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No. 239051
>>239044It wasn't archived though, but it can't be found on search either
another tweet to be wary of No. 239117
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No. 239118
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No. 239121
>>239116>>239117>>239118omg how.
these are…something else. how old are these?
No. 239135
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No. 239176
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Standing next to regular people really highlights how weird she looks
No. 239210
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Not really milk, but this made me laugh
No. 239214
>>239210I like Holly tbh.
However, this is as a good a time to ask as any, was there ever a discussion here about Holly allegedly stealing money from someone on a commission or something? I came across it while looking up deets about the BTS stuff from Heroes Of Cosplay, and came across a series of posts about someone giving Holly money to make something, and her never finishing it and keeping the money.
No. 239220
>>239044She can delete that tweet, but she cant delete the video. Which I think would cause more damage if more people listened to it.
The tricky thing about posting it on a tweet she does is that you have to do it early. So the people who look through the tweet will see it right at ths top. Wish me luck.
No. 239324
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I haven't watched the video but I'm glad she's finally playing with another girl and not using gg like usual
No. 239331
>>239316I wonder if Jontron is even actually friends with GG. He's always going on political rants and follows a bunch of alt right people. I find it really hard to believe since this is so different from the image that GG or at least Arin/Suzy/Holly promote.
Markiplier too (since he attended the Women's March also) he was friends with Jontron at one point and they were supposed to release a video but it never happened
No. 239418
>>239224I thought she was some weird Elastigirl (from The Incredibles)/Wolverine combo?
I'm so confused by it.
No. 239433
>>239423With all these "lols", I could swear this was Suzy. But even she wouldn't be dumb enough to come here to white knight herself.
And even then, what do you hope to accomplish by coming here with that "lol learn to love yourselves, quit hating on Suzy" bullshit?
And seriously, no one hates Suzy for being fat. People hate her for being an annoying, fake, unfunny, tryhard gamer girl scam artist who is always looking to blame someone else for all of her problems instead of getting off her fat ass and taking any responsibility.
No. 239452
>>239426>>239433i have no problem with people hating on suzy (as i said in my comment) i just think it's Sad! that you're all into jontron when he's just as gross as she is
and come on most of the comments made abt suzy (and most people discussed on here) are related to her appearance i don't have an issue with that either (i'm a petty bitch) why not admit it?
all the lols are bc my keyboard is broken and i'm using the in place of periods which is generally understood amongst people who aren't autists
sage for derailing tho let's get back to suzy and agree to disagree i guess
No. 239818
>>239412gab is just climbing the fame ladder
before she got noticed by her ~senpais~ she often used to @ them on twitter like a thirsty fan wanting attention and she never got it
the only reason they met up in the first place is because the model for Quiet in MGS is also Dutch living in Japan as a model (they went to the same college) and her and Gab sparked connections in Japan and played some games together and, because suzy and arin stan MGS they visited the model when they visited Japan and the model told them to follow Gab
because Gab wasn't there to meet them, she wasn't available, and they suddenly followed her after the model's meetup so yeah, pure connections
ever since she's been up their ass
No. 239836
>>239835she used to be nice but she always stanned arin and suzy and she got extremely lucky by going to the same college as Quiet's model
she does work hard for her videos especially the ones in japanese where she translates them herself but she also opened donations and they paid for her new computer, too
so it's like this weird combo of
problematic fave because I recognise how much effort she puts in videos but also dislike a lot of what happens
No. 239864
>>239452>most of the comments made abt suzy (and most people discussed on here) are related to her appearanceno fucking shit
Suzy owns a shitty beauty channel and is shitty at doing make up, picking out clothes that actually fit her, and has trouble wearing them correctly
No. 239890
File: 1485387547206.png (483.64 KB, 593x594, Screen Shot 2017-01-25 at 6.37…)

Lunch? Seriously? This is a good example of fat people believing they're eating healthy just because some organic matter is involved
No. 239904
>>239890>Trying not to post anything political There are so many political captions that fit this though:
Pork Barrel Spending
The Bay of Pigs Incident
The Belt Stops Here
No. 239905
>>239901The yogurt is fattening and eating fruit is okay but too much is still a lot of sugar (although natural) for her since she's pretty sedentary. Oats are okay as well as long as she doesn't go over board but it doesn't seem like basic granola, I feel like it's the type of granola clusters to be made with a lot of sugar and additives, but I could be wrong.
