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No. 256829
Last year I backed a project by a youtuber that I used to respect named Mr.CreepyPasta, aka Spike Edmond. The project was a Creepypasta themed comic book to be written by himself and another horror author, Vincent V. Cava. They raised over $25k for the project, campaign completed June 2016. Since then, most, if not all backers have recieved nothing they were promised. MCP posts no updates on Kickstarter to update on why the rewards are not their, then snaps at people on his Twitter when asked when they are coming. Every single time he has been asked on Twitter, he responds that "the hardcovers are printing". It takes a year to print hardcovers? I find that hard to believe. And in the mean time, he's managed to release not one..but TWO of his "own" paperback books through Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. I say his "own", because he didn't even write any of the stories in his two books. He's taken stories from other authors, slapped his name and image on the front of the book, and is selling them for profit. Another scam. All while his comic book supporters sit here waiting on their $25k investment to be rewarded. If the printing is taking so long, you would think that maybe he'd use some of that $25k to hire another printer that could get the job done, since so many people are waiting, right? Nah. Instead he's taken numerous friviously trips (that he flaunts on Twitter and instagram) to Vegas and Disneyworld with his new wife. Who, coincidentally, he asked his viewers for money for to buy a ring to propose with. Even though he makes thousands of dollars a month on youtube. (If you want proof, he admits to it in his Draw my Wife video). I was bothered by that when it happened, but I loved his content. Now, looking back. I don't know why I supported him at that point.
So here we are. A youtuber who scams his viewers out of thousands of dollars to pay for his personal vacations, his engagement rings, and funding for his other scam projects. ("His" books.) is the project. You can see by the comments on it that people are getting angrier by the day.
After losing my patience, I've done my share of research to see if there are other cow like actives that he's pulled in the past… I was able to pull up quite a bit. He knocked up a fangirl while engaged to his (now) wife and paid for her to get an abortion.. she posted screenshots and receipts on Tumblr after the incident. His wife seems mildly cow-y too. She's a landwhale who sells sharpie'd over funko pops as "custom products" for $40-70 dollars on etsy. I guess the couple that scams together, uses fans money to fund engagement ring and knocking up a fangir– I mean.. stays together.
No. 256833
File: 1487905898984.jpg (118.7 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20170223_210544.jpg)

This is his wife. I forgot to mention that she "cosplays" MCP's favorite characters because they all have big tiddies and she thinks that her whale tiddies match that body type. We're talking MooMoo level fat. At least MooMoo can SOMEWHAT do makeup. This Elvira made me want to die. Maybe I should have made a separate thread about her because God damn my salt is strong from being scammed out of my money and she's a landmine (and land whale) of shitty etsy and cosplay content.
Also, as stated in his Draw my wife video, she's also a fan girl who moved cross country to be closer to him. That's not fucking creepy at all. Also, he married a fucking fangirl who moved cross country to be closer to him… between her and the fangirl he knocked up… I'm sensing a pattern. Here's the Draw My wife vid: No. 256901
File: 1487923553660.png (1.26 MB, 1151x1824, 20170224_015918.png)

>>256868This was the fangirl who got knocked up. Her username was MrCreepyPastasWhore and then eventually changed to MrCreepyPastasKitten.. to enigmaticfelinexoxo or something. When I first stumbled across the allegations when looking for stuff about MCP's past scams, I thought she was just a delusional fangirl. But she had photographic recipes of them together. I can't bring the ones from her tumblr (that showed her naked in his bed, pics with him shortly after) up on my phone right now for some reason. But I have this one (bottom right picture is a collage from a trip I guess they made to meet up in April, right before he proposed to his now wife and asked fans for money for a ring). I'll post the screencap of the pic she posted on Instagram of the two of them from the tumblr set. (The only sfw ones. I guess she didn't want the nsfw on her insta)
No. 256903
File: 1487923684462.png (1.46 MB, 1151x1825, 20170224_015951.png)

>>256868>>256901The SFW photos that she leaked after he broke it off, I think. Most of her captions had something to do with "never have sex with youtubers" or something of that nature. I get the feeling she wasn't the most stable.
No. 256906
File: 1487924379384.png (797.6 KB, 1151x1814, 20170224_021822.png)

