File: 1436443839624.png (803.48 KB, 900x670, DSC09541.png)

No. 30160
File: 1436445172616.png (775.2 KB, 600x948, soufeel necklace review 1.png)

wow. dem aegyo sal.
No. 30161
>>30159Yeah, it's definitely not surgery, if it was she would've gotten a nose job to make her nose flat.
Does this girl have any drama or do anything other than pretending to be Asian and doing shitty makeup?
No. 30163
Holy shit this is creepy.
>>30161It looks like she had gotten surgery done. Does anyone have a candid or before picture of this grill?
No. 30167
File: 1436449353768.png (493.94 KB, 550x827, DSC09541.png)

looks like a white girl to me
No. 30169
>>30168also has asian-y eyebrows, goes from korea back and forth
On my way back from Korea to America…"
No. 30175
File: 1436451111246.jpg (182.33 KB, 939x535, tumblr_m588r7juL21r2saino1_500…)

No. 30176
File: 1436451309059.png (2.28 MB, 1004x990, 345823p048953.png)

Let's have a closer look at that weird nose. It definitely looks like she's had work done.
No. 30178
File: 1436455774089.jpg (29.56 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

I've found the perfect boyfriend for her
No. 30181
>>30179I think she used to be a teacher.
Theres nothing special about this girl. Last time I heard of her she was obsessed with being a BJD
No. 30186
File: 1436464915430.jpg (88.38 KB, 737x737, 48353432.jpg)

No. 30189
File: 1436469030163.jpg (128.99 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg)

No. 30190
File: 1436469485261.png (622.18 KB, 900x600, DSC098682.png)

she definately had eye surgery too look more asian
No. 30194
>>30189>>30193As a fellow chink I have to agree. If she's
really a white girl who had plastic surgery to look like a Korean with too much make-up and surgery, the surgeon did a really good job. Compare her to that Brazilian man who was posted earlier - he looks like a piss-poor imitation of an Asian.
No. 30198
>>30167what if she's latina.
Latinas who like Kpop and Korea are fucking crazy and everybody's an ulzzang there
No. 30208
>>30207but she makes herself look more asian.
In her non shooped pics you can see she0s mexican lmao
No. 30209
>>30208I'd believe her if she said that she's Asian tbh
mongoloid is a race btw, mexican is just an ethnicity.
No. 30211
File: 1436480288607.jpg (57.29 KB, 600x624, image.jpg)

No. 30212
File: 1436480325983.jpg (48.08 KB, 600x488, image.jpg)

No. 30213
File: 1436480641635.jpg (15.84 KB, 320x260, image.jpg)

She doesn't look asian at all here
No. 30215
File: 1436480950143.gif (987.75 KB, 294x224, 1436444365000.gif)

>>30211>Brings up pics on computer>Accidentally goes full screen>Jesusfuckinhchrist>Nope>>30212This one is kowai as fuck bruh
Some Ju-On shit right there.
…..Why does she think this looks good again? And she questions why most like Berry, well at least with Berry, her whoops are eye candy and look semirealistic
>>30213I kinda like this, FF-horror-video game-esque
>Gif related, overall reaction No. 30219
File: 1436482439758.jpg (53.86 KB, 700x534, image.jpg)

No. 30220
File: 1436482471852.jpg (227.75 KB, 900x599, image.jpg)

No. 30221
File: 1436482504228.jpg (117.85 KB, 600x903, image.jpg)

No. 30231
>>30211Fuckin terrifying
But cant
No. 30233
File: 1436490435757.jpg (54.92 KB, 478x515, image.jpg)

tbh she looks like an azn trying to look white and just failed into uncanny vally
Like this former av star, rumi kanda, that somehow got surgery to look like she has progeria
No. 30234
File: 1436490553711.jpg (64.49 KB, 640x382, image.jpg)

Right is the before pic
No. 30235
File: 1436490780432.png (155.78 KB, 475x337, 21_24.png)

>>30219what the hell is happening to her eyes
No. 30239
>>30238Yea i used to like that girl til i saw recent pics and thought she got a disease or something. Boy was i wrong
People compared her to dobby the house elf
No. 30241
File: 1436495075560.jpg (88.13 KB, 640x539, adalia.jpg)

>>30233>somehow got surgery to look like she has progeriaI was trying to figure out who she reminded me of!
Pic related: Adalia Rose
No. 30254
File: 1436506275123.jpg (70.3 KB, 576x1024, CBdARBoUMAEqdBq.jpg)

