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No. 391202
Jaquie Blake Beckwith, AKA chronically_jaquie, is one of the general Munchausen's/OTT thread (>>>/snow/387658) Munchie Queens.
Instagram: She has a Patreon for people to pay her to be "sick".
- She appears to have a few genuine illnesses, but overall contradicts herself 99% of the time.
- She has a button tube but shoves crap food into her pie hole most of the day. Claims she cannot tolerate her formula, and has to get a special type, but can eat fried crap.
- She has a service dog (Harlow) who does tasks that she is quite capable of doing (like grabbing a blanket across the room).
- Her service dog does not get worked the way a service dog should.
- She will not respond to messages online (except on her Patreon) because of "safety issues" (though we're pretty sure it's because she wants money to talk to her).
- She will not allow people to send her mail because she is too sick.
- Refers to herself as a "genetic anomaly".
- Claims to have EDS, POTS, narcolepsy, cataplexy, autism, unspecified immune problems, a mutated mitochondria, and too many other things. Surprisingly, Factitious Disorder is not on her list.
- She appears to be copying Mary Fray.
She enjoys deleting comments that call her out, and has an excuse or explanation for everything, something that is found psychologically in pathological liars.
Everyone is tired of her, even her family, and some people in the Munchie thread, so here's a place to talk about her to your heart's content.
No. 391238
>>391231It will be interesting to see if her friend Janiece goes back to regular life after her medical crisis or whether she develops a chronic illness business plan like Jaquie's.
Janiece's wheelchair. For her gall bladdar. I can't say any more.
No. 391252
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Not only is her port access line hanging out, she specifically pulled her shirt down to show it. Judd looks like he's teetering on the edge of losing his shit
No. 391253
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She's also showing off her new formula, in the size of bag they use for children. (I see a ton of spoonies/munchies use the small size; normal for an adult is the 1200 ml bag, because most adults who are feeding-tube dependent need to fill up more than 500 ml at night, and no one wants to have to wake up and refill their formula). Kek she's probably excited to get less calories while keeping her precious toob
No. 391254
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Rest of the post.
She couldn't "tolerate" her old formula. So she definitely needs an organic, pre-brokendown formula, especially since she totally can't have all the restaurant fried food she's been eating
No. 391276
>>391231Glad you liked that, kek
>>391240>>391271You’re welcome! Enjoy ;)
No. 391286
I can't remember everything Jacquie is gushing about over Kate Farms but…I watched her 7/31/17 video and matched the can to her old formula. is also gluten free and suitable for lactose intolerance, etc.
The guide also does say to avoid "extreme temperatures". It hasn't broken 95 in Tampa all month according to the Weather channel almanac and although Jacquie says it spoiled because the house got past room temperature, I don't believe her. It's a canned good. I checked against some canned infant formulas. Some of those can spoil if stored above 95 degrees for a long period of time but since the AC is almost always on in the house, and the power wasn't out for that long (like a day?), then she's lying, again, for sure.
No. 391344
>>391252For the life of me I don't know how he tolerates her shit. Their life is so rigid and dramatic yet boring. And for nothing. I wonder what happens between them off
camera? Like does he ignore her or address it or just go along with it?
No. 391366
>>391237Everytime I've personally switched formulas, I just switched without a "transition". Some people will do half old formula and half new for a couple days while they're getting use to the new one, but if you were unable to tolerate the old one at all, then there's literally no reason to transition and all the more reason to just straight up switch it.
>>391253 a lot of people with the infinity pump use the smaller bags during the day because it's easier to carry around. (I hate carrying around liter bags! But you do what you have to) However we all know this is not her case and she certainly doesn't wake up multiple times a night (or even run her pump) or switch to bigger bags at night..
No. 391372
>>391366Same here. Switched once, without transition period.
As to the bags: if we'd believe her story, she would start using bigger bags at least at night pretty soon now. Right now she is running her feeds on a very low rate, so she can get away with using the smaller bags at night without getting up. But she got this new formula so she can increase her rate, so it'd be interesting to see what happens. My guess is she keeps using the smaller bags.
>>391335Wait, is she already on a peptide-based formula? That doesn't even make sense. Also, I don't understand why her dietitian or doctor would prescribe it.
>>391243Has PPN lipids though? It seemed as if her bag in hospital had lipids in it.
Personally, I think someone (not being very smart) in the team saw she already had a port in place and thought "might as well give her some nutrition in the meantime". It doesn't make sense in many ways though. They clearly believed her so they thought she was quite malnourished, and they start full-on TPN? She wasn't dangerously malnourished. And even if she was: all the more reason to be careful; TPN has an even higher risk of refeeding syndrome than tube feeding has.
No. 391378
>>391243Looked it up, it WAS TPN.
See video, at the 3.19/3.20 mark, if you zoom in on the right pump (the one that says "50" in the upper screen thingy, just below that is says "TPN" on the pump).
No. 391462
It sounds like she just picked a random immunodeficiency symptom off of Google. Panhypogammaglobulinemia, seriously? Has anyone heard her mention this before, specifically?
>>391286I'm disgusted that she is trying to hide the fact that she hardly uses any formula by tossing it out.
No. 391466
>>391462>>Panhypogammaglobulinemia, seriously? Has anyone heard her mention this before, specifically?(Still haven't figured out how to quote properly, no idea how that will look when I post it.)
On topic: yes, she has mentioned it. I think after her bone marrow biopsy, or maybe after a geneticists' visit. I'm inclined to believe this one, actually.
No. 391481

Samefag as
>>391466Looked it up. Geneticist dx'd her with it. Explanation starts at 8.10.
As I said: I think this one is real. It's clearly not rehearsed, she wrote it down as the doctor explained it and is struggling to pronounce it.
Another reason why I think it's real: if I understand it correctly, this is the main reason she is being prescribed IVIG. Her insurance covers it (and I don't think she is lying about that, she'd probably create a lot of drama if they denied it). And although I don't know a lot about US health insurance, I'm pretty sure they won't cover IVIG if there wasn't a proven immunodeficiency (or another clearly proven, severe disorder for which IVIG is indicated).
But.. it also can be asymptomatic, although that is considered rare. So while it may be far-fetched, it IS possible that it is an incidental find. Also, it CAN be a side effect of certain medications, especially anti-epileptics. Which she is on. (Though I'm not sure which one!) She talked about gradually stopping them, but unlike drug-induced leukopenia and agranulosis, hypogammaglobulinemia doesn't always reverse itself (quickly) after stopping the medication that was causing it.
I DO think that doctors wouldn't overlook that possibility
most of the time. But with Jaquie, as she is seeing so many specialists, I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility either. Especially if she is already off the medication that caused it, they might not immediately think of it.
NOTE: I'm not saying it is drug-induced in her case or that it is an incidental find. I'm not even saying I think that that is the case. There is no way to know; I am merely pointing out possibilities.
No. 391491
Now, I'm not a haemato, but a few points sit ill with me:
- panhypogammaglobulinemia is a clinical finding, not a disorder or disease, so to me, unless she comes up with evidence that there's a follow up to differentiate her type of immunodeficiency (SCID? ADAD? Wiskott Aldrich? Bruton X-linked? I am sure there must be others but these are the only primary causes I've seen in practice), 'tis BS. There are very clear reasons why differentiation is hugely important, and it would be very bad practice to just empirically treat a single lab finding with IVIG.
- In most cases, PHgG happens in the context of SLE, which however she clearly doesn't have.
- Most of all, however, the pattern of infectious disease in immunodeficiencies is very well documented. It's not the same as being sickly or catching every bug. I'd expect to see coming down with opportunistic infectious from S. pneumoniae, Staph aureus, Haem inf, Pneumocystis pneumonia, site infections and so on. The clinical picture does not seem to show this to be congenial, which means it's either incidental or iatrogenic. My money is on the latter, and not necessarily not factitiously so. I have seen factitious immunodeficiencies, and they're not pretty.
No. 391597
>>391521Someone here pointed out that her old formula was already peptide-based. So the new one is not "better" or "more broken down", "easier to absorb" or anything. Only difference is that it's organic. There are probably some ingredients that differ too, but they'd be pretty comparable.
Also, I've asked this before, but HOW is there any difference between organic and non-organic if the formula is peptide-based? Not that a regular formula or even regular diet is more healthy if it's organic, but that's another discussion.
No. 391601
>>391504There is no such thing as an unnamed immunodeficiency. Nope. If she were so rare, there'd be journal articles by the dozen about her. Shit, at any decent hospital, any case of anything even remotely rare is written up, doubly so if we manage to keep the patient alive through peer review and publication. And she surely would have mentioned that. Like, every five seconds.
Bottom line: probably drug induced PHgG of dubious or negligible clinical relevance given the total lack of relevant opportunistic infections. Almost definitely not congenital as she lacks congenital markers. In other words, it's another entirely meaningless thing that's wrong with her that she latched on to and forced some poor fuck to give her IVIG for. Lovely.
No. 391616
>>391601She said the geneticist would maybe get a med student to name her disease and "get it in the books". First thing I thought was "why wouldn't that doctor want to write a case report himself about her?"
>>another entirely meaningless thingHer geneticist seems to think it bears some meaning. I agree that there is the possiblity for it to be be drug induced or incidental. But even IF that is the case, I don't think we can blame Jaquie for not knowing that.
I know that many of her symptoms don't add up and I
really don't like the way she presents chronic illness (and that's personal for me, for one thing I am sometimes SO jalous of what she can eat - won't go into further detail there). But I also don't thing we can write off EVERYthing she says. Even if what she says doesn't seem to add up, at times that could be just her not explaining or understanding things well. Or sometimes it might be because not all test results are back yet.
What starts out as healthy scepticism sometimes on these boards imho is taken too far. Even a liar speaks some truth now and then. Remember that even Freud said that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar (even though he probably didn't, lol).
No. 391646
>>391641Mary's sooper speshal formula also didn't work with the enzyme cartridges so she was having to take enzymes orally every two hours including through the night. She is extra as fuck. And of course Peter has to wake up every time she does.
Some people compare Jaq to Mary in a favourable way… Or used to before Jaq got so obvious. Not because Jaq is good or anything but because she at least lets Judd work and sleep through the night… Mary sets a really low bar, is what I'm saying.
sage for barely on topic
No. 391663
>>391652No, it's not normal, but unfortunately some doctors sign off on it without thinking about or informing the patient of the risks. (Previous port anon here) My doctor didn't, and I didn't think to ask. I was lucky enough to avoid sepsis (infection stayed local for the most part), but it was a very close call. Sepsis is incredibly scary, it happens fast and you feel like you are dying, and you're terrified that they won't be able to get it under control and that you will die, or lose limbs or have other complications, if you're mentally there enough to think that clearly. Jaquie just doesn't care. She doesn't need a port; it's not appropriate for her "needs", and she's not careful enough with anything. She doesn't even set up her tube feeding correctly, and that's super easy. She gets things for show, without thinking through the potential consequences.
No. 391688
> She said the geneticist would maybe get a med student to name her disease and "get it in the books".Because that's totally how it works lol.
Seriously. Does this chick think there's nobody here who is in clinical research? We publish freakin' everything sufficiently novel. Meanwhile she's talking like there's a big book of diseases and unless her immune system boo boo isn't in there, it's not real. The degree to which that statement alone, and the naming of diseases (eponyms are frowned upon these days, and rightly so) as she perceives it, misunderstands how modern clinical medicine works is staggering. She must get a weird satisfaction out of having a free ticket to socialize with physicians and always outwitting them, one step ahead, but I'm getting tired of her shit.
No. 391854
>>391691>> the problem is that her reflected understanding of what's happening to her can't be correct. I am not here to judge her character, but I am here to point out they don't align well with reality.Oh believe me, I
know that. Many, many things don't add up about her. But sometimes people here can be a little quick to judge. I'm pretty sure
some of her medical problems are genuine. Personally, until I see evidence of the contrary, I think I believe her epilepsy and narcolepsy are real. The immunodeficiency I'm not sure of, but there could definitely be something going on there, iatrogenic or not.
If she isn't making sense, sometimes that is because she is talking BS, but I also think that other times it could be because she simply doesn't understand it. Or maybe it is partly true and she is just filling in the gaps, leading to an unbelievable story. It's entirely possible for someone with factitious disorder to have a chronic medical problem, as well. In fact, it is generally believed that FD is more common in people with a chronic illness.
People here have pointed out it is suspect that she never had a line infection. That may be the case, but I also think that if she DID have them, some people here would say that she probably infected it herself. So I'm not saying they can't be right, but I'm also trying to overcome my own bias towards people like her.
>>391675Of course her doctors are also responsible. If I would've asked my GI for a permanent tube, I'm sure he would've told me 'no, you get an NJ until you're at a decent weight, after that we're weaning you off'.
Maybe he would've said 'if that doesn't work, we can see', but he wouldn't have just gone ahead and scheduled the surgery. No way.
The problem is that there is an implicit trust in the doctor-patient relationship. When a patients walks in a doctors office, they both assume that they have the same goal: getting the patient in the best health he can possible be. If that trust is betrayed, it is very difficult for a doctor to do his job. But in the end, Jaquie didn't put her own tube in and she also didn't lie THAT much. I mean, she was eating the same stuff in the hospital that she eats at home. If she really wanted the whole world to believe that she is absolutely dependent on that tube, she could just not eat anything on camera. But she doesn't do that, so obviously she thinks (or she wants us to think) that it is a good thing to have a tube if you can eat only small portions and have a lot of nausea.
I'm assuming that's how she presented to her doc, so I don't get why he didn't first sent her to a dietitian who would've told her to try smaller and more frequent meals. If that didn't work, substituting with shakes, etc. She wasn't extremely underweight, so they had time to try different strategies. Even if she would've been extremely underweight, they should've put in a nasal tube to get her back to a healthy weight first and THEN try out all that. So, yeah, her doc is to blame as well.
As to the 24/7 accessed port: just for the sake of argument, let's say she is speaking the truth. She got the port for IV saline therapy which she did three times a week. Setting aside the question whether she needs that, for that kind of frequency using a port is not unreasonable.
Then she developed the anaphylaxis/angioedema. Again, let's say we believe her. If someone had episodes of anaphylaxis more than once a day that put them in hospital, I can understand that the pros would outweigh the cons.
But NOW? She hasn't had an attack in months. They should've decided to de-access her a long time ago. She can use the epi-pens if she gets angioedema. It makes not sense to leave her accessed right now. She is using IV Zofran probably so she can rationalize leaving herself accessed, saying the IV Zofran is 'stronger'. No it's not. Yeah, in a way it is, but it depends on the dose. If you get a higher dose orally, it will be just as strong. IV works faster, that is true. And you can't puke it up, but there's Zofran suppositories as well.
It's just less fun to give them to yourself in a crowded restaurant while filming yourself. Well, it could be fun depending on how you look at it, but the reactions you get WILL be a bit different.
Saged. Of course. And sorry for being soo long.
No. 391928
>>391910>>No one who needs iv zofran all the time would be able to eat what she does. To me it's one of the more strange things about her case. I think the use of IV meds rationalizes either to her or (she is hoping) to her viewers why she can eat all kinds of stuff and still claim to be very sick. At the same time, it legitimizes her port being accessed 24/7. Win-win, in her mind.
But really, if someone responds THAT well to an anti-emetic, that clearly spells the placement of a permanent (let me emphazise that) tube was premature to say the least.
I really should go back to check when she starts using the IV Zofran and if it has always acted as the miracle drug she now presents it to be. (On the other hand, I really should go back to my studies.)
And wouldn't it be GREAT if anti-sickness meds actually worked the way they seem to work for Jaquie? That would actually change the world for a LOT of people. Wow.
No. 391941
>>391652>>She saw an allergist a few months ago that told her she didn't need a port and should get rid of it, because the cow walked into his office with her port accessed for IV Benadryl - what a laugh. Right, I had almost forgotten about that. I'll include the link for those who haven't seen it yet. remember guys, this was - of course - a terrible doctor! Kek.
Overall, though of course the patient plays a large part in all this, I also can't get over how many stupid doctors are out there. For one, the tube was clearly not necessary. Or, if I want to give her (a lot of) the benefit of the doubt, in any case it isn't good practice to put a permanent tube in a patient with a borderline low GES result without any further testing or trying alternatives first. It just isn't. No matter what Jaquie might have said. The same goes for her 24/7 accessed port. If there was any justification for that in the past, there isn't anymore.
And there's so much more. Take her pain doctor, for example. They are planning to do toradol injections in her neck (I had never heard of that, where I live it's either steriods or things like pulsed radiofrequency). And they are giving her Ketamine at the same time. Now that is just stupid. If her pain decreases, how are they supposed to know which of the treatments caused it? There's more examples like this, it's just odd. Or does she somehow find only doctors that will just give her whatever she suggests?
No. 391947
>>391941Folks have said she goes to Mayo a lot. Additionally, I think she seeks out doctors who are already open to more unusual treatments. About 4 years ago, I had an ex-gf who was on an ketamine infusion treatment and it was considered kind-of-experimental at the time. That gf also went to Mayo a lot and they seemed open to trying new things. Jacquie surely takes advantage of that.
What's a little bit baffling to me right now is now that she has a "cold" she caught from Judd, it's indistinguishable from her normal vlogging. She doesn't seem more sick even with a cold. I don't know about anybody else but when I get sick, it's pretty obvious that I feel shitty and I can't tell with Jacquie.
No. 391958
>>391947>>What's a little bit baffling to me right now is now that she has a "cold" she caught from Judd, it's indistinguishable from her normal vlogging. She doesn't seem more sick even with a cold. I don't know about anybody else but when I get sick, it's pretty obvious that I feel shitty and I can't tell with Jacquie.Yeah, that's odd. Apparently, it's a sinus infection. But even with a normal cold, you can hear it in ones voice. Not all the time maybe (your nose may be more stuffed on certain moments of the day) but she is showing us footage that she taped on different moments during the day.
And it's not that I think Ketamine treatment per se to be strange (my pain doc suggested it for me if our current treatments won't work - either ketamine or cannabis. But it might be considered more or less experimental or 'out there' depending on the country you're in). It's more that it's stupid to do two treatments for the same subjective symptom at the same time. There is no way to know which one caused which effect afterwards.
>>391950I think they are using it intra articulair? I'm not sure; as I said I don't know the particular treatment. It's supposed to be a kind of follow up on her nerve block at Mayo. Which is also strange, as she said she had a few hours relief from it and that was not enough to justify doing it again. But wouldn't that have been a test treatment, if it worked for just a few hours? You know, a temporary block with lido or some other local to see if a more permanent block would work?
Anyway, the toradol treatment they are doing is supposed to work for weeks or even months. So I'm not sure what treatment that is, I think they either use it intra articulair or near the nerve.
No. 392149
>>392146So fucking what? I do that most days. It's called asthma. Maybe I should make a vlog and ask people to buy my MUCOSAL MIGHTY t shirts.
sage for rage
No. 392367
For a moment there, when she unpacked her 'tubie pads' I thought this would be one of those rarer vlogs where she wouldn't show us her tube. But no, of course it wasn't.
