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No. 240352
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This popped into my feed today. What is it these days with crowd funding anything-you-want-but-cant-be-bothered-to-save-for.
And no, claiming you need fancy running shoes for your 'mental health' uwu isn't a reason for anyone to buy you something as basic as shoes.
No. 240355
>>240342Wtf is "white culture"?
I find a lot of online SJWs are American and seem to think that because there are problems with racism and disrespect towards other cultures over there, it MUST be the exact same on every other country on the planet. I think it's a sign of a really uneducated person when they can't imagine what it's like to live elsewhere or summarise all the diverse cultures across the world as "white", like have you never studied another language or travelled abroad or even read a book? Even SJWs from other countries seem to rattle off the same points that American SJWs use, like they were learned off word-for-word even though they don't apply elsewhere.
I also hate the "white people have no culture" meme, another sign of someone severely uneducated imo.
No. 240361
>>240355I think they just mean 'European culture' which is ridiculous, because I highly doubt Spain and Finland (for example) have much in common.
Even the concept of "black culture" is inherently ridiculous, because it only ever seems to mean African-American people. I again highly doubt that people living in poverty in Nigeria could relate to middle-class black New Yorkers getting angry about cultural appropriation of braids.
No. 240368
>>240342"White culture is inherently racist"
k but I thought white culture didn't exist??? damn sjws
No. 240384
>>240355I've noticed the same thing with non-American SJWs rattling off US-centric talking points. In my country, black people make up less than 5% of the population and our history with black slavery is very different from that of the US; every single black person I personally know was born into a family that willingly moved here from the Caribbean or Africa. They generally identify as a combination of their family's native culture and their adoptive one, not as 'black'.
Yet SJWs will talk about black vs. white as if our society is a carbon copy of the US and our only minorities are the homogenous 'blacks' and the occasional convenient Asian (no Hispanics though). In reality there are many different ethnic/racial minority groups here who make up a much larger percentage of the population than black people do. In SJW rethoric these groups are either completely ignored or shoved into the black/PoC category because lol what's the difference they're all brown amirite? And if they're not brown enough they're considered white. Unless they're Muslim, then they're oppressed too.
I guess reality is too complicated so they prefer to stick to what they read on tumblr blogs written by American teenagers.
No. 240412
>>240371There are plenty of "white" or "white passing" people all over the world (and specifically I'm thinking of Europe) that are discriminated against. Travellers/gypsies are treated like a different race or subhuman despite the fact that they're genetically the same as us. Plenty of minority cultures in Europe have experienced attempts to strip languages and cultures of the people in the name of "unification", children were punished (as in, physically beaten) for speaking their native languages/dialects in school because it was "unpatriotic". In fact, England tried to do the same to Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Mann, they didn't spare them or become buddies with them because they were white, they actually promoted the idea that their enemies had "animalistic features" in order to desensitise the british people to their suffering.
Like I'll admit that the treatment of black people and native americans in america right now is appaling but to dismiss the discrimintion that happened towards white people throughout history and even currently jus shows the lack of someone's intelligence or compassion.
No. 240491
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My favorite YT hypocrite.
No. 240567
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please don't teach your kids to say this kind of shit.
No. 240878
>>240342i reblogged a post that was talking about how trans women shouldnt bitch out cis women for excluding them in their march for pussy rights and i basically got called a terf?
but how can i be a terf if im not a feminist and accept trans people and respect their pronouns? hmm. sensitive little shits
No. 240882
>>240872No. (It's been deleted since and the new site is broken.)
No. 240886
>>240414This. I hate the whole racism = power + whatever bullshit. They're so obsessed with being victimized, they use it like a badge of honor. Being discriminated against is not cute.
Don't even get me started with the "white people have no culture" garbage. I think they mistake American populace as white culture.
It's funny because I'm Hispanic which is a minority in their eyes, but they don't realize most Hispanic people are technically white lels.
No. 240892
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Sage for double post, but if you guys want tumblr on steroids, check out the page Everyday Feminism. This post is one of their tamer ones.
No. 240894
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Their followers are also cancerous. Wtf is autocromosexual? Is asexual too bland now?
No. 241231
>>240544She dragged it because nothing is ever good enough for people like her. They look for miniscule shit to get offended by because that's what they get off on. That's why I think it's absolutely retarded to entertain and pander to these people because they're always going to find something
problematic in everything.
No. 241233
>>240886Even then, tumblr doesn't care about hispanic people n only blacks and muslims with the occasional asian.
A post about a hispanic man getting shot by police- 2k notes
A post about a black man getting shot- 150k+ notes, the police's leaked personal information, gofundme, riots etc.
No. 281169
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White ? people ? using ? an ? emoji ? is ? racist
No. 348062
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I know this bread is old, but I feel like this fits here, anyway.
No. 348065
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>>348062Seeing this sort of stuff makes me feel so alienated from the rest of bi/lesbian women. I know someone will say I have "internalized homophobia", but I genuinely do wish I had been born straight. It would have made my life so much easier. All my friends are straight, too. But I feel nothing but disgust for men.
It makes me worry that it'll be impossible for me to find some nice, normie girl that isn't knee deep in tumblr queer theory.