File: 1485967691974.jpg (40.22 KB, 749x845, 16473520_956440144455934_47813…)

No. 243142
social media:'m sure most of you are aware of BItsy but over the last two days she's going on a spam tirade of "boohoo" I need donations
some milk:
> buys her cosplays or puts in minimum effort but then cries because her work is so "hard" > claims she made things when obviously bought> cancels trips and costumes all the time. and hardly ever releases new content but has a mass of orbiters> special snowflake who claims to be mentally ill and unable to support herself so begs for donations > amazon wishlists No. 243238
File: 1485986672152.jpg (354.54 KB, 517x751, IMG_1959.JPG)

A-kon tried to have her as a guest but it caused a shitstorm from both her prints and everyone's general reaction. IIRC she ended up not going but I'm having trouble finding caps. No. 243548
File: 1486041872512.png (550.77 KB, 472x588, potato.png)

>>243516it's all just angles anon, be careful what you wish for. She doesn't look the same as she does in op pic
No. 243615
>>243612Woah, she's uggo.
Her face has a nice v-line in OP pic but here you can see it's real meaty.
Her foundation is way too thick and pale, plus lack of a top lip looks creepy.
No. 243626
Apparently she is raising money for the funeral of her friend's mom (a family she seems to have been leeching off?) on gofundme: first thought is she will take a good chunk of the money for herself, tbh. Why is she managing the gofundme instead of the family?
No. 243629
>>243626she deleted the original post it was on but the girl she's raising money for was like screaming and swearing at someone who was just asking why they should donate and want to know if it's legit.
she was like "GO TO MY FUCKING PROFILE" and just being outright rude everywhere she could.
No. 243635
File: 1486061053442.png (74.7 KB, 557x382, vy2IuCc.png)

>>243629If her mom actually did pass away, it's not surprising that she would act irrationally.
Anyway, I lurked around some more on Bitsy's profiles. She makes approx $2300/month on patreon by guilting people about her hospital visits. I think the reason she gained a huge following in the first place was because her tumblr is basically pedo-bait shit and she still goes along with it calling herself a widdle baby. She would post photos of herself looking sickly in weeby outfits and make awful, sexualized cosplays of child anime characters i.e. hachikuji from monogatari. Here is an example from her DA where she looks like a legit child: think she was also underage at the time, and had that pedo boyfriend who got called out on tumblr and talked shit about her being a racist and smelling bad.
But for more funeral drama, she's not trying too hard to raise money for this funeral if she made the announcement for it viewable for patrons only (lol).
tl;dr she's leeching off friends and their families irl, scamming people, appealing to pedos, and probably hasn't pitched in whatsoever for this funeral either when everyone around her has done nothing but generously give to her.
No. 243638
>>243635she initially spammed her page but it got a lot of negative feedback so she deleted some of the posts
the way she begs actually disgusts me though
No. 243927
File: 1486109151092.png (726.4 KB, 970x922, Screen Shot 2017-02-03 at 10.0…)

looks like someone reported the original so Go Fund Me is holding all the donations.
I don't know why it wasn't held by the girl in the first place?
No. 243935
>>243548In all her pics she tilts her head down lol. Every single one.
Also, idk, man, what happened to the golden rule of not burning bridges and being nice to people? Why do all semi-popular cosplayers do really shitty things to friends and then act super surprised when they get called out for it by former friends?
No. 373941
>>371198Can't find the screenshots of bitsy saying racist shit, but here's the callout post for her ex. parts about his girlfriend are referring to bitsy and he mentioned her being racist too, among other things
No. 384091
File: 1504988576270.jpeg (811.73 KB, 2896x2896, 1504747104499.jpeg)

No. 469821
File: 1515940896385.jpg (1.5 MB, 3508x2480, bitsy underwear auction.jpg)

lmao is she seriously trying to sell her underwear now? is this a new fucking low for Bitsy? this is even worse than the constant begging
No. 554666
>>554627I am wondering the same about this. How can she afford to miss flights and shit and just buy another ticket? How is she funding her random vacations from state to country? Like, she has no job and is CWC level hoarder (seeing her living space is
trigger worthy), hardly posts vlogs or is on social media, and recycles the same old ~photography~ of herself constantly. I'm curious how she gets any money and how she has any fans because she has no talent, is plain-looking, and is majorly immature.
Also, I was cackling at her talking about how hard she works "wrapping shipments for etsy" like lol what that does not take 2 days to do.
No. 555029
>>554850Okay that was pretty gross and not cute at all.
>>554859Life is gonna catch up with her fast. She due for a rude awakening.
No. 561299

I remember first hearing about her through a friend of mine. He showed me a picture of her doing a jojo pose and how she is actually from our hometown (Dallas Texas). i started following her on facebook around the time when she was trying to sell her bed matress…months passed and i began seeing this pattern, which was cry about being broke, sick, and wanting donations. I slowly started losing interest in her. Like many other people, i too dont understand how she can sustain herself purely through patreon. She says she has sponsors yet we never hear about anything specific. She has no portfolio to show any of her work, the only photo shoots we do see are the ones her friend takes… i really feel like this girl is working with an agency alright but modeling isnt part of the negotiations. if I was a model, i would have a resume, a portfolio, i would promote myself so that other people can see what my capabilities are. SHe has no work ethic and the fact that she says she is medically unfit to work makes me sick to my stomach, drinking yeos, having a shitty diet, and lack of sleep isnt going to make your health any better, such poor choices for someone who is a grown ass 22 year old. besides her futaba cosplay, which she made in a few hours before the con last year, i havent seen her put in work or made a single completed cosplay of the 2 years that ive been following her. Just like someone else mentioned on here, soon everything is going to catch up to her and the pressure will be overwhelmingly too heavy for her. I dont see why people support someone who never does anything in return, shes not even attractive.
No. 624315
File: 1530288970600.jpeg (Spoiler Image,116.37 KB, 569x778, DEC48FF9-9EC9-4720-B112-66B420…)

$5 for this, worth a nut but not $5(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 624316
File: 1530289108270.jpeg (Spoiler Image,320.19 KB, 750x1334, 783B789C-DE18-4225-A698-679B72…)

$20 for this bullshit
No. 624319
File: 1530289288675.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 3024x3024, B31AAAD7-A686-480C-A78A-ABD4C8…)

More $20 shit, it's a wonder why people actually pay for these things. Had I paid for these I would feel very ripped off.
No. 628202
I just want to know where the nudes at? She's going around telling her " fans" that she doesn't give a shit about unless they're paying her that she doesn't do nudes. The truth is, she lied because here she says she does do nudes.
No. 657547
File: 1533517932799.png (21.66 KB, 488x221, b.PNG)

>>628202Yea she apparently recently changed her page to say no nudes but it definitely said "yes" for nudes less than a month ago. She's been outed on this and has been going on a tirade on her page. I wanna feel bad for here and at one point I did, but when she's posting pics of staying at luxury hotels but saying she's poor something's not adding up
No. 657549
File: 1533518077502.png (207.5 KB, 458x569, Skica (1).png)

so does anyone have this or nah
No. 657600
File: 1533521486402.jpg (26.9 KB, 640x627, IMG_20180603_035327_140.jpg)

>>657549she's trying to charge 5 for that but how is it any different from the free pics she posts? Not gonna lie. She has a nice body but doing stuff like charging 8 dollars for a blurry overexposed pic is not worth it.
No. 658150
>>658108That was posted top of this thread.
What’s with this thread? Post more caps of her sperging out if she’s supposedly so milky. Begging for money and selling shitty nudes/lewds doesn’t make her a cow imo. This thread’s full of thirsty dudes instead?
No. 659441
File: 1533734191218.png (Spoiler Image,542.41 KB, 1003x1340, Screenshot_1.png)

here the pic from her insta story
No. 660453
File: 1533818968903.png (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 1333x1001, Screenshot_2.png)

her "nude" on her insta
No. 661726
File: 1533941155406.png (7.18 MB, 1125x2436, 80B98282-F2FD-4E6A-A393-F28917…)

Lol she need money for médical assistant and she does this lmao
No. 662096
File: 1533987592551.jpeg (2.42 MB, 1125x2436, D152B9C5-14AE-4762-B1CB-22BC75…)

See what she’s doing with her money lmao xD(xD)
No. 662296
File: 1534014751705.png (509.69 KB, 600x1024, Screenshot_2018-08-11-13-58-29…)