If I had the time, I'd make a statistic out of it. Counting the number of times she shows the viewers her port, the dangling lines in it, or her tube. Also, I am pretty sure that the percentage of vids where she shows her tube has greatly increased since she got that button.
Um.. why? I mean, I'm not on YouTube, but I'm pretty sure if I were to make daily vlogs, I wouldn't be showing my ostomy in every other vlog. Or surgery scars, or my belly button or whatever. I think I'd even refrain from showing the world my naked butt. Not entirely sure about that last one, though. Sheesh.
No. 392405
>>392367I don't know you, but thanks for keeping your butt to yourself. ;)
Regarding showing the tube or the port, during the hurricane, I noticed that it didn't dangle, her shirt wasn't pulled down. Janiece and Jaquie seemed to let go of being ill for a few minutes.
But as soon as Irma started to pack up and leave Florida, the pains returned, in full force.
No. 392510
>>392502I am amazed by her sinus infection genius. Wakes up with a sore throat, got to get those antibiotics, start calling it a sinus infection to justify the antibiotics, totally cured within two days. And then she's singing the praises of the antibiotics.
She was never sick! Her body happily fought off the invading virus. She had a few minor symptoms that never turned into anything. Antibiotics don't work that quickly and she never had time to develop a bacterial infection anyway.
Meanwhile people die of simple post-op infections that are resistant to antibiotics.
No. 392517
>>392502I don't hate her. There's really no reason to. I just REALLY dislike the way she presents herself as a role model or advocate for those with chronic illness or disability. (And I am jealous of what she can eat and do, if I'm perfectly honest.)
>>392477>Seriously cannot believe she was planning on wearing leggings & a t shirt to speak at a college. And her tubie pads, of course. Which I am about 90% sure she will show them.
>>392382Thanks, the underwear analogy is helpful. I couldn't quite describe why it was making me uneasy when I wrote
>>392367I don't have a problem with her using them either. I use cloth panty liners and I get the being exited about different colors and patterns. I even get buying a few more than you technically might need. But she is just taking it too far. Pads for different occasions? No. Just, no. And the showing off is just.. eerie. Like a small child showing he has Mickey Mouse on his underwear. Only in this case, the small child is an adult that is trying to convince people she is some sort of role model. That's just not right.
No. 392617
>>392545Nope you're not missing anything.
I have EDS and my most debilitating symptom is fatigue. I can only self-propel myself in a lightweight chair for a matter of metres, despite doing physio and strength training every other day. She's just incredibly naive, or thinks her viewers are.
No. 392636
>>392510 Anon you're right, thank you for correcting me. Hate is too strong of a word and I don't hate her. I don't hate anyone. I don't have the energy to but I strongly dislike her, and like you said, I'm jealous of all of the things she can do. I wish I could eat and do half the things she can do. I would love to be able to turn my illness on and off like a bloody light switch the way she does but you know reality. She fakes these illnesses that people actually have, gets all the attention she craves, takes time and resources away from people who actually need them, is somehow able to get all the munchie toys she can think of to show off (why one would want to is beyond me,) and then she goes shopping and does whatever she wants with the fake service dog to boot. I wish I could eat and do half the things she can do I would love to turn my illness on and off like a bloody light switch the way she does… but worst of all is that she is a representative of the chronic illness community. That in and of itself makes me want to worship the porcelain god. Everyone's going to think we're a bunch of assholes "who are so strong and brave to power through," who crave the super special attention from being super sick, get off on treatments, are absolutely thrilled with having procedures done, and love taking various pill porno shots. JFC WTF?sage mother effin rage
No. 392641
>>392519Yes yes yes anon! Couldn't have said it better myself. I don't have a fraction of what she claims kek and there's no way I'd have the E to do what she does on a daily basis (I didn't even know about the chats.) People like Jaquie (ahem Kati Marie Smith) make the entire chronically ill community look like a lazy bitches, whether they have jobs or not, because when people see people like them benefiting and actually making money off of "being sick," people automatically assume they don't work and must apply to all… and then there's the stark juxtaposition of being able to mange tons of SM, vlog and edit daily, and do private chats (5 hr streams in the other aforesaid case study.)
Sagerage and SagedSorrow
No. 392751
>>392606Exactly! There's no way I can get my chair in a car or lift it. It's just too heavy. It's definitely a lot heavier than a shampoo bottle.
Anyone know what wheels she is getting? I can't be arsed to watch her blogs.
No. 392778
>>392606>Real EDS (not jaquie's form of very questionable EDS kek) tends to affect shoulders and wrists pretty badly (not everyone of course, but commonly for sure), and makes using a manual wheelchair very challenging.It depends. I know some people with EDS who's main problem is their hips and/or ankles. Some of them can use a manual wheelchair just fine. One young woman I know can even lift her own light weight chair in her car (and yeah, I'm absolutely sure she has EDS). But it's rare. Some can only move a manual wheelchair around a little by using their feet, which I can tell you right now isn't very easy on the knees.
For many, the ideal wheelchair sadly does not exist: some might be able to lift an ultralightweight chair (and that's not the one J is getting) inside a car, but many need either power assist or a powerchair to get around without help. These are both very heavy. So you'll either need a van, a wheelchair lift in the booth of your car or you are dependent on wheelchair taxis. All very expensive options.
But for most, lightweight or not, lifting the wheelchair is out of the question anyway. And if Jaquie cannot lift her walker, the wheelchair will not make her independent. Not unless she gets an adapted car (but let's not give her any ideas).
>>392751>Anyone know what wheels she is getting?I don't think she has mentioned it. But from what Judd was saying about being able to use a smartphone as remote control, I gather it's the Twion system by Alber. Which, by the way, is a system that was made NOT for people with limited arm strenght, but for active users who just need a little extra help with slopes and/or who don't have the stamina to wheel themselves for long periodes of time. I've tried it, but I didn't have the strenght to activate the system. And I can move a non-powered chair (lightweight) over hard, even surfaces, so that should tell you something.
Also, I got the impression she hasn't even tried them yet. Now that is really strange. There are many different power assist systems and what might work for some not work for others. E.g. I tried the system that is by FAR the most popular system where I live, and for the life of me couldn't get the chair to go straight ahead. One other system I tried just didn't have enough assistance power for me, and so on.
Also, if she never used a lightweight wheelchair before, it might suprise her how easy it is to push forward compared to loaner chairs that tend to be bulky and very heavy. So how does she even
know she needs power assist? It's not like she has e.g. horrible shoulder instability or isn't able to use her hands without wrist braces. Where I live, in those cases they tend to tell people to first try the chair without assist, and to come back if after a few months they still think they need it.
But that fits her pattern, of course. She often jumps straight ahead to the most fancy equipment without following the steps one normally would do before people even start to THINK about that other options. Even her ordering 20+ tube pads before she even tried the first ones (so she would know the round shapes are more practial for her) follows that pattern.
No. 392789
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>>Pay me to be your friend.
That is one of the most disturbing things I have seen from her.
No. 392794
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It's a comment from a while ago, but still interesting.
No. 392805
>>392794I wondered what they were reacting to, so I watched the video of that day. It turned out the commenter didn't react to that video specifically (I think) but it was still interesting. the end of the video (10.50) she finds a big red chair and decides to climb into it. That's a bit strange already for someone who is struggling to climb the chairs in their own house, but let's give her that. The Jaquie/Judd interaction that follows is.. interesting, to say the least.
-She gets out of the chair and is struggling to get up. "I don't have my walker". Judd: "use your muscles."
-Back in the car, out of breath: (I'm paraphrazing) "I feel exhilerated and so productive after that". Judd: "You feel productive?? You went and sat on a chair!" (Saying what we all are thinking)
-At the end of the video, as she is recapping how glad she is to have been able to do that chairsitting today, Judd looks genuinly worried.
As he should be.
No. 392857
>>392805Oh my god I just watched that. Judd really does look legitimately worried.
Honestly that whole thing was sad. She was treating that chair event as if it were the best party of her life.
And the way she slides out of it into the ground and pulls herself up with her arms looked fucking pathetic. It was like she had literally ZERO leg strength. But she just wasn't even trying to use her muscles. No wonder she's deconditioned so much. Just imagine how much better she could be doing right now if she was doing what she's supposed to. Eating right and exercising, for a start.
No. 392862
>>392857>It was like she had literally ZERO leg strength. But she just wasn't even trying to use her muscles. In her defense, she said in the comments that the excitement and laughter
triggered a mild cataplexy attack. So that might be the reason why her knees buckled.
Other than that, it's really sad how excited she got about that whole thing. I'm the anon who posted it, btw. Especially her feeling 'productive' after it. That's just really, really sad.
No. 392868
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A little off-topic, but really funny. I turned on the subtitles.
I bet it is Jaquie, I bet it is.
No. 392877
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I was really looking into bulimia this morning and I was blown away by the whole bulimia face comment. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. So, I did some research. (If you don’t know about it,) due to excessive vomiting patients will have lots of fluid build up in their cheeks essentially! And have a characteristic face. So here for you I’ve put Jaqs face next to a bunch of celebrities with classic bulimia face. I think the resemblance is uncanny. You let me know what you think though anons.
No. 392896
>>392778Thanks for the info! The twion wheels are pretty heavy and they aren't really used here. I thought she might get a Smartdrive, which would be slightly better in her scenario.
I totally agree that the perfect wheelchair doesn't exist for most people. So we just have to wait until she demands a special back, special rims, a special cushion and special front casters too. That means she can drag out the drama even longer!
No. 392902
>>392896If she actually has shoulder instability, I think the Smartdrive would be disaster. But as I think the would have enough strenght and the main reason why she cannot propel herself for very long would be deconditioning and fatigue, that might work.
But with joint problems? That wouldn't work. You first have to be able to push hard enough to get enough speed for the system to activate. It doesn't assist you immediately when you touch the rims like with the Emotion or the JWX-2. What's even worse, when you want to brake, the wheelchair is at full speed and you have to pull through that force.
In my opinion, Smartdrive isn't suitable for EDSers at all, unless you have VERY strong shoulders and wrists.
Saged for wheelchairfagging.
No. 392946
>>392902I think the new Smartdrive is a lot better than the old one. The old one was a suicide machine basically.
But yeah emotions or wheeldrive would be a much better option if she actually had instability problems.
No. 392959
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>>392651>>392651I know anon. I wish I had a husband, mummy, and daddy to wait on me beck and call but alas I have to have a job. Go figure! I know it's craz, too kek. It's unreal and if my only reason to wake up in the morning was for the internet I honestly wouldn't see the point of living. Saged for confusion
No. 392971
Anyone seen today's J&J's Vlogs? I thought it was hilarious that Jaquie thought it was 'cute' to have matching blazers. Janiece was really pissed about that. First, she thought she would just go in leggings and a T-shirt. Then, she heard Janiece was wearing a blazer and she was all about "we are representing the owner-trainers so we have to look semi-professional" and bought a matching blazer. After that, she kept bringing up how fun that was, and Janiece was NOT having it.
Ok, she might actually have Aspergers. So technically, I shouldn't laugh at that. But HOW come Judd or Janiece or whoever isn't telling her straight up "Jaquie, that is childish and makes us look stupid. Maybe you don't get that: that's your autism speaking, but trust us on this one." There's more examples of that throughout her videos where I'm thinking "why is no one telling her how this makes her look? Do they just not care?"
Also, it was kind of interesting to see that Janiece was actually more articulate than she is in her own vlogs and Jaquie was more nervous than her.
But, of COURSE, even though she wasn't showing her port and tube today, she just had to mention them. I totally called that.
Funny detail: Janieces wheelchair seems slowly fade away. Are we thinking it will only re-appear shortly just before and for some time after her gal bladder surgery to disappear forever, or will she actually go for her own custom chair? Bets are open.
No. 393059
>>392950My wheelchair actually costed more than a powerchair would. My insurance pushed for a powerchair but they're so impractical that I advocated for a manual chair with a fully powered system.
Most people want the least visible option if they can choose (I totally get you didn't have a choice, it sucks that emotions etc are so expensive).
So I am honestly baffled why she chose the less visible option and didn't go for the huge pink powerchair.
No. 393068
>>392950Fellow EDSer here-
I have 2 wheelchairs, a standard manual wheelchair provided by the NHS and a powerchair that was bought by myself.
I don't use the standard NHS chair, since I cannot lift it myself or push it myself, due to shoulder dislocations.
if jacque's neck and shoulders are as unstable as she claims, there is no way her "independence" is not going to get called out over her new chair.
No. 393096
>>393093With the power assist, it's also more special. People know what a manual chair is, they know powerchairs. With power assist though, you get more "o wow, that's really nifty"-like reactions.
And also, I think it's a practical thing. You can't put a powerchair in a normal car. Unless it's some manual chair converted in powerchair with absolutely no suspension or comfort whatsoever.
And maybe.. another reason? Somehow I think Judd
might draw a line there and tell her she doesn't need a powerchair. I may be wrong about that, it's just a feeling.
No. 393104
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Sooooo does poor Paul get booted out of his own bed when J&J get together?
No. 393113
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What do we want to be the Kate Farms will now make Jaquie sick too? The question will be whether it actually makes her sick, or if she fakes it to be like her idol.
No. 393254
>>392969LOLLLL someone in the comments on Instagram called her out on wearing the mask because she only wears it when she's going to be getting attention, and claims it's because she's immunosuppressed. The person who called it out reminded Jaquie that Vogmasks don't filter out germs, and that she herself is
actually immunosuppressed and knows a mask wouldn't do anything.
I'm really enjoying how people are starting to wake up to her bullshit. I think she posts so much that it's actually fairly easy to find inconsistancies in her story.
No. 393264
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>>393261This comment's still up!
No. 393265
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Here's Ms. Attention Whore herself. pretending to sleep on a college panel. What self-centered cunt
No. 393305
>>392877Bulimia cheeks are definitely a thing…though it's really more of a swelling in the jaw.
It'll go down after a few days but you can always spot someone who's been recently purging from a mile away
No. 393316
>>393309What angers me most is that little production she does on the intro to every vlog, complete with corny 70's sitcom music!! If she'd add a laugh track I might be able to get through an entire vlog. I'd rather watch that other munchie who naps on the couch in thrift stores and on the floor at Walmart. I'd rather punch myself in the face than watch either vlog, really
Sorry had to replace previous post to add that you're so right about the dog. Golden retrievers are notorious for being high energy (hence the "retriever" part. Real working dogs!). They deserve a high level of activity each day for 30-60 minutes at a minimum. That dog is probably so frustrated. Makes me sad.
No. 393323
>>393316Ugh the music is awful. It's one of the royalty free music things YouTube supplies. I'm so sick of hearing those.
Also I can get never get over the fact that the into is over 20 seconds long. That's a VERY long time for an into to a 15-20 minute DAILY vlog. I don't know why she thought people would want to watch an into that long every day. Shows how self centered she is.
No. 393512
>>393509Me too! I was suprised she hasn't deleted the comments yet.
I've got them too, how much work do you still need to do? We could split the work. As you said, it's a long convo.
Is it just me, or is she being called out more and more these days? I really wonder where this is going. As someone said earlier, she seems to be one of the few people not to adress those kinds of comments at all. That's kind of weird, and I really wonder why that is.
No. 393514
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>>393512But in the meantime, let me post a few old comments I came across. It's from the first instagram post after she got back home after she got her first, dangler J-tube.
1 of 2
No. 393515
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2 of 2
No. 393518
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Also an old one, but I just didn't see it before. She is broadcasting her proposal. What is the FIRST thing she has to say about the fact her SO proposed to her and she is getting married with - presumably - the love of her life?
After she tells us "I said Yes".. "this many chronic illnesses, that many hospitalizations, blabla."
Like.. really? THAT is what this marriage, your love, your relationship is about? The first thing you think about after he proposed to you is.. that? Wow.
No. 393520
>>393519Yeah, but did you read it? It's quite a long convo of people telling J's symptoms don't add up. Most of the time when people start calling her out, it gets deleted after three or four comments. This time, I've got 10+ screencaps of it.
Just wait 'till the other anon starts posting the milk.
No. 393525
>>393522O, so you can't read it. Poor you! That's so cruel. (Can we ask what you said, can you kind of tell us without exposing yourself?)
In that case, be patient. I'm sure it's coming soon..
No. 393529
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Milk part 1
No. 393532
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Milk part 2
No. 393533
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Milk part 3 (last as far as I know, but still checking till she banhammers the lot of them)
No. 393544
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Comment on todays video. Kek.
No. 393549
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Funny how more and more people are speaking out recently. I found this comment under an article about how cute and good Harlow is. No. 393579
File: 1506530580157.jpg (176.81 KB, 740x1020, A4FthoF.jpg)

>>393533….aaand she has deleted everything. ALL comments by that post, just to be safe I gather.
Last cap I got before she deleted it:
No. 393585
File: 1506531000618.png (1.19 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2598.PNG)

>>393579Last cap here too
No. 393630
>>393586And once again, she doesn't adress it AT ALL. Most of the time when people delete comments (certainly if it's a whole string!) they will say something like "I had to delete some comments because it turned ugly" or "what started out as someone telling about her experience with treatment X turned into a convo about veganism" (whatever, just an example) or something.
Anything. It's just soo strange. Does it not get to her? Does she just not get IT? Does she think she is above it all? Does she know people are on to her and is she trying to at least keep that hidden from her family/Judd? I'm dying to find out.
Would be interesting to see if she somehow does adress it in tomorrows vlog. My bet is that if she does, she will do so covertly, without referring to the actual comments. Like she'll all of a sudden talk about how she actually wants to gain some weight SO badly (defending the ED comments) or refer to the two doctors that
did think she has EDS, something like that.
And while we are on that subject: I wanted to know on what grounds that first Dr. dx'd her with EDS. It was hypermobility
only. The neurologist just said: "look, you have hypermobile joints, you have EDS." So her doc just doesn't know the difference between benign hypermobility and actual HEDS.
No. 393657
>>393649Yeah, yeah.
I'm all with you that MANY things don't add up about her, but frankly I'm a little tired of people pointing out ONE single behavior and drawing conclusions from that. It's the whole picture that counts, guys!
You can't just say "O wow, she is sitting with her legs crossed, she totally cannot have EDS". (Know quite a lot of people with EDS, and many of them can sit with their legs crossed at least for a little while.)
Or: "she is eating onions, GP diet says no onions!" (Yeah well, it's not like she is eating them uncooked.)
"People with EDS can't use a manual wheelchair!" (Actually, many of them can. It just depends on which joints bother them most.)
Come on.. yes, Jaquie is full of it, but please remember that everyone is different. Take a simple and common symptom as gastric reflux: generic advice when it comes to diet is to avoid fizzy drinks, coffee, tomatoes, and spicy food. Guess what, some people with GERD can drink coffee without any problem but not eat the tiniest slice of tomato, and for some it's the other way around.
Saged for annoyed rant. YES I know Jaquie's portrayal of GP is laughable, but it's not one single thing in her food choices or one single behavior that that's about. It's about the whole picture.
