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No. 254621

>Danielle Bregoli's(aka the cash me outside girl)mom
>let her 13 year old daughter drop out of school
>there are rumors that she's allowing her 13 year old to date the rapper Kodak black
>her daughter now has 5.1 million Instagram and she's using her daughter as a cash cow
>allows her daughter to get tattoos, a belly button piercing and a tongue ring
>encourages her daughter to post selfies with her boobs and ass out
>is ok with her daughter doing drugs and dropping out of school as long as you brings in more internet fame

Danielle's 20 year old friend who influenced her

No. 254649

It's obvious what you're doing. We can't have a thread on this girl as she's too young. You aren't providing anything concrete about her mother, just gossip about the true, 13yo subject of your thread.

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