Attention patrons of Bitsy, this is where your money is going! To your point, her merch isn't really selling, her esty store doing slightly better but her main source of income is her patreon. She's already started with "I need braces"and she's going to be saying she needs the money to move in the place she found with her male roommate who isn't her boyfriend because her boyfriend isn't American and doesn't live in America. He's okay with this because I sure in the fuck wouldn't be!
No. 662562
So this is the forum Bitsy accused me of being in.I see why she don't like these forums, so much dirt revealed. Fuck it, what's a more since she just blocked me for telling the truth which she doesn't like to hear. Truthfully my experience with Bitsy wasn't wasn't always bad. Their was good times when we were able to laugh and joke.She even helped me through some bad times. Even with all that said, she has this nasty little habit of spinning the narrative in her and cry victim when you confront her about the of and her radical followers cling on to her every like like it's a religion (The Church of Bitsy for an example). Allow me to give y'all an example of what I'm talking about. Going back to her trip to London as you all know her connected flight was at O'Hare. Nobody knew that at the time, she just said her connected flight was in Chicago. I don't know if anyone saw this or not but their was this one dummy who actually tried to meet her while she was at the airport. That dummy I'm talking about was me. Before she got stranded at the airport while waiting on her connected flight to London, she said she had no way to meet. Okay, I didn't like it but I left it alone.The next day, I get this message on Snapchat (Her favorite form of communication with me for some reason when I have told her she can message anywhere) from her saying she got stranded out there a and it was possible for a meet.So I replied back to her and asked her which way did she fly in from, Midway or O'Hare. So here I am waiting for a reply from her while she's talking about her vlogs on Facebook.I let her ass know I got her message. She tells me she was trying to sleep is the reason she didn't get my message (bullshit). So here I am scrolling through my feed just to see what was happening thinking her ass was sleep, nope!Her ass shows up in my feed wrapped up in a towel eating fresh fruit in her hotel room while I'm still waiting for a reply if we're going to meet at the airport.Next thing I know, she shows up in my feed again talking some goddamn soccer game. So I'm still here waiting for a reply and boy did I get one. Five something in the morning the next day which we were supposed to meet, she replies to me on her post she don't wanna meet after all saying Chicago wasn't one of her favorite cities and laughed about it! You talk about one salty son of a bitch I never felt saltier about anything in a day of my life. I thank her for blowing me off. First she tried to call me on Snapchat, I wasn't by the phone. Next she sends me a message saying she wanted to video chat with me. Again,I wasn't by the phone. I replied back to her saying whenever she's ready. It gets worse! She message me basically telling me I really wasn't worth a simple explanation because she was working on her vlogs. Are you serious? I have to find out through a vlog as to why you blew me off?! you can't be serious (She was)! After telling her ass that and how dumber I felt, now she wants to call on Snapchat, it didn't work for some reason. Next she tried calling my number or so she says because my phone never rang.I never did get that explanation, she went on to promote her vlogs, and she lied days later after getting booted out of London saying she had anxiety and depression or some shit after I confronted her on her back home vlog where she was saying she had so many fans wanted to meet her (bullshit). If she ever say let's meet,don't fall for it or you're going to be looking as stupid as I did.(namefagging)
No. 662582
File: 1534048367288.png (191.31 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-12-00-27-21…)

So i was a fan of bitsy until the other day. I found this somehow and thought "well that just seems like a bunch of unnecessary hate but thats the internet". I felt bad for her so i figured id try to buy her lewd (underboob and panties) but she didnt get back to me about how much she wanted for over 24 hours and when she did she said however much id be comfortable sending. Only having $5 on my debit card and having the possibility of taking 8 weeks off work due to a knee injury i sent $1 to her for it because again, she never specified an amount, just however much i was comfortable with and then she begins asking if i could at least send $5. About an hour later i asked if she could just send me my dollar back so i could use it on something beneficial to me. Well i just checked facebook and i see this and i wanna laugh at her because of how she begs for money for her medical bills, says she doesnt feel comfortable sending lewds for $1 and then posts pics of herself in a bikini (pretty much the same photo she sent me but with a little less boob) (photo 1/2)
No. 662583
File: 1534048444695.jpg (29.85 KB, 539x960, FB_IMG_1534048050406.jpg)

Photo 2/2. Sorry for not replying to my other comment. New to forum sites
No. 663129
>>662582Ok you're the dumbass here dude
"I only have $5 to my name. Better spend it on some porn"
the fuck lol
No. 663789
File: 1534189930251.jpeg (131.95 KB, 1600x900, NsYMKq_tjFvTZWsuBgBdGwieuMgRgG…)

It really takes a special kind of special to burn through the money she's making off of these poor saps. Like this shit here, she charged $20 for this photo on her patreon. I don't understand how anyone supports her doing shit like this!
No. 666070
File: 1534405548957.png (699.54 KB, 748x457, ugly smile.PNG)

Charges 40 dollars for feet and is "uncomfortable posting nudes" but posts this to instagram cause she gets to fuck her boyfriend and live off the money of gullible fans buying her pity story
No. 666164
File: 1534420231663.jpg (37.31 KB, 640x853, FB_IMG_1534384193656.jpg)

The only loser here is you. How much Bitsy is paying you? Anyway. That was on her Facebook too and these dummies are paying her all that money so her and her boyfriend can stay in expensive hotels, drink expensive drinks and eat fine dining.this is where that patreon money is really going to.(Major samefagging)
No. 666684
File: 1534468546461.jpg (251.09 KB, 1080x1921, 39351969_215571145970687_57823…)

She's selling what will likely be an overpriced lewd again, for fucks sake.
No. 666747
>>666684"rather lewd" for $20? I seriously hope it's a nude for that much
>>666164her boyfriend kinda looks like Cody/Excessive Profanity in that picture
No. 667356
File: 1534555516473.png (207.23 KB, 571x976, Screenshot_2018-08-17-19-37-20…)

If anyone going to be at afest here's your chance if you see her to call her out on her bullshit!
No. 667773
File: 1534621362554.jpg (84.52 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3236.jpg)

Funny she thinks people hate her because she has a boyfriend. No bitch, people hate you because you're a lying manipulative little bitch. She's a predator preying on people's emotions. Like the time she posted on her patreon crying because she got robbed or some shit. The photo is there for $1. You got robbed yet you sell this for a dollar. She's nuts and say and do pretty much for money.
No. 667968
File: 1534643151554.jpeg (575.33 KB, 1125x2435, 982A5F60-138E-4A09-B21C-CDDA6A…)

I recommand you all to do that
Ask paypal to get refund
No. 667981
File: 1534644196342.jpeg (813.89 KB, 2550x2550, 158E10C1-49D0-4DD3-B26E-06A024…)

>$100 slippers
>new tattoo
>nice hotels & fancy dinners
>can afford travel and cons
>still begs for money or medical bills and food
also love how she always rambles about how “hard” she works and how she always needs a vacation but all it seems to be is taking shitty nudes and sending etsy packages lmao
No. 670246
File: 1534922806255.png (1005.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-22-03-21-39…)

Maybe try not spending $100 fucking dollars on slippers and other dumb shit and you wont need strangers on the internet to pay for your medication.
No. 671330
File: 1535041417642.png (439.26 KB, 1348x582, bitsy3.png)

Now she claims that she is really poor and that hotel&tattoo incident does not anything with this and beg more money. She talks about she has ' connections '
She talks about she getting into hotels free, she says every crazy shit is happening to her for no reason and says money is bad
No. 672347
File: 1535136859160.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, 4506DA66-EF06-46CE-A4F1-CCE488…)

jfc, can this girl do anything without begging for money? what is she spending her patreon money on?
No. 672871
File: 1535202581480.png (124.19 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-25-09-08-53…)

Oh boy….
No. 673684
File: 1535298731411.jpg (72.81 KB, 1080x1080, 26068654_741556369373986_42141…)

This is something I been thinking about for a while now. If she's really getting all this free shit,who paid for her to go drink this expensive shit? Her "agency"? Fuck outta here!
No. 674969
File: 1535463669176.jpeg (162.47 KB, 750x476, 7503D2C0-0167-4120-A61A-F025CE…)

Is it normal for clapistanis to have lawyers on a constant payroll?
No. 677532
File: 1535762991193.jpg (53.65 KB, 720x337, 20180831_204818.jpg)

Her posts are so predictable too, I wonder if she has a template for this shit
No. 677845
File: 1535813669900.jpeg (433.76 KB, 1125x2436, A3C23550-CCB9-483D-89DD-BE1F07…)

>>677800How to get her video ?
> DM her> send her the money through paypal> receive video> ask paypal to get refund due to illegal transaction> be refund > enjoyThis is what I did for her « nudes »
No. 677963
File: 1535827317910.png (242.68 KB, 637x874, 0.png)

fucking kek what a mistake for this guy
No. 678387
File: 1535877957842.png (43.99 KB, 491x470, dumb bitch.PNG)