No. 393675
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No. 393677
File: 1506538959940.jpeg (79.29 KB, 750x441, 297D1306-7BBF-4685-8E18-3EE615…)

Guys she actually replied this time
No. 393727
>>393661You don't have to analyze every behavior of her to get a clear picture. But like the other anon said, people can be too quick to draw conclusions.
And maybe I came across a little too edgy. I didn't mean it that way. I was just so frustrated today because I f*cking cannot FIND a job.
Come on.. if cows draw conclusions too quickly, we call them out. But if we kindly try to point out that farmers may be doing the same thing on the opposite end of the spectrum.. we're told to fuck off? Nice.
No. 393792
>>393787Ok, I think that worked! I wish this site was easier to navigate, I can't figure it out!
I have the feeling that something traumatic happened to Jaquie as a child and she has never been able to get over it. That is why she is so immature and constantly seeking attention.
Like her autism diagnosis- who seriously gets diagnosed with autism as an adult? I'm not saying it's impossible, but how has it impacted her life in any way other than listing it as another one of her "issues". I remember watching one of her vids where she spoke of her diagnosis and that she was going to get therapy for some of her "quirks"…if she made it this far in life without therapy for it, what's the point in starting now?
Ugh, she irritates me so much! I'm so glad to have found this forum!! lol
No. 393793
>>393769I appreciate that. My comment wasn't aimed at you per se - your post just happened to be the most recent example of my annoyance. Your comment was probably made after a long day. O well. Let's have some milk.
Funny how that comment about Jaquie never even having tried an all-liquid diet already has 13 thumbs up. Even more than J's answer.
>>393694You're right, she had CVS for a bit longer I guess, but the GP is quite recent. My guess is she refers to the ensures she drank sometimes.
No. 393807
>>393792Welcome. "Anonymous" should go in the name field, not newbie.
Interesting about possible trauma, I have wondered that myself. There is definitely an unnatural need to be coddled and dependent as an adult going on with her. Ironically all going on while she rails on about being more independent.
No. 393808
>>393792Diagnosis in women is not uncommon in the early 20's, there's research being done into it. Not saying she is autistic, I don't believe she is anywhere on the spectrum. Personally I was diagnosed at 22 after struggling my whole life. I was medicated for anxiety and OCD throughout most of my childhood/teen years, when it was actually undiagnosed autism.
Sage for blogging, but I wanted to share awareness. Next thing you know I'll start my own Instagram. Kek.
No. 393831
>>393808Oh yes, like I said I know it happens, but in her case it seems like a diagnosis wouldn't really make a difference in her life, other than an attempt to getting attention for it.
The way she talks about her "blanket" and how she would have a stuffed animal in her picture of her in the hospital bed makes me really think she is stuck in some immature mental state of mind. Some people may say her need for everything to be pink might be a symptom of her "autism", but I think it's her attempt at trying to look young and innocent.
I would love to hear from someone who actually knows her IRL.
I wonder what Judd's family and friends think about her!!
No. 394126
>>393792I think she is 'autistic' in a way that many people are autistic these days. IMHO t's overdiagnosed. Technically, as with any mental health dx, you should only dx it if the symptoms are severely limiting a patient in multiple areas of their daily life and/or they are clearly suffering because of it. Nowadays, people get the diagnosis because they have certain 'traits' of a condition.
It still makes them a bit different compared to most of the population and it still can lead to certain problems in your life. But it's more comparable to what being extremely perfectionistic can cause in your life, or being very impulsive. That kind of traits can sometimes be a true struggle and someone who has those traits in the extreme might even benefit from a bit of therapy. And in any case,
knowing that you have certain traits and learning how to deal with them best, can really benefit you. But does it warrant a DSM diagnosis? No, not unless your perfectionism is causing depression or OCD.
TL;DR I think she has some autistic traits, but I'm not sure that should warrant a diagnosis. Also, I think she wants us to believe she is more autistic than she actually is.
No. 394150
>>393995Sorry, what is "milk" and "kek"?
No. 394168
>>394150>Sorry, what is "milk" and "kek"?The milk is what we are milking cows for.
Kek.. I had to Google it when I first started lurking here. The meaning of course was clear from context, I just wanted to know its origins:, as the other anon said, if you're not contributing to the milk, write "sage" in the email field. It prevents your post from bumping up the thread.
More on-topic: Guys, aren't you glad Jaquie showed us yet
another tubie pad today? I wouldn't know what to do with myself if she were to make entire vlogs without showing her button to the camera even
once. Right? (Sigh)
No. 394266
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>>394257Omg TMI but when I was in Xifaxin hell I had to buy not only Prep H and the wipes but an effing donut cuz I was shitting my brains out so badly it honestly hurt to sit down. Saged for TMI but as the previous medfag anon said "one way or the other we'd have heard about it," and we didn't, and not only that but she never said one word about a breath test, which is the only way SIBO can be diagnosed.
No. 394305
>>394266Actually, my question was more along the lines "could the abx somehow have cured something she didn't know about?" I only mentioned SIBO because.. well, I'm not a medfag and I don't know on the top of my head many other conditions that cause diarrhea that could be reversed by antibiotics.
I was just wondering about the time frame, that's all. Cause either her diarrhea WAS caused by her formula, OR it was caused by something else and somehow it cleared up at the same time she transitioned, OR she is flat-out lying to us.
>>394263>Notice how in her vlog today she doesn't mention any specific numbers about her feeding tube rateYup, I wondered about that too. She is still using the small feed bags, so she has probably reached the same rate she was on with her other formula. Or just below, because this one is more calorie-dense. (Which, normally wouldn't make
that much of a difference.)
No. 394307
>>394265Agreed. She needs it for longer distances and if they are going away for a day. So she needs a chair for incidental use, while the chair she is getting is for permanent (or maybe semi-permanent) use. That's a BIG difference, cost-wise. I don't know how it works in the USA. But where I live if you can make a transfer to a normal chair, you won't get a custom chair. Unless there are specific reasons why a cheaper chair doens't work for you (say you can't sit upright and need a special tilted backrest, or you can't move a normal chair by yourself AND you don't have a SO that goes with you almost everywhere).
I can see why they would give her a chair for incidental use (though she could rent one, as well) but not a custom chair that's meant for people who have to sit in it ALL f*cking day.
Saged for angry rant.
No. 394350
Raw dog food poses infection risk to humans!
You would think CJ might want to be aware of this if she has an immunodeficiency No. 394404
>>394188I'm so glad she blew all that money on needing TWO speschel walkers (one in Barbie Pink) that she's going to throw out soon once she gets bored/"levels up" to the totally unnecessary wheelchair.
I hope insurance didn't pay for those walkers.
No. 394423
>>394419that's not necessary for the diagnosis. The person I know who has narcolepsy (who totally isn't me!) only had to do the sleep study.
I'd believe her friend Janiececeae has it. She actually LOOKS tired. Not eyes half-closed and saying she's tired like Jaquie, but like dark circles under her eyes tired.
No. 394517
>>394463We should all start suggesting something completely nonsensical. She wouldn't know, then she'd do it, hopefully people would realize what shit she's been trying to pull.
Besides, everyone knows the soup really needs to be frozen in ice cube form to work best……..
No. 394782
>>394517I mean, definitely. Cold food makes your body work harder to digest, so her digestion would get more help from that.
>>394643Good point, eggs are an easy addition to soup. Just stir it in.
No. 395117
>>395114To be honest, that's what a lot of people do because they don't realise how difficult it is to self propel an average wheelchair. Of course she's getting automatic wheels for hers, but there's already been discussion about how she's way too deconditioned for those to work.
She's hardly tried to be mobile. She's gone from normal walking to self-limiting. She's not tried balancing with crutches or a cane, she just wants the thing that can give her the most sympathy points.
No. 395237
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>>395138Aaaaand she's eating a nice portion of broccoli.
No. 395660
>>395521Jaquie gets on my very last nerve but I totally get what she's saying about chef boy-ar-dee. I put hot sauce on everything yet something about spaghetti-o's gives me wicked heartburn. That shit is evil.
Sage for blogging.
No. 395727
>>395670He can wear them in their back yard as often as he wants for all I care, but WHY film it?
And yeah, I really think Judd is thinking some stuff over these days. I'm not sure what, but something is going on.
No. 395967
>>395964Wow, I wouldn't have guessed. I've been in the UK for 15 years and still have my US accent…
(saged, obviously)
No. 395997
>>395990Oh shit, I didn't even think about her getting SSI, we're already paying for her exorbitant health care claims, now we'll be paying for her to sit around on her ass too.
Sage for blogging
No. 396146
>>395964>>395959She was already in the process of becoming a citizen before she married Judd.
You can get SSI without being a US citizen.
No. 396453
>>396435The rules are different for noncitizens and work credits are one way of qualifying as a noncitizen.
But, if you still think I'm wrong, point me to the rule that says, "anyone with a medical condition considered disabling…" can have SSI.
No. 396606
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>>396400Same here. I wish there was a way to watch them without the view count going up though.
And of course, on the day she became an American citizen, it was very important to make sure she showed her tube and tubie pad to the world. Very important to do, that goes without saying.
No. 396652
>>396637I also feel the fact that they have more "cam free time together" has a LOT to do with him. Of course we can't be sure, but if you pay attention you can see that he's annoyed at either her or the way she presents herself on vlog. Or maybe both. Yesterday or I think the day before he took the camera while he was going out alone and he didn't seem te like it too much.
Also, anyone notice how often she 'hushes' him? I know that often it is meant humerous, but she does it so often. If it were me, I sure as heck would be annoyed at it.
I have to applaude Jaquie though for
finally doing a vlog in which she didn't show us her button
or tubie pads. She
did however show her feeds and pump and mention the fact they just got a huge delivery for feeding tube supplies.
So I guess it's the small victories that count, huh? Baby steps.
No. 396927
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Some thoughts on Jacquie's latest video (though I skipped over most of the POTS shit cause its like she's reading a bad textbook to me)
Jacquie gets the employees at Menchies to get her "turtles" especially which I guess is a turtle shaped chocolate. I cannot imagine asking an employee at a frozen yogurt place to track down something like this. She did seem like she was having a true freak out over them not having turtle because she "always gets turtles"
The table redecoration sucks. She has a tablecloth with a square pattern under a table runner with an organic shape pattern and circle placements on a circle table. It's just a mess. She's only interested in the color issues but the whole thing was an eyesore.
No. 396949
>>396927Turtles rang a faint bell for me from my time living in the US, so a quick google, and:, having a freak out because you can't have the same thing as always is quite an autistic thing. Or maybe she's playing it up.
No. 397124
>>396949I'm with you - either she's playing it up for ASD, or else she's just conceited and used to getting her way.
However, being rigid about what you eat, having "safe foods," needing to eat the same things/not being able to change what you eat, and so on - that's total eating disorder behavior. Not surprising.
No. 397149
>>397145can be part of an eating disorder
there's plenty of existing evidence that J has an eating disorder no one's just leaping from wanting turtles to eating disorder
No. 397156
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She won't be sharing her goal rate anymore, probably to keep folks from catching on.
No. 397349
may have said something in a YT comment about how worried I was regarding her low rate in which I calculated how many cals she was getting from it and how it was 'frankly amazing' she didn't loose more weight in these last few months.
So I could have been from reading here, but it could also be from other comments. I know I was not the only one who commented on it.
But yeah, it's 100% because she knows people will call her out about it. She is however still using the small feed bag, so her rate can't be very high.
No. 397489
>>397433You barely even need basic math. Kek. She was barely eating at all when she got her tube. She herself refers to this time as a "severe and dangerous state of malnutrition" (fucking hell if that was a severe and dangerous state of malnutrition, I'm Kate from Kate Farms) yet when she got her tube she started eating again. Just like that. Like maybe when the surgeon put it in, he also put a magic spell on her stomach that allowed it to suddenly accept food.
Formula aside… Not eating, not trying, not even using GP safe meals = lower weight.
Suddenly eating again, eating some GP safe meals, eating junk food, bigger portions = weight gain.
I'm sure the little bit of formula she gets every day helps, but no doubt the biggest difference here is her food.
No. 397523
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OMG, OP you found a gold mine kek
No. 397525
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>>397523Reeeaaal GP-friendly food on this board
No. 397573
I have been wondering about her ab muscles. They look pretty toned. Not super buff obviously but well toned. She's not so stick thin that she'd be toned looking all over either, her thighs/butt/hips have a good jiggle. I have been thinking, how does she keeps such a toned stomach? She's been very sedentary for a long time. I know from personal experience that being immobile, even just for 6 months, is definitely long enough to give you a soft belly. It's not rocket science. As Jaq likes to say, "if you don't use it, you lose it" (I know she refers to her literal stomach here, not her muscles, but hell, it still applies). She apparently hasn't been able to exercise at all until very recently, but she's got noticeable ab definition. That just doesn't add up.
If she's been doing these "flat tummy" workouts, however, that'd definitely explain it. Who wants to bet that when she's home alone she switches off her feeds, exercises, gets around without her walker, looks at fitspo, pigs out and purges.
Can anyone who's pinterest savvy figure out when she saved those workout routine posts?
No. 397697
>>397671Pump may also beep when there's a kink in the line. Not just when it's turned on or off. Plus, the infusion pump was beeping too. I like your theory, but I'm afraid in this case Jaquie's explanation ('I was readjusting stuff') is more likely.
>>397523Wow. That's very telling. Who else than eating disordered and/or body insecure young women would save information on how to get a thigh gap? Wow.
No. 397868
>>397756O, shit. Hadn't thought of that. (Maybe that's because I'm not a munchie?) Of course she would. We all know how much she loves being able to drain. After all, that's what makes this tube 'such a versatile tool' - ugh.
BUT, it's still true that she is 1. very happy with her special formula at the moment and 2. she already has the 'toy' that would come with TPN. Also, unless she somehow manages to delude herself very much, she
knows she is not using her feeding tube the way she tells everyone she is. And I think (or: hope) that TPN would be monitored more closely by either a dietitian and/or the prescribing doctor. So she might not be able to fool everyone as easily were she to be on TPN.
But if she were to go down that route, at least she would have to do some sort of infusion at night, because I don't think she would be able to do both TPN and her fluids during days only.
Unless.. unless she'd somehow talk her doctors into giving her a PICC on top of the port, or a second port. (Is that even done like, ever?) Because apparently her lines get tangled at night so carrying around a backpack and being hooked up all day is - of course - way easier. Plus of course she would have the two tubes, as a seperate G-tube drains better (something I learned at lolcowU) and the J-tube for liquid meds.
that would make for a lot of cool selfies. Though I don't think even Jaquie would go that far.
Saged for wild phantasy.
No. 397940
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Also: what a d.bag. Wow. In the vids he mostly seems like a moderately decent guy. In this account he either was going through late puberty and thought it was OK to talk about "whores from church" and cool to say "I'm cool" etc. about himself, OR he was showing his true colors.
Weere he and J together when he was still using this account?
No. 398092
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No. 398095
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Did you guys ever see this? I was taken a back when I did. I’m not even going to speak on it. But I just want to see what all of you say about someone with EDS and tae Kwon doe. Also she looks WAAAAAY healthier.
No. 398119
>>398115Holy shit, it's a family friend?! No wonder why she gets whatever she wanted.
My godfather is an ophthalmologist, told my mom I needed to be seen, but said he couldn't be the one to see me as it would be a conflict of interest.
Seeing family and/or close friends really is a conflict of interest.
No. 398131
>>398119Totally. It’s on his/her head if jaquie gets a serious infection or other complication. Most pcp’s wont even treat the illnesses she claims. They make you go to specialists, and even specialists will only treat their own specialties. I think jaquie has a separate gi doctor, but her pcp does everything else, which is really, really wrong. Even an EDS specialist will refer you out for neurology, cardiology, allergies, gi, and such. Unfortunately, her pcp had the chance to do the right thing and go with the specialists that said jaquie did not have at least some of the things she claims, but they fucked up and are continuing to enable jaquie’s lies and manipulation.
No. 398279
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No. 398280
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No. 398281
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You guys are gonna wanna take a look at these that I made for comparison. These are way before Jaq even thought of to fake a tube and a port. She’s gained at least 20 fucking pounds. With these someone can call her on her bullshit. She had DIMPLES BEFORE, that don’t even EXIST ANYMORE. In the previous photos she looked malnourished I’d say! But in these she’s FAT looking, unreal.
No. 398365
>>398281I can not stand their open mouthed pictures. Just fucking smile for the camera like everyone else. And she can shove that thumb…. Okay I feel better now.
Sage for rage.
No. 398398
>>398389True. I mean, I don't think it's fair to call her fat (at all, she's of a pretty average weight*), but it's clear that her cheeks look very different now. I've also scrolled back in her instagram and payed close attention to her collar bones. She clearly has been at a lower weight compared to where she is now. In her defense those pics could have been taken during her 'GP flare' of last year (though I don't think it is). But that doesn't explain the puffy cheeks. If that is from vomiting due to GP, she would've had those back then as well.
Also, her color was much better last year. I'm not sure why. Could be vomiting, of course. But do you guys think she would vomit often and not tell everyone/us about it? Even if is was self-induced, I tend to think she would still talk about it and chalk it up to GP vomiting ('my feeding tube doesn't fix everything').
O, and the open-mouthed faces are horrible, of course. Even worse is that those are the pictures she
chooses for her instagram and/or as thumbnail for her YT videos. I don't get why none of her family or friends have pointed out how unflattering that is.
*Which is - of course - not average by US standards, but she is at a 'normal', healthy weight.
No. 398404
>>398398Also a great difference with a year ago: her choices in clothing. She actually dressed herself pretty normal back then, the leggings seem to be a recent thing.
I can understand wearing leggings for hospital stays somewhat, or for lazy days at home (though there's plenty of comfortable stretch trousers that are very decent). But it's interesting that she started to wear them almost exclusively during the last few months. IIRC, she mainly wears them because of her sensory issues, which are part of her autism. So it would've been a long-standing issue and not a new one.
She looked
so pretty on some of those older pictures. I'm not saying she is ugly now, but the difference is striking.
No. 398410
>>398405OH WAIT is she talking about raw feeding her DOG? That would make more sense.
Saged for being slow-anon.
No. 398413
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>>398401Wow. No Janiece, it's not. It's not an illness but a function problem, and it will be solved after your operation. So it's not "another illness on the long list of chronic illnesses". I'm sorry.
She is constantly referring to her recent problems as "part of chronic illness"/"that's chronic illness life for you", etc. But it's not. If you have diarrhea for a few weeks or if I have another problem, why assume that it's a chronic problem before you even know what's wrong?
No. 398418
>>398406I don't know. I've lost quite a lot of weight in a few months and now almost gained it all back, and I haven't seen a need for leggings yet. Stretch trousers, skirts and belts have worked fine for me. I use leggings instead of PJ bottoms though.
