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No. 287830
Jamie Leigh Fischer is an exceptional old cunt bag who uses tragic events to gain sympathy for herself and overhauled her fat ass through plastic surgery in hopes of making her YouTube channel successful.
Claiming to be a 9/11 survivor, then a survivor of the Boston Marathon Bombing, which both have been debunked, this bag of conniving douchery is one of those schadenfreude cunts who's last claim to fame was a bunch of teens staring at her sagged out tits in Yahoo chat rooms back in the 2000's where her thigh gap was confused as the source of the Y2K bug.
Her current self proclamations of being a "Popular YouTube Star and Personality" are backed up by her shitty content which always gets more dislikes than likes, gets a whopping 2-300 views per video from her massive fan base of 1600 people and features her fake plastic surgery face so zoomed in that you want to paris hilton yourself by sticking a finger down your throat to bring back last weeks taco bell just to make it through ANY of her videos.
Her dipshittery continues as she was exposed for lieing about having cancer which resulted in a Hysterectomy but her scars are indicative of plastic surgery where skin was removed, more than likely stapled onto her fat fake looking face to hide the pockmarks from her needle abuse days.
The grazing cow lives at home with Mommy and her deadbeat husband David Dillion Clark Fischer who is a Pizza Delivery Driver for the local Hull Pizza, but somehow Jamie has convinced herself that he is an accomplished doctor, perhaps the one in the same that made her face look like Michael Jackson.
Her extra cheese please Husband mooch was arrested for Domestic Battery and taken to court for Child Support.
At age 42, this cud chewing wanna be spinoff of Anna Nicole Smith and her local school zone flasher Husband live with her Mommy in the upstairs attic bedroom where Jamie Leigh Fischer has to tuck her fat ass into a corner of a room while staring up at the camera like Jesus has returned (while hiding her horrible neckline from failed surgeries) to create her "videos" and she has affectionately named this corner, her "studio" in which she surrounds herself with stuffed animals in hopes that we dont see her fatassery.
This walking yeast infection is open for your love and the more you dig on her, the more you reveal as lie after lie becomes exposed. Everything from creating false charities post 9/11 to take advantage of the situation to stealing artwork and claiming it as her own, the great thing about this wilderbeast is that she reacts to being called out and has recently changed her LinkedIn to no longer reflect her Popular YouTube Status and this dipshit also has YouTube Partner on her linkedin, which everyone knows is an automated process.
FACEBOOK: No. 287840
File: 1491771885650.png (1.58 MB, 1126x923, c0cMQha.png)

even more links on this cow……
SnapChat @JamieLeighDoc
the cow even photoshops her tounge
No. 287884
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>>287874Must be part of her clown aesthetic.
With that makeup and bold top of head, she looks just like IT.
No. 287886
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here's another beautiful picture of this walking STD
No. 287896
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this bitch is a photoshopping queen, look at those smooth sexy legs, but what the fuck is wrong with her feet?
No. 287900
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>>287884the funny thing is this cow paid to look like this
No. 287920
>>287906haha! he has the name of a schooter too. "dillanclark"
>>287913>floridawhy am i not surprised
No. 287945
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no words….
No. 287946
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>>287944don't deflect, enjoy the cowness.
No. 288041
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for real, who the fuck does this at her age? does she think she's 16???
No. 288057
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I have to hide this thread or else I'm going to have nightmares.
No. 288343
>>287840Don't namefag or give your posts titles.
She vibes like Luna Lanie's long-lost twin.
No. 290341
this cow is trying to make things more than what they seem.
what she did, was go after Joy, took all of Joys real life info, lied about every fucking thing under the sun, then got all scared when people did the same shit back to her.
look at this pathetic shit No. 299621
File: 1493290450982.jpg (1.3 MB, 1080x4256, IMG_20170427_114840.jpg)

