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No. 317684
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Here is the fiancee
No. 317784
>>317684Wow I had no idea he paid for literally everything. What a leech. I could not imagine expecting my husband to pay for my share of a convention.
I'm sure his "abuse" was probably him getting fucking tired of her leeching off of him and telling her to get a goddamn job or at least pay for her share of convention costs.
No. 317844
>>317684>>317829or maybe the fact that he's clearly like 40 and preying on young college girls who are easily influenced
like not defending beth because she sucks as a person but girls in their early 20s dating dudes this old almost always have a power imbalance and manipulative aspect to it in the dude's favour
No. 317865
>>317844>>317829>>317784I wouldn't be surprised if it was a combo of the three. He might've been tired of her being a kinky leech and she might've realized the power imbalance.
IIRC she's said somewhere that they started dating when she was 18 or 19, and he's obviously about 20 years older. Definite power imbalance.
No. 318065
>>317684He was a drug addict, that was part of the reasons why they split. She said as much in an over detailed Twitter/Tumblr rant when it happened.
Shes still a bitch regardless though lol
No. 318087
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She road this galaxy makeup train forever, but i remember her team trash friends actually using their cosplay popularity to run a gofundme to buy her this dress.
No. 318450
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>>318449Samefag. She made ALL of her con vlogs and a shit ton of other videos private
No. 318460
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>>318458samefag but she also made her personal vlogs on her 2nd channel private as well.
No. 318485
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It's funny how she wanted to act so mockingly towards this site in Nina's thread but now that she has one of her own shes deleting and removing all of her stuff.
>>318466One of Nina's Patreon goal tiers was to do location shoots where it would cover costs for her and a friend. 98% guarantee that friend is Beth because all she ever did was ride on Nina's coat tails.
No. 318993
>Used her fiancee who owns a 7-11 to fund her cosplaying and convention travelsIk it's already been mentioned but-Putting the milk aside, significantly older dudes dating young twenties girls (at the time)…is kinda creepy. For all that Beth is whiny, a koreaboo, drove all mangos friends away and shit, I def believe her claims that he was a creep.
And like…it's bad to mooch off a partner. But giving someone money with strings is a pretty good way to manipulate people. Espec cause her older vids when she was still with him, she was always rooming alone or with just him which is…sus.
No. 322610
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>>322480She posted two from this 'set' and it looked like she was slowly undressing in them. But after the Mango thread shared the pictures she stopped posting more.
She then deleted the two she had shared during her big clean up to avoid this thread getting more pictures/screencaps.
Heres the first one though
No. 331502
File: 1496957565339.png (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 768x1024, tumblr_m3mx8gHr1y1qayfkuo1_128…)

She has nudes from before she decided cosplay was more fun than being naked on the internet for strangers.
No. 331505
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>>318458More like she is also trying to scrub her connection to all her old nudes off the web.
No. 331516
>>331502>>331505spoiler that shit
also dumb tattoos
No. 334469
>>334040>>334336>>334370Just wanted to say I love you anons
A+ reference
No. 334503
File: 1497295693846.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.34 KB, 260x705, capture.JPG)

Found via an old snapshot of her beth-is-god tumblr. Spoiler for the header image only.
No. 335738
File: 1497491665236.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 768x1024, tumblr_m63k2uljMV1qayfkuo1_128…)