>>256901from the archive of the tumblr in the bio
No. 256920
>>256844>>256863>>256866Man some of the users on this thread are
pure cancer.
>>256829This seemed like a cool project actually Vincent V. Cava is a ubiquitous horror short story author it's disappointing that the projects going off the rails because of unknown reasons yet this fag is pocketing the money while vacationing with his incidentally hambeast gf kek.
No. 256996
Sage for no real contribution and a somewhat bloggy post, but damn. As someone who listens to most other scary story narrators (Lazy Masquerade, Be Busta, Corpse Husband, Urmaker, Unit 522, Blue Spooky, Joey's Nightmare etc) that I enjoy listening to on a daily basis, first off, I'm shocked to hear that some of these guys have fan girls, especially sycophants ready to sleep with them. Basically what they do is just read other people's work (which is totally respectable, but technically the only real talent there is their speaking/narrating skills) so how on Earth does someone like this have "groupies"?! At least go after someone with maybe some sort of impressive skill? Again, not trying to discredit story tellers, but that's news to me.
Secondly, I only listened to this dude a few times but never even considered subscribing. His voice is god awful, he stumbles over words and is not very engaging to listen to. He also, unlike other narrators, seemed so eager to jump the gun and do a face reveal, which seemed pretty vain to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but even Corpse Husband who has a large devoted fanbase hasn't done an official face reveal yet. So what gives? Maybe I knew something was off about this dude, his subscriber to quality of content ratio is pretty perplexing to me, but I'm not surprised it's mostly made up from teeny boppers that probably searched "creepypasta" and he was fortunate enough to have his name pop up.
But honestly, I'm glad to see this thread and hope it picks up some more traction. If the scamming shit is true, he needs to be held responsible. Has no one taken the initiative to make a petition? Or lead an angry mob? What an arrogant loser. I hope some drama channel picks up this story to the point he pays back every cent. I'd love to see how that unfolds!
/rant sorry guys
No. 559136
here are some files of MrCreepypasta and one of his writers talking about misusing youtube like giving false license numbers and fake flags think theres gonna be trouble
No. 563703
>>560597>>562396>>559669Let me break it down for you, since apparently you're retarded
>OP says that the girl he cheated with said she had an abortion that he paid for>OP is asked to provide caps of girl saying this>OP provides caps of girl saying she miscarriedYou're seriously calling people MCP and whiteknights for pointing out that OP straight up got that part wrong when the evidence is right fucking there?
No. 564179
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>>563703According to her social media posts, she went in for an abortion and found out she had already miscarried. A lot of her posts and social media accounts have had their names changed or have since been deleted; but you can still find them if you look a little.
No. 564181
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>>564179also lol that Vincent Vena Cava himself liked all these photos
No. 564182
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>>564179>>564181whoops wrong order
No. 565048
File: 1524644052060.png (322.07 KB, 470x704, MCP_SIDECHICK_MARCH2015_0.png)

Okay, about to dump some more sauce on the abortion/miscarriage thing. This chick changed her username like 3 times and I had to use an archiving site to find most of this stuff because she's delete a lot of these accounts.
During the time this was going on, her username fluctuates from EnigmaKitten, MCPSKittenXOXO, and TheEnigmaticFeline. (Most recently it appears to be ProxySummers and prior to that HarleyKnox and SpaceShotx10k)
No. 565049
File: 1524644120407.png (335.83 KB, 468x657, MCP_SIDECHICK_MARCH2015_1.png)

>>565048Circled in the previous appears to be the mask visible in
>>564181 No. 565050
File: 1524644155083.png (239.26 KB, 472x596, MCP_SIDECHICK_MARCH2015_2.png)

>>565049>>565048Sauce on the "Never Have Sex with Youtubers" claim
No. 565051
File: 1524644210247.png (303.5 KB, 454x670, MCP_SIDECHICK_MARCH2015_3.png)

>>565048>>565049>>565050This is all Wayback Machine could find for March 2015
No. 565054
File: 1524644357845.png (155.18 KB, 480x346, MCP_SIDECHICK_APRIL2015.png)

>>565051>>565050>>565049>>565048This is from her Twitter "EnigmaFeline", found via a tag on her Instagram
I assume that in
>>565052 she's referring to MCP's Fiance/Wife who frequently travels with him to cons
No. 565055
File: 1524644503122.png (73.07 KB, 310x327, MCP_SIDECHICK_MAY2015.png)

>>565054>>565052>>565051>>565050>>565049>>565048Sorry, meant EnigmaKitten. Damn this bitch had a lot of usernames.
So enters May 2015 - the start of the pregnancy debacle. 2-3 months after attending a convention MCP's wife did not attend and snapping pics in his hotel room.
No. 565058
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>>565056>>565055>>565054>>565052>>565051>>565050>>565049>>565048I believe the post in this image is where the Abortion versus Miscarriage understand comes from. These vagueposts certainly imply that terminating the pregnancy was a decision.
One that she appears to have been coerced by another person to make. I think it's safe to assume that the other person is probably the alleged father.
No. 565060
File: 1524644914023.png (142.73 KB, 494x481, MCP_SIDECHICK_MAY2015_3.png)

>>565058>>565056>>565055>>565054>>565052>>565051>>565050>>565049>>565048And this is the final post I could find before the post in this image
>>256906So, the story still appears to be "impregnated by MCP + implied forced/coerced abortion + but then she miscarried the baby so it doesn't matter"
>>564179 fit the timeline of happening right AFTER the abortion/miscarriage/whatever it was.
No. 565061
And this is the last tidbit that I'll leave you with… I spent the last 24 hours looking this stuff up because I love me some good milk.
To quote the OP:
So here we are. A youtuber who scams his viewers out of thousands of dollars to pay for his personal vacations, his engagement rings, and funding for his other scam projects. ("His" books.)
Sauce on that is here did, in fact, beg for donations to pay for his wife's engagement ring. From what I can tell, he never came through on any of the "giving back" that he promised to do for the donors. Surprise.
No. 565062
File: 1524645106637.png (361.25 KB, 1482x987,…)

>>565061Dropped my sage oops
Also here's a screencap for anyone who doesn't want to go to the link.
No. 568594
File: 1524965195854.png (381.53 KB, 777x601, screenshot.PNG)