Here's a blog post she made earlier about plastic surgery. She's basically just defending it: aegyo sal is just make-up. And lol at those of you who think her nose look like a post-surgery nose. Just look at this:
No. 30255
>>30246Chinese people can have natural double eyelids too lmao. But since this girl is mixed and had PS it doesn't matter either way.
>>30251No, she is not half-Korean and doesn't portray herself as such if you read her posts. I'm also guessing "Airi" is one of the lesser Asians and wants people to think she is mixed Japanese.
No. 30256
File: 1436523211816.png (645.44 KB, 654x730, lengtheningdone2.png)

>>30255Looks like eyeglue if you ask me. She even said in her old blog entries that she used eyeglue.
No. 30257
>>30160ayyy lmaooo
>>30178I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but his surgery was an improvement
No. 30260
>>30241daww unrelted but bless that little girl
hope she's still around
No. 30261
>>30220she looks nearly normal here
she should stick to being natural
No. 30262
>>30190meh, white people can have eyes naturally like this, it's rare ish but it happens
that ayego sal shit is fake as fuck tho
No. 30265
>>30263Not that anon, but I think the surgery made him look much better.
Something is still unsettling with his lips though.
No. 30267
>>30266oh sorry he's brazilian
anyway im failing to see the pros of the make-me-asian hackjob on his face
No. 30269
File: 1436541689984.jpg (18.33 KB, 320x320, 11242318_819084641522697_11595…)

>>30198I had no idea this was a thing omg
No. 30270
File: 1436544727894.jpg (59.28 KB, 483x452, POMELO_20150710170924_save.jpg)

>>30269It is, they think they look cute lol and theres lots or latina girls that try to look korean
No. 30273
>>30160She got eyebag implants to simulate that lower-lid-covering-half-your-eye that some asian people have?
I didn't even know that was a thing.
No. 30274
I really want plastic surgery, but this girl is the only thing that has made me rethink it. I dont' want to end up looking like that somehow.
>>30272I think this girl is cute.
No. 30275
File: 1436547082961.png (605.71 KB, 900x660, worn1.png)

No. 30278
File: 1436547330540.png (1.84 MB, 650x975, DSC09981650.png)

>>30277Her hair is always sticking out of her wigs. Why doesn't she fix this? It's like this in several different shoots
No. 30283
>>30278Her eyes are seriously so disgusting. They look watery and sore and inflammed, fucking gross.
She paid someone to do that to her. Top kek.
No. 30290
File: 1436975207618.png (24.13 KB, 631x341, twitter.png)

Tweet is from 2012. Who knows if she's lying or not but I do believe she's at least partially Asian.
No. 30293
File: 1436975911484.jpg (104.61 KB, 646x1024, image.jpg)

Ew what the fuck
Allergy-chan, pls see a doc for a refund, those eyebags are definitely not just make-up
No. 30294
File: 1436976598598.jpg (151.57 KB, 750x852, image.jpg)

>>30293She reminds me of this freakshow
They should start a Koreaboo circus together
No. 30296
fucking hell. those aegyo sals are awful
No. 30297
File: 1436980951179.jpg (105.43 KB, 791x749, 235243532v3.jpg)

Unedited Airi.
No. 30306
>>30304wtf, she ain't cute af
many korean girls with surgery look cute AF
her surgery face look scary AF legit, everything about her face is creepy looking
No. 30307
File: 1436989251649.jpg (189.19 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>30294Ong thanks ive been waiting for the tome to post that snowflake
No. 30309
File: 1436990132735.jpg (2.37 KB, 141x90, images.jpg)

>>30307fucking hell. Her aegyo sal looks 100x worse from a distance. Makes her look harsh and haggard
I hate this trend. I thought it was dead, but I'm clearly wrong
No. 30310
File: 1436990516077.jpg (33.64 KB, 500x378, tell me i'm pretty.jpg)

>>30307Dat overshooped waist.
Dat aegyo sal.
Why do people think this looks good? It looks awful. There is a line and she's clearly gone past it
No. 30313
>>30294omg I found her yesterday on insta and didn't even know jfc
LOL so that was her before?
Oh shame
No. 30314
File: 1437002857614.jpg (21.51 KB, 480x360, image.jpg)