So this dumb bitch is supposedly getting married and posts up a photo of her engagement in a fancy restauarant and is still talking about she's in debt and needs some other guy to co sign her apartment for her. Clearly her sugar daddy fiance has money for all this traveling and expenses so why isn't he supporting her ass? And people are eating all this shit up.
No. 679428
File: 1535936139884.png (593.19 KB, 600x1024, Screenshot_2018-09-02-19-34-11…)

A new form of begging
No. 680191
File: 1536018254943.jpg (70.96 KB, 540x960, 40637438_1486390138127596_5168…)

Why am I not surprised?
No. 680501
File: 1536049780178.jpeg (57.7 KB, 539x960, image.jpeg)

This is what she gets a month she needs to give and get a job
No. 681939
File: 1536191101672.jpg (52.52 KB, 750x750, joe.jpg)

His name is Joe Hiller or something like that, he is from Ipswich, England, they meet at some anime shitposting gruop in facebook back in 2016 and they started e-dating after just one week of talking, then they meet in England when she went to meet him for the first time and they got engaged literally that same day after just 3 or 4 monts of e-dating, he was 16 and she was 21 so idk if that counts as rape. They have broken up several times but she always goes back with him because there is no one else stupid enough that can stand her, I think he is a high school dropout so if anyone was asking how can not he support her, well, that's why I guess.
Heres some vids from his fb account, you can hear Bitsy: No. 682373
>>682358he made his account private thats why
bitsy probably lurks in here
No. 683095
>>680191This is the third (that I've seen) time she's sold merch, taken the money, and never sent out the orders.
She's flat out scamming people. How many of these idiots does she need to rob before they stop willingly handing over their damn money?
What a joke at this point.
No. 683664
File: 1536385432496.png (324.32 KB, 640x1136, 4E50AB07-FE4F-43C6-B01C-60AC27…)

looks like she disabled her facebook again because she got gasp UNFAIRLY ATTACKED as per usual. bitch really thinks any criticism is a threat to her personal safety i s2g lol
No. 683794
>>669837Her real name is Alexandra Flowers, I used to be more than a "good friend" of hers, i really cared for her, but we stoped talking after she started lying to people about me, you know, just classic Bitsy stuff. I didn't wanted to share her real name just because I didn't want to be that evil or trashy or w/e but she is really doing some utterly evil shit scamming people like that. I do not really have a way to proof that's her real name but if this is useful to someone to scare her so she leaves the internet and stops this shit, well, so be it.
Oh and btw, I can confirm the info abour her bf in the previous comment, I think he still lives with his parents loool that marriage is doomed
No. 686232
File: 1536716113588.jpg (294.12 KB, 1787x1425, 5454.jpg)

>>684137More info for whenever you decide to do your thing:
Her FB accounts: bf instagram acc: used to cheat on her bf with this guy who is mentioned on one of the fb status: hope it's useful
No. 689330
File: 1537089930434.png (304.53 KB, 750x1334, 82CCDD2D-AC45-4631-BD79-AC7723…)

>>689213You can literally go to and see for yourself you guys are fucking evil and Terrance you should realize you’re literally listening to someone who assaulted me, bragged to his friends who told everyone and is mad at ME for it
No. 690871
File: 1537272223892.png (1.21 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-18-08-00-42…)

>says she doesnt do nudes
>is gonna start doing nudes
Theres plenty of better creators out there who dont have the physique of a pre pubescent boy that id rather give money to for artful nudity, and it wouldnt be the quality of a disposable camera
No. 693769
File: 1537566109815.jpg (101.32 KB, 1080x1080, bitsyhanas_22_9_2018_0_41_17_1…)

what can i say
i hate her now
No. 694131
File: 1537614666735.jpg (35.21 KB, 720x960, 38884788_1454554277977849_6976…)

I'm not the foot hero you need , i am the one u deserve
No. 697018
File: 1537931776493.jpg (103.38 KB, 720x940, 20180925_231421.jpg)

Bitsy: I don't do everything just for money
Also Bitsy
No. 699304
File: 1538130396474.jpg (146.48 KB, 1080x1086, IMG_20180928_122232.jpg)

How is this any kind of proof?
No. 700791
File: 1538294552393.png (1.26 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2018-09-30-05-02-01…)

No. 701657
File: 1538395076746.jpg (857.58 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181001-215642.jpg)

No. 703367
File: 1538589901761.png (641.89 KB, 509x601, chrome_2018-10-03_20-04-51.png)

New photo
No. 703368
File: 1538590023803.png (679.35 KB, 446x792, chrome_2018-10-03_20-06-44.png)

And new one
No. 703528
File: 1538602309156.jpg (102.33 KB, 1080x1275, bitsyhanas_4_10_2018_0_30_56_5…)

>>703367at least dont upload with potato quality
No. 703555
>>703547Oh god, this is it…
its called scamming people…
No. 703676
>>703571These aren't the nudes, but i didn't think they would be anyways.
Y'all some high motherfuckas. Don't give her shit otherwise we ain't gonna see those milk duds
No. 703677
File: 1538615530106.jpg (326.19 KB, 720x904, 20181003_211017.jpg)

Here we go again
No. 703752
File: 1538623235378.png (670.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181004-061633.png)

She didn't even reach 200 patrons and she thinks she'll bait so many people with nudes smh
No. 704039
>>703677I think she got autism cause it's quite dangerous not to know that trying to attract people with "You'll see my nipple" and than saying "lmao you can barely see it throught the bikini" its called scamming.
And she doesnt understand that we're not doing this just to dislike her.. No, we're just saying what she's doing.
No. 704057
Lmao, a convention in Mexico. Funny cause that convention is famous because they scam people, and always claim the guests "canceled", but then the guests post on their networks that they were never invited, nor paid, and that the con is basically a scam. And Cesar? You mean Cesar Franco, one of the guests? Super cringy guy, don't know why he is still a thing.
You see guys, theses kind of girls exist a lot here in Mexico. They claim they have no money, and a sad life; but in fact they have a lame ass try of a sugar daddy, who buys them lingerie, so they can pimp them and sell awful tries of a nude, with a horribly uncomfortable face.
Also shows how much of a two faced liar you are. Endometriosis isn't that bad. Yes you bleed and it hurts a lot. But it isn't gonna kill you, and it should get better if you take your medicine; not your case I see.
And telling people you were raped, abused, and whatnot? Yikes
I'm still waiting for that story of the baby she gave up for adoption, you cowards.
No. 704976
>>704875she might not be satisfied with him but then again I think most of the money from patreon is going to her wedding
I don't want to pledge but I do want to see the set
No. 706862
File: 1539028908843.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.25 KB, 960x720, 43310144_1523127504453859_1978…)

>>706257 Facebook says there is nipples. sounds good to me.
besides, look at that ass.
No. 706916
File: 1539033688690.jpg (108.26 KB, 1080x804, 14f99318ff38a73db0c71b14697317…)

No. 707925
File: 1539118959955.jpg (269.75 KB, 720x1144, 20180919_080810.jpg)

Hi Bitsy! How are you? What's been up with you? Me? I've just been working. You know, an actual job. You would know that if you keep up with your friend here. Oh wait, I forgot. According to you, we weren't friends. So tell me then, was this a lie?
No. 707933
File: 1539119159110.jpg (87.36 KB, 480x854, 20180211_054336-1.jpg)

It wasn't just once you said this "friend".
No. 707938
File: 1539119228514.jpg (47.74 KB, 480x854, 20170924_213442_kindlephoto-45…)

Or how about the times you told me you loved me, was that a lie too?
No. 707941
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By the was, how much did I really mean to you? Apparently not a whole lot.
No. 707946
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In case anyone is wondering, here's the photo she sent me and who knows how many others. Remember people, no lewd comments please! Lol
No. 707947
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It's funny that you're telling people that you're lonely when you have friends. Stop lying and don't act like you can relate to me when you can't.
No. 707952
File: 1539119721413.jpg (117.63 KB, 750x1334, Snapchat-1945337485.jpg)