>>565061>>565062Sooooo tl;dr… this fangirl of his he started chatting up
while dating someone else moved to his city and he essentially cheated on that girlfriend with his now-wife. He asked fans to pay for a ring… for his side chick… turned fiance… that he was also cheating on with ANOTHER side chick that he knocked up.
Holy fucking shit. Why would you admit to that IN your gofundme description?
No. 568598
File: 1524965342185.png (312.92 KB, 761x558, screenshot_1.PNG)

>>568594like, you're admitting to flirting with a fan while dating someone else.. and now asking for people to pay for a ring for her.. WHILE you're other side ho is pregnant with your kid and/or just lost your kid? i'm shook.
No. 568679
>>568598>>568594I get youtubers dating their fans it happens all the fucking time BUT for him to have the balls to ask fans to pay for a ring to give to his sidechick turn fiance while having another sidechick whos pregnate with child?!
How are people still supporting him for starters and who were the dumbasses who doanated to him for this bullshit?
No. 568788
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>>56867919 people, apparently
No. 568898
File: 1524980650569.png (1.99 MB, 1845x729, MCPPATREON1.PNG)

Two things. One, why the fuck is his fat ass wife in his header? Is she part of the MrCreepyPasta channel in some way? From what I understand, she's just a fangirl he married.
Two, why the fuck are 173 people still pledged to him when he posts less than once a month to Patreon?
No. 568899
File: 1524980770878.png (117.27 KB, 1325x757, MCPPATREON.PNG)

>>568898Last post was 3/5/18. Almost two months ago. Before that, 2/22. And that was a public post. Then before THAT, 12/23/2017. And so on, and so on…
No. 571013
>>565058That certainly seems like confirmation. Poor girl.
So, if I'm getting this timeline right… he knocked this girl up
before getting married? I wonder if the wife was aware of what was happening at all at the time? Surely, she must be now.
No. 571545
>>570892I wonder what his fiance is gonna think about this?
Fuck i wanna know what mrcreepypasta thinks about this?
No. 577014
>>576554They probaby did but seeing but they probaby don't give a shit or either he is trying his hardest for the people who run the con to not find out.
Also seeing how this doc didn't blew up like the CA one i doubt he would be pulled either way.
No. 577098
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lmao mcp's socialblade since the first video was released
No. 577180
>>577158yeah this whole thing reeks of "I was guilted/threatened into changing my story"
Why would you make a "correction" video, but not keep the original video up for integrity? Now it just seems like a one sided defense of MCP
What the fuck kind of rationalization is "yeah he was sexually active with this fan whilst abusing his position of power; but it's cool now because his wife eventually came to terms with it."
>It's all personal issues we shouldn't talk aboutUh, when FAN'S money and FAN'S bodies are the ones being abused… pretty sure it's no longer "just personal"
No. 577209
>>577180It stop being "personal" when he made that kickstarter and go fund me page
I wouldn't be suprised if MCP got a hold of him before hand and told him bullshit so he'd make a vid in his favor
No. 577614
>>577522I would call him being silence onthe issue fucking dumb. It didn't work for Doug Walker its not gonna work for him.
Of course MCP and Co are trying to reach out to people who had or are planning to make vid on the document MCP is going to try his hardest not to look bad even though he made himself look bad.
No. 577758
File: 1525911824426.png (21.33 KB, 575x122, 32169636_10213807459054067_735…)

>>577632soooo this is on one of the videos from someone with "new evidence" who was approached by someone from MCP's side
So… confirmation that he DID spend thousands of dollars of KICKSTARTER money on his wedding; but didn't have enough money for new printers, a decent motion comic, or to ensure that backers got their rewards on time. okay.
No. 577768
File: 1525912196019.jpg (132.53 KB, 2048x442, DcySBgXX0AA-8cu.jpg)

hopefully this is readable
Yeah… MCP's mods are threatening people for talking about the document. That seems really gross and sketchy. Especially since no public statements have been made and MCP, VVC, and Old Man Murphy have just been blocking people, deleting comments, and keeping silent on the issue.
No. 577783
>>577758and that helps his case how? like wtf did she expect this to "clear his name" either way hes scam people into paying for his engagement ring and fucking wedding
>>577768None of the seem like they are gonna comment on the situation untill in blows over. fuck let hope some more deets come out that will force them into saying something
No. 580828
>>580689who the fuck cares about that, honestly? "Let's forget about the bad things bad people are doing because I don't like the person who pointed out the bad things are happening". What the FUCK kind of logic is that?
And have you not been paying attention to the OTHER side of the argument? the "pro-MCP" side has literally resorted to responding to ANY argument on twitter with "hot dog" or just straight up defending this shitty behavior because it's "not that bad". Who the fuck would defend this kind of shit? there is LITERAL AUDIO EVIDENCE that they're admitting guilt, and yet people are still like "weeelll…. it MIGHT just be rumors". Christ.
No. 581056
>>580943It literally shouldn't blow over. That's the whole point. If it blows over, then MCP and company get exactly what they wanted. Bad people getting away with their bad shit is exactly what happens when people overlook arguments because of WHO is making them.
I can agree that I don't think that either side is handling it with tact… but for fucks' sake, MCP's side hasn't even defended itself. The only people defending them are fans and wannabe youtubers who think they're gonna get in with MCP if they support him. There have been NO public statements from ANY of the people in the document. And there won't be if it just "blows over".
No. 581142
>>580689as if creepy leaks involves slime's twitter and youtube comments
how hard will you try to make that stick
No. 581883
>>581763he protected his twitter today lmao
but he's narcissistic enough to probably accept anyone who requests to follow him
No. 584615
>>582728god what a cunt
I know he wasn't mentioned in the OP but this dude seems like a whole separate lolcow on his own
No. 586915
>>586871what a typical and sad old white man penis
how does he fucking deny this shit and/or how do people believe him?
No. 587906
>>587784they're not famous
even if they are known in the Creepypasta Comm they aren't that damn famous. The only people who think they are are 12 year olds who don't know any better.
No. 588089
>>587784Famous enough to think they can get away with anything because they're close with MrCreepypasta.
Not famous enough for people to care because they are low traffic lackeys.
No. 589796
File: 1526857349499.jpg (90.61 KB, 1104x464, Ddmq10KU0AAR8kY (1).jpg)

