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No. 388973
Why is nobody talking about this crazy bitch?
The basics:
>22-year-old male to female transsexual / self-proclaimed "butch" and "dyke">was allowed to transition as a prepubescent child by her crazy radical-leftist parents, whose SJW-mentality rubbed off on her big time>accused of emotionally abusing, stealing from and raping a transman that she was in a relationship with>now has an irrational hatred for transmen for being over-privileged male scum>has a severe victim mentality despite being an accused rapist (fan page) post by her ex that she raped: No. 388974
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No. 388975
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No. 389016
>>388975Normally I don't like making sweeping generalizations but hey, I'm going to just this once. Why is the trans community so aggressive towards cis women when most cis women seem to be extremely welcoming and supportive of them? You never see them going after men or telling men that 'they're more manly than you'll ever be', but in my experience it's overwhelmingly cis MEN who refuse to accept them and are even hostile towards them? And I know a lot of people have made this point across the internet before : but it's also overwhelmingly cis MEN who commit violence against the trans community so…
Where is their hatred and belittling of men? I don't see it. Ever.
Makes no sense to me honestly.
No. 389088
>>388974The sheer entitlement is astounding.
>>388975Fuck, and I used to love Rent. Guess we were all young and dumb once.
No. 389201
>>389053who cares
how come every lolcow thread about a trans person is largely just terf whining? i don't even want to like argue about it i just think it's really fucking boring to read the same radfem talking points over and over when i'm just here for milk
No. 389373
>>389201This pretty much.
Even talking about these supposed "misogynist mtfs" is definitely irrelevant to a discussion about Eli because she doesn't appear to "hate" cisgender women or think she's better than them (other than that one tongue-in-cheek post to piss off the angry radfems who have been harassing her on Tumblr just because she's trans). She's seems to only be another professional victim on Tumblr who bitches about being less privileged than others. Typical cringey SJW behavior. The rape/abuse thing is another story, but I looked into it and it's hard to say if it's true or a big lie written by a bitter ex.
I'd be interested if there's any milk on this person or proof that she really is a violent rapist but for now she just appears to be a typical SJW moron.
No. 707316
>>707233Are you new here? This thread hasn't been updated in 3 months … Did you wander in from a Google search?
Anyway … welcome. Can you elaborate? Are you a student there too?
No. 717169
>>708065fuck off Eli
(hi (cow)) No. 743194
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sorry to necro a thread but she's currently getting dragged on twitter for this article she wrote. No. 743195
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>>743194someone also called her out for obsessively editing her own wikipedia article
No. 743196
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No. 743231
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>>743196So I decided to look into this, and Eli Erlick got his name removed from the article.
The original twitter thread about the article had backlash from a lot of famous people. Shame none of them noted that the author was a self-admitted rapist!
No. 743234
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>>743196The fact that Eli Erlick didn't know that the opposing Cheerleading team was the Clovers from Bring It On… says a lot.
I'm pretty sure the movie was a staple for a lot of girls growing up in the 00s. Why does this guy try to write social commentary from the perspective of someone who isn't part of the social class? It is so cringy to read.
No. 743250
>>743194Eli was into some depraved ass shit when we knew each other around highschool. Eli pressured me into watching A Serbian Film and had an ongoing library of similarly awful shock horror movies/borderline snuff/gore for edge points? Sexual gratification? Has that kind of time but has never seen Bring It On? Lmao.
I hope more people have more to say about the weird sadistic leanings since I still haven't seen that backed up except the rape allegation? I still work with LGBT youth and burning bridges isn't something I can afford so forgive me for having no milk, all I have are ancient skype logs that would get traced back to me. I just really do think they are dangerous, cruel and not a fucking role model.
No. 743316
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So apparently here are some screenshots of a conversation between Eli and one of his victims. I heard he raped a bunch of transmen (so, females)
No. 743557
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>>743464"Death threats" in 2018 are literally someone hurting your feelings or saying "people like you shouldn't exist". It's a convenient excuse to have when you want to backpeddle and get away from the consequences of your retarded actions.
The article is hilarious though, it should be preserved in a time capsule from 2018 so that people in 2050 can laugh at the dumb cultural whims from a few decades ago. White male rapist in a dress calling herself a woman writing about mah kweer PoCs and how a fucking Ariana Grande music video is literally genocide. It doesn't get much crazier than this.
No. 744489
>>744368I warn people I know irl that have met Eli or I think might for ~activism~ or w/e
rtg made a video abt this also lmao sage for pretty much being a rundown of what's already been posted.
No. 766765
>>707316All you have to do is type in Eli Erlick, UCSC.
Shows all the info you need; listed in the PhD Student Directory.