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No. 273351
Facebook: oompa loompa allegedly abuses cat to death and smokes it's ashes on Facebook Live
Also, she has vagina worms.
No. 273352
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No. 273354
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No. 273355
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No. 273529
>>273528Her profile isn't there anymore/she changed the user
We don't actually, unless farmhands approve. Guess that might be why OP didn't mention her age or anything.
No. 273531
>>273354How the fuck are you
triggered by abused animals BECAUSE you abused animals? The fuck. You're the
triggering one
No. 273630
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No. 273632
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No. 273634
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No. 273636
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No. 273657
>>273636Oh god. What is wrong with this generation ? So obsessed with mental illness and physical illnesses and sharing/exaggerating everything in their lives.
This just sounds like an overall case of bad hygiene. Lice, Vag pinworms and infections of the skin and UTI's … Girl probably doesn't clean herself enough, and the bacteria probably is why she gets infections from shaving ( plus probably using a dull shaver ).
No. 273660
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No. 273662
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No. 273772
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No. 273775
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No. 273776
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No. 273777
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No. 273787
I feel like she could look average-cute like Billie if she cleaned up a bit (and shaved
>>273772). I guess they wouldn't be cows if they acted in their best interest, though.
No. 273895
>>273665It's not her fb friends, her profile is public and half the world is shitting on her on every status she makes.
I'm starting to think she's some kind of attention (even negative attention) starved troll and she gets off on this. Why else would she keep posting this weird shit and leave her profile public even though she's getting nasty comments. She claims she "doesn't want attention" "doesn't like the mean comments" "wants it to stop" if that was true she'd go private or delete
No. 357612
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>>357595You bumped a 4 month inactive thread to post that?
Also thanks for bumping it so I can go snoop on her PUBLIC facebook page.
This comment sums up people like her and yourself pretty nicely:
>"UGGG I can't take it anymore. I'm unfollowing. You say you don't take shit from anyone but you certainly do. You entertain the shit out of their shit. Why the hell do you think they bug you?you let it bother you and you react to it. But Sit there all you want and play cool girl tho. Just because you don't cry in a corner doesn't mean you aren't taking their shit. You my friend and are an enabler. And must just love the attention. Blah. So anoyying. This page is the exact reason I hated highschool. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down. Cya later alligators."
So please fuck off outta here anytime, dove.
So yep, keep letting us know how much we bother you and act like you're above drama when the reality is you're starved for attention which is why you stay.
No. 357706
>>273777This looks like a photo pulled straight from some internet wave molly soda esque kids blog circa 2013
It's giving me the weirdest nostalgia
No. 400882
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No. 401758
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Saturday there was some big call out from two people on Facebook with this
>>400882 No. 401759
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Then going on Snapchat to defend herself even though OP says the conversation was from 3 months ago
No. 401760
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More caps
No. 401764
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The Facebook post was basically "comment here if you've been personally victimized by Aakkii"
Only the person with the miscarriage posted any caps
No. 402325
>>401760Her writing is painful to read.
And great that she mocks "trannies" for being "disgusting", but identifies as genderqueer herself. What a hypocrite.