Overall it's not a bad choice in itself, but the portion also seems pretty big and too much of it will definitely be fattening as opposed to let's say, binging on vegetables.
No. 239999
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The lips. Yikes
No. 240401
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This is the SAME make up look she wears in her newest instagram pic and in the new lootcrate video with Arin.
And guess what: it's another edition of
instagram vs real life.
No. 240539
>>240401She always hides her triple chins so well in her selfies.
Her nose looks so weirdly upturned and spaced away from her mouth in the left picture, more than usual. She looks like a damn alien.
No. 240573
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>>240514she looks fatter than arin holy shit
No. 240798
>>240573She's getting to that stage of fat where the fat around your face and cheeks starts to swallow up your eyes and make them look smaller.
Considering her eyes were already the size of button holes, she should consider making an effort on not getting any bigger or she won't be able to fucking see at all.
No. 240816
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>>240792She's always been in denial about her size since she starting gaining weight.
She must be so uncomfortable wearing stuff that small, especially those tight (and tacky) as fuck Black Milk bodycon dresses.
Can you imagine her sitting down in something like this?
No. 240841
>>240798Yeah she looks like an
ahem "asian" version of honey boo boo's mom because of how much her head looks like a thumb with hair and a face
No. 240909
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>>240816unless the back of the white collar is thicker than the front, she's getting a neck hump.
No. 241021
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These are pretty accurate faces made when Suzy steps onto the scale.
No. 241061
>>241058Not that I know of
I'm sure Suzy wanted to say something and I'm sure Arin and Dan will vaguely reference it in one of the future episodes or something
I heard that PeanutButterGamer did, but I never really followed his stuff
No. 241068
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>>241065>>241066Jontron stayed out of it really, his Twitter is just a big hug box from fans atm.
Pbg had a point, Jon said questionable shit publicly on a stream so why can't he point it out?
No. 241075
>>241061Huh, I thought maybe Holly would make a vague mention of it, if anyone.
Kind of surprised Suzy didn't but I'm sure Arin may have advised her not too.
No. 241083
>>241065>>241066>>241068fuck ethan is such a huge suckup.
christ get jon's dick out of your mouth ethan.
No. 241094
>>241065>>241066>>241068I mean, I love Jon but I don't agree with what he said there either and PBG definitely does have a point, you're right.
Ethan's response is stupid. He wasn't even 'talking shit' about Jon, he wasn't even being aggressive or hostile at all.
Being friends with someone doesn't mean you have to be a huge suckhole, Ethan; you
can have differing opinions and disagree with one another.
No. 241201
>>241068Just wanted to add that PBG deleted a tweet in there responding to Ethan's comment about talking shit about your friend with "He's not my friend." That's what the "clears that up" line refers to.
>>241099Cause Ethan is a massive hypocrite and an immature baby. He tries to act like the dad of YouTube like he's so mature, love ya, appreciate ya, papa bless and shit, but he's really just a cunt like everyone else.
He had a video making fun of the delivery driver from the Papa John's vid, where the big tip joke came from, since it turns out the kid died. I think he had ALS, which explained some of his speech impediment. The entire video Ethan was going on about how he knew it was fucked up to make this video, but he's gonna do it anyway, then showed a link to the kid's obituary page and wow what a surprise his dipshit fans went and spammed it with memes. The funeral home started to remove them when it got bad.
During the whole Leafy drama, he was trying to call him out on making fun of an autistic person, while having a video in his old history titled "Autism Shuffle" to make fun of autistic people. When his fans on reddit pointed this out, he deleted the video without a word.
And back with more of his old videos he had a really fucked up one where it looks like he just did a line and is spazzing out in front of the camera over an image of a survivor of the Boston Marathon Bombing. He was just saying a ton of sexual shit about wanting to fuck that huge gnarly scar and tearing down her appearance. For no reason other than she was doing some pride photo op over being happy about not dying in a terrorist attack and still being able to run marathons. His fans in the comments of the video were laughing about how "It's just satire! You just don't get it!!"
