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No. 362172




Honestly given how she acts and her general cringey personality and known usage of sub-botting, I'm surprised she doesn't have her own thread here already, though I guess I'm not sure how you'd qualify an ASMR cow. On top of her very publicly displaying her (husband? Boyfriends?) foot fetish on her channel, she just seems to behave… inappropriately. Especially for someone her age.

No. 362283

So what's her milk?

No. 362351

>this has 40k subscribers

No. 362549

Oh my god I used to watch this bitch before she got big. I'm talking like 50 views and no comments with about 4 likes.

She is cringy and acts like a slutty 20 year old despite almost being 40 but I don't think she has any real milk. I also don't get why she types in the comments section as if she is a brain damaged 12 year old.

I never knew her fiance had a foot fetish though. Top kek

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