>>30309Yea it looks okay SOMETIMES but in pics ONLY… then a candid pic pops up and its like
No. 30316
>>30305 I know right? But yeah I have no fucking idea what she's saying…
>>30288Are you high? She's a legitimately cute girl.
Seriously, why you so mad?
>>30307 Ugh. going through her insta irritated me so much. All the warped backgrounds too…
No. 30317
>If you are posting a new thread about someone who isn't widely known, and there are no previous threads about this person, then in the OP you need to include an explanation of why you consider them to be a lolcow. You should include links, pictures, videos, screenshots, quotes, or other evidence.
>If you do not do this, or if lolcow staff deems your evidence insufficient, incorrect, or irrelevant, then your thread will likely be moved to /b/. No. 30321
>>30319lol you're jealous you're not Asian like she is
and personally i wouldnt understand why you would be jealous unless you're a I can't say the word because that would be violating the rules here
No. 30324
>>30321idiot spotted
who wants to look like this girl? nobody
No. 30329
>>30325weaboo blacks do so
>>30326phew thought it'd be a jewish playground for shlomos
>>30323so a nigger
No. 30332
File: 1437519656731.jpg (21.99 KB, 200x300, svetlana.jpg)

>>30331yeah she looks like a svetlana with a lot of plastic surgery…:^)
Stop the obsession and just try to find pictures of her when she was little and yall see it for yourself.
No. 35456
>>30297>>30293She reminds me of that Korean woman that injected cooking oil into her face.
Why would you fuck up your mug like that.
No. 36322
File: 1443113556240.png (24.82 KB, 953x258, unkawaiiamericaandkorea.png)

>>36305>>36158 Korea is unkawaii! Since Taiwanese people are slurping her ass for her weird dolly look (personally, I don't blame them for even staring/laughing at her). And since Korea isn't as kawaii as she hoped, she's moving to Taiwan!
No. 36363
she destroyed her face
No. 36377
>>36367She can look cute but there are issues. The nose job she had makes it look ridiculous. She needs to stop with that huge aegyo sal, she looks much better when she doesn't do it. She says that her skin is dry so she uses super moisturizers and they end up making her look greasy all the time. She also needs to leave her hair the fuck alone for a bit. It's so fried right now it's basically straw. The bright and dark makeup doesn't suit her either. When she goes for a more natural and subtle look it's so much better. And she needs to quit with the circle lenses. They just look creepy on her. Actually, when she does creepy looks it's really pretty impressive. See
>>30275 >>30221>>30186>>30276>>30277If she scrapped the beauty blog idea and decided to do monster make-ups I think she would be more interesting.
No. 36464
>>36367you sound really ugly lol plastic surgery is worth it when it looks natural and actually looks good, this girl looks terrible, she legit rekt her face into a korean surgery plastic monster face…
but I agree that SOMETIMES she looks cute but thats only because shes caked on shit tons of make up and edits the shit out of her pics..
No. 38454
File: 1443798545852.png (57.39 KB, 544x522, surgerymonsterinterview.png)

Should've took a pic. It's not that long anyway lol
No. 38513
>>38504>>38505>>38506>>38507Eww. She looks really bad she took the BJD style too far. I see why OP mistaked her for being white now, she looks like that Brazilian guys sister (see
No. 39733
File: 1444187398748.jpg (2.4 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1444187277804.jpg)

Took a shot at trying to shoop her on my phone.
No. 40023
File: 1444261092079.jpg (43.55 KB, 431x640, free-shipping-supia-haeun-bjd-…)

>>38513Not to mention BJDs are actually supposed to look nice. I dunno what BJDs she's looking at, but I've never seen any that look like this >>38507
No. 40053
>>36320Private video
Someone downloaded it…?
No. 40118
File: 1444278680531.png (398.26 KB, 597x464, けく.png)

>>40089I really doubt anyone actually took the time to send her a long ass message like that. The whole thing sounds made up and written in her own words. The way she reads it highlights that too. She just realized that in her videos, her voice wasn't consistent so she wanted to "clear it up" by making this shitty video in case anyone noticed. This shit is so improvised. She really is fake. Idk how anyone can take this plastic surgery monster seriously. She's obviously very insecure to go through such great lengths to change herself by lying about her own voice and persona along with rearranging her face to the point of fucking it up completely.
The rest of the video about her blabbing how she had to imitate adults to learn how to speak normally is retarded, makes no sense, and is complete bullshit. She's embarrassing as fuck and mentally unstable like all living dolls are.
No. 40137
File: 1444286954543.png (84.42 KB, 335x322, watt.png)

