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No. 347539
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Lele Pons,
IG: makes awful comedy 'skits' on Instagram. Is apparently obsessed with numbers and is extremely catty and insecure around other 'internet famous' people. Fought with another ex viner/friend Amanda Cerny when Cerny found out Lele was taking her phone and deleting her instagram photos and videos.
Links: No. 347542
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Christine Sydelko
Twitter: makes youtube videos with a friend Elijah which mostly include smoking weed, public nuisance and drinking to the point of vomiting. Frequently comes under fire on twitter for her 'quirky humour' and bitterness. Has tattoos of a croc and comic sans. Searches up her own name on twitter to attack/mock people who criticise her
No. 347545
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The Paul brothers of course.
Jake Paul has been popping up recently with his awful music that I'm sure you've already heard. apparently always been a douchebag and cut off all friends from his home state of Ohio. (I've seen youtube comments from people claiming to have gone to their school but no caps sorry.) Kicked a girlfriend out of his apartment for cheating although multiple people have came forward and claimed he had no reason for it and he had been the one cheating. Messy twitter fight ensues and he ends up mentioning her in his song 'It's everyday bro' - she makes a 'diss track' with RiceGum. Messy. Paul,
Just as much of a douchebag as his little brother. Hangs out with other douchebag viners and youtubers. Has made some pretty lulzworthy vlogs covered by people like h3h3 including a video where he faked being colourblind for views. very aggressive to Viner turned Youtuber Jessi Smiles after she claimed his friend Curtis Lepore raped her. (Again, no caps but this video) No. 347552
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Magcon boys
Carter Reynolds
tried to co-erce his underage gf to suck his dick, gets his video leaked. Don't know what the hell he's up to these days.
Nash Grier
Racist and homophobic past. Plenty of evidence of him on video and in tweets.
No. 347563
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>>347542Examples of the stuff Sydelko has said to people criticising her on twitter
No. 347605
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>>347603samefag. of fucking course i forgot the pic.
No. 347631
>>347542shes fucking disgusting to look at
is it true she purposely wears the same clothes all the time to get recognized in public?
No. 347711
>>347681I agree.
Also I always found it annoying that most of humor was just him makin a stressed face while saying something """ghetto"""
No. 347742
>>347728Yeah, JessiSmiles says she snubbed her brother. At the time she was the bigger viner and they met up in a group and went to Cheesecake Factory. Jessis brother was there and asked Lele for a selfie and she just stared at him and walked away. She then kept on bitching at Jessi on "well you should decide, since you're the bigger viner!" when she suggested they'd do anything.
There was some other milk too, but Lele is apparently a snub bitch irl.
No. 347773
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>>347539I know she got a pretty dramatic nose job but she admitted that publicly so it's not really milk. Does show how insecure she probably is though.
No. 347775
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Funnily enough Curtis Lepore followed me on vine back before anyone became really big on it. He used to just vine about his dogs and seemed really big on alternative music and metal and all that. Now he's into raves and shit and never mentions it. Seems a bit fake to me. Also let's not forget he was accused of rape by Jessi Smiles. If I remember correctly he had sex with her while she was unconscious. The charges were dropped but he was a complete asshole about it the whole time
No. 347854
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caps from amanda cerny talking to lele about deleting her photos. Reminds me of the whole dasha/mina drama
No. 347912
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I might get flack for this one but I don't care. I could never stand Thomas Sanders and I haven't seen one vine of his I thought was funny. He comes across as such a tryhard, and everything seems so staged. I really don't understand his popularity.
No. 347916
>>347912I find him to be extremely cringey as well but he panders to that "pure uwu Harry Potter 4ever buzzfeed Top 10!!" crowd of teens and 20-something girls. But tbh this hate towards him lately on Tumblr to be unwarranted.
He got a lot of shit for being like 28 and "still acting like a teen omfg" (I guess from his vines in an actual HS? Which I guess meant he taught there or something?) and also for daring to reblog stuff from underage fans. Like how the fuck is he supposed to know which fan is underage and which isn't? He has presumably tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of followers, its idiotic for him to know the age of every single person he reblogs from.
No. 347974
>>347916Tumblr will always find something to be mad about. Everyone knows that 80% of the youtube/viner/insta fanbase are underage people, mainly girls. Especially the more hardcore fans and the fans who go to events.
Look at things like vidcon, its literally ALL underage people. You cant shame an internet famous person for talking to underage people. Leave it to tumblr to make every adult male look like a borderline-pedophile.
Sage for blogging a bit
No. 348108
>>348001weird because I'm always seeing the "let aces/aros in" kind of posts, I assumed tumblr wanted them in. This is such a stupid reason
>>348017lol a shithead spotted
>>348020I see everyone has a different hate theory lmao I guess he just gets a lot of it.
For me, he's cringy in his innocent Disney prince act, he loves his butt too much??, and his vines with "strangers" are so painfully staged I get secondhand embarrassment watching them.
sage for just opinions
No. 348392
>>348359That's there to recognize lgbt pocs, so it does make a little sense. Aces, however, are
literally just straight people. They don't deserve to be included just because they think sex is yucky.