But I see you never really cared about me. It was always what I can do for you.
No. 707967
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I find it funny though you claim to be so honest and you say you told people your real name alexandra. Who did you tell? You lied to me about it when I told you about it. I could've been a asshole and not say about it but I came to you out of love and respect but again, when have anything I've said ever meant anything to you?
No. 709795
>>708656Okay so according to Bitsy, this is sexual assault.
No. 710213
>>710088i actually want bitsy to die, or at its best her to suffer for all the thothery that she did in the past. Or someone to make her suffer.
her nudes are only the tools for me to make her suffer. i dont care about fap material since her face is pig disgusting and her navel looks disgusting because of abortion attempts without all airbrushes on it
No. 710221
I literally don’t care about people seeing my lewds. I charge for them for extra money, but if I cared so much, I wouldn’t do them. I ask for them not to be spread because whether you guys care or not, I do need the money. I only sell them for the following month after they’re let out, so even when it comes to nudes when I start doing them, I really don’t care and would be fine linking them here after a month passes because I’ve already said I don’t do the modeling shit JUST for Patreon. My job is all about critics. But I really do think y’all have to be so disrespectful for that. I’m really not this personality y’all want me to be or seem like and I’m chill but you guys expect me not to care about my security or income. I’m going to be getting a second job when I move, and then probably going to see what I can afford to do sets and photos wise. In all reality I’d like to make it to where people can just sub the amount THEY want (even 1$), and everyone gets the same shit. And making more sets lewd causual or nude just freex But before I move and get a job, I just can’t afford that
I also don’t understand the people saying they want me to die or truly suffer. By laws, because I really am looking to prosecute certain people if not get a lawsuit against Terrance Gibbs and Connor - I can’t do anything on my own toward you including Tracing ip. I’m not breaking any laws. For people saying the police will be coming for me if I go to them, I am fully ready if anyone wants to somehow make a court case against me. There’s not proof of misconduct or scams and in the end y’all just wild as hell LOL
This entire thread screams I hurt some of you some way even if it was something shitty you did and deserved me to reject you friend wise or relationship wise.
The rest of y’all I know y’all are just bored and like talking shit and that’s chill that’s why i don’t really care.
Nudes aren’t going to hurt me. I’m not sure why you want me to die or suffer. Im pretty sure the person that wrote that was Terrance or Connor, if not then I legit don’t know you and you have no reason to want those things.
Dealing with life in general is suffering and everyone can agree to that so chill homie.
Y’all got mods on your sides. Homies banned me so I don’t have any power here. I’m just tired of coming off as big bad wolf type shit when I feel like if we have a problem— you can legit just talk to me and I realized a lot of people that hate me never even mentioned to me there was a problem to begin with because most anyone truly do hate direct confrontation which is understandable
And then if you’re just here for fun that’s legit okay I said already
But if you’re here to ruin my life, you need to get your own and realize I got my own shit going on whether you wanna believe it or not and the only person that can really do damage to me is myself. Some of y’all just make me frustrated, but so do toddlers so.
Also ?????? Abortions btw ????? the shit you guys make up is wild. Idk how abortions work tbh but my belly button is that was from laporascopys (sp?) homie but go on with ur weird self
No. 711295
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First off,when it comes to this sexual assault shit, keep my name out your fuckin mouths. I haven't had any physical contact with her at all period. In case you didn't read and I'm sure you didn't, you would know she lied about us meeting up when she was here in Chicago. Annon, what photos are you talking about releasing? Her being sexually assaulted (which I have my doubts about knowing she lies way too much)? Funny how nobody talked about that but I'm the one who needs help right? Bitsy, Alex or Lilico, whatever you want to call yourself,don't you ever lie on me like that ever again! If you're tracking ip addresses as you claim, then you would've known it wasn't me that said you should die. I have always wished you well. On top of that, you can look at my past transactions from yesterday and see with your lying eyes that the timing of whoever said that shit don't even match my transactions. I was out the whole day criss crossing this mega metropolis because I can. You want to talk about slander, what you said was very slanderous and if you ever come at me like that ever again,I wouldn't mind seeing you in court and taking all of your little patreon money. I swear with real friends like these here,who the fuck needs enemies? I maybe the only one here that still give a damn about you, but again, when have anything I've said ever mattered to you? I hope you're well but never lie on me like this again.
No. 711786
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All i know is that i could care less about personality drama. I just think that if the internet had fewer jerks, more people would be opening up over here and leaking more nudes and being more honest.
I just hope all of this "i want you to suffer bullshit" Do not scare you away from doing that shit.
Also, If bitsy just went nude on patreon already, money would fly from the sky for her and i would see her naked ass. everybody would be happy.
No. 712990
>>712730Probably never.
But hey, a man can dream.
Also, she has a man now right? More chances of something either getting leaked or she showing it herself on patreon.
"As long as a woman lives, she can send nudes"
anon 1964
No. 713050
>>713028I'd settle for just a nipple too.
I wonder how little people actually pay for her stuff and her pics on facebook since almost nothing ever leaks. This was easier when Anon ib was still up.
Maybe if we ask enough times for an update on Yiif party?
No. 713077
>>712730Never ever
Also anyone got more information on this Terrance guy? He seems like a person who deserves a thread
No. 713857
I already said that I do legal shit because whether you believe it or not, I do need. The money. I said I’m not tracking ips because it’s illegal, and my fiancé was 17 when we started dating, which is legal age in Texas where I live, and 16 is the legal age in UK. We also had his moms permission to be together, which is literally the only person aside from him, who should care at all about any of this. I wasn’t raped, I said sexual assault which covers molestation.
You all want to point fingers and it seems like You in general are the person with the most problems here.
You don’t know anything about me and seem to care too much. People here think omg she said this! Omg look!! Looks like she’s on the forum !!
But it’s literallt a forum ABOUT ME… why wouldn’t I find it or look?
Chill with this weird vendetta shit. I’m just another person in the world and people that spend their times obsessing over everything I do are more obsessed than orbiters themselves and it’s sad dude.
I’ve said this before, but you have to somewhere be smarter than this and deserve more than wasting your life talking about someone that has nothing to do with how your day goes and what the future has for you….
I’m sorry if you have troubles believing your life can change, and or YOU can change as a person, but I’ve admitted my wrongs in life and hate the person I used to be when I was younger. I told everyone about how I used to be horrible and a bully and just not care about myself or anyone back when I was like 15, but I grew up. I gained a heart and a conscience and if you can’t mature enough to do that, then that’s on you, homie.
I’m just trying to live my life and it’s hard enough as it is for anyone and everyone, no matter what you have or don’t have… life’s shittY. There’s no use in making anyone’s life worse. Feel better.
Also @ mods, I’m not causing any problems here. Don’t breaking rules or anything so not sure why I keep getting banned other than the fact that you guys enjoy chillin in this thread lol
No. 713975
>>713857Holy shit you’re flip-flopping; first you’re claiming that you don’t care about people who’re “just talking shit”, but then flip when this anon started talking shit, which is it sperg?
Also, by your logic it’s fine for someone to fuck a 13 year old if they live in Japan LOL
No. 714302
>>714002Only on some prefectures. not all. some places the age is 13 still.
>>713486Sounds silly to care more about what she does to the possibility of getting free nudes.
However, this forum IS to bad talk other people, so why not. Cucks exit to the center.
No. 714464
>>714429I don't think you are even real but who cares?
Go ahead. make my day. Bring those sets.
I will take my chances.
No. 714842
>>714429no one here apart from people looking for nudes believes a thing you say
you can leave now
No. 715812
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>>715642Her recent updates show that she’s currently in the hospital so if it is her she’s pretty fucking sad, huh?
She’s also posted some screenshots of some beta demanding a refund over something she publicly posted that he spent money to view previously and “censored” his name but conveniently “forgot” to censor some instances of his first name which outed him as a relatively well known member of her community
When someone told her this on her post her reply was to say “It’s fine if no one attacks him!!”
hint hint No. 715814
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No. 715815
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No. 716427
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I wonder how the Terrence guy would react to this, must suck that the girl you obsess over is getting dick from a fellow beta orbiter or people at cons
No. 716535
>>716050Okay Henry Burns …. I’ve never talked to you before in my life and you’ve never even commented on anything. Your past messages are so sweet and I replied and the next message I sent was me saying to stop spreading pictures and now you’re upset?
Get a life dude. Who sits on Facebook thinking they’re some hero for spreading lewds? Idc if they didn’t want to pay. People need their own money too, but it’s pretty pathetic that you’re so narcissistic that you’re just messaging random ass people on my page all day like here u go peasants I did a good deed right?
So what they didn’t pay. They still ratted you out.
>>716653I can’t find it either so assuming she took it down
>>716535Can you give any more milk on this cow? He deactivated his account by the looks of it
No. 716769
>>716535Lol firstly i did not call my puppet master you delusional crackwhore.
Secondly i am not henry burns stop outing random people as lynch materials.
Thirdly you dont have an single idea hoe whiteknighting works. They obliviosly gonna tell you, thats why in the firdt place i sent them to them. Its their opus operandi. Otherwise how gonna they suck up to you huh?
No. 716770
>>716535Lol firstly i did not call my puppet master you delusional crackwhore.
Secondly i am not henry burns stop outing random people as lynch materials.
Thirdly you dont have an single idea hoe whiteknighting works. They obliviosly gonna tell you, thats why in the firdt place i sent them to them. Its their opus operandi. Otherwise how gonna they suck up to you huh?
No. 716811
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No. 717253
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>>716769thank you for confirming you’re not Henry Burns. Smart move there.
But the fact you’re so angry that you’re not getting the recognition, speaks so loudly.
I’m going to guess a pitiful wanna be “sad girl” like you, needed to lurk forums or someone you’ve never spoken to or know, steal the lewds Others delivered, sit on my page and message random men, BEGGING for validation, because you need attention so badly you don’t care if it’s good or bad? Especially male attention hmm?
Does your dad not love you? Are you so disgusted by yourself, you can’t stand someone getting attention even though I have no ducking control of it.
It’s ironic as shit that you want to whine so much about me being an attention seeker ON MY OWN PAGE that I use as a personal blog or personal fb, and as my escape from the real world..:
But you go searching for that validation and attention. You need praise and thank yous and to feel like such a goddess that you’ll sink so low to wasting your time sending out lewds.
Go ahead and tell me you’re not this person, Mine. You’re only going to make things worse for yourself. Because even if you’re not her, I have the rest of you lined up with all your info as well. I’m standing up for myself. You? You’re on a forum that has nothing to do with you and whine about someone you’ve never spoke to once in your pathetic life so maybe you can seem like some sort of savior.
And I’m tired of it. I’m tired of trying and hearing out reasons and understanding people that want me to burn. I’m tired of trying to just reason with anyone and be nice hoping we can find some common ground. I’m not upset you sent my lewds out. I’m upset people really think they can walk over me like you. Crazy bitch.
Wanna see what it’s like to have your face all over a forum? You want that attention so badly. Don’t worry, I’ll help you out!
No. 717254
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No. 718067
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>>717253irc her actual name is Holland L(aranza?)
another account: additional pics of her for those interested
No. 718068
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No. 718069
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No. 718070
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No. 718071
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pretty funny that she's calling bitsy a crackwhore though
No. 718072
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also holland stop a-logging k thx bye
No. 718217
>>718067>>718072how do you got these pics
also moar pls
No. 718541
>>718514I understand Henry. I was using your name to find out if it really was you or not but I still do not think anyone should just be sitting around sending people photos. Focus on yourself and better yourself. If they want to google and find the ones here, it’s easy.
As for Holland, I thought you looked familiar.
A ketamine addict who would get high and sleep with any man at any party she could while dating my old best friend.
It seems like you’ve been taking too much horse tranquilizer, but now I understand why you’re projecting your insecurities on me.
I don’t want any drama, and I don’t want bad vibes. I think you really do need help and it seems like you’re losing yourself. Work on your problems and maybe it won’t cause you to project so much on other people you don’t know.
I’m sorry if things are hard for you right now, and I have no idea what my old best friend told you, but we were fighting while you both were dating and they already came out and said it was all lies.
Move on and leave me alone man. Don’t blame me for anything else others might do here. You did this to yourself.
goodnight everyone sleep well
No. 718580
File: 1540198868790.jpg (205.59 KB, 1080x1921, bitsyhanas_22_10_2018_11_58_54…)