When I posted this I was able to watch it before. Now all of a sudden "Playback on other websites has been disabled by the owner" I wonder if she still stares at this thread, and when she'll come to defend herself here.
No. 41074
This voice is so different from
>>40089 what point what she even trying to make with that dumbass video lmfao
No. 42814
>>42789Why the fuck does your friend's ethnicity matters in this context?
Pls go, you goddamn weeb
No. 42869
>>42814Calm down anon. R u Ok?
>>42819 Makes sense in the context of Airi. She was obsessed with Korea forever and got a rude awakening when she actually went there. She's currently going to Taiwan for print modeling with aspirations to eventually move to Tokyo. Anon is just pointing out that she really wouldn't be able to make it there.
No. 42935
File: 1444832846069.png (485.58 KB, 526x700, 1444411935598.png)

>>42789no one cares what your friend said, it has no value to the thread.
no one cares what race your friend is either.
No. 44446
>>44389Are you sure? Pretty sure trannys try to raise their voice as high as possible
Most Asian girls do have cute voices because of their native language requires to talk in tones
No. 46620
File: 1445221421599.png (258.6 KB, 643x642, Clipboard01.png)

"No-makeup makeup"… Um, okay.
No. 46623
File: 1445221545887.png (675.47 KB, 683x1024, natural makeup.png)

(That file name, wtf.)
No. 46672
>>46616Even her boyfriend said her style was weird. She went to Korea thinking everyone would pat and kiss her ass cause she's a foreigner, and wears typical weeb clothing when she didn't receive any pats or kisses she got angry (seen at >>36158) if you truly didn't care about your
haters why, would you make a big ass blog post about how ugly they are? She's very insecure, like you said any criticism against her she locks up, privates, and blocks everything. I know she basically said she wants to be a little girl lmao, but this woman is almost 30 isn't she?
>>46646It's a wig, she's always complaining about her real hair. But even that's greasy, I believe she puts some weird shiny/greasy product on her hair to distract people from how fried it is (she said her hair was fried herself, instead of taking care of it she continued to bleach and dye it).
No. 47262
File: 1445383653950.jpg (323.25 KB, 683x1024, shoop.jpg)

>>46623Pity her face is fucked beyond repair
No. 48378
>>48363WTF is wrong with her…she acts so mental
it's not cute at all
No. 48487
>>48408I thought she was white too at first but she's definitely Asian, I think Chinese
No. 48552
>>48408She's Asian. My guess is Taiwanese since she seems fluent in Chinese and lives in Taiwan now. Also
No. 48555
>>48363>>48503I don't understand how she can't just fucking hate herself and regret so much when she sees her face.
She used to be kind of cute and then she fucked it all up and now there's no going back.
Also can't believe how obnoxious and fake her little girl act is.
It's like, so bad that it almost seems like she's taking the piss.
No. 48631
>>48625Because she actually likes them and she actually thinlks it makes her look youthful and like a living doll when really it looks atrocious.
I think a lot of people stare at her because she looks like a monster but she thinks they stare because shes into a none western style theme dolly look lol
If i saw her in person id probably uncontrollably burst out in laughter because spotting plastic surgery is very easy for me and its even funnier when someone gets plastic surgery to look better and end up looking worse.
No. 48651
File: 1445707092882.gif (986.35 KB, 155x155, tumblr_inline_n53tqd2j6Q1qdzkk…)

why does she roll her eyes like that, she reminds me of this
No. 48673
>>48367I used to feel like this too, but the more I see of her, the more I think like what
>>48555 said. She comes across to me now as very ingenuous, obnoxious, and like she knows everything about Korea and Koreans just because she lived there. Girl needs to chill and realize she isn't above criticism.
No. 48827
>>48824She is straining her voice a lot actually.
I'm not sure if she manipulated the audio but compared to this video it's pretty obvious that he dumb persona isn't genuine
No. 48894
File: 1445778709052.jpg (34.74 KB, 1098x314, WHT THE FUCK.jpg)

