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No. 381032
Cringefest drama starting """idol""" from the Metro Detroit cosplay scene. Went by Maihime online but recently goes by "Lovely Clover".
>Been harassing underaged girls who like dancing since ~2010, starting with bullying Aminyan in the Chou Anime Maid Cafe, making accounts to bash her.>Tried to join dance group "Ike Ike Imouto" (now pink devil), trying to run things like she owns it while insulting member's dancing>Hops on board to a new group she got to be leader of, starts drama with every single member>Dance group "Nebula Kiss" should have had about 17 members but she ran about 12 of them out by bring a shitty human being>Did fuck all other than be a bitch while the rest of the group did everything for the group>"I was leader/founder of NK" after what was left of the group got sick of her shit and stood up to her bullshit, which she then left>Started stuff with everyone but claims "the Michigan dance comm is full of petty bitches" when the rest of us all get together and dance without her>Wouldn't allow group to do idol songs, but after running out the first pink member who went on to do idol songs, she is suddenly an idol>Hard on for aikatsu because it has small competition so she can milk a fanbase>Suddenly tried to be buddy buddy with Aminyan when she moved to Japan to be an idol>Ran graphic designer out of group, claiming "we don't need you, I have people lining up to design for me">"Can anyone graphic design for me?">Posts shitty Ms paint edit of herself>Started shit with KohimeBashiri>After practically sucking her dick for sewing skills because she can't sew>After the entire community gets sick of her shit and black lists her from events, she "goes solo" and disappears off the internet for a while>Comes back with well known photographer as a bf, starts trying to build herself back up by milking her friends>Gets right back to starting shit and blaming it on everyone else>Lingers around all new groups she tries to get involved in everyone's business, follows around New girls aged 16/17 when she's 26/27>Has a daughter but would rather be a make believe idol than raise her kid>Just posted that she busted ass to get where she is because "racism" even though he's only issues are her being a flat out piece of shit human being (Aminyan didn't have the issues she's claiming) probably because sjw photographer boyfriend who knows nothing about her history, and isn't active enough online to gain a following>Has no fucking concept of idol culture in Japan No. 381068
>>381032>>Dance group "Nebula Kiss" should have had about 17 members but she ran about 12 of them out by bring a shitty human being>>what was left of the group got sick of her shit and stood up to her bullshit>>the rest of us all get together and dance without her>>Wouldn't allow group to do idol songs, but after running out the first pink member who went on to do idol songs, she is suddenly an idol>>Has no fucking concept of idol culture in JapanSo which member of Nebula Kiss are/were you? The pink one who wanted to do idol songs?
Couldn't this shit have gone in the black weebs thread?
>>378693 No. 381127
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>>381032>idol activitiesNobody knows her
>let's aikatsu!Kill it with fire
No. 381307
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From her "private" Facebook. Rant about white privilege to get where she is lol
No. 381311
>>381307"They called me nigga" lol racist whites almost always say nigger with a hard r. Amina even complains about racism from time to time but it's usually fellow black girls(like Leah) who start shit with her.
"I had to work my up"
To where? Performing in anime con hallways and nobody giving a rats herpes infested ass about you? She's so delusional. What's her Facebook?
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>calls self an idol
>28 with a baby daddy
>posts shit like this
No. 381320
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#1 aidoru rubery kuroba desu (^.^)
Let's Aikatsu!
No. 381344
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Leah's "boyfriend" and moomoo