ur definitely pregnant, those nipples say that so
No. 718680
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>>718580Once again, you’re delusional. (Date is sideways)
No. 719157
>>718680Bitsy lemme smash
Real shit doe those stretch marks get me hella hard
No. 719158
just its more lewd then what I was expecting. Not that I had high expectations, to begin with.
Okay so, I will play along and act like you are the real bitsy because its more fun that way.
So, a few things. One, the way you did not bother to shop your stretch marks makes it more hot.
two, I really think that if money is a problem you should put your morals were your mouth is and just go for cosplay nudes. or at least topless. then use the money to fund your dream of becoming a model.
3, don't advertise nudity when there is just half of a nipple. but advertise the shit out of sexy lewds.
No. 719196
I’m not doing nudes just because you are begging for it.
And I’m not throwing away my morals for more money. I want to do artistic nudes not fucking cosplay nudes.
That’s not funding my dream of modeling. I’ve been a model since I was 5. People get mad saying that it’s not true because I don’t show my work, but I don’t show my portfolio work because I was hiding my real name and they connect to eachother.
And AGAIN, I never said there was nudity in this set. I said it was a see through wet top type of thing.
I said no nudity until 400.
Some assholes got mad saying “I think it’s funny you say these aren’t nudity yet your half naked.” And started being really fucking rude about it.
I can’t win with the hate. I’m sick of it, and I’m not going to be putting out nudes just for you to please your cock.
I swear some guys are seriously like horny little chihuahuas.
Also, I can make money from whatever I want, Henry. Do you see how much hatred is here because people want more more more ? People are greedy, and if I say hey this pic of my ass is $10, because I can show messages and you can see the amount of detail I go into because guys keep asking for more and more about the photo before it’s purchasd. I even ask if it was okay after sending them most of the time.
It is not my fault if people would rather share it here than to say something To Me upfront. If you’re afraid of confrontation and would much rather post things anon, that’s not my fault.
If you all complain about how I do things like sell lewds to make money, then blame yourselves. I’ve lost too many jobs because of these forums. I lost my passion for cosplay because I could spend all my time making things , and you all would still find ways to shit talk me.
I’ve been as understanding as I possibly can and even trying to reason with you all, but no, you’re not getting nudes until I do any fashion nudes on my own time. Don’t start shit when you don’t know what you’re ever talking about, and know acting like a piece of shit isn’t going to get you what you want.
No. 719210
>>719158Also don’t understand why you keep acting like I’m not her lol
Would be really creepy if someone was this passionate about pretending to be me.
There’s plenty of free cosplay nudes and other beautiful women that do far more than lewds and or more lewd than I do.
People know it’s free and you can fap to that instead of me.
I don’t see why I’m being called a thot and slut because I won’t deliver. My job isn’t to make you cum. Please respect that already and move on to something free if what I do bothers you so much.
No. 719217
>>719210"My job isn’t to make you cum."
Is it weird that those words got me hard.
Gonna fap to the shower set now
No. 719219
>>719196I see what's your problem. You care too much what a bunch of random anons say on the interwebs.
They will complain. they will trash talk you. and all of that.
Jessica Nigri had probably the worse group of harassers after her. yet, she did not care; she kept doing it and now she is the most popular cosplayer with contracts all over the place. Doing Voice work and she never even needed to take a single nude.
She was not born with a terrible disease that crippled her finances. That is why I am suggesting nudes on patreon, You clearly need the money. You beg for it constantly. Not saying its bad, you do have an unfortunate disease. I am also not saying for you to shove a dildo on your pussy and spread your legs like a horny bitch either. Do it with style. do it like art. you clearly have a fanbase and the talent for it.
In the end, even fucking 4 chan stopped bad mounting Nigri after a while.
Nobody wants to milk a cow that does not respond.
>>719210Have you fucking seen this posts? people are insane.
"you can fap to that instead of me."
Its not just the nude body. its the person. The public wants to fap to bitsy for whatever reason. it comes with being a woman with a public image.
No. 719221
>>719219The fact is, I’m not doing that.
I have already said when I will be doing nudity, and like I said before, please respect that.
No. 719226
>>719221You do you girl. Just a suggestion.
the rest of us will probably be doing your photos.
Jokes aside the set was nice. Hot, and you put on that face you do on some sets that really turn everybody on. I could tell it was low budget but it was well made with the low money you got.
No. 719227
>>719026Not selling nudes for cash? Faggot do you know what supply and demand is?
>>719196Stop fucking deflecting you stupid cunt, this thread wasn’t started because you wouldn’t make nudes plus, people post here anon rather than confront you because if you know who they are, you throw them to the dogs like Terrance, that Tim guy you conveniently forgot to censor the name of and the other spergs who have turned up here
>>719224>>719226samefag, your reply popped up 15sec after the initial post, are you actually retarded?
No. 719233
>>719224People will believe what they want.
Stop worrying if people think you are a monster or not. if your boss fired you because of drama from fucking lolcow and sites like this, then it was the wrong job anyway.
If somebody is using your info to harass you, get the feds on them. like every fucking sjw woman on the internet.
Bitsy, this is the place where the baby cries but the mother is dead so it cannot hear it.
Its the place where the mask of anon gives safety for everyone to be jerks. sorry to tell you but there are lots of people that would love to destroy you if they could be anons irl. But they wont. Cuz society. also cuz they all have very low self esteem.
And you are not fucking up my fun. Hell, you being the real Bitsy or not, this is just fun. also, got lewd set. no complains.
No. 719274
>>719247Not a user but I am not defending her either.
I still don't think she is the real bitsy anyway. just having fun while jacking off to my set over here.
No. 721271
Annon you smell like low key white knight. All you fools who white knighted her for nudes, don't you feel stupid now? You been warned that their are no nudes, their were no nudes and their never will be any nudes. All she did was tease your dicks or in Mine Valentine's case tease her little cunt. You want nudes that badly go to a porn site you fucking kids. Speaking of fucking kids, that's what she's into. 16-17 at 21 what the fuck? How much more younger are you going predator? 15? 14? 13? You're the sick one, you need help and you need to be in handcuffs and not the one that little boy likes to put you in. As usual Bitsy, you come in here lying. You claim people are scared to talk to you. Total bullshit and you know it. the only reason people don't talk to you about your bullshit because you're quick to block people and yell "leave me alone". You also blame Henry, blame yourself. No one told you to put yourself out there like that and what the hell did you thought was going to happen when you decided to release that set in here? Did you really think that was going to be the end? You clearly can't be that stupid, take some goddamn responsibility for once in your life. To that one anon who thinks that wasn't Bitsy in here, either you're an idiot or their is no blood flow to your brain because all of it is in your dick. Stop beating off so much, it's not good for you. Those other anons "kind of pulling for Bitsy", don't lie you been one of her guard dogs the whole damn time reporting back to her. Don't be fooled by her "Artistic nude" bullshit, she's still teasing your cocks and cunt Mine Valentine. Read between the lines, really focus on what she says and don't let her spin the narrative on you because she is the ultimate spin master. She will say shit just to make you believe her and gain sympathy. Always remember the most important things to her, your attention and your money.
No. 723812
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>>723704Hey annon take a seat right over there
No. 724322
>>724145is this a Christian forum now?
17 w/ 21 is not even illegal most places.
No. 724382
>>724375A 17 year old with a 21 old is legal in most states in America. turning 18 does not turn your fucking mind magically into one of an adult anyway, and 21 to 17 is not even 5 years of difference.
I think you are a virgin frustrated that not even a stupid teen wants to get close to your sorry ass.
No. 726579
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She's begging again
No. 727465
>>727403Porn actresses are polite girls who are also smart. And Kind. And Not scammer.
Bitsy couldnt be an amateur pornosctor even if she wanted it
No. 727600
File: 1541529115282.jpeg (291.3 KB, 750x511, B6A50B63-1342-4B9D-A784-E2D08B…)