is this fuckin flesh???????????/
No. 51770
>>51397She looks autistic and retarded waving her hands around like that.
>comments disabledFor someone who doesn't care what people say, she sure can't handle criticism.
No. 52247
>>51411What? She's hideous. She fucked up her face and now she looks deformed.
>>51770Seriously, she looks insane. She creeps me the fuck out.
No. 53500
get it while it's hot - only up for 1.5 more days. is… really over-the-top
No. 53509
>>53502i know it was so retarded
honestly tho kinda expected since asians tend to be homophobic (don't mean they all HATE gay people but treat is very weird/say patronizing things et)
No. 53517
>>51397This reminds me of Venus, except this manages to be even more cringey.
No. 53526
I don't understand her behavior at all. I mean she can talk and ACT all normal like a human being, which also makes her look rather cute (I still defend her surgery face, I love it). But then she make videos like the review thing for beauty bond asia and you think she's venus on dope outa control cuz margaret isn't looking after her baby.
WHY can't she act and talk normal like in
>>53500 this video?? It'd give her so much less negativity
No. 53609
>>53605Tbh, I think the real reason she won was because she's a foreigner.
>>53526Lol I always thought Airi was ugly as fuck until I saw her video for that beautybondasia thingy, she looks kind of cute without of shoop. Though, I still hate those large eye bags whatever the hell they are lmao.
No. 54160
>>54046Because plastic surgery makes you shiny? And the stork brings your babies and replica has same quality as brand.
Man it's because of her makeup and or skin. Not because of her surgeries
No. 55051
File: 1446845977165.jpg (345.97 KB, 683x1024, 5.jpg)

minus the horrendous eyes, she could look like an average girl with surgery
No. 55063
>>55051Her before PS looked so much better. I'm starting to think the real reason she got it was so she could fit in in Korea. Although that didn't work out lol, people thought she looked weird and just laughed at her. Since she already got it, she could look WAY better without those eyebags, but even if she got them off (somehow lmao) her nose looks really weird from the side.
>>54333How she used to look.
>>35376>>35377 No. 55094
File: 1446852059751.jpg (35.91 KB, 500x352, Park-Min-Young-Asian-nose-job.…)

That nose is so fucking pointy lmao, no. Some Asian girls look good with a rhinoplasty but Airi looks kinda weird. She's cute but without those ugly eyebags she could look a whole lot better, I don't think she could do anything with that nose tho. But I'll excuse the nose because I'm forgetting she also shoops her pictures.
No. 55129
>>53609I knew her "real" voice before I heard her "youtube persona voice" and I'm terrified, because she actually doesn't sound that stupid.
In this video at 1:00 you can hear her "real" voice kind of (it can be even softer and more adult.. there's been an interview video in which I've heard her for the first time)
I absolutely don't get why she thinks sounding like a south park character is cute. Holy crap.
The first seconds. Is that you cartman
No. 55145
Check its youtube button then to view it there or - hope this works if you're brave though
it's halloween level scary spooky.
No. 55148
File: 1446860650733.png (589.84 KB, 865x327, lmaoo.png)

>>55145So much hair stuff lmao and eye creams it's like they're trying to tell her "please fix those eyebags and your fried greasy hair"
No. 55400
>>55390I got to know her through her blog/s and thought she's a cute and clever girl.
I found her videos later and she seems so retarded. I really think that she has some mental issues (regarding her self esteem maybe)
No. 55407
>>55400i agree, when i read her blog posts, she put a lot of effort into writing and reviewing but in person she's a wacko.
shes trying to be overly cute and someone shes not. its sooo cringe worthy.
No. 55442
>>55438>>55418Maybe they're really charitable people and decided she needed those free products the most lol.
I will never understand why some girls think acting like a spastic dumbass is cute. Some people are naturally excitable, granted, but it's really obvious she's trying too hard to be cutesy and adorable
No. 55513
File: 1446949955655.jpg (65.79 KB, 674x711, DSC077041.jpg)

old pics
No. 55515
File: 1446949986558.jpg (48.66 KB, 515x698, DSC079831.jpg)

>>55514she was cute as gyaru
No. 55522
I am reading her old posts, I will post more pics. She started the transformation in 2012
No. 55529
File: 1446950886958.png (729.95 KB, 458x723, DSC07518458.png)

No. 55533
File: 1446951031665.jpg (20.12 KB, 323x318, chichibanban.JPG)

No. 55534
File: 1446951479797.jpg (50.35 KB, 514x582, DSC00020jpegsmaler.jpg)

No. 55537
File: 1446952017070.png (632.13 KB, 900x643, nose.png)

>>55517she had 2 nose jobs? or this pic is before and
>>55517is after?
No. 55543
I hope for her sake that she genuinely thinks she looks better now than she did in these old pics. It would be a pretty devastating and depressing thing to live with, if not.
No. 55638
>>55543she might be suppressing the fact she doesn't look better by desperately seeking for a modelling agency to tell her she's pretty.
tbh I don't think that anyone of the "beauty bound asia" is pretty. Some are extraordinarily ugly.
It seems like some kind of entertainment media I think. Which is often just a way to demonstrate the weirdest creatures.
No. 55685
File: 1446999596766.jpg (188.31 KB, 798x821, expressions.jpg)