She's been going round all the anti-o blogs pasting this same message onto reblogged posts and following the anti o blogs and I think also submitting this to them. She's mostly being ignored, thankfully.
I'm saging this so she doesn't get the satisfaction of being bumped to the top of the board. Never have I come across an attention seeker this pathetic.
People have very good reasons to loathe Onision and sending a damn essay calling them out (the same essay, every time) just makes you look sad and desperate. She's not even entertaining, for a cow. She's just sad and wrong.
No. 299814
>>299621 this cow is so desperate for attention so i gave her a little bit of it after watching her "years in the making" onision video.
my deleted comment to her :
"This was the video that was years in the making? The video you've been harassing Onision over for about a week now? A fat girl camera angle looking up at the camera in the park? This was the video you were so proud of? What in the fuck? You are honestly one of the most docile, dimwitted people of the Internet. You ran cross country in makeup and boots huh, all huffy and puffy at the beginning without a bead of sweat, great effort at exercise you lazy slob. Onision hates fans like you, a fat, lazy smoker so unhealthy and did you forget he hates plastic surgery whores? You're 41 fucking years old, move out of mommies house you fucking leech and your husband busts his ass LMAO, he delivers pizza for Hull Pizzeria. You are a complete tool and a complete fraud. Loved how you skipped off at the end but cut it so we couldn't see your body and who the fuck is so full of themselves that they have a 30 second outro…oh my god."
this dumb trailer trash with a mullet harassed onision for a week and was all over twitter spamming, so trying to get his attention so i gave her a little more attention…
"From her Twitter where she is stalking Onision, by the way she is spamming the shit out of him, you'd think Star Wars 8 was being released to the world tomorrow as a surprise or some shit.
"Oh yes. It’s about to happen. Brace yourself internet. Pigs are flying."
"This video is going to polarize my fan base, my viewers, and that's how I knew it was right to film and do. Stay tuned folks. Working hard."
"The video I have been hyping about @Onision I am very proud of, and should be up tonight or tomorrow. I think it's the first of it's kind."
"I’m filming an @onision video that has been years in the making. Feel the time is right."
And this was that video!? Whoa slow down Girl, you sure you don't need a vacation after that crazy high production value? Filming from a ghetto bird shit covered park? I've seen roadkill that was more entertaining for christ's sakes."
i have no words for this piece of work who thinks she is "in the public eye" and a "youtube personality.
No. 300791
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da fuk is wrong with this bitches head?
No. 300793
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and again is her fukkin brain leaking out?
No. 301045
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when you fail so hard at being a youtuber creator, that even onision fans tell you to gtfo after making a pro onision video :D
No. 301594
File: 1493568613681.png (383.64 KB, 720x1233, JF.png)

Is she banned from Lolcow too or just PULL?
Today this was on Margo's thread lol
No. 301757
>>301620Thanks anon..
>>301609That was spergelic, she keeps track of those details.
No. 304220
File: 1493887201749.jpg (8.42 KB, 176x275, 89606592-176-k621876.jpg)