It's kind of an American custom though I think, to go outside in clothes we Europeans would only wear inside our home. Leggings are an example of that: though 'treggings' (stretch trousers that fit very snugly like leggings but look a bit more like normal trousers on the lower legs) and 'jeggings' (leggings that look a bit like jeans) seem to be fashion (somewhat) right now, you wouldn't wear leggings unless for sports or sleepwear.
No. 398420
>>398408I agree. I'm the anon you are reacting to, and yes, you are right. That goes for a lot of what she does as well. She is putting herself out there and wants to be seen as an example for people with chronic illness and disability. (And - even worse - is seen like that by some.)
I mean, I also wouldn't mind what a random person on YT was eating, but what she is showing us about what she eats combined with her GI problems and her need for a feeding tube is just begging for people to comment on.
No. 398424
>>398423Samefag, sorry.
Also to add, when you're a wheelchair user (I am), leggings are super comfy as there aren't any harsh seams to dig in when you're sitting on your butt all day. But neither of them are wheelchair users yet (nor should they be!)
(saged for multiple reasons)
No. 398636
>>398632Keeps someone else from having a post-op bed.
Or have I been using the NHS too long?
No. 398692
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No. 398717
>>398716But not how she wanted it to come across!
I never thought Jacquie would say something that made me think her clever….but there you go!
No. 398865
>>398744I've been thinking the same thing. I mean.. we all have, more or less. That's why this forum exists in the first place. She's munchie moron and everyone who has half a brain is waking up to that.
This is gonna be long but I've got some ideas..
I think it comes down to how she was raised, honestly. She's talked a bit about it. It seems like she's had an incredibly sheltered upbringing. Also hella fucking privileged. Her dad built big resorts, they moved a lot, she said a lot of the time she lived on some tropical island or something. Her mum spoils her rotten too. She gets whatever she wants. Her parents probably felt bad for moving so much, so they let her away with being a brat. Also she's an only child and in that situation, you can become extremely self absorbed and egotistical. She's learned how to manipulate her family and friends too. Though it only seems like she's got three friends. Janiece, Paul (though he doesn't seem to be a fan) and Julian who has recently been used as a prop and rejected once she was done showing us all his wheelchair and how Jaquie will look in her new one. It gets sadder when you watch the vlog where she gets the CNA (is that it? I forget) and she's so excited, starting the day with "we're getting a new friend today!"
So she's got her family wrapped around her finger. Her friends… Idk. Janiece seems very attatched, but she doesn't seem to have many other friends, if any, and she's weird kinda like Jaq. And also Janiece often gets legitimately frustrated with Jaq. They're like sisters who kinda hate each other. Judd seems to be getting tired. Paul never really cared. I like Julian, and he hasn't been around much lately.
It seems like no one's really gonna question Jaq. She's mentioned cutting people out of her life because of her health situation. Which might mean people have questioned her before, and Jaq has removed them. Maybe Judd, Janiece and Paul have witnessed this side of Jaq and don't wanna poke the bear. Paul and Judd have been bffs for ages and obvs Paul and Janiece are married.. so who's gonna call her out? They're all fucked if they do. Ironically, Paul and Janiece are legitimately sick. They probably fucking hate seeing jaqs antics. I bet they talk shit behind her back. I could sense Paul rolling his eyes VERY hard during his filming of the infamous hurricane walker-over-the-dog-gate maneuver.
There was something odd in her vlog today. Jacquie mentioned in front of Janiece (who just had her gallbladder surgery ffs) that she feels bad about her health improving while Janiece decides. First of all, you DON'T say shit like that, especially while she's recovering from surgery. She is so tactless. Jan was obviously pissed. You could see some tension there.
Jaquie has been questioned online, but she either deletes it or lets her minions defend her or makes up some bullshit. Her method of dealing with being questioned is to not deal with it. Simple.
Back to her upbringing.. She's probably never had to face consequences or really face any real hardship. She feels she can do whatever she wants.
She's obviously still purging, and based off her facial swelling I'd say it's worse now more than ever? People with EDs often are addicted to the sense of control they get. Maybe she feels out of control in her health (she's let herself get in bad physical shape but that seems to be the main issue now) and her marriage and her social life, and the one person who's always given her everything is probably not gonna be around much longer. She's always obsessively cleaning (I know she has allergies, it's not the cleaning that's the issue, it's how fucking compulsive she gets). And she's always got this crazy pressure to cook for Judd and keep him happy, and he never seems that grateful (I mean the food never looks great but still, that guy is one glum motherfucker). Her life fuckin sucks and I'm sure she's realising this now that the novelty of being taken care of is wearing off. So she's "getting better" now but it's obviously going to be harder than she thought. She's craving control over something. Why not weight loss? She probably finds it hard to deal with the weight she's gained and the muscle she's lost. And thin=more sick looking, which she clearly wants. She can cry "severe" again.
Anyway.. She's oblivious. She doesn't even think to lie properly, she's half assing it because she thinks she can get away with whatever she wants, like she always has. I fucking hope this blows up in her swollen face. I'm so tired of her shit.
No. 398917
>>398865I wonder if she has more friends but they don't want to appear in her vlogs… but then again, she records her whole life. I'd love to hear from someone who knew her in high school.
Loads of her "fans" want to be her friend, but she keeps them at a distance like she's too good for them ("we can't have mail, I'm too sick" - wtf!?).
Saged for non con
No. 398923
>>398917Her median fan age seems to be about 14 though. Even if she was receptive, how many 21yos hang out with 14yos that aren't family?
I think if she had friends that didn't want to be in the vlog she would do what Frey Life does, vlog until they get there and then pick up after they leave. But that never happens with Jaq. Her life is manipulation, whining, Netflix, cleaning, copying recipes off Pinterest and sleeping. Even Harlow seems over her at times.
No. 399122
I'm going to reference my self in this post. Don't get arsey with me about it, if you don't like it don't read.
I used to have a really active life, illness struck and now I am a wheelchair user etc. However, despite the fact that I am at massive risk of getting infections etc I have decided that there's no point in spending so much time trying to keep myself alive that I don't actually live. So yeah, I take risks but come on, who doesn't?
Jaquie however seams to have completely allowed her illness to define who she is, and allows it to dictate what she does. She's so wrapped up in her illness that she's forgotten who she is and what her life used to be. It's sad really, even if you put aside the questionable illnesses. What does she do with her life, apart from going to hospital appointments and doing treatments? Nothing! Her life must be so boring and lonely, no wonder she has become obsessed with her illnesses, but the funny thing is that the more she obsesses about her illnesses the more isolated she becomes.
No. 399149
>>399127You only have to sage posts that don't add to the conversation. I shared a small amount of information which was relevant to the point I was making. Whereas blog posting is when you share your personal experience, perspective, or anecdote in a way that’s not directly relevant to the discussion.
THIS post will be Saged because it does not add to the discussion.
>>399207Who is Molly?
Saged for not actually adding anything.
No. 399211
>>399209missmollysarah I think.
She actually has vEDS though, so is probably the right person to put EDS whiners in their place when they try to insist they're dying.
No. 399219
>>399211Just because you have something doesn’t mean you’re a saint and are great for putting someone in their place. It’s great she did that, but again, take it with a grain of salt. She can be just as
problematic as Jaq for other reasons (like another Mary Frey, kind of)
Anyway, continue with Jaq milk, please
No. 399223
>>399221I’m sure half the people in the general thread are only OTT online so this is an invalid argument. You can be actually sick, OTT online, and “normal” offline and still be
problematic like mentioned above.
But again, I regress, please get back to Jaq milk. I think OP just meant it as a heed this warning type of thing for credibility.
No. 399231
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>and now for some actual milk
I had to rewind to make sure I understood correctly.
No. 399311
>>399254Sorry but I don’t know what anyone’s doctor is telling you but no kind of meat is okay for GP. Meat takes 2-3 days to digest in normal human beings with the longest digesting period out there… so meat is a no go with anyone with motility issues. I can’t understand why any of these GPers are eating loads of meat or why Jaq says “Steak is my fav food!” Makes me giggle. Fruit is the fastest digesting with veggies following second. GP diet should be bland bland bland and nothing with hormones, preservatives, etc. Only from the earth.
Sage for… going on about GP diet, but I’m getting really annoyed at people saying what’s good and what’s not (GPer for many many years).
No. 399325
>>399311This. Jaquie is full of shit and so are half the people posting here when they talk about what is and isn't part of the GP diet, kek. Of course not everything vegan is appropriate for GPers, far from it, but virtually everything that
is, is vegan. No meat.
Just write a sign saying you want to become a tubie like Jaq and hang it round your neck, if your eyes going to eat that…
No. 399331
>>399311OK. The diet sheet i was given said small amounts of lean meat is okay (but no lamb or pork), but it's a bit of a non issue because I'm a vegetarian anyway (who now can't eat most vegetables, figures…)
Saged for bloggish.
No. 399596
>>399489Oh my fucking god. Worst thing about it is Jaq GAVE him this carrot aversion. He said that he used to like them then she put them in his lunch box every single day and he grew to hate them.
Honestly, the way he talks to her and about her, the fact that he relies on her to cook and clean got him, reminds me of a guy with mommy issues. He sounds like a grumpy little boy complaining to his mom sometimes. That sheepish mumble he does out the side of his mouth when he doesn't like something (when he didn't wanna watch game of thrones "I wanna watch black flag" he sounded so… Whiney..) He just has a way of taking/behaving that really just screams childish. And what's with his obsession with kids toys? He gets excited every time they go to Wal-Mart because he can go look at the star wars toys and he gets visibly disappointed if they don't have any new ones. Last time he got a lil overzealous and grabbed a big one to put in the cart and Jaq was doing her patronizing laugh/sneer, intercepting it and saying "we don't need it! No!" And he had to put it back. Everything he buys has to go through her, but she can buy as many ridiculous tubie pads, ugly table runners and teal decor she wants. Don't even get me started on his story at the dog park about the time jaquie and janiece broke his toy helicopter.
That guy is a boy in a man's body. And jaquie has an intense house wife obsession.
No. 399891
>>399850Oh man, look at her being all mobile. AND with someone who appears to be a friend? I didn't realize how much the walker shit pissed me off until now.
I love that doctor, can we get them back?? Watching her throw a fit over not getting her way is amazing. I have to watch more of those old vlogs.
No. 400216
>>400208It was during a training drill though. I mean, it'd be different if she wanted us to believe this was one of those moments she was 'stuck on the couch' and couldn't get up herself, but that was not the case.
>>400214Yes, yes! I'm
so sure she thinks she is really cute and funny. Her followers contribute to that a LOT. They often point out certain gestures and behaviors and then post heart emoticons and tell her how much they love it when she does that, blahblah. In a way, at times not even her own fans take her seriously. They don't treat her like the grown ass woman she is, but more like some sort of mascotte. The effing mascotte of chronic illness.
At least she didn't show us her feeding tube and/or tubie pads today. Who wants to bet she can't go a week without doing that though?
I keep trying to capture a still of her pump to see her feeding rate. So as much as I dislike her flaunting her tube, I need her to video at least the pump, kek.
No. 400421
>>400390I think we're all wondering about that. I mean, it wouldn't be
that difficult to fake certain things for just an online audience, if she'd just be consistent. Yet she keeps showing us what she eats, sitting on the floor ALL the time while claiming she can't bend down, going over a doggie gate with her walker the hardest way possible, etc.
I think she shows us what she eats, because she doesn't have much else to show. If she wouldn't show herself cooking and eating out, her vlogs would be even more boring. Although I have to admit, that still doesn't explain why she doesn't simply video herself cooking and telling the camera she cooks just for Judd but won't be eating it herself. Maybe
that can be explained by the fact that Judd actually knows what is in her vlogs? I don't know. There's so many things that are puzzling about her, and one of the main things is how she chooses to present herself online. Either she is just really dumb, or she thinks she is somehow above all criticism, or she beliefs a lot of her own lies. Maybe a combination of all three of those.
No. 400796
>>400785I don't know much about how this stuff works in the US.. so someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Could their hasty marriage have something to with her citizenship? Or her insurance?
I remember them saying they'd been taking about getting married and they just ordered a ring. And Judd had to propose as soon as the ring got there. It arrived during a short hospital stay so he proposed to her there. She seemed kinda upset (though she was still doing that forced looking grin) and said "you proposed to me in the hospital??" And he mumbled "well ya didn't give me much choice". Then they got married shortly afterwards in a court house.
Idk the whole thing seemed very weird.
No. 400816
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No. 400818
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No. 400819
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No. 400870
>>400818If she knows she isn't going to eat more than a few bites, why does she order/cook so much food?? Prety wasteful.
(Kek, we know she's eating it all)
No. 400958
>>400818And in today's video , she talks about her feeding tube , says it still hurts , talks about her gastroparesis, says shes not cured, talks about still having nausea and vomiting and venting and draining.
coincidence much ?
Also makes more chicken with garlic and Parmesan.
Also reminds people she will only eat 4-5 bites and someone else will eat the rest.
No. 401123
>>400681it sounds like he said "eww, you sucked up my eye you're weird"
but yeah that's not how newlyweds should be acting.
No. 401130
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BTW, anyone remember this one? This was less then a year ago(!) In November '16. I went back into her history, and from her Instagram, it looks very much like she started to develop symptoms only after she was diagnosed. She didn't even expect her GES to be abnormal, because she thought her nausea and vomiting was all due to CVS. But after being diagnosed with GP, suddenly she landed in the ER because 'her GP got so bad' she couldn't even keep fluids down. With a GES that was only borderline abnormal.
So I think the GI she references in this post had a very reasonable theory. Jaq told a few times that she starts vomiting after just a few bites. That fits quite well with rumination disorder. Her CVS might also have contributed to it.
But as we all know, Jaquie went back to her other GI doc. He told her that she did in fact have GP (although quite mild). And as the GI at Mayo did not actually test for decreased gastric accomodation, he doesn't think that diagnosis is valid. So instead of testing her for it and have her start simple and non-invasive treatment for DGA and rumination, she got her very own feeding tube. I hate to say it, but I don't think he should practice medicine.
No. 401182
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And, of course, a few weeks later..
No. 401184
>>401181Yeah, that's very telling. Every normal person would've said to the local GI: "I don't care you don't think I have DGA, I'm trying these breathing exercises anyway because they're harmless." Or at the very least would've demanded to be tested for it. But Jaquie did neither.
When she saw the GI at Mayo it all "made so much sense!" And then she is seeing her local GI and it's 'I trust my dr. is right". In other words, it suited her better.
No. 401219
>>399850Kek I just watched this. She starts off the vlog with a throat full of phlegm so she sounds soooooper sick. But she obviously just needs to clear her fucking throat. Then sometime between then and getting to the doctors office she clears it and she sounds normal for the rest of the vlog.
How long has she been doing this stupid "sounding sicker than I really am" bullshit at the start of her vlogs for?
No. 401593
>>392146Responding to this late but…. I watched this just now. Does her service dog ACTUALLY have all these random allergies? I.e. Artificial meat allergy and "environmental allergies". Like how does she know? Did she …. test her dog for allergens? Or is she making this completely up and projecting her sickness on this dog? She was saying he [the dog] gets eye infections, ear infections, itchy skin, hair falling out due to these "allergies" …but not on a raw food diet (which conviently her bff YT channel has tons of vids about) Harlow is fine?
She keeps saying it's much better for her, easier for her, that she really loves it, and that she's very happy with this raw food diet.
But I'm like….bitch you ain't the one whose eating this shit. Harlow is. it ain't bout you. I bet he hates that shit.
How does she know though I dont get it?
Sage for doggo
No. 401602
>>401593not wk'ing jaq because she treats that dog like shit but 1) harlow is a SHE not a he. harlow is a female name and she wears pink often. 2) you must never have had a pet because when they're ill you'd know. if the dog had allergies she'd be able to tell if harlow was scratching or had sores on her skin. she'd be able to tell her digestion was off with kibble by the way she shits.
NOT wk'ing because harlow deserves better but…wk for whatever pets you may have in the future. i pity them.
No. 401603
>>401182>the medications for gastroparesis aren't good right nowBitch what. They not only have medications for it (emend) but if you have a severe enough case/debilitating they have Botox injections into the stomach through an endoscopy every 4-6 months that almost completely stops symptoms AND they have a permanent surgery to fix gastroparesis. It's called a G-POEM (sp?) G-POM (?) it's a single overnight surgery that stops even the most severest of symptoms (only occasional mild naseu at best every few months) with a recovery of 2 weeks. So wtf is she talking about? I hate that gp has become the flavor of the year with all these munchies running around claiming they're doomed for life esp when they're faking it. I was in the first group for the NIH & john Hopkins gp trials for medication, treatment, and eventually the surgery to fix it. And the severest cases were horrible and in no way could vlog, social media, eat, and they looked like shit (starving to death, teeth rotted out, cutting in their throat, vomitting 40 times a day, etc) and the worse had it from severe diabetes. How "super duper special and terrrible" is her case that she can't just get elected for Botox or permanent surgery? Gurrrrrrl.
And at least she should be grateful she got into mayo, there are so many who never get the chance who really need it.
No. 401604
>>401593Sometimes with dogs it's just trial and error. Certain treats give our dogs horrible gas but if we let them they could eat an entire bag of another kind without any ill effects at all. Dogs are carnivores and if they were in the wild they would be eating raw meat. Our dogs practically flip on the rare occasions we give them real meat but doing so regularly is expensive so we buy a good quality kibble. Some of the things that she does with Harlow is kind of ridiculous, like I remember her requesting the vet pre-medicate the dog with Benadryl before giving a routine shot. Um… okay…. I would have loved to have heard the vets comments to staff after that one.
Sage for blogging.
No. 401606
> And what an affirmation that Judd is a douche that he tolerates/supports her game.Don't know if that's the case… I mean, most people who are in relationships with these Munchie disasters are in a very difficult situation. It is socially unacceptable to leave a sick spouse, especially a sick female spouse. And socially, Jaqui is from a much more affluent background, so there is something to be gained for Judd - a sort of financial security that he would not have otherwise. Finally, Judd is to an extent captive to his own idealism - as a former soldier and now a sheriff's deputy, it's clear that he has a strong sense of duty and he's naturally drawn towards the role of serving someone. Jaqui knows too well how to exploit that.
So, not sure if he's a victim or not.
No. 401609
>>401603Emend and the rest of the substance P antagonists (pitants) are not a treatment for GP, they're a regular antiemetic. Prucalopride is the closest but it has cardiac side effects.
You're right about POEM, though. PerOral Endoscopic Myotomy is a pretty decent surgery that works for 85% (and anyone for whom POEM is considered has already failed botox and XP stenting, none of which Jaqui had. In fact, as an idiopathic GP patient, she would have a better chance than that 85% as that includes among others diabetic GP, which does not respond that well to POEM.
