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No. 254751

This girl is recovering from anorexia and eats those HUGE amounts of food since fucking months. She gets extremely pissed when you ask her about ANYTHING bmi or inpatient related - so i have 3 theories: she is a fat fuck who binges on food and claims to recover from anorexia, she has a "hypermetabolism" or she was so fucking underweight (like a bmi of 10 or so) and must eat like that to keep gaining weight. I doubt the last theory is true because : she would've probably been weight restored by now by eating all this shit ton of food and/or her parents probably weren't watching her starving herself down to a bmi of <12 without putting her into hospital and fucking force feeding her.
So what do you think? This account is bothering me for a long time now..
Oh and she also says, even after downing all this food on a daily basis that she's still sooo afraid of it

No. 254752

Why isn't this posted in the pro-Ana thread???? It's highly unlikely this girl needs a thread all to herself

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