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No. 270879
First came around during the bonbon drama, acting very innocent. But soon showed her true colors. Ran two accounts on here one by the name of MeltyKitten, and another by the name of Snake, but claimed to not check up on pull. Still very active on MeltyKitten. Instigated drama with bonbon to boost her fame, and self posted on here to get more attention. Seems very snowflakey, attention seeking, and annoying. Constantly posts pity seeking posts about her many many illnesses, and always seems to be trying to get sympathy of some sort. Also was caught photoshopping and buying followers. Edits her pictures a lot and used tags like " little girl" and " little" until someone called her out on it. Just seems very self absorbed and trying to copy Bon/Pele or be exactly like her. The self post thread was closed, but I've been really wanting to discuss this potential snowflake! Link to original self post thread! : has two accounts on instagram, the main is the peachpie.jpg one and her personal is momodere. She uses the momodere account to rant about basically everything. Every time a troll makes a comment on her thiscrush page she makes a post about it just to have her followers pity her. She also deletes these kinds of posts later once she got enough positive feedback from her followers.
Her followers always try to cheer her up but still she always makes posts like: 'I have not enough followers', 'I only gained 1-2 followers this week' and so on. She isn't even grateful people haven't gotten tired of her whining and always asks for more followers.
She posts questionable photos of herself on her personal account such of herself in lingerie only, close ups of her ass or boobs but then later makes complain posts about how creeps or strangers make her feel uncompfortable. She once made a post about not wanting to be sexualized and said she's gonna block some of her followers but she doesn't realize that: 1) it are strangers / perverts who leave these comments, still she always treatens to block her followers 'just in case' and 2) comments like 'sexy' and 'do you have a boyfriend?' aren't that creepy I think. If you post lingerie photos of yourself…. What do you expect if you send these signals? People who write these comments probably want to compliment her…
She even changed her bio from 'positive peach' to 'very negative' because her account is only about ranting and being pissed
She posts herself to PULL but doesn't she realize that people wouldnot only praise but also critizise her? If she really wants 'opinion' why not post yourself to a cosplay website or something? Excuse me but it just reminds me of that girl who posted herself to lolcow and then was surprised that people were talking bad about her…
She says she is afraid of creeps and must have her boyfriend control the private messages that are being send to her… But she lurks here on PULL herself (pretty obsessivly)… She is almost an adult but has her boyfriend check and read her DMs that are being sent to her by her 12-16 year old followers…. Because they could be 'creeps' or be 'dangerous'… Always taking care to have herself look most 'fragile', 'innocent' and 'smol' while she is making a second account on PULL and talking really bad about other girls while thinking nobody would find out it's her.
No. 270880
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No. 270882
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No. 270892
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No. 270908
>I'm so shallow. Is this basically a self post for attention ?
Fuck off.
No. 270928
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No. 270929
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No. 270937
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No. 270938
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No. 270958
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No. 270959
>>270947Agreed, especially old expired Pull drama.
P.s who ever is posting screen caps, please fucking stop. Several of them are the exact fucking same and are just spam of old shit. No body cared about attention seeking Bon and nobody especially cares about this shit stain.
I repeat myself, Fuck off.
No. 270960
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No. 270963
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No. 270964
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No. 270966
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No. 270967
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No. 270968
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No. 270969
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No. 270970
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No. 271130
>>270974she got banned for her erikalipps sperging kek
what is with the sudden influx of pulltards coming here and posting girls that have absolutely no milk. this girl is literally no different from every other tumblr kawaii instagram hoe
No. 271296
I think she's deleted a lot of stuff recently too because she has loads of pics of msgs creeps has sent her on her spam account she has a habit of googling herself too
No. 271308
>>271296And self posting.
This news about her is old,expired and nobody cares. This comes off more as a self post with the deranged spam of the past. Pulltards usually come off more vendetta sounding imo, this just seems like a self posting idiot trying to increase there thread count by spamming the same shit.
No. 273029
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Snake was an anonymous account made by momo to bash bonbonchuu and promote herself. She knows bonbonchuu/pele irl so she KNOWS how to pronounce her name kek
No. 285375
Well hey there cute little thing.

No. 308790
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No. 308791
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No. 308792
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No. 329435
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No. 329436
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No. 355963
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She follows an ana account on her side account
No. 356766
>>355997This is snow not pt there doesn't have to be milk.
Tho honestly the better question is why do anons keep posting no milk and to stop posting…
it's probably either momodere herself or bonbonchuu
No. 375279
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Omfg of course she loves pixielocks..
No. 375317
>>375302Pretty sure she self posted on pull.
She doesn't seem relevant though but I saw her pictures during the pele drama and compared to now she lost a lot of weight, she used to be chub, so good on her
No. 375359
>>375302>>375317She should go back to self-posting on Pull as they seemed to cared a tad more. I honestly don't know why girls think being posted her = being famous … The most she'll do is get IP banned or piss off a few farmers with bumping her thread.
Admin should just lock this thread.
( I believe PULL even locked her thread over there and banned discussion of her due to her being such a attention seeker )