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No. 328817

Otherkin are a subcultural community of people who socially identify as partially or entirely non-human. Some of them surmise that they are, either spiritually or genetically, not human;

SO, let's comprise a pile of some amazing Otherkin bs

No. 328821

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Factkin… so they think they're a real person? And one of them thinks they're their friend?

No. 328822

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No. 328827

Am I the only one who finds these things cringey when they're actually real. Obvious trolling doesn't make me cringe, peoples inability to tell when someone is trolling is cringe.

No. 328832

>I identify as rich person please donate to fullfill my dreams

No. 329252

>Gideon Graves was meant to be with Wallace Wells

It's one thing to be a factkin psychopath but to make a claim like that is absolutely absurd!

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