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No. 355733
Alternatively titled: Batshit insane genderblob recreates the FF7 house in a Voltron otherkin discord
I found out about this drama stealthing on a related voltron otherkin server. PTPN posted there too and I'll be uploading caps of his posts. After I finish posting the PTPN drama I'll post caps from my primary discord. Some of them are pretty wild even if you don't follow voltron legendary defender. I'm voltron House anon on /co/'s voltron threads, if anyone on lolcow visits those.
Important drama links: tumblrs of the non-drama discord: of /co/'s posts about voltron otherkin (mostly shitposts but worth mentioning):;dr version of the drama first because there's a lot of info. I'll greentext the tumblr posts for easy reading down below. I may have gotten some of the info/speculation wrong since I was almost entirely on the periphery here:
>PidgethePunkNerd is in a polyamorous relationship with a Hunk otherkin and tranny in a shack in New York>They are on welfare and PidgethePunkNerd and the tranny have a four year old son>They spend all their money on second life and barely feed their emaciated kid, who they lock in his room and make him play vidya all day>PidgethePunkNerd hooked up with the Hunkkin after having the kid. My tinfoil hat theory is that PidgethePunkNerd probably manipulated/whipped the Hunkkin into getting "memories" (for the uninitiated, think reincarnation theory meets bad fanfic prompts) of being hunk to trap him in the relationship>PidgethePunkNerd starts 18+ voltron otherkin discord to accumulate "canonmates" from the voltron series>One of the otherkin stays at PidgethePunkNerd's house, has a medical emergency, PidgethePunkNerd and friends do fucking nothing about it>PidgethePunkNerd runs the chat like a dictator and starts shit with people for attention>Attempts to manipulate and turn users against each other, gets called out on it later>Drama explodes over several social media platforms, and now here on /snow/ No. 355738
From trickstersgambit:
>“What follows is an accounting of ABUSIVE and MANIPULATIVE behavior, involving someone in the kin community. I expect everyone to be mature about this. Even if you don’t like kin stuff. Now, if you’re down with all of that, pull up a chair. There’s tea and I’m spilling it the only way I know how. And yes, for the curious; I AM involved. Names will drop. Nothing is censored or altered. It’s below.”
>A number of you may be surprised to find out I’m involved in the kin community, but it happened. Honestly it was a matter of time. That’s a whole other something.
>You’re here for the tea I’m about to get everywhere. There’s a cut to save your dashboard. Warnings for the content: Abusive and manipulative behavior and language. Defamation of character. DID or an attempt at faking it (no one’s sure). Mental illness. Bigotry. Harassment. And, if it bothers you, repetition.
>To put it simply, someone I met in passing once at a con I was working at, known online at last check as ‘Pidgethepunknerd’ (no current alias known post them deleting a majority of social media) ran an 18+ server I decided to join back in mid April 2017–A Voltron kin server. Seriously if you didn’t see that one coming I don’t know how to help you– After less than a week of my being on the server I was made an admin. No preamble, no ‘Hey you earned it’ just… You’re here now.
>Not generally something I complain about. I like rules. I like making sure they’re followed. Anyone who’s seen me staff at cons knows I’m a bit of a stickler. UNFORTUNATELY that didn’t wind up why I was made a mod. Any time I tried to act without a basic script from the owner of the server I got snapped at. Whatever, maybe I was doing it wrong, right?
>Wrong. Turns out this is typical behavior for him. I was just there for decoration. I don’t have receipts on that because the server was deleted on July 11 (I left but at the point of deletion there were mods who could have gotten the receipts. it just didn’t occur to us), but I do have witnesses who can vouch for me.
>He turned the staff of the server into a wanna-be clique. He insisted that we were all his canon mates– A Lance (myself), a Matt (whom we just call Matt), his fiancee he claimed was a Hunk (he was almost never on), a Black Lion (my dear new friend Pav, who was the server owner’s friend since they were teenagers) and a Kolivan (my wonderful brother of my soul, Ren). We were expected to do as he said and ONLY what he said. Any ideas we brought to him were shot down. Any attempt to actually moderate or interview new members for ourselves was reprimanded.
