexual/pansexual women and be done with it? Why is she trying to shame Lesbians to being with something they don't want? It's fucking disgusting and I can see how she can be used as an example of the stereotype of transwomen being batshit insane or retarded.
I mean as cringe-worthy as Kat Blaque is, at least she stays in her lane and moved on from trying to guilt trip straight men to prefer her. Riley needs to get the memo because a lesbian is never going to want her. Ever.
No. 392515
Riley Dennis really boils my blood, she is such a stupid fuck and it's not just the "Date me or your transphobic" nonsense, it seems like most of anything that comes out of that hole in her face, it's something stupid. I just watched her latest video on why "Legal immigration is a problem" and I was just lost for words.
First we had "I'm non-binary and trans', then we had dating preferences, then we had her "Islam is a religion of peace" nonsense, then we had her trump freakout (which was lowkey hilarious), then how to be a "poltically correct bigot", then Antifa support, and now this.
I mean, I seriously am considering that Riley must be a troll and if she is, she's doing one heck of a standup job because I just can't believe that someone can be this… .Vacuous and out of touch.
No. 392556
>>392518Thirding. If he didn't get youtube bux, I have a very good feeling he wouldn't have gotten FFS.
Aren't there posts out there from his tumblr or twitter saying he was "happy about the way his body was"?
No. 405812
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No. 524778
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For anyone curious about just how huge and manly Rapey is in real life, Here’s a picture of him standing next to another trans woman.
No. 524856
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No. 524864
>>524856I saw thumbnail of this picture on the front page and I immediately knew the far left person is a guy.
Imagine being a waiter and seeing bunch of these freaks in your restaurant.
No. 524889
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>>524864I feel bad for everyone who has to work around these narcissists. You just know they're gonna complain on social media about any minor inconvenience.
No. 524976
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Cannot get over how retarded Riley is.
Nevermind that he's a "tranny non-binary lesbian queer", he will talk so much shit about even the most basic shit, like how magnetic poles were invented by the evil racist whites to shit on Africa.
He also wants to control speech to "unlearn" bad thoughts, and treats misgendering as "an act of violence". He just screams totalitarianism.
I mean fuck me, in his videos he even manages to mispronounce words that he literally wrote down in his script specifically for that video. Considering he edits his video so it can't keep one clip going for more than 2 seconds, this is truly an accomplishment.
No. 525001
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Does Riley have some kind of narcissistic disorder?
I see shit like this constantly, just 3-4 practically identical selfies, and it seems like he really thinks people outisde the LGBT group trying to virtue signal gives a shit.
No. 532342
>>524856I am down to start a Contra thread if anyone is interested.
Also, why doesn't Riley respond to any of his critiques?
No. 535827
New video: "Why I took so long to realize I’m a trans lesbian"
>>532342I have some old ContraPoints videos where he was a completely different person. Not just his looks and mannerisms but also his opinions. Maybe there could be a thread for transwomen/non-binary dudes in general. There are so many of these "activists" on Twitter begging for money and starting drama. No. 548268
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Courtesy @rencIithero
No. 641472
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You just know his girlfriend is into long-haired male twinks
But keep telling yourself you are a lesbian, riley
No. 645831
>>641450>>641798I just got done watching this video right now and oh my god, I just… I was in disbelief. Is this twat serious? Are they fucking serious? And what's even more insufferable is the fact that Riley is considered a "Lesbian Icon". L-O-freaking-L
And yeah you're right, her girlfriend is a bisexual and of course she'd go for someone like Riley. I remember last year when she (the girlfriend) made a video about dating preferences and how she pretty much parroted everything that Riley said in her video with how you're discriminatory and transphobic if you refuse to date trans people. But I'm convinced the only reason she said that is because she's a fucking bisexual and bisexuals on average tend to not mind dating and fucking trans people as opposed to homosexuals and heterosexuals where genitals do matter.
And to answer your question, she hasn't had SRS and if I remember correctly, she said she never wants to get it because you don't need to have gender dysphoria to be trans according to people like her.
No. 680599
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Oh yeah can we please get a thread going on this dude?
Sometimes I watch one of his videos and rant for like an hour with my tranny friend, would anyone enjoy summary posts per video of why everything he says is wrong?
