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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 366127

Michele Lundy
- known for her relationship with Whitney Wren, it was very public and it lasted about a year
- after breaking up with Whitney she started dating Cheyanne Taylor (str8 girl)
- after two months of dating Cheyanne she cheated on her with Whitney
- has since started a slew of drama with other known twitter gays
- created a weightless plan that basically tells people to starve themselves
- consistently likes to bash Whitney

Whitney Wren
- video taped herself and Michele together as proof that Michele cheated on Cheyanne
- now dating some random guy and is generally staying under the radar

Cheyanne Taylor
- stayed with Michele even after being cheated on
- fought Whitney at a club after the whole cheating scandal happened
- received a puppy as an "I'm sorry I cheated on you" present
- moved in with Michele after two months of dating
- speculated to only be with Michele for internet fame and money

Michele Lundy
Twitter: twitter.com/lunndyy
Instagram: instagram.com/lunndyy
Tumblr: lunndyy.tumblr.com

Whitney Wren
Twitter: twitter.com/WhitneyWren1
Instagram: instagram.com/whitneywren1
Tumblr: whitneywren1.tumblr.com

Cheyanne Taylor:
Twitter: twitter.com/CheyanneTaylor7
Instagram: instagram.com/cheyanneetaylorr
Tumblr: cheyannetaylor.tumblr.com

No. 366131

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screenshot from cheating video (now deleted)

No. 366132

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proof that it was michele at whitneys house after she claimed it never happened

No. 366135

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weight loss scam (1/4)

No. 366137

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No. 366138

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No. 366139

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No. 366141

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starting drama for no reason (?)

No. 366142

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No. 366154


twitters that recorded and screenshotted the majority of the drama

No. 366159

No. 623348

You should how they claim to be “Wilhelmina models” but the page doesn’t follow them and they have never gotten professional pictures taken(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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