No. 401633
>>401613The surgery for gp hasn't been around for long. Back when I got it insurance definitely didn't cover it (it's $18,000 for anyone wondering) and I believe sometimes they still don't (w/o the doctors contacting them personally) as it's considered "experimental" but I still see the others from the trials every now and then (the bring us in every few months to survey us etc) and most of us were the most extreme cases (why we got elected for trials). And almost everybody was still extremely if not completely better, even to this day (I'm still perfect years later). The problem is it hasn't been around for long so it's impossible to predict how long it will actually last, but they told us it was supposed to be forever. Since the #1st munchie thread I've been seeing these young girls hop left and right on it seemingly just to get the feeding tube with no interest in fixing it. There were patients in the trial, who had lost many teeth and couldn't keep not one thing down and had to quit their jobs and even they fought against having a feeding tube as often as they could. Bc its uncomfortable and not a good thing. But I'll see 18-yr olds taking ig selfies squealing in excitement over getting their #firsttube #tubie #!!! #warrior #gpfighter It pains me to see them randomly decided they have gp then 10 days later demand a feeding tube until they get it, then drop it when the next fad comes around.
I hope your friend is okay. Have her google the Botox or g-poem, I heard a few months back that insurances were starting to cover as long as 2 different doctors called into the insurance to say it's interferring with your quality of life.
No. 401772
>>400237>>400249Except the bug in her throat will
trigger a sooper serious asthma attack!
No. 401931
>>401926What absolute bullshit.
At least it's half an excuse about wearing the Vogmask in public (this is why I have mine, because of living in a large city = air pollution)
I give it 2 weeks until she's constantly wearing a nasal cannula. Though I'd pay to see Judd's eye rolling at that.
No. 402079
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Did anyone else go here while watching Jaquie turn her head like a maniac?
No. 402125
>>402095I think you gave the other anon PTSD. No biggie though, (s)he can start a vlog now and ebeg on Patreon.
>>402080With an intra-articular injection? That doesn't seem likely. Then again, nothing does with Jaquie.
I find it hard to believe Ketamine would work so well on EDS-pain. It's mostly indicated for neuropathic pain, especially when there's central sensitization. Although there can be nerve pain in EDS, most pain is caused by joint instability. Ketamine very likely wouldn't work for that.
But hey, maybe her recent "I'm getting better" means she is tired of her own factitious behaviors. Literature on FD treatment often suggest that giving the patient a 'face-saving way out' might work better than a 'hard confrontation, especially in adults. (Since they hardly ever will admit to factitious behaviors, unlike children and teens).
No. 402132
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>>402130Exactly. Even if I believed that she only has “a few bites”, that shit is no good for gastroparesis so severe that you need a J and G tube. Heck, it looks too cheesy for someone with IBS!
No. 402138
>>402135To piggy back on my other post:
Ketamine works for CRPS. It's meant for this type of "chronic pain".
No. 402361
>>402358That's just…. ugh. It really spits in the face of people who actually have to deal with gastroparesis. I have a pretty mild case and still have to be careful, couldn't imagine happily trading this for a hole in my gut though!
saged for minor blogging in context
No. 402617
>>402604Agreed. The whole idea of doing two treatments at the same time is stupid, because how do you know which one had what effect?
Also, while ketamine can work for many kinds of acute pain, it working for a longer time on
chronic pain is based on the 'windup' effect that it seems to reverse. That's why it's good for CRPS pain, and
maybe for other kinds of neuropathic pain. But not for nociceptive pain. You wouldn't expect it to work on joint pain, certainly not in EDS where there's 1. a clear cause for the pain (and not a windup effect or central type pain) and 2. a combo of chronic and acute pain.
You just don't expect a knowledgable doctor to go for ketamine in these type of cases. And IF they did, you'd expect them to do it only in cases of severe pain that is suspected to be neuropathic in origin and after many other treatments have failed.
No. 402814
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Looking just as healthy as always, if not even more so kek. Can’t forget that speschel shirt to celebrate getting a completely unnecessary treatment
No. 402936
>>402819Or how she tastes only very small amounts, or just swirls it around in her mouth and spits it out or whatever.
Although she doesn't have to do that: she shows us her plate all the time, so we
know that she is eating it. Even if it's only a small amount, if she can eat it, she can taste. What I don't get though, is how she can't eat small meals throughout the day. And maybe supplement that with liquid meal shakes.
I mean, it could somehow be believable if she was telling us she could eat about 60-70% of her daily needs, and the tube feedings compensated for the other 30%. If she would've tried anything else and even with small meals and liquid shakes could still only get 60% of her needs long-term, I could get the feeding tube. I MIGHT even be able to suspend my disbelief on
what she is eating, because everyone is different. But her telling us the can only eat 5-10% and her feeding tube makes up for the rest - and how 'very dependent' she is on her tube, as she told us in the hurricane prep vlog - that's just a straight out lie.
No. 402949
>>402947She is taking medicine that she recently re-started after having to stop it due to I think insurance issues. She won't specify which drug, though.
Also, I've been going through her Instagram, and before she stared infusions she said she was drinking about 3 litres a day, but that wasn't enough. 3L doesn't sound very much to me. I don't have POTS and I drink at least 4L a day, I think it's closer to 5 or 6 even. But I'm a habitual herbal tea drinker, with the emphasis on habitual (wait, my glass is empty already? Let's fill it again, then). A while after she started the infusions, she started saying she needs it because of her gastroparesis is causing her to be able to drink only half a litre a day. Funny thing is, before she started the infusions, she said it was for her POTS
and GP, so it's not like that came on after she started the infusions. So I'm not sure why she could drink up to 3L at first and now only 0,5L. Also, I do not believe someone who is able to eat friggin' ice cream and solid food (even if it's just a few bites) would not be able to drink a normal amount of water a day. That just doesn't happen. If you can eat a bowl of soup, you can drink water.
No. 402952
>>402949O, funny thing: I'm drinking 5L a day, and I have gastroparesis as well. Not meant to blog, but just as a comparison: I lost about 1/3 of my weight in just over 6 months. So I wouldn't say it's an all too minor case. But drinking tea? Nope, not a problem. I get nauseated sometimes if I drink too soon too fast, and I burp up tea all the time. But that's it.
(Again: not meant as a poor me post - I'm fine - but just as a comparison and why I won't believe she wouldn't even be able to drink enough water. Sorry, it's just not believable.)
No. 402955
>>402949Lol shit I totally missed that. Thanks anon. She said she could only drink half a litre of water a day because of her GP…..? But broccoli, carrots, fried chicken, fried shrimp, hushpuppies, ice cream, milkshakes, Mac and cheese, asparagus, raw cucumber, and creamy pasta are ok. This fucking girl. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Her GP is sooo bad that she can only drink half a litre of water a day (have you guys seen her fridge in their at-home emergency room? It's full of juice. Which she loves apparently.) But she can somehow also eat a fucking array of very non-gp friendly foods.
If it were true that she was only able to drink half a litre of water a day, she'd need more than she gets from her transfusions. Especially if her POTS is as severe as she claims. Dehydration is super detrimental to POTS. Also, up until recently she was having diarrhea every day. Of course she'd be dehydrated. But we never see her making a real effort to fix that. And no extra sodium/electrolyte drinks. It's like she wants to be dehydrated.
She's also throwing up a lot, based on her chapped as fuck lips (today's vlog she had huge chunks of dead skin half hanging off. Blegh. I bet Judd never kisses her.) And her swollen face. But she doesn't mention it much.. or at all. Which means she either is purging or she is in denial about her diet/safe foods and doesn't want anyone telling her she's wrong. Maybe both. Probably both.
Without her POTS, her infusions, her port, her feeding tube.. all things that are easily managed/eliminated.. what has she got? EDS? Well she clearly doesn't have that. Autism? She clearly has that but she DEFINITELY plays that up (why.. I'll never understand).
It'd be so easy for her to get rid of all this crap and just be normal. But then she wouldn't be "special", duh. She'd lose her audience. Her Patreon's. She wouldn't be able to play patient anymore. She couldn't hobble around with her walker and her port dangling out, and her fucking vog mask. No one would praise her, help her, coddle her. She knows this. That's why she keeps doing it. It's easy, it's what she understands. She grew up being coddled and given everything she wanted.
Sorry for the big tangent. I just fucking hate this bitch. Obviously.
No. 402956
>>402955I'll try to find the Instagram posts to back that up. It
is an image board, after all.
Might take a while though. Got real work to do as well, kek.
No. 403027
>>403017It was the same with her narcolepsy meds. She explicitly said that she was not comfortable to share what she was taking for it. Or maybe it was because 'everyone is different', but that means the same thing, of course.
So I'm guessing it's Xyrem. And I'm sure she is or was on Provigil, because she has a pillbox with a label saying Provigil on it.
No. 403028
>>403027That makes sense if she actually has narcolepsy.
I don't get why she has to be the most special with secretive treatments, and why no one calls her out on this.
No. 403032
>>402956Ok, I'm trying to piece things together. I've got some Instagram screencaps. I just can't find where she said she can only drink 0,5L a day because of her GP. I'm sure she did say it, and I'm about 90% sure she said it in a vlog somewhere. I think while she was sitting on the couch.
If some of you remembers in what video that was, please let me know so I can put together a nice milky post.
No. 403123
>>403065I knew someone would say this. But actually, I'm finding that big parts of her vlogs are done either in the car of some shop or restaurant, or sitting on the floor. Or, as you say, in a hospital - or their own - bed.
So.. I haven't found it yet. But I've got no time to edit my screencaps now anyway. If I can't find it and none of you knows either, I will post what I've got. Can't promise how soon that'll be, but I'm guessing within 24 hours is a safe bet.
Sorry to put all of your patience to the test, kek.
No. 403257
>>394419Unfortunately I am experienced in malingering as a narcoleptic. Unfortunately I picked up a GHB habit in medschool and preferred insurance pay for it.
Actually it's very easy to alter sleep architecture with the right drugs. GABA-b agonists and gabapentinoids in high doses will make the PSG look odd at least. An "odd" PSG with low latency is enough for a lot of doctors to dx narcolepsy.
Latency is the hardest thing to fake. The line between low sleep latency and walking into the office ready to pass out is a fine one.
No. 403351
>>403322Lol oh my god you're so right. She seemed kinda annoyed at him for doing it in the hospital. And he said she didn't give him much choice, because they agreed to get engaged as soon as the ring arrived. But she was out of the hospital like, the next day. He could've just waited. You could tell she loved the novelty of being proposed to in a hospital gown though.
I wonder what the staff thought.
No. 403551
>>403265>Also, I could be wrong because I'm not a wheelchair user, but what's the utility (for Jacquie) of teaching Harlow to press handicap buttons? Does she have any justifiable reason, given they're positioned FOR wheelchair users and she has full use of her body?Yeah I don't get that one either. I'm in a wheelchair and I struggle with doors because I usually can't reach the doorknob. But I can't lift my arms that high. In my own house though, where the handles are at the right height for me, it's easy peasy. Closing is more difficult, but again: I can't reach. In my powerchair that's actually a big problem, but I manage fine when I'm using my manual chair. Those buttons are also usually too high for me, but they wouldn't not be for her.
So why Jaquie, who can lift her arms, can reach, can move her body forward and, let's not forget,
can get out of her chair to open or close a door for herself would need her dog to open doors for her, is beyond me.
>>403310She's getting power assist wheels though. Why? Again, that's beyond me. So she will probably be able to self propel, but there is no way in hell she'll be able to get the chair in and out the car by herself. So more independable? No way. She could just as well have gotten a simple manual chair so she could propel a little bit and have whoever is with her push the longer distances. Much easier on Judd's back to get it in and out of the car, and about a tenth of the price (or less).
No. 403715
>>403320Oh, I was overjoyed to get my wheelchair because before it I'd only been able to leave the house once or twice a week. The problem here is, she's treating it as an accessory, not a tool to become more independent because she's getting the fancy custom option, not the thing most suitable for her actual needs (well, the needs she claims to have).
For what she describes, a small lightweight folding mobility scooter would be far more appropriate, so she could move it herself, load it into the car etc.
No. 403721
>>403659She said somewhere that when she vacuumed, she would often nearly faint and once actually fainted. Later, when she got the Roomba, that story changed to "I would faint
every time I vacuumed".
OK, I don't have screencaps for that, but I'm working very hard at my other caps, which actually was quite a project. Maybe I will look this one up later. When I have the time..
No. 403723
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No. 403724
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No. 403725
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No. 403727
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No. 403729
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Last one.
No. 403772
>>403729(Nice work, op)
So basically she found things online that she could easily fake, and then doctor-shopped until she found specialists that gave her what she wanted. Finding one doctor that says you don’t have a condition is reasonable, but multiple doctors that tell you you’re fine is pretty telling. And I guarantee her normal doctor didn’t come up with all the treatments, jaquie did, and then convinced her doctor that she needed them. Not how a good internist works, eds and pots are outside the scope of 90% of them, and they refer patients out. Notice how jaquie has to look for providers further and further away, since the ones by her aren’t giving her what she wants. Plus, malnourished?? She looks pretty damn healthy here.
No. 403777
>>403772I think she did have some kind of blood pressure/autonomic problem (I'm the OP, btw). Her tilt table test and holter were abnormal, and she shows in a video somewhere how her heart rate is very fast and drops very quickly once she sits down. Of course there are other possible explanations for that, but I think the reason she started going to doctors for those symptoms, was because something was going on.
However, I also think that she read about it and immediately knew what diagnosis and treatment she wanted, and that she shopped around until she got what she wanted.
I also think her symptoms aren't as bad as she claims. I mean: she is sitting on the ground all the time even when she is at home alone, so clearly she can get up by herself. Also, she suddenly can walk stairs etc. after her ketamine treatment (which of course can't be a placebo effect or something she is using as a face saving out for some of her factitious behaviors). Yes, she said she had POTS symptoms after that, but clearly she can do much more and it's not just her POTS limiting her as much.
No. 403798
Agree with OP. I am also in the medical field and follow her because a patient of mine is obsessed with YT chronic illness vloggers. I agree that there may be a baseline of relatively minor issues but her presentation is what is so annoying. When compared to cancer or other truly chronically ill patients, she is making a mockery of them with her own MINOR maladies, calling herself chronically ill. She is supported by all of those who post comments on her YT and encourage her to show post symptoms–odd that there are any negative comments–she must edit them out. Agree that her display of symptoms and her rolling on the floor or sitting cross-legged don't ring true. I feel a little sorry for her obvious emotional illness (Chronic Illness?)that causes her to seek this attention. But I too am extremely annoyed with her hair stroking, thumbs up, baby talk to the dog, hand waving, stretched out vneck shirts to display the port, the pink wardrobe/equipment display in public and her sad faces when she isn't feeling well. If she truly has any TRUE diagnoses, she could have done a much greater public service to viewers, but she is tainted now and no longer credible. She could have shown how physical therapy helped control her EDS and POTS, since other than fluids for POTS, exercise is at the top of the list for treatment of both. I am most concerned about her talk of pain meds, with the current opiod epidemic–such a bad example for young viewers.
No. 403821
>>403803So maybe she didn't have POTS per se, but only 'blood pressure irregularities'? It seems she mentions only those the first few times, only after a while she begins mentioning tachycardia as well. I still think it started somehwere with actual symptoms which were or weren't POTS and which she made into something a whole lot worse.
Also, I
think I remember what happened at Mayo. Maybe it was not all that happened, but I remember her saying that she was nervous when she went to Mayo the first time after having her port placed. She said that although Mayo has many different doctors, there was one thing that no one of them seemed to be on board with, and that was IV fluid therapy for POTS. So she probably didn't really have a bad experience there (she would've written about that!). Maybe it's just that they didn't give her what she wanted.
>>403808When there's no alternative and wheelchairs are used properly, they can really make someone more active though. Problem is that so many people use them wrong, or get them before trying ALL the alternatives out there. I haven't seen Jaquie do a multi-disciplinairy rehab/pain management program, haven't even seen her do physio. If she'd been inpatient in a rehabilitationcenter with two or three times and do graded exercise, try out other ways to stay more mobile (not meaning the walker) etc., then she can go ahead and get a simple wheelchair for just day-long outings if it'd be up to me.
No. 403909
>>403032She has had a bone barrow biopsy I remember videos about 3-4 months ago,
But I am sure she claimed mast cell long before that.
No. 404184
Something I've been waiting for is to catch her feeding pump rate she won't share. Well, it is visible in todays video, at the 6.25 mark: She's at 35 ml. That means that IF she is running it continiously at let's say 23 hours (24 is just not possible, you have to flush, change out bags, shower etc., I'm being generous with 23 hours) she is getting around 1200kcal from it. Yeah.
With her being inactive and on the shorter side that
might not be (much) under what she needs to maintain, but remember, the reason she can't do day-only feeds (I actually wrote night-only there at first, because who on earth wouldn't do that rather than dayfeeds??) is that had to
gain first. She also said somewhere that she is on a higher rate now, because she can tolerate the new formula so much better. Unsuprisingly, that seems to be a lie.
No. 404203
Follow up on
>>404184 In a video less then two weeks ago ( she talked about how she spoke to her doctor and because she had lost some weight, she had to adjust her feed rate to gain that back. That means that before that, her 'goal rate' was
less than 35. And because of that, she can't condense it into day feeds right now. Err.. so 35ml is such a high rate that you can't condense that? But most adults are at rates between 50 and 100 if they are doing 24/h feeds. And you can't condense it because you are now temporarily at a 35ml rate to
gain weight?
Of course, with what she is eating, she can gain on this rate. But she claims that she can eat only 5-10% of her daily needs, so that makes no sense.
No. 404212
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>>404203And let’s not forget that when you start getting nutrition again and gaining weight (as miss jaquie claims to be doing), your metabolism tends to speed up, especially in someone as young as jaquie. So she should be needing more than a normal base calorie level than someone not needing to restore weight. Most tube feeding clinics (or doctors) have goal rates of 100 ml/hr, so you can get a few hours off, which can be beneficial and is just nice to not be tethered to something all the time. But 1200 calories a day is very unrealistic for a young adult woman, as a base rate it might be okay for some people, but she’s not bedridden so is automatically burning more calories. I googled the average daily requirements for a 20 year old woman, and it’s much higher than she claims. And because she has health issues, she probably would need even more (I still doubt she’s sick at all).
No. 404240
>>404184Great detective work there.
I am always dubious when people say that they aren't sharing their feed rate/lung function etc. She's sharing everything else about her life, telling us the ins and outs of her health and medical care, yet sharing the rate she's on is too much? Perhaps she's started to realise that she is not fooling everyone and is trying to reel back in the amount of information she shares, so that people can't question her so much.
No. 404257
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I’d be exhausted, too, if I wasted $15,000 in just a couple hours. Any coincidence that Mary Frey just had ivig and is also taking a rest day?
No. 404260
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>>404259Here’s her ivig day pic
No. 404262
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>>404257And here’s Mary, ivig day and then recovery day (recovery for something different but still).
No. 404264
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>>404262(Mary is awful as well, but it’s pretty obvious in these where jaquie is getting her ideas)
No. 404346
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Another nod to the fact that she reads this thread. Frequently it would seem. An answer for everything…
No. 404351
>>404260Fuck, imagine sitting in a chemo suite getting your yummy doxorubicin… and across from you, this giggling fuckwith with her vogmask is yelling at her camera, gesticulating like she's having a seizure and talking about how hard her life is and how horrible the headache will be. Meanwhile, if you don't end up bludgeoning her with your IV pole, you will probably spend the next days vomiting and shitting yourself. And your reward for surviving another chemo cycle? Sharing the same chemo suite with this moron.
