No. 286725
File: 1491614282685.png (1.6 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-04-07-18-14-17…)

Picture of Jen Sutton's tranny baby after the ceremony.
No. 286727
File: 1491614461801.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-04-07-18-18-41…)

Aww such a beautiful wedding cake you two!
Jen.. you better not squish your new trannytoy.
No. 344228
File: 1498862893226.jpg (46.67 KB, 306x397, candle.jpg)

I've seen memes saying we need Chuck Norris to get world peace…what if we had this person! Come on, to get a person to change to a guy you have to convince two shrinks, a doctor, and a judge in addition to the person on top of spending money! All that while finding someone who is old enough to make all these decisions unlike the previous posts are saying (dude is over 21)…Who needs Chuck Norris when you can have this Jen person. By the way, That isn't this person's name either. It is a name they went by with when with an ex…who is really good at phone screen prints….phone screen prints….hmmm…kinda makes you wonder. Maybe this wonderful work of fiction is actually consensual wedding pictures taken from a long term relationship of two people who are trans spectrum and neither looks their age? And maybe, just maybe, it is nobodies business. Maybe if we spent more time solving the problems of hate and prejudice instead of encouraging it in order to make drama and pain win when love, peace, and understanding should…..? At that ceremony there were candles for all the blacksheeps of every natural family to light if they wanted a new family, a family where everyone could be loved as is, not in spite of their flaws but flaws included. I was happy to be invited and light my candle.The Blacksheep family celebrated love, truth, and the freedom to be yourself while encouraging the growth of the soul into your better you. Please light your candle, and remove the hate.