Then after Ethan and Hila cry about being sued and not being able to afford even winning the case, Ethan makes some dumbass comment in his T-Mobile video about considering suing them after they've made their millions for sniffling on camera. Like yeah suing a major telecommunications company won't drain the bank.
Sorry if this is long and mostly off-topic, I just really hate H3H3.
No. 241390
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lol omg
No. 241392
>>241201I agree, and also think h3h3 should have a thread. I liked h3h3 pre-
triggered/political videos. I think he's partially responsible for making anti-feminism and "anti SJW" a huge trend. He quickly became intolerable once he started using buzzwords from those groups and cherry picking videos of randoms to call crazy feminist bitches while giving Joey Salads and other morons with much larger platforms a slap on the wrist. It's completely hypocritical, not to mention his now enormous fanbase of antifeminists goes out to harass anybody he criticizes, and the fact that he's even making videos about things he has no understanding of (politically, socially, etc.) just to stir up hate/drama is plainly irresponsible. tl;dr Ethan is the standard youtube money-grubbing manchild.
Also him running to the defense of Jontron shitting on immigrants was embarrassing, considering him and Hila are ones.
No. 241411
im going to assume youre asking about hila
she is jewish, shes from israel
No. 241421
>>241201wtf why are all my old YouTube faves turning so annoying?
idubbbz, h3h3, jontron. based joji will always be awesome. So long as he doesn't start drama about politics / grab Jenna marbles at a meet and greet / lick every other famous youtubers asshole like a creep
No. 241431
>>241421I don't think Joji ever would. He seems to desperately want to make sure to separate himself from Filthy Frank and his edgy 12 yr old anti sjw fans and make music.
Since the thread is getting kind of off topic I'll bring up something GG related. Did anyone else see the tweet from the GG Twitter that might have possibly been a subtweet towards Jon? Some people are speculating it might be especially because of the timing
No. 241432
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>>241431This one.
It just doesn't seem like the usual stupid meme shit Brian tweets
No. 241434
>>241432Maybe slightly about Jontron but I think it's more a general message because of all the stuff currently going on.
Like a nice sentiment for the fans without diving straight into specific political stuff.
No. 241451
>>241446It's not even a disagreement, Jontron posted something ignorant/false and got corrected (for lack of a better word). If you can't handle people responding to you, don't spout off stupid shit on your public twitter account.
also lol Ethan's Israeli, maybe he just hates Syrians? Sage for OT
No. 241504
>>241451Jon didn't mention anything about Syria. He was talking to Sargon about illegal immigrants from Mexico.PBG just put words in his mouth and got mad at everyone for pointing that out. They also pointed out that if he was that upset with Jon that he should talk with him privately and not make a scene on Twitter. As of yesterday PBG has apologized to Jon for his outburst. So, everything's fine in the area at least.
Saging for OT
No. 241527
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>On a roll in competitive tonight #overwatch
Sure you were, Suzy.
I wish so badly that I knew her battletag and could check her stats. Watching her early OW gameplay videos was absolutely painful and cringe inducing. One commenter summed it up it perfectly; "it's like watching my dad try to play video games".
I know people improve and she's almost certainly not as bad now, but I still highly doubt someone as unskilled and airheaded as her could be playing well at all.
No. 241546
>>239316wtf? jon's political tweets are cringey and he's 3 years behind on the alt right /pol/ bandwagon. why's he so angry about a women's march? this is just as embarrassing as his old yahoo answers post bitching about his "abusive" parents for sympathy.
>>240909>file namei lol'd
No. 241609
>>241552Fuck me, and it's not even hard at all to get a positive k/d ratio since assists count as eliminations.
It boggles my mind how she can still be so bad. Meanwhile she boasts about how much of a ~gamur grrl~ she is and how she "plays more video games than your boyfriend~". Embarrassing.
Also, I thought D.Va was one of her mains? Or was the cosplay and shit just because she looks cute?
No. 241641
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>>237332lol. Suzy actually blocked me after one comment that wasn't even that bad. She probably did so because I got, like, four or five likes on it from other people. It was in regards to the linked picture where she's judging the shoe choice, and I said (even with a semi-compliment included on how she does have interesting wardrobe pieces), she really shouldn't judge shoes when she wears the same clunky pairs over and over.
