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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 378471

This girl is such a whack man. I've looked deeply through every posted picture and the captions and they make NO SENSE. She states in her bio that she has "crohn's, colitis, etc … ok, first off, crohn's is colitis! lol it's just a more specified form. She said she recently had a "surgery" which was outpatient colonoscopy and or endoscopy. She saw nothing so that's why she is not given meds from these gastro dr's she sees bc she truly would like pain killers of the opiate sort. She dr shops due to this. The ER stops to get her dilaudid fix. She has never been able to prove any illness she claims to have, ever. She's been called on on several posts and couldn't give proof to support her alleged chronic illnesses. This girl is truly sick in her head and claims to be presently pregnant. I suggest you take a gander at this milky waterfall(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 378472

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No. 378473

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No. 378474

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Rigggght ?????

No. 378475


Wrong board bud

No. 378505

She has been mentioned in one of the general munchie by internet threads. I considered posting more about her there, but she has had a chronic clostridium difficile infection and recently had a section of her bowel removed which cannot be faked. She is very OTT and posts a lot of blood, needle, and pill porn. Her earlier posts include a lot of dairy and desserts, food she admittedly should not have been eating.

She is a nursing student. Pursuing a pregnancy so soon after major abdominal surgery would seem to be inadvisable.

No. 378548

>sees Kelly getting all that attention
>posts own thread
Munchies are transparent af.

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