Jesus. I'd have gone with assisted suicide if I had to endure Jacqui during treatment.
No. 404393
>>404351Not only is it insulting to actual patients in the infusion center, it’s insulting to every single person with the diseases she claims. People who depend on feeding tubes would give anything to be able to eat, and many, many people with chronic illness have to work to have insurance and to pay for treatment they desperately need, while jaquie is laughing her way through hundreds of thousands of dollars (at this point, including what insurance paid for) of treatments she doesn’t need. She has no idea what it’s like to be hospitalized for sepsis or a feeding tube problem or an uncontrollable reaction to something, and worrying about how you’re going to pay for your stay, and if you’re going to lose your job because you’re missing work, and how you’re going to pay all your other bills. Chronic illness isn’t fun, it’s not about accessorizing. It becomes about how to manage to live as close to a normal life as possible, while dealing with adult responsibilities and people that don’t care, because they’ve never heard of your disease and it’s not cancer.
No. 404476
>>404423But he doesn't put it on when they go out
either (when he's not working) strange behavior for a newlywed . My husband is a mechanic but wears his on weekends and days off.
No. 404563
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Does anyone recall Jaquie having "anaphylaxis" from IVIG? I thought it was just "meningitis".
No. 404624
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>>404605Yeah, whoever jokingly suggested that she was getting an adjustable bed next so it would be just like in the hospital was…right. And she's apparently going to try and make insurance pay for the fancy new bed.
No. 404677
>>404669She usually says it after insulting him. I am not a huge Judd fan but I could deal with him way more than her.
Today while bed shopping he mentioned hip pain - for the firs time ever. Bc like most people we suck up our aches and pains and don't frign vlog about them.
No. 404681
>>404677Noticed that hip pain too. Thought it was funny that he actually was 'picky' (I don't think he is though) about matresses, and Jaq - the one who's supposed to be in 6\10 pain on a good day - only cared about the toy that is an electric bed. You'd think someone with joint and muscle pain, heck anyone who is in bed more time than the average adult, would choose a mattres careful. But nooo, her
husband cared more than she did.
No. 404684
>>404681Agree totally on this, it seemed very weird to me too. We just bought a new mattress ourselves due to various levels of discomfort etc that by no means prevent us from holding jobs or living life, yet we were wayyy more invested in our purchase than Little Miss Special Needs. I also found the indifference towards her pillow to be odd too. I occasionally have morning headaches and found a good memory foam pillow is the ticket to fixing that. Again, I would think LMSN would definitely see the correlation between a decent pillow and head and neck pain. But noooooo. Maybe because one can't really buy accessory lights for a pillow? IDK.
Sage for blogfag.
No. 404897
>>404895I remember it being unconfirmed as well, and I was suspicious with how quick she recovered. So really she milked the hell out of a headache (from doing a treatment she didn’t need).
>>404886Very true, research/teaching hospitals are all over writing up new or rare things. And mayo is used to seeing rare. Most things that munchies claim are rare, like eds, mito, immune deficiency, etc., mayo sees every day if not multiple times a day. And wouldn’t they treat her themselves, instead of having her GP prescribe everything from ivig to her port and fluids to her wheelchair? With chronic illness, you work up, from least specialized to more specialized. You don’t go to mayo and then back to your GP.
No. 405086
>>405069Feeding tube was in her local hospital though. I don't think the GI at Mayo would agree, as he wanted her to do breathing exercises and thought that her vomiting had a rumination component.
I know that doesn't negate point in any way, but I do think that is an interesting factoid.
But yeah, it was funny how she said the docs at Mayo don't agree with ports for POTS. I mean, I know that
sometimes if you're sick a second opinion may result in a very different treatment that your first doctor might not have thought a very good idea. I have experienced this myself, even. But when the argument of the first doc is not something like "I'm not sure if that would work for you", "I don't have much experience with that treatment", "I'm not sure the pros outweight the cons" but actually
"You don't need that shit" AND that happens to you more than once.. I
think it's time to take a step back and look at the choices you make.
O, o, before I forget: someone here has said that her GP (general practitioner in this context, not the other GP) is a family friend. I haven't been able to find that. I recently went quite far back in her Instagram
history when I put this shit together
>>403723 and all I found was that her Florida GP "came highly recommended" or so and she was curious what she'd be like. I haven't found a reference to a family friend. Or was that the POTS doctor, who seems to direct a lot of her other care as well? (Prescribes her IV meds, I
think was the one to start her on IVIG, does her 'port care' etc.)
Anon who said that about the family friend, do you remember where or maybe approximately when this was mentioned?
No. 405319
>>405086The "POTs dr" and her GP are the same person. She calls the GP "my internist" when discussing POTS issues and "my primary care doctor" when discussing non-POTS issues.
This anon knows not where the family friend detail comes forth.
No. 405524
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I sooo hope she addresses this. I love this commenter.
No. 405532
>>405511The way she - and her followers - are talking, you'd think she was having a major health crisis.
Girl.. you've got a kink in your tube, it'll all be solved in a few days or a week at the most. Even if you actually needed that tube, a few days without feeds isn't going to kill you. You lived before you got the tube, right?
And yeah, only a few crackers, while on other days she eats all kinds of shit? Yes, small portions (if we even believe that) but still, even if she is telling the truth, with what she shows us she can eat at least 40% of her daily intake. And remember, she told us that the fact she could eat more is
because she can vent her G-port now, which is.. wait for it.. still working perfectly.
I am curious where this'll lead us to though. Will she need a different, even more 'special' kind of tube? Will she need surgery to place the tube in a different location? Will she need a standing order for TPN for when her tube kinks so she won't die in the three days it takes to arrange a feeding tube change? This is better than Netflix, guys.'
But for now, she is of course scared as heck that she won't be able to get another button and have an ugly dangler tube so she won't be able to use her tubie pads. Because that would REALLY be a setback.
No. 405547
>>405543This. I've had a temporary feeding tube twice. I had different suppliers. Both times they literally told me "if there's anyting wrong with your pump at night, DON'T call us. It's a feeding tube
it's not that important. Make sure you get a night's sleep, and call us in the morning.
Also: her
larger syringe is 30 ml, and the
smaller is 20? My
biggest was 20, but most of the time I'd need the smaller ones (either 5ml or 2,5) to flush it properly. Obviously it's different for a nasal tube, but if my tube would flush with the 20 ml, I wouldn't even
think there was a problem. If there was a lot of resistance, I'd just try with the smaller ones till it was clear. Obviously that wouldn't work if there was a kink, but I'm just saying that even if she may have been right in the end that something was wrong, she jumped to that conclusion VERY fast.
No. 405629
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What good would a hospital visit be without Instagramming it?
No. 405672
Not sure if anyone's already mentioned this. Mary had an issue with her port the other day and they were saying they really didn't want to go to the ER. But that's her port, and she's also on IV antibiotics. So that would be totally justified. (They worked it out and it was fine)
Now Jaq's feeding tube is clogged. And she doesn't need to go to the ER immediately. But she acts like it's something she HAS to do, in the middle of the night, even though she really doesn't want to. But like… If she really didn't want to, she wouldn't, because it's not a fucking emergency. So she makes her mom drive her in even though she's got work the next day.
The ER sends her away when they find they can't help her and tells her to call her GI in the morning. Which she should have just done without going to the ER.
So she gets told to visit a bigger ER and she goes with her CNA. Who gets paid to sit with her there for hours? Why couldn't Jaquie just go by herself in a taxi? Taxi services have the ability to accommodate disabled people/service dogs. Or get dropped off and picked up by the CNA? It's like she just wanted a friend with her. That's sad, but the CNA is not her friend. She's doing a job. Albeit an unnecessary one.
I fucking can't with Jaquie. She's acting like the world's ending. She took up space in the ER in the middle of the night despite not having a medical emergency and not only that, she requires a sterile room for immunosuppressive protocol or whatever it's called.
Judd gets called away on short notice and is probably having to go do some shitty, hard work somewhere in sweaty Florida and live in close quarters with a bunch of other sweaty, unhappy guys. And Jaq has zero sympathy or thought for him, because Judd going away is all about her. Obviously. Because she had a non medical-emergency and needs her emotional support service human/driver/personal verbal-punching bag.
No. 405805
>>405629Little miss entitled attention whore went too long without a crisis, poor baby. She had to go to the er because she can’t go without her asapats. It must be nice to have the time, energy, and cash to er shop for someone to take your fake problem seriously. Because feeding tubes don’t kink like she claims, the biggest problem is if it pulls out of your intestines and coils up in your stomach. And that causes severe pain and vomiting, which if you’re vlogging and IGing is not happening. Her type of buh-tun is specifically designed to not coil up, which I’m sure is a factor in its ridiculous cost. But who cares if insurance and daddy dearest are paying? You can throw yourself a pity party every day, complete with all those good munchie party favors like an unnecessary custom wheelchair, an equally unnecessary port, and a just as unnecessary feeding tube. My guess is next she’ll either go for separate g and j tubes, or try to jump right into the ultimate spoonie goal of TPN.
No. 405821
>>405319To be perfectly honest anon, I did not believe this, so I started to look into it. Then I found out that you were right, but THEN I found other information that contradicted that.
While I was doing that, I found some very interesting information. I will try and piece that together. It will take time though, and as I actually have more important things to do as well, might take a few days before I can post it. I promise though that it's worth it.
No. 405823
>>405672Kek at "emotional support human".
What I don't get though.. she is acting as if she has some major health crisis. You'd think that someone who has had some
actual major things happen to them, such as several potentially life-threatening allergic reactions in one DAY, wouldn't be phased by some minor problem with her tube.
No. 405828
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Always good to know her followers are standing by to give suggestions on what to do.
"Maybe you can get another tube, one that also requires placement by a doctor so you won't starve in the next two days?"
"Maybe get TPN for the next days, just in case"
But Jaquie is handling this already, her IV fluids and banana bags will save her
No. 405830
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Oops, posted
>>405828too soon.
No. 405831
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>>405830Third and last image
No. 405832
>>405829The problem is that they don't know that. So her doctors will probably think she is not underweight
because of her feeding tube.
Besides, what can we expect from the doctor who not only gave her a permanent feeding tube before they even knew if she would tolerate feeds just because he "didn't want to put her through two placements", but also started her on TPN for ONE WHOLE night just for the heck of it?
No. 405840
>>405830OK, I made fun about the first poster in that screencap, but what they say at first actually makes sense: she could feed through the G-tube. Also, someone suggested to her to squirt in the feeds in her J-tube with the small syringe. I know that that is what I would do if I were in her position: I would either try and run feeds trough the stomach (even if that would mean it'd have to be a lower rate). Or I would try to get even a little bit in through the J-port (I know you can't really bolus feed through a J-port, but even if it's only very small portions that would be better than nothing). And maybe I'd do both.
The reason why I have that posters suggestion to close her stoma and create a new one in a different position posted here is *because you do't suggest stuff like that to Jaquie"! She doesn't need suggestions like "maybe ask for TPN, you already have a port so why not" or other shit that's suggested to her. She also doesn't need people to feed into her crazy by saying poor you and telling her how terrible it is that she has a little problem with her feeding tube.
The whole problem with these kind of spoonie accounts is that they need crisis after crisis to keep your viewers entertained. It's like a badly written TV series where every new season tops the crazy of the previous because the writers are out of ideas. If she just went to school or work and posted "I went to school again today, worked hard at my essay" or "going to work now, sorry but I'm not allowed to film there" she would loose viewers and income. So she HAS to do crazy shit and that - frankly - is depressing as heck.
No. 405881
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No. 405903
>>405900I had a coworker who came back to work the very next day after gallbladder surgery. Granted, she was a little nuts but two months is redonk. Janiece will milk every possible day.
Sage for blogfag.
No. 405909
>>405903Two months? Nah, it's gotta be two weeks. She just had her stitches out (which she also made into a drama, btw). But I'm glad Paul finally told her not to make a big drama out of her scars and not act like it's a big thing when she has probably three barely visable lines as soon as the redness has dies down.
Meanwhile, Julian is back! Haven't finished watching the vlog, but I'm glad to see she didn't just dump him when she felt she didn't need him anymore.
No. 405927
>>405926And of course AGAIN someone in the comments suggests "what about TPN for the weekend?" Yeah, why not huh? We can't expect her to eat like she does on the days her tube is working, that'd be crazy!
(Also, friendly suggestion: sage goes in the email field.)
No. 405995
obviously she can't drink liquid meal shakes.
No. 406043
>>405995Obviously. But your thinking is flawed. She needs a tube to keep her tubie pad wardrobe from falling off her stomach. ;)
Her OTT posing of the question, "Some of y'all are asking what I will do without my tube…" And then her efforts to "reassure" her viewers that she will be okay until Monday.
Yay for Julian! Make your own channel, dude! You even wear POTS socks. You rock!
I believe KF formula can be used orally because it's real food, so blend that up in a smoothie and stop whining already. Gah.
Allll right, deep breath…I am now going to see what Janiece is all in a twist about (based on the subtitle of today's vlog, "Bad news at the surgeon"). I wonder if it's as bad as not being able to eat anything except smoothies and bread and crackers for the entire weekend?
No. 406072
>>406058"GoooOOOoood Friday morning everybody. So today I'm looking for some suggestions from y'all about what y'all would like to see from my vlogs. I feel like things have been getting a little slow, so I thought it'd be fun if y'all chose what you'd like to see!"
joyless smile "leave a comment down below if you'd rather I have feeding tube problems, an angeoadema attack, a migraine, unspecified EDS pain (because I don't actually have EDS so I don't know how it really works, do I just struggle up the stairs or? Is sitting cross legged on the floor for long periods ok? IDK) a fainting spell that conveniently nobody ever sees but Har, or diarrhea?"
gestures pooping her pants "We're so THRILLED to be letting y'all decide what direction we head in with these vlogs, but don't forget, keep moving forward."
cuts to babe getting home, ignoring Jaquie and going straight for harlow No. 406109
>>406058She said today, and I'm quoting directly, "I forgot just how little I am able to eat. Because with the feeding tube, I don't have to worry about it. You know, but, my gastroperisis is to the point where I really cannot eat all that much, at all. And now that I'm not getting my nutrition from the feeding tube I have to worry about how much I'm eating orally, I have to worry about how many calories I'm getting in a day again, and all this stress surrounding food is back, because when I'm getting nutrition from the tube, I don't have to like 'force feed' myself, I can just eat a little bit here and there, when I feel like I'm able to. But.. it is what it is. And all of this has just made me even more grateful for my feeding tube, and the other tools I have, so I'm just really looking forward to fixing this issue and getting back to proper nutrition."
No. 406133
>>406028You can get a top of the line vitamix for free if you have a medical condition that you need to be on a liquid diet you just have to write a sob story to the company. Which she would know if she actually went to a nutritionist and actually had gp.
>>405914Which she doesn’t have she would react to all that damn peanut butter and other shit she eats. All that processed crap is a no no when you actually have mast cell. Also pretty sure her biopsy came back normal.
No. 406250
>>406231Actually, for G-buttons it's recommended you twist it every day to prevent it from growing into the tissue. You
don't want to twist a PEG-J or GJ button. And although I think it could be possible for it to become kinked if you do that, the number one reason why you aren't allowed to twist is that you can dislodge the J-part so it's no longer in the jejunum but in the stomach. It would actually be very funny if that would happen in her case, because that would mean that she would feed into the stomach, proving she can tolerate it. They would've picked up on this with imaging though, so that didn't happen in her case. One can dream though..
No. 406255
>>406046At first I thought she meant the fact that she needed to have her stitches removed, as she was almost crying at the thought. It turned out not to be as bad as her previous experience, but it makes one wonder.. I think she has an incredibly low pain tolerance. And I don't say that to be mean: some people just feel pain much sooner than others. It's how you react to it that makes you either a bad ass or a big baby, or anything in between. Judging by her reaction, she is also a big ass drama queen though.
But no, I think the "bad news" was that she still doesn't poop regularly. (Which, btw, she started complaining about ONE day after her surgery. She seemed to be expecting to go regularly immediately after abdominal surgery and general anesthesia..) But they already knew that this surgery more than likely wouldn't solve that problem, so I don't get the big drama. Also, somehow she is convinced that to be 'normal', you have to poop every day. No woman, every other day is still considered to be very normal. Once a week is stretching it, but if you were to go twice a week without any discomfort, you're still totally fine. Thank you very much.
But why she thought it was a good idea to tell the whole world how often she poops and what may be wrong with her rectum? I don't know. Her doctors think she has rectal dysfunction, which basically means you don't know how to poop properly and you need instruction by a pelvic floor physio. It definitely is not the big deal she is making it to be.
Also, while I'm not easily grossed out and think that people shouldn't be ashamed to talk about their poop
to their doctors, I don't see why we need to know about this fact. I'm fine with people showing the internet how they change their ostomy bag or talking about their IBD or when to go to the doctor when your baby has diarrhea, so it's not like I don't think poop in general shouldn't be discussed online.
But in Janiece's case, I don't see what she is doing. She's not bringing awareness because her videos are not aimed at the larger public, it's not informational for other 'patients' because she doesn't give any information and.. well, all I see is drama and IMO gross oversharing. I don't get it. I have problems in that area and I always try to give as little detail as possible when I somehow need to talk about it. That's not because I'm ashamed of the fact that my bowels don't work properly, but because in general,
no one wants to hear about that.
No. 406258
>>406253Don't think so, you don't vent through a J-port. Also, if imaging shows it's kinked, it is kinked and not blocked. She could be lying of course, but somehow I don't think she is. Her lies tend to be spins of the truth, not blatant lies like this. Also, her mother was with her in the hospital and I don't think she would risk telling such an obvious lie in her vlog that someone close to her would be able to call her out on.
I don't know what happened. It could very well be just a kink. She's just milking it.
Although.. do we know what size she uses? According to the website, the 16 and 18F buttons have "anti-kink technology" No. 406264
>>406259Apparently, her chrystal ball has a kink too. The company received or ordered a wrong part and now it takes longer.
I actually laughed at that one. Because that shit happens ALL THE TIME for people who actually NEED a wheelchair and already had to wait for months to be evaluated and to get coverage for a chair that is actually right for them. So yeah, I was pissed that she would get hers so soon and without any problems. And although I'm not proud of it, I will admit that I was actually happy at something that made another person sad.
It's official: I am a horrible person.