(so I guess she does read comments after all!)
No. 241644
>>241633Even if you're bad at a game you can still have fun streams but she's so fucking bland I can't imagine who would watch her aside from Arin's dickriders.
>>241641Imagine being that fucking insecure lol
No. 241651
>>241644>>241646She was nice enough to wait about a week to block me. Maybe she likes to sit down on a Friday or Saturday night, Doritos and Pepsi within reach on the coffee table, and read all her Twitter mentions.
(for real, though: I kind of want her to do a comment-reaction video like Venus did where she just reads some of her "hate" comments she has gotten over the years, but you know she would never do something like that unless she really needed the ass-pats.)
No. 241736
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She got bangs again.
They look better than the last time she got them.
No. 241785
>>241756Honestly, That's what I was thinking… Though, Jean can achieve that defined of a chin without filters.
…in other news, it's mildly killing me not to tell my GG-loving friends how fragile Suzy's ego is since she blocked me after one comment.
No. 241795
Though she is definitely wearing a lot less eyeliner which gives her eyes more of their natural wideset look and helps her appear somewhat more youthful
No. 241910
>>241736>>241756She does, the softer look is 100% better, though she still needs to stop doing her eyebrows so blocky with that ridiculous arch. She looks like a villain.
Her and Traci Hines do the same shit.
No. 241914
>>241795Yeah, she looks infinitely better without the inner corner/bottom lash liner. It's not really a secret that closing your eyes in completely with liner makes them look smaller so why Suzy does it when her eyes are already tiny is a mystery.
Her bangs still look choppy as hell, though, they're just styled ok. I think once she's doing them herself they're going to look bad again.
No. 241940
>>241736She looks so cute here
Please let it last. No more drag make up and shit
No. 241967
>>241961She should at least post a tweet or something publically admitting and apologizing for that video. Trying to avoid it and delete any trace of it being mentioned is shady as fuck.
She's pretty fucking ignorant for a sjw.
No. 241976
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This is really petty but lmao @ her using greatful and not grateful. This bitch really can't spell, can she? Even simple words.
No. 241984
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>>241974This is why she's a piece of shit. She's an awful, selfish person through and through as much as she tries to hide it.
That along with the Etsy scams and thinking anything that has been touched by her hands is worth its weight in gold to be sold to her delusional, ass-kissing fans (eg. shittily framed bugs and free from sponsor hand-me-downs that she only wears once for OOTD videos then sells them off on eBay).
Her being a gluttonous pig and a cringey goffik makeup guru gamer grrl is just icing on the cake.
I swear she has literally no skills whatsoever. Thinking about it now, she's not good at makeup, not good at gaming, not good at outfit co-ordination. Not even good at insect taxidermy.
She used to do art but even those drawings/paintings were kinda…eh. At least that's something she could work on though and might have a chance at eventually producing something decent. Seems like she's too lazy to go back to it and is probably content with earning good money from opening monthly boxes though.
No. 241997
>>241984She's sort of like a "Jack of a trades, master of none", except she's literally terrible and every single thing she does, and I don't think "meh" really cuts it anymore. I used to think her outfits were pretty cute, but then she got lazy and stopped trying when she gained weight, which I think is pretty unfortunate. I wouldn't it against her at all if she would just stop being such a lazy fuck and stop trying to squeeze her overflowing mounds into medium sized clothing that clearly doesn't fit. Suzy needs to realize she doesn't have her old body anymore; she's delusional, she let herself go, and if she doesn't want to do anything about it, she needs to get over the harsh reality and find some fucking clothes that fit her and stop complaining.
I feel the same way about her make-up. When I liked her, I thought she was really talented, but I quickly realized she was a one-trick pony and she actually has no skill whatsoever–it's just the same techniques over and over again, with maybe an added flair here or there every so often. The same exact can be said for literally every. single. thing. she does.