No. 348425
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>>348392 Ace/Aro people aren't "literally like" straight people.
How about educating yourself first, before shitting the thread with your nonsense?
When will people finally stop exculding others and putting others down?
Anyway, there is this Lele Pons drama rn with her chopped off "hair" lol. Someone brought it up in "Thread requests".
No. 348469

>>348457at 7:58 Jessi Smiles talks a bit about how crazy/annoying/weird Lele is.. This video is actually linked above but in relation to Logan Paul.
Lele had some old milk with Amanda Cerny, another viner and her ex bff over her being a jealous psycho when it comes to social media. Lucky for us, Amanda came out and talked about it in this article here : was the first time I heard of Lele, and could just tell she was pretty crazy. She used to be an ugly/awkward kid and is now rather beautiful probably with the help of some cosmetic surgery/makeup artists etc.
The thing about her "donating" her extensions is pretty funny tbh. All the person had to do was zoom in on her photo to see the truth, and since being called out she's deleted her post.
Hope we can get more milk from her.. she's honestly just annoying as fuck and her humor is TERRIBLE (like most ex "popular" viners)
No. 348480
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>>348478Wow that totally flew over my head.
Also, Christian Delgrosso also cannot stand Lele apparently
No. 348483
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No. 348488
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If you can't tell already I've been doing some digging on Lele. She's also friends with the cashmeoutside girl Danielle Bregoli which seems like another attempt for more views.
No. 348499
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So she's really trying to pull this off as real?
No. 348500
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Her explanation
No. 348504
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just looked it up because my friend has donated dyed hair before. It looks like multiple charities accept it because the hair is dyed and bleached anyway. Nice one Lele
No. 348510
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>>348020>>348017>>348108>>348359Yeahh… He also got backlash for that too.. I was mentioning recently he got backlash because of the whole lgbt pride thing.
No. 348534
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she's blocking people for mentioning the hair thing
No. 348552
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>>348508Yep. She went to some super fancy private school there too, didn't she?
Also she had drama with Gabby I think as well. The girl basically has no friends because she keeps fucking them over for fame and money.
I'm actually amazed at how trashed she looks at only 21. I'm not trying to nitpick but girl, stop spending the money on your hair and see a dermatologist about those eyebags.
No. 348613
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Anyone else know that theres an apartment complex on vine street in hollywood where a few of them live? As far as I can see Amanda Cerny, Logan Paul, King Bach, Christian Delgrosso and Curtis Lepore are some of the people who live there. Fucking weird. You can recognise the complex in a lot of their vines/skits
No. 348633
>>348500God that's some good logic there… "I INTENDED to donate my hair but since I couldn't because it was colour treated I just posed with some extensions and said I did… what's the big difference??"
Intending to do something- but not, and bragging to your platform of 18M followers about how you DID are two very different things
No. 348721
>>348613That is definitely weird.
Why would so many "co-workers" willingly live in a same apartment complex?
No. 348924
More Team 10 (Jake Paul's social media labl) drama…
Nick Crompton and a guy named Mick Maio drama.
Mick Maio makes some really crazy claims that Nick would only let him into team 10 if he did "favors". Outs Nick's sexuality and screenshots of racy texts about sucking dick and business. youtuber tried covering the story and got more screenshots of txts from Nick's side. No. 349029
>>348947It's Jake Paul's social media label. They've been blowing up lately. Most of the Team 10 members were vine stars, at least the original ones.
Nick Crompton is the COO of Team 10. He was also in the "It's everyday bro" song. Where he says "England is my city" No. 349143
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>>347916Yeah…pandering to kids on tumblr never works out in the end. They'll always find something to start a hatemob over.
He also got in trouble with tumblr a couple of years ago because he made an 'ableist' vine and was a fan of Family Guy.
>>348924Can someone summarize this video and post because it's impossible to listen to him drone on and on. These vloggers are very terrible at their job.
>>348947Nick Crompton is part of Team 10 and is a rapper. And no, he is not from Compton. He lives in the city of England. He's also litty.
No. 349222
>>348924to summarize this video
2:55 this youtuber explains nick crompton doesn't want this story getting out and asks for him not to make the video.
6:10 Mick could only be part of team 10 if he fulfilled Nick Cromptons wishes. Shows screenshots of Nick Crompton asking if he can suck his dick.
8:00 Nick Crompton says he liked Mick and they hung out/texted all the time. He claims he never used Mick to get what he wants. Screenshots of him confessing that he likes Mick.
14:28 Mick claims team 10 is all just to make Jake Paul more famous. "Everyone in that house is a slave to Jake Paul".
Basically theres not much proof that Nick was forcing Mick to do things.