I'm friends with his dumpy ass wife on facebook and these two cunts are in Vegas AGAIN right now while simultaneously BOTH begging for money on Ko-Fi. Holy shit.
No. 590633
>>590396I mean, she's obese. And isn't active. So maybe she's physically disabled? Or mentally. In every "live action" skit he's ever used her in she seems slow as fuck.
>>590407This is most likely the case. He prob keeps her around because she lets him do whatever he wants but he still gets a "wife" so he doesn't have to deal with the fact he'd be a complete loser without a relationship and likely will never find a DECENT woman that would want him.
No. 590676
File: 1526951753179.png (1.4 MB, 945x667, vegasagain.PNG)

>>590633she was tagged in his vegas pic from today. god damn she looks downy as fuck. no wonder she lets him fuck fans
No. 593132
File: 1527209641664.jpg (386.23 KB, 715x954, 20180524_195335.jpg)

Who the fuck thinks this person is attractive enough to actively follow them around and fuck them? Fucking gross.
No. 593435
>>593132is he filipino or something? a lot of weebs will go after any flavor of asian, even if it’s a shitty one.
otherwise it’s just “famous” youtuber groupies.
No. 594024
>>593435According to a few of his instagram posts, Chinese and Black.
idk to me he just looks like the personified version of the UMAD meme face
No. 594592
>>593435well theres your part Asian
>>594024Care to link those post.
No. 594729
File: 1527379220801.png (697.83 KB, 616x731, woof.PNG)

So the fangirl he fucked was fit and not terrible looking.. a 6/10 at least.. and had decent cosplays. And he chose to wife up this 2/10 landwhale instead? if dude is getting fangirl tail from 6's and up… why settle for a dollar store plus size knockoff version?
No. 594877
File: 1527393318452.png (37 KB, 613x283, hahaholyshit.PNG)

lmfao so someone pulled the fire alarm during the MrCreepyPasta panel at Phx Comic Con and the whole convention had to be evacuated
No. 594880
File: 1527393450066.png (40.77 KB, 585x255, firealarm.PNG)

>>594879>>594877under investigation
No. 595015
>>594881Y’all are really reaching, AZ native and this is the 3rd year in a row it’s been pulled in the con area.
The con is a shit show, there was an apprehended shooter last year.
No. 597164
File: 1527640143419.jpg (38.06 KB, 960x640, 33923863_1677740072334061_2172…)

tagged pics of them from Phx comic con
the more I look at it, the worse they get
No. 597165
File: 1527640203449.jpg (58.37 KB, 960x640, 33939722_1677740089000726_5261…)

>>597164yknow, the more i look at his face… the more i realize why he settled for that hambeast.
he's probably self aware that once his fame runs out, trailer park tina here is the only girl he's gonna get
No. 597167
File: 1527640399515.jpg (105.84 KB, 960x960, 33995714_636783449992216_85749…)

>>597165>>597164by FAR, Murphy has to be the most disgusting human being I've had to look at out of that entire group. Christ.
No. 598337
File: 1527750144528.jpg (56.64 KB, 356x595, Dc88cDUX0AAJ3d.jpg)

>>598239Well I mean.. he did admit to beating his wife on tumblr.
No. 598338
File: 1527750526681.jpg (56.97 KB, 601x479, DdD-j29W0AAy7eV.jpg)

>>598337>>597167Snagged this from Slimebeast's twitter.
What the fuck kind of backwards fucking logic..? Do you think OMM KNOWS that he's lying… or do you think he might just be crazy?
No. 600532
File: 1527991076864.jpeg (108.29 KB, 720x1217, received_10213975102845057.jpe…)

So… can we just talk about how this is a paid advertisement. He is getting paid for this. It's not some nice gesture, but he's framing it as a humanitarian effort and not tagging it with #ad per the social media paid advertising guidelines…
No. 604914
File: 1528435412678.jpg (114.55 KB, 720x995, IMG_20180608_001851.jpg)