I guess I could admire her for sticking her toes in the water (taxidermy, gaming, make-up, fashion, whatever), but her persistence in over-selling and over-marketing these things that she's so blatantly awful at is what gets to me. KittyKatGaming! PsychicCircle! Mortem3r! TheTokenGirl on GameGrumps! Every time I'm forced to come across her, and not willingly checking up on things here, I just get irritated. I used to truly, honestly, wholeheartedly like this girl, but her existence is actually a headache to me now. Everything she does is annoying and grating and I can't wait for her 15 minutes of fame to be up. Really wish that racist tweet would have gotten more traction.
Sorry for wall of text, I'm high, tired, and in a bad mood.
No. 242031
>>241546Im more concerned that hes apparently said women shouldnt be allowed abortions.
>>241504Like is this a game grumps thread or just a suzy thread because that shouldnt be saged if its game grumps right?
No. 242192
>>242031>Im more concerned that hes apparently said women shouldnt be allowed abortions. >apparentlyMaybe you should actually listen to the podcast instead of believing everything you see someone else post?
Jon said he was pro choice on the podcast
No. 242315
>>241651 She wouldn't have any hate comments left she's all ass pats and arm fats I'm afraid
The one place she can't get to is the Facebook comments, every now and then you see a shiner and it never goes away~
No. 242452
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the youtube comments are such a fucking goldmine lmfao
No. 242462
>>239030>>241997I was just thinking about this shit the other day. Suzy would be a lot better if she found a niche and stuck to it.
It's not that she likes multiple things, it's that she believes she's amazing at all of them. Her "I'm a total gamergurl/nerd who also loves anime/japan and cosplay but I'm goffic and enjoy ~ weird~ things like insect taxidermy plus I model and make art and am really into fashion and make up and-" persona is…sad. She's mediocre at most of the skills she portrays herself as having, though she could be better if she worked harder at it.
Hate to compare her to Holly, but Holly is a good example of someone who has multiple interests but you can tell they're genuine. Unlike Suzy, who's screaming "LOOK HOW COOL I AM! DON'T MY INTERESTS JUST MAKE ME SO UNIQUE AND SPECIAL?", Holly just likes what she likes and shares that online, end of story.
No. 242572
>>242452Holy shit, is this a troll?
I can't believe anyone would say so many blatantly false and laughable things. They must be taking the piss.
No. 242709
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>>241984She is legitimately either mediocre or just plain bad at anything she does but carries herself with a completely unwarranted levels of pride haha
No. 242746
>>242737This sounds like Suzy's bullshit "I only get hate because I'm a girl and literally nothin else" excuse.
Dan gets tons of shit for not playing games on the show. Even worse when he spends the majority of the time looking up useless shit on his phone. Except he seems genuinely excited and interested about games he never played before. His excuse is that he was simply either too old (especially for stuff that was big in the 90s like Pokémon) or was a point in his life where video games weren't a luxury he could afford, aside from getting high all day and playing Morrowind.
He doesn't proclaim to "know more about video games or play them more than your boyfriend" like Suzy does. Suzy gets shit for being an annoying, unfunny, fake tryhard who wants everyone to think she is this totally perfect and amazing gamer gurl. It doesn't have shit to do with her being a girl. Even if Dan was a girl, because of his personality and sense of comedy, he'd still be well liked. Sure, he'd get a bunch of obviously dumb sexist comments, but he'd still be Dan.
No. 242754
>>242746I agree anon,
Suzy is very vocal about being a 'hyuuuuge' fan about this and that game when she clearly time and time again show no real knowledge or skill with the games. Its fucking easy to say youre a fan of something when your SO has borderline hoarder levels collections of different geeky subjects. At the most she has backseat gamed while Arin has gone through a MGS game and even on her channel she backseats alot of the games and when shes the one playing shes disasterous.
The thing that truly gets to alot of us is that she doesnt even admit shes garbage at the games, she cant make fun of herself and show any self awareness. She just immedietly bitches about her team members, the game bugging or anything that doesnt point to her lacking in skill.
She seems to have used her teens doing nothing but spend time being the 'not like the other girls' chick who hung around boys and got put on a pedestal (i mean shit weve all seen the creepy ass animation Arin made) So she lives in her own little bubble where any criticism is just an 'unnecessary' comment and theres always an excuse!