>Not only that, but he regularly shit talked us, and other members, in DM, to other members of the server. We had a person much younger than the age limit voted in to join the server on the assumption that he would, very quickly, hit the age limit and it would be fine. When it came out that he was much younger than we’d assumed it was decided that wouldn’t be disclosed. I was informed that this was done by Matt (aside from my question about the situation, the receipts here are missing– deleted, not edited) though Matt himself had receipts on the fact that it was, in fact, Pidgethepunknerd’s idea (if you search that blog you’ll find it’s missing now, but that correlates to his last known Discord handle)
Continued next post.
No. 355741
>I’m not unconvinced that this shit talking wasn’t an attempt to disconnect us from each other and create an emotional dependency on him, regardless of how much he insists it wasn’t.
>Hell, at one point he accused Ren of forcing him to change policies (he hadn’t) and threatened to kick him for it. It was pointed out by myself, and Matt, that it wasn’t Ren causing those policy changes. It was, in fact, another member who wound up being asked to leave anyway.
>He also told Ren that myself and my fiancee would “crash and burn in a matter of time” because (he assumed) she wasn’t ok with Kin Stuff, and didn’t want me to be affectionate with my roommates–My fiancee has no particular opinion about kin stuff, and doesn’t mind that I get clingy and affectionate with other people, after all, she does it too.
>He has this tendency to talk shit about peoples significant others. Friends, partners, whatever, to whomever else he wants to, while never saying a word of it to the supposed originator. ‘I’ve known Teej for five years. He never has a bad word to say about Lora.’ ‘Well he complained to me’. Never. Happened.
>Most of this is contained in the google folder that will be linked at the end of the post.
>He made everyone feel it wasn’t very safe to speak out in the server or they’d risk rising his ire–we couldn’t even feel comfortable just calling him out on his inappropriate behavior (racist and bigoted running commentary). It even got to the point where he ran one member into a corner and baited him, knowing exactly what he could do to send him into a defensive position until he drove him to leave the server completely.
>That was a regular behavior for him. He even made his own staff (as decorative as we were) feel that we couldn’t say anything to him about anything.
>What’s in the google folder is a collection of screen shots that detailed EXACTLY what we were all afraid of. I spoke up against some off color things he said about other people, and even a group of people, at the point where my deep well of patience ran out.
>It also shows what happened when Renling produced an alternative to the tense environment PTPN caused. It involves something like fourteen or fifteen copy-pasted apologies across all available platforms (facebook, tumblr, skype, discord in the cases of people not having him blocked there) and two unique ones–one for Ren, and one for me. It also has screen caps of the fiancee attempting to smooth things over after the individual attacks he laid out against each member who left the server through an individual who chose to stay and see what happened.
>It also includes one instance of him attacking the most innocent member of the server, Ren’s and my soul brother, Fluff, by way of calling him a cunt. This resulted in all the former members of the server, and a number of his coworkers, gasping and expressing anger. If there’s one thing you don’t do, it’s attacking Fluff. I had, up to that point, been willing to try to reason with him when things calmed down, but that. THAT. was my breaking point.
>There’s so much more I could say about him, but that’s not something I can personally prove. If the witnesses of those behaviors want to reblog with their own additional information, I won’t say no.Continued next post.
No. 355744
>Here is the link to the google drive folder with all the screen shots. They may cover information I managed to skip over. If you’re seeing this post, well. Enjoy the spilled tea and the pillars of salt. If you think this call out post isn’t needed, I imagine you’ll think different when you see what we have to offer.
>The folder was compiled by Ren and is shared with the understanding permission of all involved.
>This post exists as a warning to kin or fandom servers and groups. PTPN, or whatever his handle is now (Tho, a note, he does also call himself Garrus, his SL is Seto.Kardex and he goes by Z'raashaq on many sites and is kin with Grel Sutcliff as well as Pidge Holt), is not to be trusted. Do not let him into your lives. Do not give him information that could be used against you. Do not let him do to you what he’s done to us.Continued next post.
Link to the google drive again: No. 355745
>>355744From renstability:
>While much of the shitstorms leading up to this incident in fact were not screencapped much of it has to do with the fact that both servers were deleted. And I left both of them before they were deleted.