Not sure if anyone has been keeping up with it or not. But there is now a Twitter account (@Creepy_Leaks) that is regularly posting info. It's already been blocked by MCP and WHP and it's apparently struck quite a nerve with them because they've made 2 fake accounts to respond to the Creepy_Leaks account. It seems to be getting to WellHey the most though, because yesterday he made a post saying it was time for an "official statement" and then today he posted this bullshit. His levels of 2edgy and are off the fucking charts.
No. 615399
File: 1529450024324.jpg (39.01 KB, 575x398, MM.JPG)

>>615319well don't hold your breath Metokur already put out a list on what vids he making also people send him shit all the time to make vid on but he doesn't do it.
No. 616647
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No. 619256
So I have a big one
I was friends with the girl he got knocked up. She was wildly in love with him. I was best friends with her when they were banging. I remember her always texting me how she felt about him and my god it was sad. I always told her that it was a bad idea
He used jeanna as a sex toy. He did not care about her feelings at fucking all. It was sad..
Also to make it better. I was dating/still am dating an ex boyfriend of one of his friends. Him and his friends absolutely hate me. My boyfriends ex hates me. My boyfriend tells me she’s a grudge filled hate machine.
Well they found out I made a fake profile to see his ex’s accounts cause she was talking about being suicidal and I was like “oh shit we caused this.” I also did a shit thing and saved pictures of his ex to show him how downhill she was going physically and how I felt bad about it. I’ll admit that.
They found out. Got ahold of other youtubers they knew. Started to mock me online everywhere. They hacked all my emails, my social media accounts. They saw my bookmarks and I had some lolcow bookmarks of Suzy from the GameGrumps, Anisa Jo whoever is dating idubbbz. They found out and told them. They all started making fun of me on their twitters. My boyfriend and I were amazed at how shitty the Game Grumps, other youtubers, their mainly their friend Stamper and all their army of fans are. They copied notes I had in my iCloud. Mimicked twitter statuses I had. They made accounts in my name and pretended to be me. They got my boyfriends family involved and his friends. They are the ones that set up the freaking me out part in the house I believe, we will get to that. They all want us to break up because they started some pretty nasty and untrue rumors about me and his mom just generally doesn’t like me because I am disabled and doesn’t think I’m good enough. Luckily my boyfriend knows me better than everyone else and isn’t a dumbass that believes rumors online. They had more people involved. I know they did, but shits exhausting. They also mocked my boyfriend online as well and I know that the only way that they would know some of the things they said would be if his ex told them or if his ex got ahold of his family.
They set up stuff in the house that played voices to make me think that I was hallucinating, but I recorded it because I know I wasn’t going crazy and it’s a good way to make sure you’re not hallucinating. I also am positive they have a microphone set up to record conversations that I have in my house, because they literally will write word for word what I say on their social media’s pretending like they wrote it. I got sent to the hospital because of this and they got the hospital on it. I was abused by the hospital staff. They were mocking me for things I had in my iCloud account, my emails, my facebooks, mocked me for what I looked like, mocked me for abuse that I went through in my past. They physically pulled at my arms and lied about what my condition was. The nurses and PSAs especially, but I can’t say shit because they’ll just say I was mentally ill. But I still have the recording from my house.
The day this all happened they blocked me from their social medias.
I didn’t get to screenshot any of this because Stampers shit got taken down. They deleted everything while I was in the hospital or everything was so vulgar that it got taken down by moderators. You also can’t record in the hospital so they used that to their advantage.
I tried hanging myself twice after being abused by my boyfriends family, friends, and the hospital. They continue to harass me still.
TL;DR this sounds impossible I know.
Him and his friends are assholes according to my boyfriend along with other youtubers that act like they are big into “suicide prevention” And helping people with mental illnesses but they bully people and legit will go to any length to harass and try to get people to kill themselves. This goes for the youtubers and all the shitty people at the hospital that believed all the fake rumors that were spread.
No. 619267
>>619256Ok Anon i'll bite. I have a few question though
1. >Jenna
is that your friend real name?
2.Do you have any text messages save to prove your claim?
3.was your bf included in the #creepyleaks document? if not can he verify any claims made in the document?
No. 619285
>>619267It’s Jeanna
Do you want her full name?
I know the full names of everyone apart of his friends group mostly.
I can get a text from my boyfriend saying that he heard the voices playing in the house too. I just have to wait for a reply.
I rather not say who we are because I don’t want to start a huge shit fest ya know? If they see this.
No. 619290
>>619285No i don't want her full name
if you can get the text from your bf to confirm then that should be enough
No. 619291
>>619267Also what was the creepyleaks document?
Could you show me it and I’ll try verifying anything I know.
No. 619324
>>619292The wellheyproductions bullying people is absolutely true. Hey dragged Jeanna on tumblr and got other narrators involved and other friends involved. He has a wife and kids it was gross.
I believe the comment he made about how it’s good to know people have his back that have wronged him will get what they deserve was about me after what they did. Because that was around the same time that it happened and I kept tabs on the creepy pasta community and in the hospital and online they were talking about how I was getting what I deserved and how it was my karma for stalking people. That’s why they also hacked my accounts to show that it was an invasion of privacy because I made a fake profile to follow them and acted like a fan. Lmao. I was a fan before they started treating Jeanna like crap though. I didn’t have a problem with too many of them. I just wanted to watch if they did anymore shitty things to her, or others, and wanted to see if my bfs ex was as depressed as she said she was because I felt like it was my fault and obsessed over it. I knew I couldn’t follow them with my real account.