Holy shit what even is this picture? She looks like a lifeless sex doll haha
No. 727601
File: 1541529244763.jpeg (59.82 KB, 620x827, 391ACB32-9089-494C-A3B7-B1416F…)

Also fucking this I’m getting massive fucking momokun vibes hahaha
No. 727608
>>727601that long legs tho
No. 727610
Link to her new video for those interested hell what a scummy whore CANT ACCESS MUH PATREON CUS LOCLED OUT OF MUH PAYPAL GUIZE
Or is she too retarded to set up a new PayPal using her actual name? Who knows
On another note, she just needs a beer belly to go with that receeding hairline and we can start calling her Big Al
No. 727910
>>727756She is boomer now thats what probably anon pointed out
This is so sad can we kill bitsy?
Also she shittalks about things people love and ironically jome about, who the fuck cares bitsys opinion on no nut november, nobody does it for real le 'muh its nut hulthy guyss' bitsy you will shittalk about everything if ur popularity drops a lil bot
No. 731877
File: 1542172973106.png (509.56 KB, 540x823, Screenshot_2018-10-21-10-50-25…)

Bitsy I know you're still lurking even if you ain't saying nothing. I been wondering this for a while, how are you going to call an 18 year old a kid when you fuck 17 year olds and like them young as 16 maybe younger? At lease 18's legal and got the nerve to shame this poor dude whoever he is because he's never seen a naked woman. Whoever you are brother, I'm not going to shame you, I'm pulling for you!
No. 731936
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This just in — she took money from a homeless woman to buy her groceries.
Fucking A-mazing job Bitsy, even the homeless pity your worthless existence
No. 732464
File: 1542276582062.jpeg (444.21 KB, 596x1190, 8423785A-4DC0-4DFF-A5C2-3F6EDE…)

Does she think shit like this is cute? Fucking gross
No. 735746
>>735549Ignore and report
at best it’s her thirsty followers being faggots at worst it’s whiteknights trying to derail the thread
No. 736829
File: 1542993875010.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181123-112110_Vid…)

This chick is straight up lazy and needy. I've seen people missing limbs because of IEDs while they were deployed that work harder to earn their money than her. Bitsy, if you're reading this. Get a fucking actual job instead of guilt tripping your dumbass gullible followers.
No. 736831
File: 1542993905719.jpg (558.81 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181123-112126_Vid…)

No. 737007
File: 1543017121976.jpg (239.71 KB, 720x837, 20181123_184751.jpg)

Is she finally going to get a real job? Seems it was necessary for her to lose her patreon and the beta cucks supporting her shit for it to happen. Unless it's a lie and she goes right back to e-begging
No. 739049
File: 1543317701744.jpeg (478.6 KB, 750x1100, 59F58CD8-5A5A-476B-B411-1D7E75…)

I am fucking floored by the transition of “OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE GREAT” to “uhh not making promises tho” like she felt the need to add a small print to her post?
No. 743695
Fuck her lewds! You been in here for damn near five days begging for her "lewds" like she begs for money and yet you haven't gotten any results. You want her "lewds" that badly, pay for them and shut the fuck up! Other Annon, are you really brain dead or do you prefer to talk out the side of your ass? What part about fake name, real social security you don't get? Considering that she's making anywhere between $1,300 to nearly $2,00 a month, of course PayPal was curious as to her activities. Who are you? Whose identity you're using? Can you prove you're Bitsy Hanas? Where are you getting all this money from? That's why PayPal locked her idiot ass out of her shit and she can't never touch that money ever again which was her best case scenario. Speaking of begging, she's back at it again. Begging for some braces for her fucked up ass teeth and begging for food. What the fucks good having a fiancé if he can't even help you out? At lease buy your woman a burger or something I mean damn! And what the fuck ever happen to working? So much for this seasonal job eh? It's sickening that all she does is look for handouts when people actually work and I do mean work for our money. Perv annon, as much as I hate to admit but you're right about one thing, if she does go on a casting couch somewhere at lease she can she did do some work for her money. Also Bitsy, you said a while back that you get assaulted every time someone post something in here. Tell me, how many people beat you up since then?
No. 746818
File: 1544451267086.jpeg (371.27 KB, 750x698, E779BDBA-A963-403A-90B7-094673…)

Why doesn’t this retard have medical insurance by now?!
No. 746822
File: 1544451728801.jpeg (145.03 KB, 750x492, D702ABA0-7664-4576-8AF0-278E9B…)

Also for any of her orbiters still lurking wanting to know when she’s doing “nudes”
I can assure you they’ll probably be censored in one way or another though
No. 748465
File: 1544691773689.jpeg (350.53 KB, 746x1296, 3EE8BC41-D9E4-4CDA-A396-63F4FB…)

Just in case it gets deleted
No. 748785
File: 1544735909353.jpg (100.75 KB, 1024x1821, 46305174_1971744039794567_8073…)

> Bitsy has fiancé
> Also Bitsy
No. 748806
File: 1544739362232.jpg (Spoiler Image,600.66 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181213-161339_Ins…)

Bitsy booty
No. 749067
>>748090Dude she is like that since 2015
4 years
No change
No. 749371
File: 1544841436806.jpg (158.18 KB, 719x1019, 20181214_203143-1.jpg)

Ebegging on steroids
No. 750553
File: 1545142608858.jpg (400.68 KB, 720x1144, 20181217_231950.jpg)

Here she go again. You said yourself Alexandra you hated cosplaying because how toxic it is but you're going back to the same toxicity you wanted to escape from. You keep harping about a modeling career you never had. You only had one actual job in your life and you quit that. You also you're going to stop caring about how people look at you. Bullshit. Your attention seeking ass will always care about how others see you especially here because it's not a game for you remember? I wonder what's your excuses will be when this cosplay shit fall flat on its ass. You're healing you say? From what? You been spouting that bullshit every since the beginning of the year. Do everyone a favor and cut the bullshit because we know you're lying as usual.
No. 754295
>>748465waiting 2 years for a visa? wtf bitch if u get married he get the fcking papers right away u dont even know how ur country works i was illegal got married to a citizen and they give me my green card in like 2 weeks
she is just playing the victim role again for sum fcking attention and money
No. 756416
File: 1546203183904.jpeg (191.34 KB, 750x1334, 36924858-F133-4596-8B5D-4E71D4…)

