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File: 1488582631586.jpg (112.23 KB, 750x1000, IMG_1815.JPG)

No. 262852

Angelic Sicko (Ffion Holdsworth)


~Fat, whore, glorifies obesity, has BPD like every other tumblr snowflake.
~Lied about her own child being dead, when littleprincesschloe outed her, she deleted all posts about child death - in fact, her kid was taken away from her by social services. http://m.imgur.com/VvMT7hU?r
~Had drama with brat-grrrrl2 - had stolen her pics & used them as her avatar on tumblr, then talked bullshit about her.
~Had drama with all brat grrrrl's friends on tumblr.
~Claims her bf is autistic (who normal would fuck a morbidly obese cow like her?) http://m.imgur.com/XyjkdbX?r
~Tries to make friends with every chick on tumblr.
~Posted her nudes online since she was underage.

Any opinions on this cow?

No. 262859

on adultwork profile
>Enjoys: Disabled Clients
i wept

No. 262863


her face looks like she's mentally disabled, coincidence?

No. 262890

File: 1488584774605.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.83 KB, 653x1110, tumblr_olsqna5KLj1rumwzeo1_128…)

I feel like she could go in the ''Low self esteem tumblr kinksters'' thread. I don't remember her for anything but her stupid drama with brat-grrrl - when cows collide :^). Another stupid ddlg attention whore. She's just got an extremely unfortunate body and face.

No. 262892

wow those titties are on par with himeka's for how awful they are

No. 262900

she has no style and she's definitely copying bratgirls outfits look at that socks with them pleasers

No. 262907

Her "daddy" likes to post gifs of women being punched in the face, really lovely people these two.

No. 262958

Woah she's an actual sex worker

Fat bratgrrrl with no make up???

No. 263120

she's obsessed with brat

No. 263122

In OP's pic she looks like she has no teeth. Like some infant/grandma hybrid.

No. 263123

Man I remember like… A year ago, maybe last October, she stole brats pic claiming it was her when she was younger, and her profile said she was 16 (I remember judging her cuz she was talking about her kid - shoot me lol) but then she was saying she was 18 and a full blown escort? Confusing af. I hate this girl, she has no personality of her own, no originality at all. She even stole brat girls story about her boyfriend, claiming her boyfriend did it all, even that he said the same words and it was just coincidence!!

No. 263128

File: 1488634214277.png (194.98 KB, 540x248, 511aaa4b-e144-4c27-9462-61c60a…)

Also to add onto this brat made pic related then suddenly angelic sicko was saying that Angelica was her actual factual real name guys! IDK why she's so obsessed.

No. 263160

File: 1488638813210.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.52 KB, 722x962, IMG_3555.JPG)

Surely this doesn't actually attract clients to her?

No. 263164

Pretty sure under that hibiscus are two pendulous rooster wattles stretching to find their way home.

No. 263382

she has huge ass areolas, like a pancakes or something

No. 263407

I think that's the nature of BPD, feeling as though you have no identity without being completely invested in someone else's.

No. 263412

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hahaha lmao this bitch is crazy

No. 263415

File: 1488669271604.png (102.84 KB, 750x1106, IMG_1833.PNG)

this is her "daddy" in a suit LOL

No. 263419

Yeah I noticed that badly fitted suit. Cringe

No. 263422

Brat-grrrrl2 has taken this exact picture in the past lmao. Might not have stolen that one, but definitely copying.

No. 263424

Yeah, I agree. Low self esteem tumblrs general would be great.

No. 263429

File: 1488670297226.jpg (61.1 KB, 400x533, tumblr_okakvmTuXY1rumwzeo1_400…)

Is this legit? Her eye is kinda red but wouldn't it be more swollen?

No. 263431

But she's wearing makeup, it's blates not real right? I'm being dumb.

No. 263440

Lol, it's photo shopped by some dude who gets off on black eyes.

No. 263443


>Pretty face

>Good bod

She's not implying she has either of these things by being a "sex worker" i hope lmao

No. 263447

Tumblr doms always have cheap ugly suitsthat dont even fit.

No. 263764

doesn't she look like she has one extra chromosome?

No. 263771

>dad I have an interview at mcdonalds tomorrow can I borrow your suit?

No. 263772

anon pls my sides

No. 263810

i bet he bought that fucking suit in primark or asda

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