I know. It sounds nuts. I’m also waiting on a reply from my boyfriend. I’m sorry it’s taking so long. He’s at work.
No. 619337
>>619324Don't worry about it anon take your time
ok in the creepleak doc it mention MCP got a fan pregnant while with his wife then gf at the time you wouldn't know if she miscarried or he ask her to terminate the baby would you?
No. 619339
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>>619292Okay this is what I got so far. I don’t have proof that it was them, but all I have is my word that I’m more than positive they had something to do with what happened to me because of all the references that were being made when I was being mocked in the hospital and the horror movie stunt that was pulled.
They are acting like nothing at all happened to me. Stamper and the other youtubers didn’t say my name on any of their social media’s they just mocked me, but it was obvious it was about me.
No. 619435
>>619403I don’t have any messages between me and Jeanna because we had a hardcore falling out afterwards, she changed after it all happened, and don’t have the phone I used to text her with that I had. This all happened back in 2014 I believe.
I also don’t know slimbeast, but after what he did to Jeanna. I believe him. My boyfriend and I don’t know anything about any other issues between anyone else. My boyfriend has just told me that him and his group does in fact treat people horribly and are terribly arrogant because they got big egos because their YouTube fame and they used that to their advantage to get what they want.
No. 619579
>>619575A samefag is someone posting as two or more different people in the same thread.
These two posts read like you're asking and answering.
>>619403>>619401 No. 619588
>>619559I know this smells like bait and I absolutely hate that they are pulling it this way to make it seem like they aren’t doing anything. Do you know how frustrated that makes me? I went through hell and I can’t do shit about it.
The reason I don’t have anything from the youtubers is because I upgraded my iPhone to a newer one and it had all my screenshots that didn’t carry over. Stampers account also got taken down because of him being to offensive and his was the main one that started the online rampage. This all happened back in February - now. My accounts also continued to get hacked and nothing I had was safe.
I haven’t checked on any of their stuff on social media lately, but I’ve had people harass me irl because of what was put online about me.
No. 619610
>>619600It is funny. I wish I could get ahold of this slim dude and have a conversation with him. I know my story is one that is a reach and most people won’t believe me, but I went through hell. I’m diagnosed with PTSD and I cry almost everyday because of what happened to me and how they doxxed me. Even getting my boyfriends friend and family in on it is what’s even crazier to me. I trusted them big time.
So many people were involved. I sound like a conspiracy theorist and I fucking know it. I know I sound batshit insane. That’s what they were trying to do to me when they all set up the voices in my house and started mocking me online. They were trying to play it off like I was going psycho.
No. 619612
>>619607Are you joking?
>>619435 was posted two posts after
>>619403 - and then the "Jeanna's Friend" anon never mentions Slimebeast by name again. You are reaching.
No. 619618
>>619613anon, his name is Slimebeast not Slimbeast.
>>619403 misquoted his username.
No. 619637
>>619621I believe that my boyfriends family and friends stole a key that I had left out in my living room because it went missing for awhile. The voices happened on February and the same day I heard them I got sent to the hospital because I had a mental break down because my boyfriends family was treating me like shit that day, I came home, I started hearing the voices, started recording on my phone, but I was crying so much that they forced me to go into the hospital and I believe while I was in the hospital for a couple days being treated like shit they took whatever devices out while I was gone. They had plenty of time to do it too because my boyfriend is at work all day for hours.
The text I showed is of my boyfriend confirming I have the voice recording. Recordings are a good way of making sure you aren’t hallucinating.
They were playing noises like fire sounds when fires are being lit, they played “Freddy’s going to get you.” Which is what I got on my phone. I didn’t get everything because I didn’t know what was going on at first and I was so disorientated.
No. 619640
>>619634Having your name on parts of the document and writing the entire document are different things. Are you functionally retarded?
He wrote page one and is named there. Page two is a series of links that also go to his content. For about thirty pages others speak. The last five pages are his. I count that as having his name all over it while still not writing the parts others wrote.
No. 619642
>>619637yo okay so a lot of this sounds super wonky
but WellHeyProductions goes out of his way to remind people that he was accused of being a stalker quite a bit. which, appears to be his MO when he is ACTUALLY guilty of something
No. 619648
>>619644I mean… they know the name of the girl MCP knocked up. I looked into it. Her name IS Jeanna W. That isn't common knowledge from what I can tell.
So while a lot of this might be the ramblings of an unstable person.. it obvious holds enough weight that some of the details check out.
No. 619652
>>619645Stamper had some of the narrators followed on Twitter from what I remembered. I’m more than positive that after I pissed them off they got ahold of each other and set this up.
>>619644 I know this sounds fake and I sound retarded. I also got mental assistance and all I got was psychiatric abuse.
Is there a way I can send the voice recording? But honestly that might not even prove anything to you guys either.
No. 619656
File: 1529813072525.png (265.53 KB, 520x527, Capture.PNG)

