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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1490295959629.jpg (34.05 KB, 250x246, tumblr_ommiwtWGtV1tf6l78o1_250…)

No. 275921

>Claims to be a boy yet doesn't do anything to look like a boy
>Throws a fit if you misgender "him"
> Tumblr: Kagoma / Instagram: Kag0ma
> Photoshops their pictures to look japanese

No. 275933

This could have been in the fakeboi thread. Not milky enough to have it's own.

No. 276030

there's so many people like this, either claiming to be male or non binary and shooping themselves Asian at the same time.
why the fuck

No. 276348

Whoever they are they are cute as fuck

No. 276354

Meitu abuse

No. 276356

yah i agree but only in the OP pic. in the other IG photos she's just…okay.

any of them without shoop though?

No. 276359

I went to look at their insta and looks like their "art" is just badly traced photos…

No. 276360

File: 1490351461656.png (241.4 KB, 544x595, 23456.png)

Oops, forgot to add the actual picture.

No. 276389

NO WAY this is a pic of a fakeboi from tumblr that they just copied. I hope they credited them at least with it being their face and all

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