I wonder if she's still able to make these expressions
No. 55739
File: 1447008093771.jpg (315.83 KB, 1000x1499, p1150486.jpg)

>>55710But if it's not plastic surgery, they still look really fake.
Asians can have double eyelids naturally (picture related) but they look nothing like hers. Some Asian double eyelids start at the inner corner instead and aren't parallel to the eye. Hers look way too deep/wide and weird to be natural
if she was mixed. Hell, even white people eyes don't look like this. She could be using eyelid tape or glue to bring them into this unnatural shape.
No. 55747
>>55685This is really sad. She looks so cute. Like a fucking human being.
Just sad.
No. 55949
>>55817when do you expect to see her scars?
She's always editing photos, overexposes, she's always wearing BB/CC cream and there are no real ultra HD videos of her face.
No. 56036
>>55949This is true, however is it even possible to get double eyelids like that through surgery. I meqn she looks indian. Indian people are the
ones ive seen with huge eyelids. Imo its not petty or doll like at all.
No. 56041
>>55710anon techniques are so good these days that you won't see a scar unless you know it's there and looks at it close up. I've had PS and my scars are practically invisible.
Plus you can opt to have non-incisional method for blepharoplasty (technical term for eyelid surgery). Google it
No. 60713
>>30159Nope, it's definitely surgery. If you look through her older posts, I think there's a point before she leaves Korea when she injected huge aegyosal fillers.
Also there are no photos of her out there before she moved to Korea, where she got her plastic surgery.
Her surgeon should be sued.
Looks like she cut her double eyelids longer, while getting epicanthoplasty and lower canthoplasty to change her eyes from normal lemon-shaped caucasian eyes into those smiley half-circle asian eyes.
Her nose was sharpened to look like one of those plastic korean girls.
Her whole look is a caricature of what she thinks the perfect plastic asian girl should look like. She's literally a white person trying to look like an asian person trying to look somewhat white.
Look how deep her eye sockets are, even fillers couldn't fill in the depth of them. Definitely not asian.
No. 60747
File: 1447955179394.jpg (69.84 KB, 280x214, Qs3hET4q.jpg)

Doesn't this eye look almost exactly like hers?
The redness and rough skin on each corner of the eye is from epicanthoplasty and lower canthoplasty. I found this photo on a plastic surgery website.
These procedures are key to looking like a typical plastic asian. Along with a pointy nose and face fillers
Anyway i'm currently still cringing from watching her videos. I'm starting to feel more awkward myself just from watching that -_-
She tries too hard to incorporate asian expressions into english. It's so damn unnatural and cringey. Her bottom eyelid and top eyelid is so puffy, she literally reminds me of a down person especially from the way she talks and how stiff her face is when she smiles.
This girl needs to wake the fuck up, re-fix her face. She looks fucking cheap and botched.
No. 60759
File: 1447958962321.png (4.34 MB, 1254x1366, ase36b5u22vtrswq.png)

Well, before she had the nose surgery anyways. The earliest photos I can dig up for her are from 2012 and I think it's pretty obvious she at least had eye surgery at that point but not the nose surgery yet. It's pretty obvious she's had a ton of plastic surgery done but I do think she probably is some sort of Asian. It's really fucking hard to tell with her current incarnation though. But really, she was pretty damn cute in the early photos. It's a shame she went crazy with plastic surgery.
No. 60994
>>60812>which also explains why she speaks Taiwanese-Chinese so wellShe's always complaining whe something is in Chinese and she doesn't even have a Weibo account.
She looks mexican-asian
No. 63494
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she's crazy about looking like a doll she's PSed her face into one
No. 63496
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>>63494she's going for this look…it's called bjd or something
No. 63508
>>63485I think she is in her 30's. Airi is such a rude person tho you guys remember her insulting Korean girls for laughing at her or something? And I never understood why she calls herself Airi, isn't that a Japanese sounding name, I know she's a Koreaboo but wouldn't it more Koreabooish to call herself Ahri?
>>63494 Why shoop yourself when you had loads of plastic surgery? Wouldn't you stop liquifying yourself lol because you already achieved the look you wanted? So many question lmao
No. 63511
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Someone shoop this pls
No. 63513
>>63496Yes, she's obsessed with them and has a tumblr just for them. She's mentioned before that her boyfriend (ex?) didn't like them.
>>63508She probably regrets that awful nose job now. She's been blurring it like crazy or trying to cover it up. Most of her recent selfies have her wearing one of those surgical masks.
No. 63546
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undid her plastic surgery with photoshop
took out the fillers and fat transplants from her face and eyes, removed the nose surgeries and contour makeup, reversed her eye corner cutting and made her eyebrows back to their natural arched shape
No. 63547
File: 1448304411709.jpg (91.11 KB, 615x1024, airi asian.jpg)