>>619648I don't know what the rules are here about full names so here you go.
No. 619660
>>619637So someone from your boyfriend's family was a guest in your home, stole a key, came back later to set up tapes to play the sounds of fire and of FNAF sound effects, this put you in a psychiatric hospital, and while you were there they went back in and took out all the players.
Do I have that straight?
No. 619666
Can you upload the audio to ?
No. 619678
>>619668>>619672Just copy and put it in the browser bar. If you click a link here it doesn't work unless you take off the part
No. 619695
>>619680I checked to see how I blocked it out and the exposure so unless you know who I am I don’t think you could see what my name was.
Also I just got my boyfriend to text me saying that the “Freddy’s going to get you.” Recording is real. If that helps.
I just really don’t want my name on here.
No. 619703
>>619695That's understandable anon. Listen, I'm not going to lie, a lot of this does sound like you might have some pre-existing mental health issues that colored some of the details with paranoia. However, at the core, paranoia is RARELY caused by nothing. I imagine, if nothing else, these people were largely shitty to you due to your involvement with your current boyfriend and then likely patronized you the way that most of them are doing now with the CreepyLeaks situation.
It's well documented that WHP, MCP, and crew handle people they don't like by snickering behind BLOCK buttons and then religiously checking the blocked person's social media to vaguepost about it passive aggressively.
I believe that the meat and potatoes about what you're saying, the part about them blocking and harassing you because you angered one of their little gang. is true. And I think that the way that they handle the people that they have problems with likely exacerbated previously existing mental illness and/or anxiety that you were dealing with.
No. 619736
>>619733I'm not sure I understand it and was hoping for a more direct timeline and explanation.
What I got from your post is that you were dating someone. His ex is friends with MCP, and hates you, so now MCP and his friends hate you. Is that correct?
You say MCP and his friends hacked your emails and found that you read lolcow threads. They then told the Game Grumps and iDubbz that you read lolcow threads? Is that correct?
Then all of these people together started attacking you. MCP's people because he knows your boyfriend's ex. Game Grumps and Stamper and one of the Game Grumps' mother because you read lolcow threads?
If I got that wrong, you can see why I asked to have it explained again.
No. 619750
>>619735Yeah the audio is being weird, but imma be straight up with you cheif I just read what archive. Is was and I don’t think I want the recording on there.
>>619736I believe it was a combination of all of them that got into my accounts. I noticed stamper and stampers mom making fun of my first. Then noticed MCP friends blocked me or made their stuff private. Then I noticed the GG going along with stamper and their other YouTube crew. I’m more than positive MCP and my boyfriends ex girlfriend had something to do with stuff that happened in real life because his ex, MCP, their friends would be the only one that knew were we lived and she’s obsessed with fire and horror movies. They also love horror movies so it just makes sense to me that they would pull this after me pissing them off after what I did. But I mean, I didn’t hack into any accounts like they did. I just saw their social media which was public. The only thing I did was make a fake profile to follow them. They just wanted to one up me when it comes to the stalking aspect. They took it to irl terms.
In the hospital they referenced stuff from online that only I would have known since I had it saved in my browser on my computer and pictures in my phone. They said it was karma that I was getting harassed because I think I had saved pictures from lolcow on my phone, I had bookmarks of lolcow threads, and I think they were salty about it because y’all ruthless on here and probably thought I had something to do with writing some of the things down on there.
No. 619753
>>619750Out of this list, who do you think hacked you?
> MrCreepypasta> The Game Grumps> Stamper> iDubbzWhen did all of this happen exactly? MCP privating his account and so on.
No. 619779
>>619777Like I stated in response to hacked-anon earlier in the thread…
I feel strongly that hacked-anon might have some pre-existing mental health related issues… but at the heart of the story, a lot of the details regarding the way that MCP and WHP have been shown to deal with people that they (and their clique) don't like match up with the story. There are allegations of WHP being a stalker in the past and there is clear evidence that they are notorious for being quick to block others and then spy on them and vaguepost with their "crew" afterwards.
I get the strong impression that hacked-anon did, in fact, get in bad with MCP and WHP; likely due to their association with Jeanna (the knocked up fangirl). However, I believe that the following aftermath was probably less dramatic than hacked-anon remembers and after some time skewed through the lenses of mental illness.
I IMAGINE that someone with say… schizophrenia… would probably see the behind-the-scenes vagueposting bullshit that the MCP/WHP gang is known for and it would HEAVILY influence their paranoia.
No. 619792
>>619779Let me rewrite this.
I don’t have schizo, I’m do have mental disorders bipolar 1 with BPD and PTSD. psychosis is what they were trying to do to me. People with mental disorders get abused and people purposely
trigger psychosis in people with bipolar 1. I won’t lie, but I showed and talked about what happened to me with my therapist and psychiatrist. They told me that what happened was real, but it did in fact cause paranoia because of what they did now I can’t trust anyone. They called it over sensitivity. I’m jumpy at everything now
They told me that when you have PTSD and extremely traumatic experiences, for example my past abuse and then this recent abuse it can make you extremely sensitive and paranoid you will be hurt again. So I won’t disagree with you when you say I’m paranoid.