Nice tattoo Bitsy. Who paid for it? The imaginary agency of yours?
No. 762240
>>762055Saw it. It's the lewdest most revealing thing she's ever given.
It's available til Monday. Just ask her on IG.
No. 762353
>>762224A dollar is 7 times more my currency
When i buy her nudes i can live off the same money for a month
No. 762687
File: 1547197958809.jpeg (376.91 KB, 750x863, 03706A96-27F5-4F07-88D2-B13B68…)

TSA Agent? What, so she can feel up more underaged boys?
No. 767866
File: 1547851288564.png (3.24 KB, 174x125, Screenshot_491.png)

>>243142Hey, Bitsy-chan….you smol uwu bean you…. you sure have some nerve… it would be a shame if proof of you being romantically involved with a 16 year old boy were to get out….. wouldn't it?
No. 768265
File: 1547920182431.png (810.85 KB, 748x2444, image1.png)

This shit has me rolling
No. 768765
dafuk are you on about?
No. 772199
File: 1548540359165.jpg (29 KB, 538x677, FB_IMG_1548540132758.jpg)

If she gets back into cosplay it would probably help her look less bad, I personally wouldn't mind seeing a lewd Toga set(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 772329
File: 1548563111714.jpg (98.07 KB, 750x750, 49858432_108222066833215_72659…)

It's not possible to make her look less bad when she's into cringy shit like this
No. 774058
File: 1548980180177.jpg (344.71 KB, 720x1144, 20190131_113159.jpg)

Not bad for a sickly old lady. Now if you got time and energy to do shit like this, you can get off your ass and get a job. That way you wouldn't need to beg for money for a bed when you go to L.A..
No. 774821
File: 1549227616422.jpg (208.18 KB, 720x1144, 20190203_141946.jpg)

"It's my birthday, please give me money". She just can't stop begging. Pitiful.
No. 775200
File: 1549344386831.jpg (29.17 KB, 455x711, FB_IMG_1549344273774.jpg)

Bitsy Jr?
No. 775290
File: 1549376088657.png (303.86 KB, 435x358, Screenshot_647.png)

>>768208I don't have to leak shit you played yourself by doxxing his name. Surprised you got his name right when you can't even spell Holland Lanza. I'm glad this fucked thread is saged. No one wants to buy your nudes and no one thinks your honest merchant face is cute, either. Good job framing me by the way, I'm sure everyone believes it, without a doubt. Pretty cute of you to use and post pictures of me when I was 16 too. (they're even photoshopped, just as obvious as your shoops!) Makes sense that you'd groom a 14 year old and post underaged girl's pictures when you're constantly pedobaiting with your lolishit "cosplays". I've never posted in this thread prior to my threat, and anyone with an IQ over 90 should be able to figure out that you and your white-knights were in cahoots to advertise your "TASTEFUL NUDES", at the same time getting revenge for calling you a thot on facebook 2 years ago. I don't think I need to explain a lot, obvious projection is obvious, and I'm not about to dissect your same-fagging sperg nonsense. I'm guessing you thought it was a good idea to target me because you know I browse and have been posted here before. It wasn't. Everyone can see through your bullshit. All that morphine must be rotting your brain. ;) No wonder you're constantly begging for money using your self-diagnosed illnesses. Hope your children are happy, though, that's probably the only good thing you've done for humanity. With all of that, I am honestly worried for your safety, the levels of delusion you are reaching are scaring me. You and I both know you are better than this. If you ever want me to sew you a cosplay that doesn't look like cheap Chinese garbage, hit me up. you have my email.
No. 775488
File: 1549422375284.png (638.5 KB, 671x601, epic-chan.png)

this is now a holland lanza appreciation thread. be gone evil thots ^_~
No. 775518
File: 1549431019374.jpg (56.51 KB, 1080x1345, 49802192_312744089351251_46281…)

Actually this thread is still about Alexandra and willing to do and say anything for attention and money. Be gone dumbass!
No. 775763
File: 1549521317224.jpg (404.75 KB, 720x1144, 20190206_131743.jpg)

Oh I get it now! Bitsy you lying ass bitch, you said you were never commenting here anymore. I had to reread this multiple times just to catch on to you. Funny thing is the more I read this long winded post the more I realize you are talking about you damn self! Everything you said about Holland you are describing yourself. I'm on to you and don't think I don't know it's you. You gave yourself away stupid!
No. 779063
File: 1550463245626.jpg (560.69 KB, 2045x2046, IMG_20190217_112619.jpg)

I wonder how this pedo conned people out their money this time?
No. 779257
File: 1550529824664.png (539.64 KB, 454x826, chrome_2019-02-18_23-43-14.png)

>>779063I wonder if someone got that picture
No. 779411
>>779378I would but i have no money.
why not post it on yiff party?
No. 782268
>>779608I would.
Have you seen that ass?
The more on the low she goes the higher the chances are for she to do porn on her patreon.
File: 1551477136256.jpg (59.09 KB, 1080x1080, 52498857_2203881422991738_4480…)

Bitch looks like a $2 hooker. Not worth spending any money on.
No. 783791
>>783459I mean that’s clearly not the case because those anons are getting smacked down too
I think the autistic post was definitely a bit spergy tho
No. 783805
>>783791why not leak her stuff?
that will give us more to milk for sure.
Maybe there are legal reasons? that is why the mods are taking measures?
No. 785912
File: 1552422942016.jpg (366.81 KB, 720x1144, 20190312_151319.jpg)

You're not a pedophile yourself you nasty bitch? You like them as young as 16 yourself, stop playing.
No. 789230
File: 1553286359656.jpg (446.53 KB, 720x1144, 20190322_130730.jpg)

She knows as long as idiots are willing to spend money on garbage like this she's going to continue to put it out there.
No. 791692
File: 1553888912079.jpg (406.99 KB, 720x1144, 20190329_144433.jpg)

She's right about this, she's still full of shit.
No. 792389
File: 1554026065246.png (250.67 KB, 317x607, stupid.PNG)

supposedly broke, jobless, and bumming off someone but still has time and cash to go out on a saturday in Cali? Guessing people bought her set so she doesnt have to get off her ass and work
No. 792642
>>792343i would say a lot of people do given the posts above.
with luck someone will post them.
Still, how is she alive with so little people buying her stuff?
No. 794210
File: 1554305061416.jpg (95.21 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20190401_223217.jpg)

She has a hairy ass she needs to shave that shit
No. 795359
>>794210Never thought i would spot a virgin by seeing him not understanding how human body hair works.
Anyway, still hoping for a hero to post more of her.
(Or to update her yiff party page.)
File: 1554568842503.jpg (351.13 KB, 720x1144, 20190404_101237.jpg)

Ask you anything huh? Their are a million things to answer for like for starters, where the hell is your engagement ring? Did you and that little boy break up? I almost feel sorry he chose your stupid ass.
No. 795850
>>795366>>795527You guys are proving the point with those stupid reactions.
Now, focus. how are things going on that AMA?
No. 797353
File: 1555057891873.png (746.89 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-04-12-04-30-11…)

>complains about not having money for medication
>goes to the club and sees Quavo
Imagine being this much of a fucking leach
No. 797732
>>797460tbf how hard it is to get a job on whatever the fuck she lives in with her condition?
I guess nobody wants to hire the girl with the dying womb that might need to skip work every other week.
She is bound to just turn to patreon porn or get hungry.
No. 797868
File: 1555247728163.jpg (262.54 KB, 720x1144, 20190414_075228.jpg)

Aw poor baby needs a break from partying. She must have it so rough for doing absolutely nothing!
No. 798052
File: 1555302980013.jpg (67.4 KB, 750x750, 55924336_2122790958012768_8641…)

Why is this dummy licking her gun?
No. 800672
File: 1556335196788.jpg (385.41 KB, 720x1144, 20190426_215025.jpg)

"Hire me" she says. For what a porn shoot?
No. 800870
File: 1556421861516.jpg (345.3 KB, 720x1144, 20190427_220037.jpg)

It's pretty clear to me how much she really hates attention! How about you all?
No. 801933
File: 1556851436982.jpg (379.77 KB, 720x1144, 20190502_213807.jpg)

Work? You ain't got no job man!
No. 801943
File: 1556859188352.png (479.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-05-03-00-50-53…)

Jesus fuckin Christ
No. 802535
File: 1557100236844.jpg (346.22 KB, 720x1144, 20190505_001743.jpg)

No I haven't bought your bullshit set. Why would I support your lazy ass?
No. 802536
File: 1557100342273.jpg (562.36 KB, 720x1144, 20190505_072545.jpg)

Too sick to work but not too sick to go out party, drink and smoke.
No. 802538
File: 1557100546788.jpg (491.47 KB, 720x1144, 20190505_151543.jpg)