>>287900>>287906When you survive 9/11 & Boston Bombing….but go on to marry Columbine shooter Dylan Klebold. lmao Immediately after seeing him I was thinking, "Didnt he fucking die in 1999?"
A bit late, I know.
No. 355308
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I know this pic had to have been posted already but, holy shit… She wrote all these guestbook entries from her old website herself.
>"you're so shy! you're standing there like this little innocent chick, like I wanted to protect you lol"
In the other "entry" she described her website as a religious experience hahaha
In her recent livestream she recorded from two angles, you can really see the parts of her face jumping around from editing.
Man… you can always tell which comments are hers. She just talks in circles praising herself using dramatically OTT language, never specifying WHAT she's done.
Her personality is essentially the same as a multilevel marketing scheme.
No. 367631
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I just don't understand this heifer, nor her standpoint on anything. She went out against Onision, but then selfposted in his thread about supporting him? No screencaps, because she deleted within minutes.
But even more so I do not understand her appearance and her inflated ego. What the fuck is her look. Is her aesthetic 2007 britney? She looks awful. I grabbed this from her 2 minute fucking outro, her rings are turning her fingers green. I guess her "hard working" pizzaboy husband couldn't even afford to get his wife a good set of rings.
Sage for no obv milk.
No. 369428
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>>369413Just full in the email field with 'sage' to sage.
No. 371071
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Playing Where's Waldo with this woman and her horrific photoshop is turning into a really dull game, she doesn't even fucking try anymore. How can she act like nobody notices this shit?
No. 371077
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C'mon lady give it up, for fucks sake, if you're this self conscious about your weight actually do something about it.
No. 371576
Jamie brought this on herself by approaching these types of boards?
And yes,I get she was plugging her content…
(youtubers,creators,entertainers do).
Why don't you guys cut her a break?Yes,she's made some mistakes.But,who hasn't?
The woman has been through a lot,health issues etc.And yes,she has some weight gain.Probably due to after effects of past health issues.So what!
I get the impression Jamie is comfortable in her own skin…..she wouldn't put herself out there if she wasn't.
Those pics above look like two people being REAL.
She's bashed for her make up.She's bashed without it.
Her husband,who has not posted on these boards or bothered any one, gets bashed and doxxed. That is pretty crappy in itself.
I don't know Jamie personally.
However,I'm a long time viewer who sits quietly on the virtual side lines and roots for her and glad to see she actually does have a happy life.Is yours?
I'm glad to see that through what of her personal life she does share via her content.
If you all don't like her content?Don't view it.
Everyone has a right to their opinion(as I do mine).
And enough time on my hands (like every one else here seems to,to waste)to give it.
I too seek some entertainment online…..but lolcow,etc is the most ridiculous f'in things I've seen people waste their time on.
She's not posting to these boards any more and people are still carrying on about it.
Have a nice weekend.Looks like Jamie and her husband is enjoying theirs and good for them.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 372615
Jamie please stop talking about shit you know nothing about
No. 372616 please stop talking about shit you know nothing about
No. 393595
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No. 393596
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jamie and her handler husnand were/are in las vegas. some of us saw them.
No. 393597
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hoover dam yo
No. 393599
File: 1506533163750.png (1.16 MB, 1063x650, 17-09-18-05-12-36-891_deco.png)

I can't tell which one is the wax statue? Jamie, or Elvis.
No. 393600
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No. 393601
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apparently this one was from the michael jackson one show at mandalay bay
No. 393602
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No. 393603
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No. 393604
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No. 393605
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No. 393607
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No. 393608
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No. 393609
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No. 393611
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No. 393612
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No. 393615
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No. 393617
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No. 393620
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No. 393622
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No. 393624
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stay class jl
No. 393625
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No. 393627
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No. 393628
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No. 393629
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No. 401027
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I don't follow this snowflake so forgive me if this isn't milky but she just liked a shit ton of Onision/Laineybot reuploaded videos that only get posted in the Onision /pt/ thread.
No. 402544
File: 1507827111922.jpg (1.32 MB, 2560x1707, 131025-divine-tease_ajbvw2.jpg)

Divine, is that you?
No. 405290
File: 1508286710097.png (14.34 KB, 500x228, oh no now i have to seek actua…)

oh wow it actually happened
No. 851248
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not gone, but did get comitted to the mental ward recently, but then again, who hasn't No. 852022 the actual fuck, she starts off the video by saying she used nail polish for lipstick. this is just gross, an "ASMR McDonald's mukbang".
No. 887840
yo, she wasn't playin. i have respect for anyone who outs a narc. they are fuckin sick. seems she knew though but he still fucked her over royally. narc manifest their own fears. she put out the thing he cheated and moved together with so he could avoid going to prison to get ass raped no doubt for not paying his debt to society. loser! a watch. that gremlin thing he with be like a teenager. all he could get. jlf too smart for that i think, she knew his game the whole time. why do i still feel they will be back together sooner than later and this isnt the end? fucking insane. narcccccccccc.