(blogposting) No. 619796
>>619791No. I don’t know who that is. I’ve never heard of Ms. Sinister. I won’t say their names on here if you don’t mind. I’ve already said a lot and kinda regret it, because they might attack me more now.
I’m actually afraid they may physically hurt me. It’s terrifying.
No. 619798
>>619796no worries anon
just trying to put pieces together to get the bigger picture on who all is involved. some people are not above the things that you claim that they did to you, so it's good to rule out who might be responsible
No. 619801
>>619798I know and I’m sorry I cant give you guys more info. My mind has been fried ever since this happened and I appreciate you guys so much for listening to me. All I have is what I personally saw from the most part and what my boyfriend knows. It sucks to be discredited just because you have a disorder. That’s what they took advantage of. That no one would believe me because I had these disorders and that I would be discredited because of that.
It was a complete low blow. I’ve never had any psychosis episode like this. Never heard voices before, had delusions, of hallucinations like this. So it was a very terrifying experience.
No. 622399
>>622056Let's be honest. There's a 5% chance of it actually happening, and if it DOES actually happen.. it'll be another DashCon/TanaCon.
MCP's youtube channel has been tanking ever since he revealed his face. His numbers never recovered. And CreepsMcPasta, CreepyPastaJr, CorpseHusband, MrNightmare, and others are rapidly growing in size and popularity while MCP is left begging for money. If you'll notice, pretty much none of the other channels are begging for money or shilling with ko-fi, patreon, brand deals, etc as badly as MCP.
None of the successful narrators/writes/etc will go anywhere NEAR that convention now that it's saturated with MrCreepyFailure and his toxic clique.
This convention doomed itself from the get-go by thinking MCP was a good figure to involve themselves with.
No. 623869
>>623393I feel strongly that the "con organizers" don't understand the inner workings of how conventions work or how expensive they are. I've worked guest relations and most seasoned guests, even self represented, are smart enough to require a minimum of a $1000 appearance fee… paid up front. 2x-5x that if they're represented by a company like POC Booking.
Only people who have never been a guest or featured panelist won't know they are being ripped off when this con asks them to be a guest or host panels for free as a "volunteer".
No. 629620
>>629156From what I've seen of "Murph" (as she called him) and MCP's group of brainwashed friendfans… I'd venture a guess that it's xxAutumnIvyxx, her wife TwinSkeletons, or JoseiKage.
I'd also venture a guess the reason they kept cutting out is because they were probably having WHP and co listening in on the discord call so they kept having to hit Push to Talk to keep the peanut gallery from being heard.
And I'd venture a guess that the reason they wouldn't join Slimebeast's discord is because they had to make a new account to not be found out and didn't want to risk their account being somehow screened on his discord.
These bitches think they're slick but they and the people they defend are actually just badly behaved morons.
No. 634582
>>634528who Xylonex or old man Murphy?
does his wife have a illness or something?
No. 644556
>>644346lmao as he gets banned
>>643952 damn about time. that slimebeast dude released like 6 new videos of leaked audio and had a livestream with one of the original staff members of the con (prior to MrCuntPasta, VincuntVenaCava, and OldManCunty taking over everything and fucking it up) and holy shit they're all fuckin done for. that K Baning Kellum dude sounds like a complete asstool too. Thank god this fell through.
No. 647420
>>647232I'd say Murphy and VVC go way past annoying at this point. VVC is making death threats and Murphy is sending grotesque physical packages to family and neighbors of people involved in exposing them.
MCP stealing money from fans and having consensual sex with fans just proves he's irresponsible and untrustworthy when it comes to manipulating his primarily young fanbase (which is concerning, yes). His "abuse" is an abuse of power, certainly. But I don't think anyone has called him a rapist.
The other two, however… should be careful. They're treading a very thin line that can very easily in jail time. I don't think they realize how easy everything is to tie back to them - especially with audio and physical evidence.
No. 648675
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I don’t think this has been posted yet
But I was on a site for an upcoming con, that’s a few blocks from my place
Looking up guest speakers
And guess who was on the list
Freakn MCP
MCP is on the guest list at OTAKON
Why?! Nobody cares about him, like literally who would even show up to see him?
No. 650087
>>648675"Has moved into VA Voice Acting"
>VA Voice Acting>Voice Acting ActingWhat a fucking nonce
No. 650339
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>>647420Miscarriage happened late April and early May. They got engaged in December of 2015. Troll harder.
No. 650750
>>650733Sorry, the context of the pic makes it look like a shoulder next to a face. Not a hip and an arm.
I see that it's a hip now.
No. 650752
>>650339What post are you supposed to be responding to? I think you meant to respond to
>>647232 not
>>647420 No. 667885
File: 1534635816175.png (91.09 KB, 588x350, shurch.PNG)

this cunt begs for money from patreon and kofi but can't be fucking bothered to send his kickstarter rewards on time, make quality rewards for his backers, or even fucking SPELL CHECK HIS FUCKING VIDEO TITLES…. I'm speechless.
No. 667886
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>>667885and this one was posted yesterday. two videos in a row misspelled. also who the FUCK thinks it's "hick up" not HICCUP
No. 1834799
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>>1834785Fuck off moid take this shitty bait somewhere else.pedomoth can go horde cp and gore videos on the premise of
documenting the only god he is being the god of white trash. Looking forward to the day the feds arrest him