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No. 367724

Fucks every man who offers including Vegancheetah

Younow is her main source of income. 31 years old, act 15 and had her kids taken away from her due to drugs.

http://www.brattycupcakes.com/(shit thread/vendetta)

No. 374581

Is it true that she had her kids taken away due to drugs?

As I understood her ex has the kids most of the times..but she has them as well.

No. 401200

I’ve seen her guest on eugina cooneys younows… is she a porn star

No. 401258


No, she is not a pornstar. As far as I know …

But she do guest with a lot of other younowers, her bestfriends are Sully and Dapper.

She was friends with vegan cheetah, but they had a fallout.

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