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No. 247838

Am I the only person who remembers her? Seems she's totally disappeared and the PULL thread about her from a few years ago even disappeared. Practically no trace of her on the internet, I don't even know how she's managed to make it all disappear?

No. 247856

Literally who?
Mind giving some more context?

No. 248050

I remember this chick vaguely.
I'm pretty sure she was around during Felice time?

No. 248053

Oh shit. I found her tumblr: http://oyasumi---nasai.tumblr.com/tagged/me

She looks different these days.

No. 248063

this is such a self post

No. 248064

This just reeks of self post

No. 248066

No one would be surprised tbh

No. 248070

lmao no wonder she covered up her forehead with bangs

looks like kaka with dark hair now

No. 248125

Not a self post. Just wanted to know if anyone else knew the story here, she was really "tumblr famous" for a while and now there's literally nothing about her online. Her tumblr is back up but all of the old posts have been deleted and it hasn't been updated in like over a year. She made sure to post her replying to people saying "how much of a bad time she's has recently and hope she gets better". I vaguely remember the PULL thread about her claiming to have multiple mental and physical illnesses blah blah blah. But all traces of her on the internet have disappeared.

No. 248126

Like there used to be shit loads about her online and it's all GONE how the fuck has she managed to do that

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