No. 406322
Stay tuned to see if Jaquie's survival is at risk over the weekend. Apparently she has forgotten that in the past week or two she has vlogged herself eating her cucumber-turkey-cracker appetizers, Olive Garden pasta, stir fry, Judd's side dishes of mac & cheese, potatoes & broccoli, her special ranch chicken/potatoes, Menchies and smoothies. But until she can be SEDATED for the SPECIAL JAQUIE PROCEDURE DUE TO HER UNUSUAL UNIQUE ANATOMY to have her GJ changed, you can be sure she will be starving herself until Monday. In all of her dumbshittery, she assures her bobblehead followers (nodding yes, yes, Jaquie to everything she says) that her IVs will sustain her. All the IVs are doing is hydrating her–there is NO CALORIC value to her IVs! She should have asked her "TEAM" to order IVs with Dextrose in them so she would get something to "sustain her". I would have commented on YT site, but she schooled her viewers not to make suggestions b/c her TEAM is handling her complex case! But don't worry, she is cutting back her intense workout program to conserve her energy until she gets back on her KF formula, because you know, she really feels the burn on her yoga mat! So happy she had a near hysterical laugh when Harlow rolled over so her good friend Julian could give her a belly scratch—yeah, that was pretty funny, Jaquie! Can't wait to see what this psychochondriac comes up with today–she has at least 15 other chronic illnesses to choose from—drumroll while we wait for her vlog!
No. 406564
>>406483"Of course jaquie has to make everything an event"
Hate to correct you, but in her own words, it is an ADVENTURE!!!! Hahaha!
No. 406701
>>406674Except we know she can eat more than small portions, since she managed to gain a significant amount of weight on an amount of tube feeding that was scientifically impossible for her to even maintain her weight on. It’s exac like before she got her tube. She “couldn’t eat anything” or even drink water, but as soon as she got her tube, she magically could eat pretty much everything, including lots of foods that are not tolerated by people who actually have GP. And the eating of all sorts of shit continued until she had a “problem with her tube”, and now that it’s supposedly not working (pretty sure it’s not coiled in her intestines or stomach, because they would have pulled it out right away), she mysteriously can’t eat anything. Totally realistic kek. She probably won’t be able to survive the weekend, since she’s in such imminent danger of perishing from her sooper severe malnutrition. Top kek. If anything, a weekend of purposely starving herself to make it seem she still needs her precious precious tube will maybe take a tiny bit of her recent chub off, if anything, and if she can keep herself out of her normal eating.
No. 407021
>>406960Such malnutrition. Much sick.
Kek. Like she’s totally not eating when she’s not vlogging. It’s jaquie, queen of super serious GP with medically-conflicting sage foods and a magical ability to eat whatever fried, fatty foods she wants. But now that her tube “isn’t working”, the magical spell is broken and her stomach mysteriously doesn’t work again. But the brave munchie has just enough energy to film herself whining about how exhausted and tired and near death she
No. 407072
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Oh my fucking god.
No. 407100
>>407083Rule 3.6 says - If your comment doesn't add anything new to the conversation, sage it.
It doesn't say shit about it having to be an image post.
No. 407164
>>406960Today's video was the first for a long time that made me honest-to-God pissed off. The repetition. The self-pitying. The amateur dramatics. The BS when we've seen her eat greasy, rich, hard to digest foods but now starving herself for attention. I was so angry I couldn't finish the video.
As one commenter pointed out, some people fast for health reasons, religious reasons and so on. But the attention-seeking reached epic munchie levels today.
No. 407181
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I don’t have anything to actually contribute but I was scrolling through Jaquie’s instagram, and DAMN that weight gain is noticeable. She really ballooned up and looks so bloated
No. 407207
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Poor Judd. I'm sure he'd rather be gone. But now that he's home he can go on Olive Garden and Planet Smoothie runs. Queen Munch will live after all. Eye roll.
And as usual he would rather be with Harlow than Jaquie. But really who can blame him?
No. 407260
>>407181That's not weight gain. Well some of it is but not all. That's what happens to your face when you purge too much. Your jaw and cheeks swell up from all the vomiting and it gives you quite a recognizable type of face chub.
Her thighs however… That's just weight gain.
No. 407265
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>>407165Oh absolutely. Check out the comment she made on today's vlog where she apologizes for being repetitive and tries to make like it's only on today's vlog and only because she's so sooper serus malnourished.
Right after posts were made on this forum about how repetitive she is and how it manipulates viewers into agreeing with her…
No. 407351
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On Janice's new video
No. 407356
>>407352Bless you Julie Brown. You're doing God's work.
Fuck you Janiece. She's being rude to someone pointing out a very obvious flaw in her treatment plan that will ultimately lead to much worse symptoms. I hope she goes through with this "treatment" plan and sees just how unhelpful it really is. Can't wait for the "my wheelchair doesn't solve all my problems" vlog.
No. 407400
>>407352Doesn't take advice over the internet.
Does take advice from people who say what she wants to hear…. Hmmmm
No. 407412
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She doesn't even have GP, if anything slightly delayed gastric emptying but said she was told she had something else NOT GP.
No. 407515
>>407506Yep, and she even said in yesterdays vlog that she was much worse off then.
I could've respected it if she just had said: "I don't feel like vlogging this weekend". That's FINE. Totally. But this? This is stupid. She stops eating because now "she has to make every bit of intake count" so she only sips on the kate farms shakes. And in the end, her oral intake is LOWER than it would've been on a normal day.
She even says she tried feeding through her G-port, but immediately got very nauseous. I wonder if she tried pushing the feeds in with a syringe, or if she actually used her pump. I think most patients with GP would be able to run their feeds in their stomach, just at a much lower rate.
But of course, if she would run
anything through her G-port, her doctor would know that she doesn't actually need a tube, because that would mean she also can drink it and THAT's probably what she is afraid of. So she gets extra banana bags. Not a dextrose solution or anything that would actually
help when you are eating next to nothing and goes in full-blown hunger strike.
No. 407523
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This is the original post, the other photo was her response to people answering her question.
After the GSE only 14% of food was still in her stomach not considered GP maybe slight delay in emptying. Also she posted that she Mayo clinic said she does not have GP but Deceased Gastric Accommodation.
No. 407531
>>407523Yeah, that last fact was posted her before. The GI there told her she didn't have GP and she was about to start breathing exercises for decreased gastric accomodation. The doctor also said that the fact that she began to retch and/or vomit directly after eating something, was a rumination component. But then she went back to her other GI and he said that while it was only a mild case, she did have GP. He also said that she might have DGA
as well, but seemingly never followed up on that. So she just went with GP. And when her symptoms increased and she could hardly eat anything, her doctor did not do a repeat GES but just put in a feeding tube. Because why the hell not, right?
(Now I'm curious what my GES read, I've just been told "it's delayed and that's why you lost so much weight", so I'm assuming the delay was enough to explain my symptoms.)
No. 407554
The short vlog was like 12 minutes long. The whole time, she was holding the camera with her arm stretched out at or above head level. That's hard to do for anyone with mobility issues. Let alone someone with EDS. Let alone someone with EDS who is now starving to death and too weak to do anything but lay in bed and sleep all weekend.
She was being so fucking dramatic. Head in hands, almost crying. Eyes half closed, face hardly moving, barely able to open her mouth to talk properly because her fatigue is so "severe". But then her voice picks up, she starts throwing her arm around to gesture, her eyes open, she gets fully perked up. What for you ask? What could possibly warrant this change in behavior when she's so exhausted she can (apparently) barely move? Well, talking about her illnesses of course!
The funniest thing is, you can see she realises she's no longer doing her fake tired routine, and she literally snaps back into it within a second. It's bizarre. I'd link with a time stamp but I cbf sorry. It's like 3/4 of the way through though. It's cringey af.
No. 407559
She talks about how exhausted she is. How horrible it is. How these are tough times. She's gladly accepting people's kind thoughts and prayers, bravely reassuring her concerned fans that she's strong and she'll get through it. This fatigue is SO severe. And it's AWFUL. She's practically traumatized.
While vlogging and telling us all about it.
What a fucking. Bitch. I'm at my limit. She has no idea about severe fatigue. If you actually had severe fatigue, you'd be lying there, unable to speak, hold anything, look at anything, lift your arms, concentrate, your whole body is impossibly heavy. There's nothing to do but hope you can fall asleep and get some relief from existence. If you can't sleep, then you're really fucked. It's hell. It can be incredibly painful too. Headaches, nausea, full body aches. Sensitive eyes and ears too. It's like being trapped in your body but your body is in agony and can't move.
I'd like to see what she'd do if she ever experienced true severe fatigue. I really would.
No. 407565
What infuriates me most of all is that she herself and her fans make her out to be some sort of role model for the chronically ill. If you read the comments it's all about how she is loved, how everyone is praying for her, they understand, she is a role model and so positive and blah blah. She even has the audacity to say that she was getting emotional because she knew that SHE would begin to feel better on monday, but there are so many other "GP warriors" out there who still are struggling blah blah.
As someone with GP who is in the painful and uncertain process of trying to wean myself off of the NJ tube I needed because I actually was severely malnourished, I am insulted that she tries to speak for me. As someone with EDS, I am insulted by her portrayal of the condition. And worst of all, as a christian, I am insulted that she is speaking of how God is taking care of her and how thankful she is that he made sure she got all her "tools", because they are not tools but TOYS to her and because she is using the name of my God, my Creater and my Saviour to further her own agenda of portraying herself as a role model and someone who is o so brave in the face of so much suffering. Nay, I'm not just insulted, it is making my blood boil. So I am sorry for ranting and for blogging a teeny tiny bit, but I really, really am deeply ashamed and actually HURT by what she is trying to be.
No. 407582
>>407571Maybe; only time will tell. Though if that's true, I can't for the life of me understand how she didn't see that coming. She CHOSE to be in the public eye, to blog and vlog almost ALL of her personal shit, and she even posted in support groups
with her own name. If you first go on a support group and say "hey, one doctor says I have GP but actually my test results show barely slower-than-average gastric transit", post a vlog on YT where you tell that another doctor said you don't have GP and THEN a year later claim to have a very severe case of GP and need a J-tube.. how on earth can you think that people WON'T criticize you?
Take for example what that anon said about her asking how she would know she needed iron infusions. She
knows how that works. She isn't stupid. The only reason someone would ask a question like that is either because you don't know a thing about medicine, don't know that if you are deficient in iron it will show in your blood and don't know that your doctor determines that kind of stuff OR you are actively fishing for 'interesting' treatments. Of course she knows what iron defiency anemia is, so it is the latter. If you do that kind of shit and you do it under your own name, you can't act all suprised if "the internet" catches up on you and sees through your bullshit.
So I think she thinks she can somehow offset that with her 'cuteness' or her status as a warrior. I don't know. I think she knows she has enough fans who will defend her if people call her out and she thinks she can always stay one step ahead by manipulating the viewer. After all, she has no trouble manipulation her doctors to do whatever she asks for, so if she can do that, manipulating people who have less medical knowledge will be no problem at all.
But like I said: only time will tell. I really wonder if she can keep this up indefinitely and will tap into a new fan base as soon as she loses some of the old, or if there will be a tipping point where she can’t hold it up anymore unless she goes private and stops broadcasting every little detail of her life and illnesses. I for one would applaud her if she would go private. I don’t care about the milk; I’d just be glad that she would have a fighting chance to actually live a somewhat normal life when she doesn’t need fake crises anymore to keep her ratings up. Adding to that, the internet would be rid of a terrible role model and the whole community would be better off for it.
No. 407599
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On Friday her doctor told her to do the oral Kate’s farms and extra fluids (with just some extra vitamins, nothing special). If someone is actually feeding tube dependent, no medical professional is letting them go four days without a working tube. Hospitals don’t stock button GJ tubes in adult sizes (they have to be ordered from the supplier), but they always carry long GJ tubes and can replace a tube in an emergency. So jaquie’s doctor is aware enough of her actual eating abilities to know it’s not a real emergency. Plus, tube-dependent patients can’t just stop tube feeds, as it can lead to serious blood sugar problems. No one’s worried about this for jaquie or they would have replaced her tube with something days ago.
No. 407601
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>>407599Text with the pic. Gotta love the #disability, none of those conditions are necessarily disabling, and definitely not in jaquie’s case.
No. 407607
Ok, I have an interesting series here. I've managed to put together her posts about her IV infusions up until she got her port.
I will say: I knew she was full of it before this, but digging around in her instagram has opened my eyes when it comes to the extend of it all.
I started this because another anon had said that her POTS doc and GP are the same doc and she just refers to him as "POTS doctor" when it comes to POTS and "GP" when it is about something other, to make it seem like they are two different persons. In all honesty, I did not believe that she would lie so blatently. She is usually more subtle with her lies: twisting the truth as opposed to straight up making shit up. When I started searching for answers, it seemed like the other anon was right at first. But then I found that no, (s)he wasn't. But it was close.
Also, someone said that her GP was also a family friend. I haven't been able to find anything about that. That doesn't mean it can't be true, but I'm just saying what I have found. As I tried to focus on who her different doctors where, a story started to form about how she got her IV infusions. I will share that story with you now. Be prepared though, it's quite bad (and long).
No. 407608
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Last one
No. 407624
Something I have to add: sometimes I feel bad for going through her Instagram and reposting it here. But Jaquie, if you are reading this: YOU are the one who put this online. If you chose to put yourself out there and then even chose to let yourself viewed as some kind of role model, you are opening yourself up to scrutiny. Your story doesn't make sense and the way you are presenting yourself and chronic illness is dangerous. It is dangerous for patients actually struggling with it and it is putting the doctor-patient relationship - that is based on trust - at risk. It is also dangerous to young, impressionable young people who look up to you simply because you are presenting yourself to be someone you are NOT.
Personally, I would never go as far as reposting someones private Instagram posts. I know some people here do that and I don't know if I can blame them for that (after all, if you make your account private, how about only letting people in who you actually know, privately?) but I'm just saying that I myself would never do that. This however, is different: if you choose to be out there, we are allowed to talk about you. And who knows, we can even do some good here by making people realize that you are NOT a role model and that living a decent life with an illness is not all about accessorising your medical toys and that manipulating doctors into giving you what YOU want or what YOU think is best for you medically instead of actually listening to people who have studied for years to do what they do and who are actually trying to help you, is NOT OK.
So there you go.
No. 407741
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And of course now she’s posting about how she can eat but not enough. Bish, it’s physically impossible that you use your tube enough to gain or even maintain weight. If jaquie really was feeding tube dependent, they would have switched her tube the same day, not waited until the next Monday. There’s also just so much face palm in this photo. Not only does she have her own separate frige for her supplies, iv fluids aren’t supposed to be stored in the refrigerator, and most formula isn’t either (idk about the Kate’s farms stuff, but I would assume it too is shelf stable. So put whatever those vials are in the normal fridge and stfu about needing money and how expensive chronic illness is. Heaven forbid jaquie is ever confronted by an actual crisis, it would explode her mind.
No. 407742
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>>407741It’s also super offensive to people who actually have severe GP when she complains how terrible it is. This count has no idea. But at the same time, having GP still means you can have a good, productive life. It’s not fun and it’s incredibly frustrating, but it’s not automatically disabling. Yet this bitch acts like her “GP” that she doesn’t even really have is the end of the world. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 407810
The Pots/ saline posts were unbelievable. That is not how it works. You don't go to a doctor without a diagnosis and request IV saline. I hate saying this kind of stuff, but it really seems that she had the idea that she wanted IV saline through a port in the first place, before pursuing a diagnosis that would allow her to have that. Most doctors treating pots would make you trial medications for long periods of time (years) and if that doesn't help they'll just leave you to your own devices offering NOTHING to help. Your only options are to self-help yourself with water, salt, electrolyte drinks, compression stockings and exercise, or to stay on the medication that might only help a little bit to take the edge off the symptoms. I can't believe the succession of events she went through, and now the wheelchair tops the cake. At this stage, I am not even 100% believing her pots diagnosis at all. After they usually wouldn't diagnose orthostatic intolerance before pots. They would have done a poor man's tilt test or tilt test to RULE OUT pots before giving the OI diagnosis, not the other way around. OI is a diagnosis given to someone who doesn't meet the criteria for pots, (i.e. their heart rate doesn't rise over 30-40bpm on standing). I've never read an account of events like hers which has so many doctors scratching their heads, wondering what to do with a patient who's come to them without a formal diagnosis requesting invasive treatment that comes with the risk of serious infection and death. Also who says "completely disabled" when a doctor asks how disabled you think you are? I would have liked to see the doctor's face. Pots is not a disability. I don't care how "severe" it is, it is not a disability. This is speaking as someone who's heart rate can rise to over 180bpm on standing. If you are able to see, hear, move your limbs and think, you are not disabled. You have a nuisance condition, but to tell a doctor to their face that you are completely disabled is a lie. Most people take much more of a glass half full perspective.
No. 407816
>>407741 Some fluids do need to be regigerated, especially if they're vacuum sealed meaning all the air has been taken out. I'm on an elemental formula that I take orally and have "juice boxes" of it for on the go and they can be kept at room temp for tube feeds but for oral intake it's much better refrigerated.
I do agree though, she is a total fraud and offends so many with her fake portrayal. Honestly, who eaves to be sick?
No. 407978
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I never realized how much more Jaquie posted on Harlows account. It's amazing how in a year she went from going to Disney world once a week, probably eating all of the fried food there, to needed a wheelchair and a feeding tube. She's just trying to get more and more attention, and I believe she's never going back to school because she's able to live for free now. I wish we could send this shit to a therapist in her area. I bet if she had never gotten a service dog she would have never progressed so much, but I could be wrong.
No. 408106
>>407631>Um, an eating disorder fits literally all her symptomsTrue. I'm just giving you the facts as she presented them at the time. And while I agree an eating disorder fits most of her symptoms (even her sooper severe POTS) I think it's also possible that she actually had CVS or some other disorder that had her vomit a lot. Then, when she was doing better she realized that she would now gain weight. So she had to think of a new problem. At that time she was seeing a new GI who tested her for GP "just to be sure" and
"lucky" her, she tested - barely - positive. That's also a possibility. Both theories fit.
And remember that Jaquie said back then that she didn't think she
had GP, because she thought her symptoms were explained by her CVS? I find that interesting: if you have all of the symptoms and you are tested for something, you kind of expect it to come back
positive, right? When do you expect NOT to have a certain disorder you are being tested for? When you don't actually have the symptoms, when the symptoms you have are very generic, or when the disorder you are being tested for is very rare. These last two aren't true for GP, and she already had a diagnosis of EDS and POTS, both of which correlate with GP. So if you have all the symptoms, know you have conditions that improve the risk of having GP. And knowing Jaquie, she would
know that. Yet she doesn't think she has it. That's interesting. She also says in a more recent video that she didn't know what GP was until she got the diagnosis. Funny, because when her GI had her tested for it, she tells us she was tested for it a year ago and the results were inconclusive. So again, she is telling us a blatant lie. That doesn't suprise me anymore though. Not after digging around in her Instagram posts.