>>335362Ask me if I care. Also, another nude to atone for my snark.
No. 337385
>>337383She can only hide her shit personality for so long. I dont know why she bothered to private the videos anyway its not like shes suddenly changed who she is no matter how fake-nice she wants to act on twitter and instagram.
Truth be told im pretty sure
>>335738 is Beth. If so, good on you sharing another nude from several years ago before your engagement ended and you bloated up
No. 337392
>>337385I wouldn't be surprised if the main person posting all the nudes is Beth actually. In my mind, it makes sense. Like they only started being posted when her thread was slowing down, so she may want to get some attention from it. Also, who really cares enough to hoard over 50 nudes here? Like you could get around 30 from
>>331510, but that leaves about 20 unaccounted for.
No. 337518
>>337392Makes sense considering the nudes are nothing special at all (low quality, mostly no makeup bathroom shots) i dont know why someone would have a folder of them. Let alone 50.
She posted crying baby pictures in the bottom of mangos thread so i wonder if the users match up
No. 339277
>>339181Too bad she's completely irreverent.
That being said, I got serious Mango vibes this vid. Wow much originality, such creativeness. Oh wait, it's ok if you're ripping off your "friends".
No. 339400
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>>337518I collect the old nudes of people who don't post nudes anymore. It's an exercise in hunting down obscure information and figuring out who people really are. I have a record of all the links where I found the images if you want to see some of the ones that don't have identifying tattoos but are tied to her old url. Not hoarding or trying to trade. Just don't want to spam the thread with shit nobody cares about, like some people.
No. 339404
>>339400A bunch of these I didn't bother saving because the tattoos aren't visible so it's harder to prove they're her. But here's more if people want to go look.'s like four pages of stuff. So there's way more than 50 pictures, as I said earlier.
No. 339542
>>339537Cant really say its sexual harrassment of something she publicly shared. Also per the screencap of her old tumblr info she says she wont be posting anymore but never condemns the sharing, saving or viewing of the ones she already put up.
I would think its harrassment if they were personal and private but she actively put them on tumblr herself which meant she wanted them to be seen.
As for her new video, i havent watched it myself but she was always a mango leech so im not surprised her style of video is leaning that way. If she thinks shell be able to cover the market mango left behind though shes horribly wrong. The thumbnail alone looks terrible. for someone who acted like a makeup guru and has done tutorials she doesnt put in much effort.
No. 339560
>>339542Idk. The idea of sharing someone else's nudes feels weird, sexual harassment or not. She said that she's okay with it, but… y'know.
Also, the cosvlogging (I guess that's what we'll call it) is kinda non-existent at the moment since mango left. All that's left is Hatter, Beth, and the Kamui-types of people.
No. 339570
>>339560The internet is 95% peoples nudes, nude fanart etc. Essentially its to the point where sharing them is the same as sharing a funny youtube video. Main thing is, dont take and post them if you dont want them seen or spread. Theres no way to control where they end up once put on a public platform and from what you can tell by her past attitude she doesnt/didnt really care as she and her ex actively shared them.
On the youtube topic. Beths convlogs used to be fun but she doesnt really do those anymore. And the random 'favorites' video got old really fast. I like kamui, she has great videos to watch but 99.9% of her audience doesnt have the thousands of dollars of equipment to follow her tutorials or use her techniques so you have to buy her books for anything more basic.
Really though ninas videos had become so watered down its not like cosplayers lost much. I was half expecting her to make a 101 about the types of buttons next lol. She really never tried to share more advanced stuff and towards the end she got even less informative. If beth actually put work in to her videos i could see her having success but her 13k (?) Subs really only stuck around because of mango.
No. 339575
>>339570You're not wrong about there being a lot of nudes/nude fanart on the internet. I guess I'll just take a step back and just not be the one sharing them.
I agree that kamui's tutorials aren't really tailored to her audience, but are interesting to watch. I'm sorry, but I can't justify spending most of my costume's budget on worbla and expanding foam and having just enough material to make a prop and some boob armor.
I genuinely believe that Beth has the potential to be a Mango from a few years ago level youtuber, but my issue with her is that she's never really been natural, I guess. She's always sounded too scripted and on her high horse about everything.
Not gonna lie, before Mango left I thought she'd make a 101 about installing zippers.
No. 339578
>>339575Cosplay 101 - the magic of zippers
In which she shows you all the types of zippers but not actually how to install them lol.
Mango was always very scripted and fake sounding. She ran her videos and channel like a business and it showed.
Beth could be interesting but shes trying to hard to be a relatable inspiration for everyone with disabilities all because she had BEG. Mango was the same way always bitching about intolerances and it turns out all that time she had severe acid reflux only.
Beth needs to become more interesting if shes going to do regular vlogging ans more skilled if shes going to do tutorials or cosplay vlogging.
No. 339584
>>339578I think what I mean with the Mango vs Beth being scripted thing is that I was always under the impression that Mango was always kinda clinical with her approach to youtube. It was obvious since around 2014 that youtube/the internet was her main source of income, so it made sense to me that she'd sound like that.
And then there's Beth. She never gave me the impression that she wanted youtube or the internet to be her main source of income, so the fact that she sounded like a motivational speaker was so jarring to me.
She definitely needs to decide what to do with her time on youtube. Her videos have always seemed a bit scatterbrained. Like for 3 months you have nothing but cosplay and makeup videos but for the next 6 it's just videos about how you got to meet wolves and a monthly favourites video.
I feel like if she wanted to do any kind of vlogging, regular or convention, she's gonna have to become more charismatic.
No. 339812
>>339560 Tbh when Mango had her big dramatic come to jesus about not doing this anymore and was all about how it was too hard and she missed just fucking around with her friends-it was like girl that's literally why ppl watched you, just fucking make lazy convlogs since that's the actual content people ever gave a fuck about.
There's enough people that actually are really skilled out there explaining how to make things with proficient, archival methods. What we lack is people just making hey this is a convention and oh yeah cosplay is fun videos.
No. 339817
>>339584Tbh I know this place is dedicated to bashing people, but I don't mind her cosplay make-up stuff. I actually would like it if someone made a lot of character specific makeup videos that weren't like ppl who's specific faces will pass for black widow or that girl who makes a really good johnny depp. Like that stuff is cool to watch, but just watching someone do more animated character make-up really wasn't a bad idea.
The issue is she never ever actually posts that shit. Like, she made her Yang video and never made the rest of the 'series' like she planned on. Even though she's been taking selfies in that fucking Ruby wig for ages.
No. 339819
>>339816>>339570Kay, y'all arguing about the morality of nudes on the internet is as derailing as just the stream of nudes was in the first place. Maybe there's a point in that she consented to posting the nudes in the first place.
But, bruv,
>Because harassment and nude stealing will make nudes less available for free and make it more likely we'll all have to pay money for them or at the very least we'll have to go out and get a relationshipCreepy and misses the point even if you're being facetious.
No. 339828
>>339817>>339821She should have never made the video with the outline of her plans in regards to character makeup. I dont remember the video word for word but generally she was going to do like 1 series a month with x amount of character tutorials for that series? Something like that.
The minute she put it out there she was doomed because she hasn't kept up with it in the slightest. I'm sure filming & editing can take a long time but if you just break it down to like, film this day and edit these days i'm sure it was still an obtainable goal.
They couldnt take longer than her 15+ minute life vlogs (editing wise) or her favorites videos (filming and editing) so i dont know why she would tell people that was the plan then not bother to even attempt at a follow through. It doesnt help that Mango pimped her multiple times on her tumblr and in her cosplay makeup video as the go-to cosplay makeup person.
No. 340332
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>>340308>>339821Seeing how she went from kinda cute with nice makeup to a horrendous wig and messy everything its pretty obvious she either lost interest or isnt using the same amount of effort she did when she was first trying to be the cosplay makeup resource.