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No. 248130
A bit of a vintage snowflake, but she used to be pretty popular and there's new milk, so fresh thread?
Lexi used to be efamous for being a scene queen and then a glittery pink pony princess. In 2013(?), her boyfriend shot himself after failing to convince her to commit to a suicide pact. joinmeindeath.mp3
She's into dd/lg and sex work nowadays.
http://www.candiedmoon.tumblr.com No. 248131
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>my little space
God no.
No. 248133
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No. 248134
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No. 248175
>>248150holyyyy shit I remember her!
she looks so much better now. I mean she's not ~gorgeous~ or anything but the natural hair color and lack of scene fashion really did her a favor.
No. 248181
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That time she popped up on People of Walmart.
No. 248201
>>248178Go back in her Tumblr archive to July 2013. It's all there.
Damn, I followed Lexi for a long time but forgot about her for a few years, this is what she's up to now? I was really hoping she'd sort her life out. This sucks.
No. 248215
>>248164>>248176had a look through her archives, she mentioned him half a dozen times on her tumblr on the months after his death, they were together for six years, I remember at the time the whole thing just seemed so suspect. also going on a massive road trip to florida literally the week after his death? really?
>>248130any evidence to support the suicide pact claim? first i've heard of it
No. 248224
>>248164Bullshit, she really struggled with it and still talks about it on her private Facebook occasionally. The only sketchy thing about it was how she liveblogged it to the nth degree including posting photos of the ceremony, but that was probably just her way of coping.
>>248215She used to be posted on efagz a lot. I remember seeing caps of her text messages with Mattie in which he tells her how much he loves her and asks her to die with him. She replied saying things like "I love you too but I want to be alive, Mattie you're scaring me"
No. 248225
>>248215I get that people cope with things in different ways and if the trip was planned it's kinda hard to just waste money and cancel. That being said, I wouldn't doubt if Lexi was over it that quickly.
God, who remembers Cori Shea? I wonder whose life she's impersonating now.
No. 248231
>>248225Cori is who I thought of instead of Lexi when this thread popped up.
She would probably be thrilled by that.
No. 248247
>>248231Cori is my FAVORITE, can someone please find her? Last I saw, she was SWF copying Ajna Gyptian and giving psychic readings "with a dragon" on some online psychic network.
I've followed Lexi for years and have been rooting for her. I am not on Snapchat, so had no idea about the sex work- that's so weird and funny. She's been doing attention whore stuff on IG and Tumblr for a while so I guess I'm not too surprised.
She was devastated over Mattie- when that happened I started really paying attention to her, felt so bad for her. She took the trip to Fl to see relatives in order to try to get out of her headspace for a while. I am shocked that some people here don't get that.
No. 248273
>>248164You're def reaching, I followed her when it was happening. she was devastated for a long time when it happened and changed drastically because of it. Got way more into the rave/drug scene, and turned more goth.
She also closed her old shop and opened a new one with shittier cheaper items for twice the price, that sucked. I'm not sure if she ever sent out the remaining orders from her last shop.
>>248215She went on a massive road trip because her best friend wanted her to have a distraction and made her go on it, stop reaching.
She actually used to be one of my bloggers, I haven't checked her blog in awhile though and I'm really bummed to find out she's into fucking ddlg and is doing snapchat porn. That's like the final saddest step of e-fame, and where it all goes downhill.
No. 248290
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Does anyone know who this "Daddie" is?
Also, all she seems to post about anymore is weed lol
No. 248407
>>248344>it's a played out tale of wealthy, insecure yet pretty-traumatized-girl online crashing & turning into a total burnout with this very long digital trail of grimey behavior forever attached to your name , it would be hard work to start over & take responsibility but then again so would being an adult for the first time >all this to cumulatively build & result in a half-hearted, feeble, seriously stale, copycat faux personaility . desperately attempting to oversaturate the currently flooded market of unoriginal / pandering amateur " erotic " content I get where you're coming from, but Lexi was kind of the original, so you're sort of talking out of your ass. She's been all over that MLP/kiddie toys/pink girly bedroom shit consistently since the early 2000s and has been posting ~cute innocent~ nudes since long before any tumblrinas discovered dd/lg. She's also been maintaining jobs throughout/despite her internet presence.
Not to say that it makes it any better that she ended up this way, you just sound like a tool. Lurk more before you post your pretentious ramblings.
No. 248649
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>>248171slightly off topic but this is what inna clitostrophe looks like today, fucking kek
No. 248681
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>>248649Here's a better ver of that pic for you, anon.
She looks super rough.
No. 285367
10/10 would fuck

No. 322324
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Holy shit this thead.
I found this because I was showing someone that if you google image search "lexi bee" there's like 30 pages of her being a scene queen, but noticed this in the search results and came back to it today.