>However, I can say beyond a doubt that acting as a mod for this individual was in fact a nightmare. In my 2-3 weeks of acting as a mod, I witnessed things that can only be described as childish.
>Any server member that he felt was pulling attention away from him, he would find any excuse to ban them. And While for a time I was very empathetic towards this person, I found out very quickly they weren’t what they appeared.
>I assumed they were much like myself in the past; tired of being hurt, tired of being trod upon, confused on how to communicate effectively, and at times ruled by their own emotions. I attempted my hardest to be a good sounding board and bedrock. As you can see in some of the screen caps in question. Every conversation I ever had with them was like this. They only spoke to me with the intention of bitching. I attempted polite and light-hearted conversations and each and every time I was batted away.
>Now that’s not much to complain upon, sometimes people get busy sometimes people don’t see notifications. But it was somewhat of a trend. They really enjoyed talking to me about a boy I am in love with and complaining about his behaviours as if I were supposed to fix them. I offered attempts to calm the situation and recommending patience. None seemed to be given really.
>There were several server members who were ‘asked to leave’ because they didn’t fit this individual’s desires for what they wanted in their server. I could offer up ideas without getting screamed at but if someone else offered it. They would get yelled at.Continued next post.
No. 355754
>>355751From ashbackwards:
>Hi Fluffle here, the one who got called a cunt because I left the server due to being stressed from all the bullshit being caused. I was willing to stay and give him chances even when from the very beginning I got a feeling of being uncomfortable around him because I try not to judge others. Well I was in the chat with him one day and he got stranded in the city during a big storm and I can understand being upset that the taxi driver didn’t take them home but he made the comment of saying “Typical East Indian driver. Only cares about his money.” Which pissed me off but sense I wasn’t a mod and no one else said anything I let it slide but looking back I should’ve said something to the other mods and admins because maybe they could’ve talked to him.
>Not more then maybe a week and a half later he made the comment about ghettos and black girls being bullies. And about two days before that I was on call with him and a few more friends when he made the comment in front of us that the only reason he was keeping his son or had his son, who is the sweetest little four year old ever, that he was only keeping for the welfare because he would make more with that then with disability.
>Now I know those don’t really have anything to do with the events of the drama but it’s what made so many of the people of the chat high uncomfortable. And was one of the reasons that I felt I had to leave the chat. With him targeting my brothers in the chat I felt that if I stayed in the chat he would’ve started to target me to get to them. Which I also noticed he was doing to one of my other friends who happened to be the cutie my brother Ren is crushing on.Continued next post.
No. 355765
>>355754From paladin-lancelot:
>Matt here, so I have some things to add to this gigantic clusterfuck of an issue. considering, I lived with “Pidge” for about a month.
>before I met Pidge I lived in an abusive household, and I was constantly looking for a way out. Within a week or so of me joining the server, Pidge offered to have me come live with him in New York. Against my better judgement and my need to get out of a bad place, I agreed and moved, but in doing so I got out of the frying pan and into the fire so to speak.
>So, to further add to the atrocities that PTPN has committed, reckless endangerment and neglect of those they consider ‘family’. During the month I stayed there as a live in resident there was a particular incident in which my health was seriously in danger and they did not lift a finger. Even when warned by 4 medical professionals that I needed actual food and water, and to no longer give me the medication that was worsening not helping my condition along. To explain this incident properly, I am a transman. I was at that point in time undergoing PMS. I had not eaten in nearly 36 hrs. PTPN had told me to sleep it off and take aspirin. Which normally, wouldn’t be a bad suggestion. But they however did not give me anything to eat which anyone could consider an actual meal. All that was left in the house for people to eat was lunch meat and cereal. I was pmsing which my cycles are aggressive and unbearable. I was not being given water or food. In the 36 hrs I awoke feeling faint, dizzy, shaking, difficulties comprehending speech, feeling cold and clammy. When informed these symptoms were concerning by 4 medical professionals, I did my best to get up and get something to eat. Which required me to literally drag myself because it was difficult to stand let alone sit up. During this time, they did not bother to get up and assist me instead they stayed locked in their room. Unconcerned for my safety and my health.