Shes an extremely sheltered adult who cant help but always put herself in a positive limelight, like during that one video with holly and Ross where she goes from saying she was super popular in school to being super bully victim because Holly had a real moment and opened up about being a victim of bullying.
Her personality is simply vile and before Arin ever even hit it big with GG her tweets were always selfish like
needing a car because she doesnt want to walk for ten minutes to the store or the god awful racist tweets.
Suzy had always been a cow and now her outsides are starting to match her insides.
No. 242805
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It's kinda sad they have to apologize and clarify they're joking with her in order to not hurt her feelings.
I try to avoid videos with Suzy but do people really not joke with her like that? Not even Arin?
No. 242811
>>242805Jesus fuckin christ what a sensitive little crybaby. You can't say shit to her without walking on eggshells and couching it in so many damn apologies so her feelings don't get hurt. Like, how can anyone stand to be around her?
No wonder she doesn't have any friends outside of YouTube. You make even the slightest joke or make the mistake of correcting her, she immediately gets
triggered and calls you a hater or a bully. Arin must have the patience of a saint or thinks getting to put his dick in her is a fair trade off, because I would have dumped her ass years ago.
No. 242940
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>>242357Arin looked less gross than usual. Suzy doesn't look terrible, but her uneven eyeliner bothers me. It's like she didn't even try to make the wing match.
Anyone else think they both look…rough for their age? Both Suzy and Arin have aged a lot in the past couple of years. It might just be the weight gain, but for people in their late twenties you'd think they'd look more youthful.
No. 242961
>>242754>At the most she has backseat gamed while Arin has gone through a MGS game and even on her channel she backseats alot of the games and when shes the one playing shes disasterousI seriously fucking despise that and don't understand why more people who watch her videos don't call her out on it.
What the fuck is the point of uploading let's play videos on
Suzy's specific channel if she doesn't even play the game?! They might as well just put it on GG.
It's so pathetic that she's that much of a boring person (and an awful gamer) that she needs her husband or whoever else to be there and/or play to possibly make it interesting.
>>242940Like above anon said, their diets and sedentary lifestyles have certainly taken their toll. Suzy looks hammy and disgusting, Arin has gained weight too, obviously, but he looks more exhausted than anything nowadays. He always looks completely knackered, especially when he appears in Suzy's ever so thrilling unboxing videos.
I kinda feel for the guy, really. It seems like he does a lot of the work while Suzy just lays back guzzling Pepsi and scoffing down Doritos while occasionally uploading the odd lazy KKG video or Meitu-abused selfie.
No. 243027
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She's gonna be even worse at re7 than Arin
No. 243070
>>243049She'll probably blame all her inadequacy on the fact that it's first person and how it's not a "troo resi game!!!" and get stuck after the first boss encounter.
Re7 was really great imo, but I feel Suzy will act like it ain't shit to appear ~cool~ and like a veteran fan.
No. 243106
>>243070She's never once mentioned being a Resident Evil Dan, so I can't wait to see her lie and pretend like she's been a fan since day one like she does with Metal Gear.
>>243093I think that's what probably pisses me off the most, that she acts like she has this grueling 9 to 5 shit job with intense physical labor. Bitch, you sit on your fat ass all day playing video games while stuffing your face with Doritos and Pepsi. Stop acting like your job is difficult at all. You're not relatable at all and no amount of pretending you hate Mondays like everyone else will change that.
No. 243110
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>>243106She did once post a picture on instagram of her '
ware'ing a S.T.A.R.S. hoodie, but that's all I recall.
No doubt she'll pretend to know more than she really does about the series.
No. 243147
>>243115"Master of sandwiches" holy shit. I agree. RE isn't complicated to play and they've been around for so long that there's tons of walk throughs and stuff online. Most of them are available on a bunch of consoles. They're very accessible games. I just doubt Suzy would spend time playing them when it's easier to "ware" the merch and claim she's a huge fan.
Now that I think of it, I'm really glad she doesn't go around saying she's a huge silent hill fan while wearing a t-shirt of movie Pyramid Head.
No. 243164
>>243160She's so sad. Really, blocking the people that were just telling her that she's wearing her fucking outfit backwards?