I'm her boyfriend. I'm relatively motivated and successful, I've known her for a while (post-myspace, post-Mattie, met her at raves). She isn't into sex work, she tried it but wasn't into it. She ran on some hard times with her etsy shop (depression/anxiety) and fell behind on orders (before I came around), and she refunded everyone recently because I helped her get back on her feet. I managed to talk her into finding a better job at a better bakery, and she's really enjoying the work. She is doing well and is much happier, I think the new job helped a lot because the other bakery was kind of a dead end. I'm planning to stay around for a while. I'm familiar with her mental illnesses and just want to take care of her and make her happy.
>>285383That's something she made from fabric she got at Hobby Lobby I believe. She got it a long time ago so I'm not sure if they carry it anymore.
No. 322333
>>322324Is that you in the pic? You don't look successful to me you look like a gross smelly person
You make your gf look cleaner cuz you look so damn crusty. So that's good I guess
No. 328113
This girl is on heroin. She's trying to get off and has a YouTube. She talks a little about it but she erased all the vids. They were out there too. She just erased all her vids from here to a few days ago too.
No. 335073
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Looks like she's getting back into scamming
No. 335169
>>248164Pussy game must've been shit.
Just kidding.
But yeah basically she seemed sad for like a week afterwards, and slowly imploded through a series of personal tumblr posts and shitty abusive daddy doms off tinder. BDSM as a coping mechanism, yet another shitty tumblr meme that leads to so much milk.
I don't think she dealt with the bereavement properly, she basically just went right back to hoarding care bears, smoking pot and pretending it never happened.
I remember they did a video together and Mattie looks clearly miserable and exhausted. He barely says a word.
It's scary and interesting how many cows boyfriends end up becoming an hero'd.
No. 336901
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This looks like shit lol
No. 337030
>>248171>>248681I never knew inna was internet famous, but she was kind of a crusty union square burnout regular for a while this is getting me v nostalgic for 2009
No. 342804
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Her scam..I mean shop is open today.
No. 344591
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>>336901Maybe she wanted something like this
No. 406388
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Looks like she's got herself another boyfriend.
>>322324 Bet this guy is feeling pretty dumb, lol. I wish she would just allow herself to be single for awhile instead of jumping from shitty dude to shitty dude.
No. 409881
>>409852Relying to my own post because I read more of the thread and also why not
Honestly don’t see why everyone is acting all disgusted by her for smoking pot and doing cam work. Neither of those things are bad so idg why y’all are being so bitter and acting like she’s on heroin on the corner
She had a huge traumatic event in her life and she went thru some shit and dated different people and changed more - aka she’s living her life probably she best she can after something like that. It happens. Lexi you do you. ANYWAY
No. 420321
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Lexi moved to a different state with her boyfriend of only a few months. She just doesn't learn that not every boyfriend is the love her life and still talks about nothing but whoever she's currently dating. She should take a break and focus on herself but it seems like she's incapable of being single. Her last boyfriend stalked her after the breakup and she found footprints in the snow, can post caps if needed
>>420113What now?
No. 536346
>>536335Pretty sure many were aware still but thanks anon, her Etsy shop under the same name is still going too with 'custom made' skirts up for sale
Gotta admit that a two item store isn't very appealing either
No. 1359809
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I remember this girl. she hasn’t posted since May 2020. anyone know if she’s okay?
No. 1359831
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>>1359809nevermind, looks like she scammed a bunch of people and disappeared. typical.
she has tons of comments on her IG worrying about her and asking if she’ll come back. pretty shitty.
No. 1521540
>>1521502Yeah it was basically a whinier iteration of the
>my ex is crazy!spiel. Blaming her for the suicidal decision of some other moid. I'm glad she hurt him then, and I hope he follows in Mattie's footsteps.
No. 1521546
>>1521540Damn I don't like lexi either but thats fucked. Why are scrotes like this?
Mattie died in 2013 right? I can't believe that was close to 10 years ago, I really felt for her because her relationship reminded me of mine at the time. Hope she's okay, seems she's still MIA on social media. Hopefully she finally decided to take a step back from all that.
No. 1522140
>>1521540Sad. She may be an idiot leeching scammer, but whoever that buttsore scrote is will always be beneath her by default and that is precisely why he's single.
Don't come here posting your sniveling ugly tears again, you getting dumped isnt milk loser.
No. 1523066
>>1522572>I actually worked with her at amazon>We only dated a month>She's a catfishIf you're too retarded to realize she's gonna probably look different with out all the make up on, thats not her being a catfish, thats just you being retarded.
She literally cant help where or how big a birthmark is and it's stupid to bitch about now.
fuck off, scrote.