>To continue, PTPN has a four year old son. a son who is severely under weight that you can see his ribs at times, Its quite alarming to see, and when told by a professional at a meeting to decide if Victus, the child, could go to school later in the year, “pidge”, instead of making a change, chose to come home and complaining, saying that a literal professional didn’t know shit. Which, is complete and utter bullshit. Victus had to often BEG for food, because none of his guardians would get off their lazy asses to feed him except when JJ got home from work and made everyone food and fed Victus chicken nuggets. I often found myself making him something because they would scream for him to shut up if he made any noise. They’d shut him in his room and tell him to play video games, and even though they lived on a farm with a gated backyard, the child was rarely allowed to go outside.
>On another note. Pidge and his “family” live on welfare. only one person works, and they only get food once a month, and then complain for the rest of the month that they didnt have any food to eat etc, as they spent an obscene amount out of JJ’s paycheck on an online game called second life. i watched them put $12 in one sitting in the game for useless bullshit and then have the nerve to ask the chat for money to buy ANOTHER GAME. They don’t do whats best for their child. and theyre trying to have another child. this isnt even allll of the bullshit that i experienced while living with them and i am beyond grateful to Ren and Fluffle for getting me out of there. And that's it.
Archived links: No. 355766
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Posting my own caps now.
No. 355797
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>>355793Last post I have before I see if I can grab more caps.
/co/ finds a voltron kin discord: No. 355918
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This person has a four year old son…
>mfw I realize this otherkin bullshit isn't just a stupid, funny thing dumb children and manchildren do, then eventually grow out of
>mfw it's actually quite easy for Chris-chan tier human beings to connect, lose their virginities and reproduce in this day and age
>mfw these people are having children and affecting lives
>mfw there's going to be a generation of adults raised by unstable, abusive trainwrecks who played Second Life all day and thought they were the reincarnation of fictional characters
I wonder if new forms of PTSD will start popping up.
No. 356841
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>>355862>Also, this is a lot of information. Can you condense posts in the future?Sure thing. I think that's all the information I have to dump for now though.
>>355864>>355906>>356750I know way more about this stuff than I should, it's kind of embarrassing. If you need me to define anything ask away
>>355862>CanonmatesThis one's hard to explain. You need to enter the mind of a lonely 16yo fujoshi here. Canonmates is multiverse theory applied to fiction, manifesting as internet cliques.
That is, every single AU you can ever think of, like AUs where barely anything is different save for a few things, shitty coffee shop AUs, shipping wish-fulfillment AUs, and genderblob/autism headcanon AUs are totally valid in this domain. Most fictionkin have "memories" of their "canon" (AU), which basically amount to rp prompts. In order to fully feel like the character they're kin with, most kin want to find other characters from their series that share memories aka "canonmates". This basically results in friend groups of fictionkin where everyone is a different character but all "remember" the same things.
Part of PTPN's drama comes from him telling his canonmates in the discord that their memories are wrong, which is basically the fictionkin equivalent of gaslighting.
Googling gave me this:
>A canonmate is somebody from your specific canon. Like if i shared exact memories with somebody whos phoenix wright kin, then that means theyre most likely my miles edgeworth canonmatejfc I hope that all made sense. Here's a list of
triggers from the discord channel I'm in to make up for that infodump.
No. 356845
>>356624They're close if not already there. By the time the show ends the fandom will definitely hold the record for most cancerous.
Pretty much all the cancer comes from shipping drama. I don't follow it closely for the sake of my sanity, but here's what seems like a comprehensive list of some of the most vile shit that's happened so far. No. 359156
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Today's discussion in the otherkin discord is fanfiction and pedos.
Fanfic mentioned is here: comments on it are hilarious.
No. 362592
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Short bit of follow-up discussion about PTPN drama.
No. 362595
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PTPN posted selfies of himself and the Hunk otherkin on my discord channel. They're the type to cosplay in public, it seems
No. 362597
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>>362596So many people on this discord are fug and have no clue how to dress themselves. I can post more pics of other users if you guys want
No. 364245
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>I'm not clumsy, I just have a retarded alternate personality
No. 364282
Is not the fanfic I think?
No. 364315
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>>364285Sometimes it's better not to know.