No. 368195
>Dumb fucking attention-whore cunt whores her life out about how she relapses with cutting and bulimia on youtube.>She wants to be an inspirational GURU for helping girls that cut and have bulimia >Wants her fans to be part of her "Shanny Fanny Family" cult>Happy music in the background when talking about her relapses fucking mad this bitch has gotten no backlash.
Shes like the bitch on dr phil with the cuts all over.
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She is in no place to be a mentor to mentally ill people, no credentials, and doesn't actually do anything to help anyone.
Its all an attention grab to boost her worth, shes fucking borderline or something.
Needs to be in a ward.
No. 368210
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BEST PART, She got teeth donations to replace the teeth she lost from bulimia, AND RELAPSED AGAIN
>woopsie daisy, hope you shanny fanny family fans are here for me while im going thu so much :3