then i made her a real asian just for shits and giggles
No. 63564
>>63546She looks like a 30 year old koreaboo white woman lmao
>>63547If she got ps to look like this Korean people might not laugh at her at all she looks cute
No. 64082
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No. 64084
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No. 64691
>>64082>>64084Sauce please omg!!!!!!!!
I don't understand her eyelids and I don't understand why she used to blur our her whole nose bridge and nose entirely to make it look flat… and then later do plastic surgery and contour it.
She had a hook nose before.
No. 66977
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No. 66978
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No. 66979
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No. 66980
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No. 66981
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No. 66982
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No. 66983
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No. 66984
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No. 66998
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>>66992>>66995people like this is what makes me think that nobody on this forum is asian.
None of those girls are plastic except for Wengie and Airi
No. 67058
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I plunged into the depths and stalked like never before. Looking at these pics, I'm pretty sure she's full Asian or at least half.
No. 67059
File: 1449106368325.jpg (74.26 KB, 621x707, darkrootsalljpeg.jpg)

Just dumping some no-makeup pics.
No. 67063
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It's a shame, she was actually really cute during her gyaru phase. Too bad she had to discover ulzzang, move to Korea, and do all that stuff to her face…
No. 67064
File: 1449106803477.png (465.25 KB, 517x513, DSC00362517x513-1.png)

Last one (I think this is a really pretty photo).
No. 67070
>>67065It was her intention though, that's what I mean.
>>67063 is a pic from her trying to copy Tsubasa's styling.
No. 67072
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does anyone know who this girl is? love her look/make up
No. 67174
>>66981Omg, she legit looks like she's having an allergic reaction in this picture.
As I thought, it seems she was in Korea teaching English for a while (I'm still snooping on her blog). Funny how she's so secretive about it, I guess being ALT is not a glamorous reason to be in Korea.
"Today a student asked for my help, and basically, he wanted to whine about doing poorly on his exam. Out of a 100, he got a 64."
No. 67196
>>67010Because she did tons of plastic surgery that fucked up her face.
That's why she looks so weird and alien compared to the other Asians.
I used to follow her old Twitter way back and I'm 99% sure she's Chinese/Taiwanese.
No. 67232
>>67072Looks like a pig with red lipstick
>>67196There's a screenshot somewhere earlier of her saying she was mixed. But who knows. I would believe that she was mixed or hispanic more than full asian. If you look at the picture of her with all the other asians, you can see how deep her eye socket is even with all the fillers. Asians typically don't have an eye socket that deep.
No. 67236
>>67233She fucked up her face so much at this point, she doesn't look like any race anymore. This girl just looks creepy.
But in her really old pictures you can see she is definitely Asian or at least mixed.
No. 67263
>>66998I bet many of these got their eyelids done and probably their noses.
Also, wengie got her ps right, she's beautiful!
No. 67274
>>67263ur mayonnaise skin color is showing.
none of those asians have eyelid surgery or nose surgeries except for wengie and airi. the only girls there with the naturally high nose bridges and eyelids are SE asians
No. 67288
>>67274How do you know? Do you know all of them personally? You canlt actually see if an Asian had the eyelid surgery or not unless they straight up tell you.
Anyway who's the white/blonde girl in the back?
No. 67296
>>67274Not even photoshop and meitu can make ahripop, Lisa Ring and all those other wannabes look remotely Asian.
This Airi girl must be at least partially Asian.
I agree with your last part though. The people in that photo look like normal Asians to me.
No. 67477
>>67233This picture is from after she started doing her weird looking bjd eyelids, go look at her old pics like
>>67058 and
>>67059, its pretty obvious.
No. 67593
>>67274It says a lot about this anon
>>67288 that they assume many of the girls could have had something done.
Just because Koreans are notorious for doing plastic surgery now, it doesn't mean the whole of Asia is the same.
No. 69382
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she needs to tone down those bags…looks like she was punched or got an allergic reaction
No. 69840
she looks like she got botched surgery or something? why does she look like she got stung by 12 bees all over her face? was that the look she was going for with all the ps? i don't know why she even wanted so much ps to begin with, i thought she was cute here
>>55513. she's had to have had multiple surgeries to get to this point i think, she looks really weird now in these new photos
No. 70007
>>69984She's really…unsettling, if thats the right word to use. Like, the combination of the forced "cuteness" and her puffy, greasy, disheveled appearence just creeps me out so badly.
The side eye that lady in the Moschino was giving her made me laugh.
No. 70011
File: 1449782063142.png (88.73 KB, 592x278, helpherplease.png)