Something I'm just thinking of now: it's really strange how her current GI
knows that the doctor at Mayo didn't think she had GP and that decreased gastric accomodation was her true problem. It is possible they didn't ask for her records though and Jaquie did not tell them about the rumination thing. But he surely knew that DGA was on the table. He even said that that could still be a factor. But he did not only not pursue it, he gave her a f@cking J-tube. If you do that, you can be SURE that the patients stomach won't accept food anymore after a while. So OF COURSE she gets nauseous when she tries to eat more than a few bites. That's basically what not eating does to your stomach. That GI doc of her is SO irresponsible. I could somehow see a primary care doc thinking "patient can't eat - what about a feeding tube", but for a GI doc it's unbelievably dumb. They would
know that a lot of young women try to mask their eating disorder by pretending to be sick. So if a young woman knocks on your door and says she can't eat and their GES results are only borderline slow, you DON'T give them a feeding tube before at least
consulting psych, you giant NITWIT.
Ok, I'll just sit here and do some breathing exercises for a while.
"Breathe in - breathe out"
Your rage is a cloudy sky which is blown clear by the wind "Breathe in - breathe out"
No. 408135
>>408131What do
you make of it? You noticed it, so you must have an idea. What was she saying when she was looking away from the camera, and what when she looked right at it?
No. 408157
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Just going to leave this Google suggestion page here.
No. 408162
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>>408157Hm, my first suggestion is "chronically jaquie - face mask". Although Munchausen comes up pretty quick as well.
No. 408170
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Er.. aren't you forgetting something, Jaquie? You told us you could eat more because you could vent your stomach now (although when you say vent, you mean drain, obviously - do you even know what venting is and what it is for?). You were getting such amazing symptom relief with that, remember?
Also, who wants to bet she asks either her "POTS doctor" or her GI to make sure she has a standing order for TPN in case her tube kinks or clogs again? Since she already has a port, that almost seems like a reasonable back-up. Note that I wrote almost.
No. 408182
>>408176Yup, she says often that on bad days she can't eat at al, but in recent vlogs (I think it began after she got her feeding tube) she tells us every single time how today "she could eat more than she expected".
I don't want to go over her vlogs and count those times, but there have been no more than one or two "bady days" (GI-wise) the last few months. That would be great of course, and for a normal person, a reason to start discussing with their dietitian and/or GI whether the feeding tube was still necessairy. Of course a normal person would've gotten a nasal tube at the most so that could be removed easily, but in her case, she could just keep her tube and only use it when she was having a bad time, right? She wouldn't be the first patient with an 'inactive' tube. But no, she has to keep prove to us that she really is dependent on those tube feeds. That's what this whole crisis is about, of course. But we all know that.
No. 408324
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I said a couple days ago that I thought she would go dark everywhere except Patreon where she is guaranteed to get nothing but asspats. And today she's updating on Patreon but no where else.
No. 408326
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No. 408333
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Instagram updated. And guess what y'all?!? She's ALREADY running her nutrition!! Eye roll. Gotta show off that tubie pad…
No. 408361
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>>408162jfc does she really have a wiki?
No. 408401
if she would so that, I really don't see how he wouldn't see how that was a teeny tiny bit suspect. But I guess love is blind in this case..
No. 408425
>>407833So far she's mostly asked everyone what colour their wheelchairs are.
Because that's what people who NEED wheelchairs care most about. The colour.
Omg anon top kek! Completely brill. I bow to you and am not worthy. Sage for non contrib but thank you anon for the total rofl.
No. 408564
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On today’s episode of “bitch somehow gets everything she wants but doesn’t need”, jaquie gets her sooper speschel buh-tun replaced. And she survived anesthesia, you guys!! (Even though gj tube replacement is done with light sedation, if anything, not anesthesia, and can easily be done pain-free with no sedation whatsoever). Anyone else suspect she just needed a larger size tube? I seriously think the other just got too small, and then she made a whole story complete with er visits (where they did nothing, because NOTHING WAS WRONG). But can’t let the public know she’s gained weight, even though it’s obvious, because she really, really needs that tube. To “vent”. Even though it’s physically impossible she gained all that weight with the tube. (Also, her stupid thumbs up show how not hypermobile she is. Those are not the thumbs of someone with EDS).
No. 408579
>>408571It’s definitely a larger size. Also, those tubes have to be ordered (hospitals don’t stock gj buttons for adults), and they don’t schedule the replacement until the new tube arrives. And anyone who’s ordered something medical knows you can’t say you need a new tube Thursday or Friday, and have the tube ordered and received and the appointment scheduled by Monday morning. Especially since the appointment was already scheduled by the end of the week, before they could have possibly received the new tube. So if it was actually an emergency switch, they would have put in a long tube and ordered the other one, and then waited for it to arrive. Not to mention scheduling with radiology, no one calls on Friday and gets an appointment for Monday morning. No, I’m sure this was a scheduled tube switch that was organized and the tube ordered a while ago, not because there was a problem with her tube, but because it was too small.
No. 408655
>>408610She was with her mom when the emergency room sent her home without doing anything (in the middle of the night) and they told her to call her GI in the morning.
She went to the second ER the next day with the CNA and that's when she got scanned. Because the doctor tried flushing the port and it suddenly worked so apparently Jaq said "NO! Something is wrong! You have to scan me."
So I guess it's possible she lied because she wasn't with her mom or Judd. Unless.. did she say in the car ride home that her tube was kinked? Or was that after she came home?
No. 408694
>>408610>So you think her mother (at least because she was with her for the scan) and/or Judd are OK with her flat out lying as well? I can't see that…not outright; That's my thought as well. Her lies tend to be more spins of the truth, not blatant making up of shit. That's why she doctors shops to get a certain diagnosis and goes to another when she doesn't get what she wants. If what she did was
just to get online ass pats, she could've just skipped that altogether and tell us she got a new diagnosis.
Plus, she actually has something to loose when it comes to Judd, her mum and other family. They believe her, care for her, her dad pays stuff for her, etc. If they would find out she outright lies about shit, she'd be in trouble.
So I don't think she lied about the kink. She just milked it dry.
No. 408697
>>408582Here's the thing though: I don't think we can draw conclusions based on how things would work in other hospitals. There's a LOT of things that normally would not - and should not - happen, that happened for Jaquie:
No doctor is going to put a permanent J-tube in a patient with slightly slower gastric emptying who hasn't even seen a dietitian and hasn't tried alternatives, right? Yet it happened for Jaquie.
No doctor will prescribe IV fluids for a POTS patient who hasn't
tried exercise and compression stockings first, right? Yet it happened.
No doctor will refer you for port surgery just two days after your first full infusion, right? Yet, again, it did happen.
No doctor would start a patient on TPN for one night while they are waiting for J-tube surgery, right? Especially if the patient isn't even malnourished. Yet, a doctor DID.
No doctor will prescribe extra bananabags to 'hold you over' while you are waiting for your tube to be changed. I mean, that just doesn't happen, right? Well.. that's the thing: it happened. It all did. And whether it is Jaquie manipulating everyone or maybe asking her doctor beforehand to have an extra button in stock for her, whether it is her dad's money opening doors or whether it's just a coincidence (most hospitals don't stock TPN where I live, yet hers apparently had some lying around at that time) - it could be that this one pretty much happened like she told us: they scheduled the appointment and ordered the button hoping it would arrive in time and were planning to just give her a long tube if it didn't arrive in time.
I could be totally wrong of course, it's just that I don't think we can draw conclusions based on how things work in other hospitals or even based on how things would 'normally' work. Not when it comes to Jaquie and the world she is living in.
No. 408709
>>408668Yeah I wondered how Judd not being home could factor in all this. In any case I think it made it easier for her not to cook.
When he has a late shift and comes back home at night, she leaves him an easy dinner with instructions on oven settings etc. Does anyone remember if and what she ate herself in these cases? Did she cook for herself, or not? I live alone and I find that even when you are able to eat just fine it can be a challenge to really make something out of dinner every night when it's just you. She might be using it as an excuse, or maybe it's like you say and she finds it easier to restrict herself when he isn't there because she can keep away from food altogether.
Another thing: does anyone know how to start a new thread? I don't.
No. 408792
>>408697Fantastic thoughts. That's what honestly confuses me about the whole thing. It's clear that we either don't have all the information (which with how much she talks, I think we are getting all the information she could possibly have and then some "extra" information that she's making up) or the hospital system she uses is EXTREMELY negligent. I guess it's probably both. But my gosh, how could a hospital do this? It's so… wrong.
I'm just aggravated because I was duped at first when I started watching her because I believed her. It frustrates me that she is allowed to continue down this path where she is getting invasive procedures and special medications for things that can be handled in other ways!
No. 408995
>>408830So I have a PhD in psychology and currently I don’t see patients anymore, I only did that for a short while. I now research for universities and my field is in drugs/alcohol affects on the personality mainly.
Enough about me, however I did see patients for a good while. Although it’s hard to judge someone over the internet, I have watched a lot of her videos before and her gesturing, tone of voice, and how she treats others.
It’s clear to me that she was raised (although in a wealthy family), a not so good one. Why do I think this? Because her parents are divorced and up until BAM recently we just started seeing mom and hearing of mom. So I’m lead to believe it was a volitile familial situation which ultimately lead to divorce, and one of many reasons Jaquie craves attention. This is common in so many children.
Secondly I do actually think she’s somewhere on the autism spectrum. Judging by her flat tone of voice, lack of empathy for others, inability to notice what’s occurring around her, sensitivities, repetitiveness, obsessions, and so on. Now due to her attention seeking behavior like I mentioned before I DO think that she exaggerates some of these autistic behaviors and knows what she’s doing, because she was diagnosed at 20 years old, and she’s “aware” of being autistic.
Thirdly I think she may actually have some of the illnesses she claims like some of you believe however, just not as bad or probably as many as she claims. Because she is an exaggerater and sympathy seeker.
This type of behavior typically comes from trauma in my experience. I believe, as far as I can see without actually speaking to her that she fits being narcissistic, on the autism spectrum, and likely having gone through familial trauma at a young age.
Once she felt the flutter of one health issue and got sympathy I think she just took it by storm because she knew what she could do.
As far as I can see Jaquie is fully conscious and aware of how she acts for the most part.
No. 409003
>>408947Mary Frey kept her first button, sterilized it, and inserted it into a stuffed animal. Of course, Mary changed her own button at home. Mary also has been carrying around IV antibiotics pump and feeding tube pump in a pocketbook (purse?). I am guessing other munchies will need to do that, too, instead of a backpack.
Second, the user manual for J's port says that the water level has to be monitored. Since her doc and hospital don't use button tubes, I'm guessing no one told her that she has to check/refill the button.
According to the user manual, J's button is probably the largest size (based on things J said, like how much water it should contain when she checks it).
And, as a funny aside, her tube has "anti-kink" technology.
user guide: No. 409017
>>408947Mary Frey kept her first button, sterilized it, and inserted it into a stuffed animal. Of course, Mary changed her own button at home. Mary also has been carrying around IV antibiotics pump and feeding tube pump in a pocketbook (purse?). I am guessing other munchies will need to do that, too, instead of a backpack.
Second, the user manual for J's port says that the water level has to be monitored. Since her doc and hospital don't use button tubes, I'm guessing no one told her that she has to check/refill the button.
According to the user manual, J's button is probably the largest size (based on things J said, like how much water it should contain when she checks it).
As a funny aside, her tube has "anti-kink" technology.
user guide: No. 409045
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Did anyone watch Janiece's giveaway live stream? She was up and down off the floor like nobody's business and didn't seem faint or anything. If I do that with pots, I get presyncopal and have to lean on something or sit down before I faint with my heart racing. She doesn't seem like someone with "severe" pots, and definitely doesn't look like someone who needs a wheelchair at all. Also, if I sit on my knees like that, the blood starts to pool and becomes painful which makes it a misery to have to stand back up again and feel my heart pounding and start the process of fainting. But she was up and down like she just don't care.
No. 409064
>>409045Didn't watch it. Maybe you could give a time stamp? I find it really hard to get through her videos.
But I agree that something is very wrong here. Janiece will tell you that she needs the wheelchair not only for her POTS, but also because of her narcolepsy. I have never heard of anyone needing a wheelchair for narcolepsy. I have never heard of anyone needing to be carried upstairs because of narcolepsy. I also never heard of all the other things she talks about when she is talking about how terrible her narcolepsy is.
I'm not saying she can't
have narcolepsy, but the way she describes her symptoms and how she handles them e.g. -napping makes it worse (normally short naps are refreshing for narcoleptics and carefully planned naps are first line of defense against sleep attacks), -she only takes stimulants once in a while (not how they are typically used in narcolepsy) and how -fatigue is very central to her symptoms (while narcolepsy comes with poor sleep quality, the distinction between fatigue and sleepiness is diagnostically very important).. it just doesn't sound like typical narcolepsy.
That together with her POTS which clearly is not very severe (if she has it), her milking of her intestinal problems and the fact that she is contemplating a f@cking custom wheelchair AND she is friends with Jaquie.. seems really suspect. With her channel she is
clearly using her acquaintance with Jaquie to get more views, so it's very hard NOT to get the impression that she is trying to cater to an audience that has proven to be interested in a lot of medical drama. In other words: if her channel is more like Jaquie's, she may get Jaquie's viewers. Her channel has definitely changed a LOT in the last few months.
No. 409126
>>409097Omg yes that was kinda hilarious. She said "I'm taking all this home" so matter of factly. I feel like maybe when she's high the truest form of Jaquie comes out. Kek. Maybe that's why she doesn't "like" drinking?
On her 21st she went and bought a six pack of beer for Judd, rather than herself because "I don't even drink! I don't even like drinking" which she repeated a few times, (including to the cashier) I think she says it's because it makes her feel out of control and she hates feeling like she doesn't have control.
No. 409129
>>409126I've wondered if that also is part of the reason why she says she doesn't like to be sedated.
Although, to be completely honest.. I think most of us don't like to lose control. I know
I don't. (But I know for a fact I am not the only one who gets some sort of a high when waking up from anesthesia.)
What I don't get at all though.. WHY did they even use ketamine and plan to knock her out with propofol? I know many hospitals/docs routinely sedate patients with this stuff, but normally it's done with twilight sedation. Why go through all the extra effort of using an OR and having an anesthesiologist be there when you can just push an IV benzo and be done with it?
No. 409152
>>409130 It's different for everyone. For me personally being in a heated environment (room/bed/weather/shower etc) only effects my POTS if it's a level of heat my body isn't routinely used to, or hot enough that my body can't regulate. It doesn't regulate easily so if I'm chilled, hot things are really nice for the first 20-30 minutes.
I've tried those heated blankets they give you before/after surgery. It wasn't that hot, just warm enough that your muscles relax. It's also made by air circulating inside the blanket, so it's not heavy or stuffy. It's actually pretty nice. Felt like a spa.
Sorry for blogging obviously. Someone asked.
No. 409174
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Judd's face as she goes into her spiel about "I can eat now because I don't have to force feed myself" is pretty similar to my own.
No. 409179
>>409152Ok, so that's not really a contradiction. I was just wondering.
>>409174Kek, I did not catch that. You seen todays video though? Suddenly she's eating again. Come on! She hasn't been eating for a few days because she had to 'make every bite count' so all she would do was sip that Kate Farms shake, and now she can eat again, because she doesn't have to eat as much? Her logic is so warped. I don't buy for one minute that with that shakes she was getting
more calories than what she's getting orally on an average day. I just don't.
And I just can't get over the fact that her GI apparently is such an idiot. Not only did he put a feeding tube in her, but now he can't pick up on the fact that she is crazy obsessed with her intake and all things medical? Having another doctor prescribe extra vitamin infusions to 'carry her over' for a few
days, special order nutritional shakes which she has not tried before (if you can slowly sip those, you can tolerate a slow drip in your stomach - maybe not enough to maintain weight NOW, but it shows promise), asking for a special kind of sedation, and - SO - many other things.
Also: her GI doesn't seem to know what he is doing in general. Not just when it comes to Jaquie, but not checking water in the balloon? Using general anesthesia for a tube change? And - remember this one - having her try
bolus feeds through a J-tube when she first got it? He shouldn't be treating her. He obviously doesn't do J-tubes normally, and doesn't know when they should and shouldn't be used. He doesn't work with a dietitian, meaning there is no team and no protocol in place (that would, for one thing at least TRY to prevent people with eating disorders and factitious disorder from getting permanent feeding tubes). He should've referred her to a GI that has more experience with these kind of cases. Jaquie loves him, of course. But let me tell you, there's something wrong when patients prefer physicians that are
less knowledgable about their condition.
I am sorry that I am repeating myself, but I just CAN NOT believe that a GI doc can be
THIS ignorant and irresponsible.
No. 409185
>>409179Yep, saw today's video and the giant rich chicken & cheese & Mayo sandwich she was scarfing down. Come ON. Pre tube change : can only keep down tiny sips of Kate farms. Post tube change : giant fucking chicken fucking cheese sandwich.
The psych component to this is so glaringly obvious and you're right, her GI should
have his license revoked if he's aware of this shit.
No. 409195
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Jaquie and Mary Frey are exchanging asspats (and shirts)
No. 409197
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>>409185The giant fucking chicken fucking cheese sandwich. But muh toooobz y'all.
No. 409199
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No. 409201
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No. 409202
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No. 409235
>>409199i feel bad for mary.
i watched her vlogs some time ago regularely. personaly I think she is likable. she's a genuine decent person. imagine being so trusting only to be shit on by a munchie.
No. 409285
>>409231glad im not the only one. shes just as much of a mooch as the rest of the munchie ig/tumblr circle jerk, but people will defend her with their own life.
of course shed be besties with jaquie
No. 409294
>>409231Personally I don't see how Mary is whiny or controlling. At least she has a legitimate disease, and after following her for a while it seems like she's getting closer to needing a transplant, I guess I'd be whiny too.
Also I know Mary used to work, but to me it's reasonable that she isn't because of infection risks so vlogging is a way of income for her.
Not trying to disagree or anything, maybe I'm just missing parts where she is controlling? I do kinda fast forward the videos
No. 414910
All I can say is wow. I recently started instagram to chronicle my cancer, narcolepsy w/cataplexy, DTP, and epilepsy journey and she (or "Helper Dog Harlow") was recommended in my explore list. I made it through six posts and felt both sick and infuriated. How are her doctors letting this go on? And her attitude isn't "inspiring"–it's offensive as holy fuck. I want to get rid of my J-tube so, so badly. To act excited about major life-ruining surgery is criminally insane. To fawn over wheelchair colors is mental. I'd be mortified to be seen in public in a wheelchair; I'm in therapy now trying to work on borderline agoraphobia since getting tubed as it is, and that's largely invisible. The only reason I'd ever feel bad for her is that she's clearly, clearly very mentally ill–but she seems to be loving every second of it so I have no sympathy to offer. The fact that she copies other ill users too is appalling; god forbid a real sick person has an issue that takes attention away from her for a minute. And frankly if she's soooooo sick, how is she able to post so many times between her two accounts a week? I'm having trouble getting one up a week.
It floors me that her doctors are going along with this. Someone needs to sit her down, yank out all her devices (sans super special ketamine), stand her up from her chair, and tell her to cut the crap. And someone please rescue her beautiful dog. I think she's performing those needless tasks under duress.