Any reasonable person would be like "whoops, my bad guys!" and probably retake the photo with it on properly.
She has such a delicate ego, it's a wonder that she still chooses the internet fame life. Guess she can't live without all the ass-pats.
No. 243182
>>242737They all have egos made of crepe paper, to be fair.
There was one GG episode (Dark Souls 2 maybe? idfr) where they said something to the effect of, "We appreciate all your comments but we don't actually read them because eventually we'll find one that will hurt our feelings!" Two grown ass men in the public eye either can't tell the difference between constructive criticism and h8ters, or they can't handle any feedback that isn't sucking their arseholes.
I don't know what's worse; vigilantly blocking out anything remotely negative and creating a hug box for yourself, or straight up ignoring your fan base to spare your precious feefees.
No. 243188
>>243182I think I remember them also saying something along the lines of reading all the comments in stupid voices to take the sting out of them.
Although I contend that Suzy is still worse. She blocks anyone who dares to criticize or make fun of her and deletes any comments that aren't kissing her ass telling her how great she is. She's always looking to play the victim and beg the internet for asspats and thinks everyone is out to get her and never once acknowledges how much of a shitty person she is. She just assumes you're making stuff up and inventing reasons to not like her because she couldn't possibly be at fault for anything.
No. 243191
>>243190I got so fucking #
triggered during her bioshock attire video like i went full autist cause Bio is one of my fave vidya and she manages to wear the big sister suit backwards and shat all over the Vigors yet manages to call herself a 'hyuuge' fan and lmao with RE7 out shes wearing loud af merch cause she cant be low key about anything…
No. 243192
>>243182Case in point: Her "black people" tweet.
Instead of just owning up to it and saying, "Yes, what I said was stupid and ignorant at the time, and I have grown to not think or say such hateful things anymore", she instead deleted it and tried to pretend like it never happened so people won't see how much of a racist shitbag she is.
No. 243369
File: 1485994380065.jpeg (45.34 KB, 640x408, image.jpeg)

She's spelling grateful correctly now.
She must have the spellcheck off on her phone. She should put it back on so she'll stop exposing her illiterate self.
No. 243401
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>>243369That post reminds me of this. How fucking basic can you be?
No. 243547
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>>243525Scrolling past and had to tweak it so it reads better
No. 243568
>>243547>>243552There's a huge deterioration in quality as well. The first two look properly lit and slightly more crisp than the proceeding images. I wonder what happened. Did she sell her good video equipment for more twinkies?
They look like they're going to hit a dive bar in the last one. They look especially trashy.
I guess this also just goes to show that Suzy did at one time put more effort into her appearance and her videos. Now she must feel comfortable enough to upload whatever garbage she wants since she knows her fans will eat it up. It's depressing.
No. 243694
>>243680I'm sure that if her videos were sponsored, she'd legally have to say that they were sent to her for promotional material. But since she doesn't do that, I'm guessing she buys he dresses herself just to show off and then dumps them on eBay shortly after without ever actually wearing them in public.
Although considering the shady type of person Suzy is, it wouldn't surprise me if the dresses were for promotional purposes and she didn't tell anyone to keep up the illusion that she is loaded and has a wardrobe that other girls would be totally jealous of.
No. 244244
>>242357Fuck how can she continue to post videos when she's gotten so much noticeably fatter? I mean couldn't she just do her kittyKat gaming without a face cam and still get more views than her makeup videos if she fills them with guest starrings? I mean I guess it's good to be confident in yourself but you can't really complain about fat comments when each video you post you're much bigger…
Also arin looked alot nicer in this, maybe it's because I'm used to seeing him with that shity ass of a mess man bun but honestly he looked pretty nice in this video, maybe because he isn't wearing a tanktop that shows off his flabby arms?
No. 244326
>>244244ok yea but to be fair you care way too much, probably more than she does if you're suggesting she stop posting videos or stop showing her face lol. suzy is a fat sausage shit but i haven't seen her complain about people calling her out on it.
she's going to do her and you're being a retard. go back to MPA
No. 244440
File: 1486189872171.png (88.17 KB, 750x505, IMG_0273.PNG)

I'm sure everyone would love to see you suck ass at Overwatch for two and a half hours while stuffing your fat mouth with Doritos and Pepsi and then give up after losing constantly. Because your mediocre channel deserves as much celebration as that.