> >3<
No. 70026
>>70007she should just throw baby powder all over her face and hair, I'm so tired of seeing that grease aaallll the tiiiime.
I think she could be cute (though alien-ish) is she stopped acting like a retarded adult stuck on baby-level
No. 70171
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>>69382>>69384>>69840It's called fillers. If you inject way too much filler into your skin, it actually stretches the skin giving it a smoother and shiny appearance. The more you stretch the skin, the more shine. But it also loosens the skin so when her fillers dissolve, her skin will be stretched and she needs to get more filler to prevent sagging.
I assume that she went back to the same cheap, low quality surgeon where she got her eyes and nose done to do her fillers. Her surgeon is terrible for messing up her face like that.
No. 70173
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>>69382she looks like this
No. 71461
>>70172This may sound strange, but I'm actually very self conscious about my forehead. Apparently, it is classically feminine to have a rounded forhead. However, mine is rather square and not "rounded out." I feel like it makes my face look more mannish. I'm having trouble finding pictures for this, sorry.
But then again, I'm horrifically ugly and my forehead is the least of my problems. Sage for muh personal diary.
No. 71471
>>70172Usually asians with flat and tilted forehead look a bit like apes so they add a bit of volume to correct the problem.
There are two types of people in asia that get their forehead done: 1. someone with an unattractive forehead 2. someone who's greedy and wants to obtain a really fake alien look (aka airi)
No. 76330
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Since I'm to lazy to get out my laptop and properly photoshop her; I used phone editing apps instead. It not my best work.
No. 77633
File: 1451919034416.png (401.71 KB, 642x603, sootakuuwu.png)

Been a while since we've seen any of her sperging so I thought I'd check up on her. Looks like she go married guys! In FFXIV, so otaku~~!
No. 78936
>>78912She looks so greasy.
And the forced cute and shy character
I wanna punch her
No. 79745
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>>78912the area around her eyes are so puffy it looks like her eyes are just black empty holes
No. 81502
>>78912I hate her fakely cute and nice body language ugh
No. 82475
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I like the real her better, bc she's just really werid and squeaky when she does the kawaii persona shit. I like her better when she speaks in her normal voice range, and acts like a normal person.
No. 82547
>>82336this boyfriend person must have loli fetish theres no other way he's tolerating this
that is if airi acts like this off camera too
No. 84466
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>>82336She sounds like droopy.
No. 86181
>>86154She's Asian with tons of plastic surgery that made her look like a creepy doll.
>>84474I also don't think she looks white in any way. Maybe Mexican/Latina at most like some people guessed.
No. 86195
>>86154Seconding this anon
>>86181She's just a mutilated asian.
No. 150194
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>>150168I've been wondering about her too. She's still alive tho, she posted on FB in April: she'd "explain everything" on her blog…but no blog post.
Attached is the photo she put on FB
No. 150231
>>150224I'm not getting redirected when I go to her site, anon. It's
http://chichibanban dot blogspot dot
tw (can't post a working link bc the
tw part switches to red here so the link doesn't work.)
What would fucking margo do with it if it did redirect though? Try to be the "new airi"? LOL
No. 150631
>>150194 I hope she comes to "explain" things at some point. She's put so much effort into her internet persona it would be weird if she just drop it.
Btw that pic is so… uncanny valley
No. 150649
>>150631what if she got sugery to look 'normal' and better and she's waiting for it to heal?
I liked her enthusiasm, although she looked childish in some vids. She doesn't update Snapchat too>>150631
No. 150682
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>>150194truly the stuff of nightmares
No. 387300
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No. 387314
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No. 387344
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I guess she is mexican
No. 387399
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What she actually looks like.
No. 387450
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Anyways I would like to say there is a Chinese woman who wanted to look like a BJD so she got plastic surgery. Airi's and hers look the same. Barbie di lila is her name. It's so creepy.
No. 387523
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No. 387551
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>>30158She just looks English now lol