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No. 373405
Lynda Leung (a manager of some kind of Angelic Pretty in USA) has come into fire again for comments posted on her FB. While there have been complaints about her for years, this is the first time there has been a stronger public pushback and complaint against her towards Angelic Pretty itself.
As of now there have been two admittedly halfassed apologies/explanations posted on the Angelic Pretty USA fb page and Lynda Leung's own fb page. Time will only tell as to whether she will finally be fired or if anything will come of it.
AP USA FB: Leung's FB: No. 373407
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While /cgl/ has been providing the most caps and info about her, the threads there have been regularly getting baleeted (probably due to the drama rule)
No. 373409
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Here is AP USA's statement, though most people don't see it as a valid apology and there is some skepticism as people believe she herself runs the social media of AP USA
No. 373437
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>>373417Not OP, but here's some more context.
No. 373439
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>>373438And the general response from the lolita comm is summarized with this. There's a petition going around as well, and loads of people are talking about boycotting AP USA or AP in general (which, IMO, is stupid.)
No. 373501
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What really piss me off about the situation Is that AP is bacially saying they won't fire her but will give out a punshiment of some sort. Their apolgy was bullshit at its finest. Bascially saying its ok to be a Racist as long as you are doing your job. Like AP this has blown up and she is now known publiclly as a racist and yet you are still keeping her as CEO
No. 373551
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this op isn't organized the best for people lacking context so I'll try and put together a timeline for people not in the know.
The earliest well known grievance against Lynda is her continued fostering of known sexual predator Phil Shinkai (pictured). Phil has sexually harassed and attempted to solicit sex from girls in the SF lolita community, resulting in multiple restraining orders against him. He has additionally worn an SS nazi uniform in public (+ potentially to lolita events? I am not 100% sure of this).
For these reasons he was banned from the SF community and the Baby the Stars Shine Bright SF store + associated Baby events.
However, there has yet to be any action against Phil from AP USA, despite these dangerous behaviors of his being known for YEARS. Lynda is in charge of the AP USA store and its programming and she continues to allow Phil into the store as well as attend its events.
No. 373560
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Lynda has a track record of making [publicly accessible] inflammatory comments on Facebook, behavior which would result in any other business employee's review or dismissal.
Lynda sends FB friend requests to basically anyone with a lolita profile and she typically introduces herself as the person running the AP USA store, so her position is well known to the community. She is sort of considered the "face" of AP USA because of this.
Here is one documented instance from within the past couple years wherein she defends business's right to refuse serving customers for "any reason," in this context because said customer is gay*. She posts a comic which then compares refusal to serve gay customers with refusal to serve KKK members, because this is a valid comparison to make in her mind, apparently.
I believe the replier here (Chen Jay) is a member of the SF lolita community and would know/ have interacted with Lynda in person.
*Yep, Lynda is trans herself. Yes, she has made other anti-gay/anti-lgbt comments before. Nope, no one really understands how this makes sense.
No. 373566
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Lynda is very open about her pro-gun stance and has mentioned such in inappropriate and uncomfortable contexts.
In the image here Lynda uses the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks as justification for her pro-gun views. Her insensitivity was shown further when she updated her (this?) status with a body count of the attack as if to prove a point.
I have not seen screencaps of the following incidences and am relying on lolitas' personal testimonies: Lynda is very open about her right to open carry and has bragged about carrying a firearm while dressed in lolita/ at lolita/ Angelic Pretty events. Lynda has also threatened lolitas with gun violence in group chats among them.
No. 373570
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Moving on to the most recent incident that seems to have pushed most people over the edge.
The Facebook post here
>>373437 was shared by a Texas lolita onto her personal page. The entire thing is not shown here but it essentially states that it is disappointing how people have hurried to defend the right to free speech/expression of the marchers in the top image (those carrying Nazi and confederate flags in the white supremacist organized march in Charlottesville), but have conversely disapproved of the individual protest performed by Colin Kaepernick in the bottom image, wherein he knelt during the American national anthem in protest of [predominantly Black aimed] police brutality. The post then asks HOW people can possibly justify such a view. It is an anti-Nazi post, which is why Kyra
>>373513 liked it. She previously cleared up this misunderstanding one of the threads made on this.
Lynda then went on to answer the [rhetorical] question of the post and justify the white supremacist marchers by saying that they are merely "expressing their view" during their personal time. She then edited this post to clarify that she does not "like either" the Charlottesville marchers nor Colin Kaepernick.
No. 373577
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Lynda received many replies to her comment that can essentially be boiled down into saying "um what the fuck" –people were not happy. Lynda's reaction to these was to be an edgelord with comments such as
>>373438 , which although may be a meme/joke for many it is certainly not an appropriate statement for someone associated with the AP USA store.
This screencap
>>373566 circulated via several personal pages, RCU, and the SF comm page before Lynda decided to make the attached "apology" post. It seemed to people that she was not actually sorry at all, but more upset that people were defaming her in her eyes. This post is still viewable on Lynda's FB page which is open to the public.
No. 373588
After the RCU and later Rufflechat threads gained hundreds of comments, the majority of which were angry and proposing boycotts of AP USA or for Lynda's dismissal, the AP USA facebook page posted this statement
>>373501 .
It's similar non-apology tone to Lynda's own post, as well as the knowledge that Lynda herself runs the AP USA website and perhaps the social media profiles as well, led many to believe that Lynda was the one to write this post. This theory was furthered when comments mentioning Lynda by name and terms such as "nazi sympathizer" were mysteriously deleted.
There is currently a petition being shared to let AP USA know of the amount of people upset by Lynda's actions and their intention of boycotting the store until something is done about her. The petition can be seen/ signed here: is not a petition to get Lynda fired as this action is likely not easily possible. AP USA is owned by Lynda's personal company Saxony as stated here
>>373512 . It is rumored that she owns a 10% stake in Angelic Pretty's business as well.
There have been some comments/testimonials on Lynda's shady business practices as AP USA's franchise owner that I cannot personally attest to but have heard repeatedly enough to believe. For example, it has been said that Lynda purposefully overcharges for shipping on the AP USA online store in order to have excess cash to pocket.
No. 373636
>>373574I wonder if people knew this, more people would try to defend Lynda. LOL
Weird a trans person is trying so hard to be an edgelord
If Angelic Pretty USA is owned by Lynda then I don't see what can be done. I doubt AP Japan would stop doing business because Japanese people don't tend to care about this shit. I guess you should encourage people to boycott the store and not worry too much. Plus physical stores aren't that big of a deal these days when so much lolita shopping takes place online.
No. 373844
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saw this public from someone who works at the store