I hope you fools wake up and see where your hard earned money is going to! Clearly not to her medical bills which she haven't even attempted to pay off! Your money is going to her to do nothing but live it up off of your expense!
No. 802795
File: 1557202593598.jpg (546.54 KB, 720x1144, 20190506_230044.jpg)

Remember when she said she hates attention? Um yeah……
No. 802833
>>802538don't really see the problem.
She posts pics she gets paid. not anyone's problem what she does with her money.
And a cronical disease does not makes you bed ridden and useless 24/7. it just needs to make you useless enough to people not wanting to hire you.
I do believe people are stupid for donating to her, Just don't be dumb about it.
No. 803046
File: 1557277890295.jpg (316.51 KB, 720x1144, 20190410_223949.jpg)

If you got time to pick up a blunt you got time to pick up a pen and fill out a job application
No. 803764
File: 1557408624240.jpg (2.4 MB, 5472x3072, Photo May 02, 7 52 40 AM.jpg)

No. 804218
>>804071this is supposed to be a 'professional' photoshoot yet you can see some hair on her socks and her left sock is dirty.
E for Effort i guess
No. 804490
>>804218Wait seriously? That’s fucking hilarious
The shitty $1 cat ears with dirty socks, shitty lighting and no shooping to fix how the flabby ass looks
Guess she found the photographer on Craigslist LOL
No. 805182
File: 1557570879032.png (330.41 KB, 364x645, bb3ca162b5d3ce44558e388d78273f…)

>>805095yeah with enough filters you can see it
for sets, at least photoshop your flabby ass jesus how shitty sets
No. 805485
File: 1557613783580.jpg (374.8 KB, 720x1144, 20190510_225758.jpg)

Dumb? No. Conniving? Definitely.
No. 807823
File: 1558070811659.jpg (107.34 KB, 1280x853, Neko_Set_17.jpg)

This is actually disgusting, Bitsy.
No. 815222
File: 1559180187539.jpg (324.04 KB, 720x1144, 20190528_231034.jpg)

At this point, this bitch has more stories than Tana Mongeau. This latest shit here, she claims she's been slipped a date rape drug. She somehow always manage to come up with trash just to make herself some kind of victim and everybody's out to get her. First it was the "stalkers", then somebody mailing her shit because they magically find her address to that hellhole she was living in Texas. Somebody in here beat her up and every time someone post something on here, she gets beat up. Also the alleged sexual assault on some set she claims she was doing "modeling" for some imaginary agency that only let her work in the UK. She say some much shit happens to her I swear she could be one of those storyteller YouTubers. What's next she's going to claim? She was fucked with a toothbrush too?
No. 815273
>>813796-Twerk fail: Check.
-Cottage cheese: Check.
-Dirty feet: Check.
-Stupid ass mouth expression???: Check.
-Blurred leg skin in half of the photos so we dont see the cottage?: Check.
With all of this, remember, she worked -REALLY HARD- in her -MODELING CAREER-
The fuck?
No. 816623
File: 1559446797720.jpg (453.59 KB, 720x1144, 20190529_183033.jpg)

So who's the sucker she's planning to con to go to AX? We know she's not paying, she's broke!
No. 816746
File: 1559476684430.jpg (164.46 KB, 720x1144, 20190602_063950.jpg)

Just ask Joe for one since he's there in Los Angeles with you. He did buy that engagement ring that you haven't been wearing for months with no damn job. Two broke bitches together living it up off of your money people.
No. 821621
File: 1560426248711.png (621.26 KB, 493x586, fhh.png)

Oh no, she is so broke. She is trying REALLY hard but everything in her life is so difficult!
No. 827910
File: 1561641180896.png (215.24 KB, 312x544, Capture.PNG)

She says she can't work but now all of a sudden her hip stops her and she needs to dig into her whiteknight pity fund.
No. 842143
File: 1563792815336.png (546.69 KB, 468x584, fgdh.png)

This is getting out of hand, is she really using that excuse now to get people to donate?
"well if they wont donate to my lazy ass they will donate for those poor children!"
No. 842144
File: 1563793107396.png (22 KB, 444x262, 4657.png)

Damage control now, lmao.
" I can no longer see the persons comment that is saying I am planning on keeping all the money for myself."
Maybe because you only see the sjw that still follow you around? Bitch says she aint cured, yet she goes on trips and parties smoking weed like crazy.
No. 864371
File: 1567698110208.jpeg (262.59 KB, 1125x542, 19125311-E4DA-4EC9-9AF6-8BE84D…)

No. 864733
>>864371"hurr durr we are so in love were gonna get married hes my soulmate!"
yeah bullshit, she just got bored of him probably bc he has no more money for her grubby ass, how much you wanna bet she starts talking about it, and later suddenly stories about how he was
abusive or evil to her.
No. 866994
File: 1568136102180.jpg (280.07 KB, 720x1144, 20190910_120333.jpg)

Getting drunk and high all day doesn't count as being chronically ill you bum bitch.
No. 868431
File: 1568429283976.jpg (245.75 KB, 720x1144, 20190912_230224.jpg)

Imagine almost being 25 and never really had a job in your life. You sit on you ass day and night, and your only source of income is through e-begging. You're sorry alright. A sorry pathetic excuse of a human.
No. 873135
File: 1569452126233.jpg (87.04 KB, 720x757, 20190923_181442-1.jpg)

Maybe just maybe if you weren't such a lazy bitch you might be able to have something dumbass.
No. 887321
File: 1572597170141.jpg (39.23 KB, 604x901, FB_IMG_1572597160050.jpg)

Devil set on sale
No. 887351
File: 1572609224620.jpg (836.96 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191101_125353_com…)

No. 887942
>>887786Link broken.
No. 888763
>>888729Thank you, my man.
Pretty good set all things considered.
File: 1576068591403.gif (414.51 KB, 500x350, anigif_enhanced-14977-14025829…)

>>904087What's the deal with that machete? Also:
No. 920114
File: 1579370436013.jpeg (127.96 KB, 750x1252, B14C3987-E776-4A27-84B4-1AE04C…)

i’m not familiar with this cow, but i stumbled upon this while looking for milk on someone else. looks like bitsy’s trying to DMCA a bunch of shit here, kek. good luck, the only shit i’ve ever seen deleted here is people who are underage, family photos or threads on people who ended up dying. sage bc it’s not really milky and probably won’t go anywhere.
No. 920122
File: 1579371500096.jpeg (126.13 KB, 750x1260, EB6B9B56-81DC-4671-9EE2-0E156A…)

>>920117this is the one where she claims this thread is using her content, but i’m confused af because whoever’s patreon that is doesn’t look anything like the person in OP.
No. 926751
>>920122Wrong Bitsy
That is itsy bitsy Chu.
This tread is about Bitsy hanas.
she probably just tagged to DMCA anything with the name "Bitsy" on it
No. 940059
File: 1583197035205.jpeg (29.62 KB, 620x622, 402C50A6-2DE3-4087-925F-375E70…)

She's charging people money for bullshit like this.
No. 941845
>>941839I mean, I wouldn't buy shit from her, and either way, doesn't she sell these in a blind package? Like, you don't know what you buyin until you find this kind of crap in the folder anyways.
Changing topic, does this bitch thinks this is sexy? It could be a photo of a naked barbie doll ffs.
No. 948033
File: 1584753037371.jpg (83.81 KB, 1283x694, simp.jpg)

Bo-hoooo, me so so poor, please gift me a switch dear simps.
No. 976564
>>966744Got a new french BF.
Went to see him in france.
After he fucked her for 2 weeks
straight, (Confirmed on twitter)
Hr immediately broke with her once she got back.
She released a couple of sets. One you can kinds sorta see niples.
Doing more risque stuff, almost showing pussy.
She now spends her time being horny on twitter and having the eventual sex with random dude on parties.
No. 1006258
File: 1594622040967.png (3.94 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200629-091806.png)

No. 1006259
File: 1594622083956.png (1.88 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200629-091818.png)

No. 1006260
File: 1594622126138.png (1.17 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200629-091837.png)

No. 1006261
File: 1594622192245.png (2.98 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200708-195209.png)

No. 1006262
File: 1594622217182.png (3.2 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200708-195215.png)

No. 1009153
>>1006258>>1006259>>1006260>>1006261>>1006262She and the delphine slut are the only western E-thots with the pedo bait body right now.
nothing of this would have happened if she did nude sets. Or simply if she did more sets over all.
This bitch is lazy and now is getting fucked for it.
No. 1093634
File: 1606571096478.jpg (70.67 KB, 750x1334, FB_IMG_1606571077779.jpg)

did she get lip fillers? these looks fucking horrendous
No. 1197277
File: 1617090049875.png (844.89 KB, 490x810, 135.PNG)

she just posted a video of her drinking an entire bottle of jack daniel's