I have literally not yet seen a single video where he makes even one valid point, it is truly astonishing.
No. 681764
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>the """argument""":^) here we go
>let's decriminalise all sex workFirst of all riley, there's MULTIPLE types of prostitution
for example soliciting and prostitution are two different types of sex work
and regulated quite differently
Secondly if you decriminalise ALL types of sex work, you also open up a lot of risks for the more risky types of legal work
>everyone has to have a job they don't like to livebut riley, you argue that sex you dont want i.e. rape is worse than murder
so surely
you cant compare that
to working in mcdonalds when you dont want to
>sex is just sex!sex is just sex you say?
that's a statement we might need to
unpack a bit riley :^)
>police moralityNOBODY
No. 681770
>>641472That is a man, baby.
I dunno why he couldnt just be a dude with long hair. Lots of women out there like femme dudes with longer hair. Justin is a creep anyway who shits on anyone who wont date a trans person.
No. 681771
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>>641450>men dont take lesbians seriously
>lesbians are a fetish for men in porn
>man pretends to be a woman and talk about how oppressed he isfuck this gay earth
No. 681799
>genderWhat is your gender
if its not represented by
any physical characteristic
any personality characteristic
what can it be
>having no gender
>dollar shave club sponsorOh boy more shaving, also Riley has no shame and will do anything for money
>Everything is SUPER genderedYes, there's a picture of a great big shlong on every razor men buy
>gender neutral shaving productsWhat's even going on
That's as gender neutral as every male product
My dad's shaver is the same colour basically
It's literally just a silver and blue razor
which is the DEFAULT male razor colour
How is that neutral
could it be your labels are
entirely in your head
you goddamn mentally ill retard
>can i just be a masculine woman or a feminine man?>SOMETIMES the answer to that is yesListen Riley, trannies are less than .1% of the population
The answer is
and many of those
arent even real trannies
just trend followers
or people who've been persuaded into it and taken advantage of by dishonest faggots like riley
but being a woman isnt just an imaginary gender
it's to do with the parts you have
Also cis people are normal, but normal is a racist term now
So we need to ban it
But not police morality
Except when i say its ok
>folks>folks>folksI wish these fucking people would stop saying folks
I hate that word now because the entire lefty legion picked it up as the
for a group of trannies
It's like a herd of horses
"A folks of trannies"
This is all basically meaningless
because it cannot be defined or
It's EXACTLY the "arbitrary social construct" that riley so often shits on
>07.00Thats like a minute straight of saying fucking nothing
>Woman decided to cut her hairFollowed by a dumb whore cutting her hair and taking herself massively more seriously than anyone ever will
Long hair is attractive on women, short hair can also be, its almost as if it depends on everything else about how you look
This entire video just says that gender identity doesnt mean anything and gender expression means personality
>people who dress a certain way are read as masculine or feminineAlternately,
nobody gives a flying fuck about how you dress unless youre being a blatant obvious degenerate,
in which case theyll mock you,
then go back to not caring
At no point did anyone assume your gender or anything, they just think you're a fucking animal
>sporty femme>scrawny emaciated urangutanSure
No. 695823
>>681824You sound
triggered af
No. 733233
>>733227The video itself is boring but the title and thumbnail are something else. "Queer girls"/"lesbian couple" LOL
It's gross how he sexualises his girlfriend for clicks. Also, how can he afford all these exotic vacations?
No. 744780
>>733227That's my territory so I really wish he'd stay the fuck out.
Any thoughts on his very ill informed recent video on the migrant caravan situation? The constant victim crying is nauseating.
No. 816324
>>744780I mean, he's a hardcore progressive and this is video very in line with progressive/ liberal values . You can disagree with him but at least he sticks to his guns and stays consistent. I sort of admire that
Then I remember he is a creepy tranny
No. 1002309
>>1002256Ok sister………. take his cock and out it in ur loose asshole then if ur so,,,,,,,, Gorky hormy horny lol but he is probably smelly
And has a tiny cock
Tiny tiny little peeny weeny
I hate trannies
No. 1002421
>>1002395Not particularly but the unsaged sperging about how his cock
must be is odd