No. 349238
Ricegum and Alissa Violet - Everynight Sis Diss Track Music Video's her response to It's Everyday Bro
Jake Paul
"And you know I kick them out
If they ain't with the crew
Yeah, I'm talking about you
You beggin' for attention
Talking shit on Twitter too
But you still hit my phone last night
It was 4:52 and I got the text to prove
And all the recordings too
Don't make me tell them the truth"
Tessa Brook
"Yo, it's Tessa Brooks
The competition shook
These guys up on me
I got 'em with the hook
Lemme educate ya'
And I ain't talking book
Panera is your home?
So stop calling my phone
I'm fly like a drone
They buying like a loan
Yeah, I smell good
Is that your boy's cologne?"
-Alissa Violet worked at Panera Bread before joining team 10 and being famous.
Tessa Also has a vid addressing the "negative energy" they kicked out.
There's a plethora of drama with this whole situation.
No. 349246
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that face
No. 349257
>>349241Not confirmed that she was.
Here's the video of her talking about Alissa and how "she cut her out of her life"
No. 349300
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Just me who thinks the Pauls are ugly as fuck too??? They both have weird noses and their skin always looks red raw like they just finished rubbing the shit out of it
No. 349305 really like this parody of Jakes "song".
Also the youtuber "Pyrocynical" made a video in which he exposes Jake's half assed apology he made when he received some backlash.
Go to 4:17 No. 349319
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>>349300Yeah they really aren't cute. There's something else weird about their faces… Like sometimes they look like they're too small for their heads?
>>349305>pyrocynicalew. pls don't link edgy fags like him here. especially not when they're "exposing" obvious bs.
No. 349329
>>349319their eyes are way too small too. Can't tell if thats just due to them squinting all the time.
God. "Team 10". I didn't think it was possible to have a group that has less collective talent than the magcon boys but HERE WE ARE.
Also, Logan Paul claims his "fight" with his brother through diss tracks was completely real and not a puclicity stunt. If I was originally the "famous" one and then my little brother blew up I'd be salty too.
No. 349528
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>>349499Emmet Brown hairstyle.
Fucking lol
No. 349531
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this seems to be a running theme
No. 349941
>>349838Someone's bitter lol.
Since h3h3 made a few vids on the paul brothers a lot of people talked in their forums. It popped up in google when i was looking for people who went to their high school.
No. 350738
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Idk if anyone knows this girl but she had a few viral vines. Her name is Tasia Alexis and she disappeared from Instagram last year. I did some digging and discovered she and her boyfriend were arrested for possession and intent to distribute marijuana. Thought it was interesting, caps to follow
No. 350740
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Apologies for spam I'm on mobile
No. 358541
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Jake Paul's twitter post. He says he's leaving Disey mid season (they are in the middle of filming a season, as seen on his vlog as recently as the other day) Several Places say he's really been fired from the network. Makes sense from all the shit he's been pulling just from the past week.
Jake Paul's milk is overflowing.
Jake Paul and Team 10's neighbors are getting together for a class action lawsuit for all the ridiculous shit and stunts
he pulls and the hordes of fans outside the house that's ruining their neighborhood, and is making it a "war-zone".
He was also interviewed on Channel 5 news and acted like the biggest dbag, climbing on the news van, answering the questions like an idiot, disrespecting the news anchor, saying "what are thoseee" about the reporters shoes and then running away. Then rides his dirt bike up and down the street and proceeds to his usual douchebaggery.
Real LAPD were spotted at his house the other morning, the next day, he pulls a prank by hiring actors to play cops and gets fake arrested all for a vlog.
An eviction notice has been placed on his door, but it has yet to be confirmed if it is real or a prank by him or someone else.
He's in some hot water for illegally recording conversations with his neighbors, also showing their address while filming from across the street. This is really illegal in California, and Jake Paul can face up to a year in jail.
Jake Paul Doxes Post Malone.
Post Malone was featured in a h3h3 podcast, where they were critiquing Jake Paul's music video. Jake Paul sees a tweet of a merch order that Post Malone makes. Jake Paul get's his personal home address from the order, then drives to his home and knocks on his door to hand deliver the merch. Again, Jake Paul illegally records from across the street w/out Post Malone's knowledge and before he asked for permission. More at No. 358641
Have y'all also seen this video of him seeming to push his friend tessa brooks fairly aggressively.
>>358557I kind of get what you mean but i enjoy reading about the dumb shit he's done.
No. 360750
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Jake Paul got swatted already 4 times in past three days.
He hasn't been active on social media because of it.
No. 371942
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Texts from Erika (jake Paul's current gf) to Alissa, which she posted on Instagram and then swiftly deleted (his ex who he cheated on) I had no idea they were such close friends but what a shitty thing to do.
No. 376511
>>373440Wow I thought chad tepper was a familiar name I thought it couldn't possibly be the same person but after reading this guy is from merrit island and looking at his ig he looks generally the same as back then and checks out with the former skateboarder thing …it turns out I hooked up with him when I was a teen
I remember being self conscious because I had braces but he said he liked that
Fucking weird after so many years he's a pretty famous YouTuber
was a pretty big douche tho and quite into himself already at that time
Sage for blogging