And go fuck yourself with this "limited edition t-shirt" bullshit. Which I'm sure will be just another cheap blatant rip off that you will scream "It's a parody so it's fine!" because you don't have a single iota of creativity or originality in your fat flabby body despite your claims of how "unique", "dark" and "edgy" you are.
No. 244495
>>244440Why is she so obsessed with Overwatch? First it was Monster Hunter that she wouldn't she shut up about and then OW came along and she jumped on that. It's hilarious because she horribly bad at both games.
I'm guessing she'll ask Linzbot or whoever to draw her another design for her shirts. They'll probably be overcharged since they're "limited edition".
No. 244731
File: 1486237405021.png (623.62 KB, 1100x618, Sz2.png.6507c02e4aa94ccdcc0a5d…)

>>244558I haven't gained a single
burp pound.
No. 244961
>>244781Same, but I think she knows she wouldn't be able to even kill one of the weak starting area enemies, so she won't touch those games.
This is the girl that would stand in one spot while shooting, making herself an easy target in Overwatch because "it's hard to move and shoot at the same time".
Would be funny though. "Duuude, this is SO unfair!" "What! I
totally dodged that just then! What the heck!".
No. 244984
>>244965It's amazing. In one of her videos she's put in a situation where her entire team is either dead or respawning, and 5 of the other team is standing in their team's flag room. She's playing Symmetra, and has a teleporter that's good to go.
Now the smart thing to do would either be to throw down the teleporter, and wait for the rest of your team to show up before pushing in. Or if you don't feel like using your ultimate, you could retreat back towards your team so you can push in together. It's about a 10 second walk at most.
Suzy does neither of these things. After seeing most of her team get chewed up (as they run in by themselves, coincidentally), she throws up a photon barrier and runs into the flag room by herself while aimlessly spamming projectiles.
It ends precisely as well as you'd expect.
No. 244998
>>244997jk found her
>dem kdas>dem winrates>still only gold rankedShe's clocked so many hours and still manages to be terrible. How. It's like ForeverKailyn tier failure of time vs. improvement.
No. 244999
>>244997The one that shows up on her Overwatch unboxing videos is SleepyReapy, though I'm not sure if that's her legit one?
>>244998Ohhh yeh. That looks like her. didn't she say she recently clocked 100hrs as Mercy? My rank 59 ass (who only played the ranking matches for competitive and maybe a couple outside of that? One for sure I quit because it accepted me into a match while I was in a group chat deciding what we would do fml and lost 50 points because I dropped out.) is ~300 point below her. We're both Gold. I outrank her in everything except healing lol… but once again, it's on XBOne and not on PC Master Race.
No. 245209
>>244998I think she has a couple of other accounts too, because I found this one which also mains Mercy and Reaper and has a second Korean battletag connected to it with the name 'Meepzy' and her abandoned animation channel was called Meeperfish.
No. 245255
>>245209If that's also her, across 2 accounts she's collectively level 500+. That is a LOT of time played. There is almost no excuse for her to lack the fundamentals of the game at this point, barring mental retardation or being under 10.
Blogpost inc but OW is my first fps I've played for more than 5 minutes, and I'd say I'm average as fuck at gaming overall, but at level 90 I placed 2600/plat and managed to grind up to masters this season. (I'm definitely not good enough to go higher.) like, she's married to Arin, whose life and career revolves around playing vidya, but she's still terrible - then I remember that he's terrible too. Both of them are godawful at games for no reason considering how much they play.
(Kind of ot but if being gold is standing still and shooting because "moving and shooting is too hard" then I'm really curious what bronze games are like lmao.)
No. 246618
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How about next time you try not being such a condescending bitch and not be so transparent that you don't care about sports, but you still are so desperate to remain relevant so you still tweet about it, as impossible as that is for you.
I just think it's incredibly douchey when "geek/nerd" leaning people so the whole "Durrr, sportsball" shit. I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it if people made fun of her like that for liking video games or anime. I mean, you "work" on a channel with someone who is a huge Giants fan and does a podcast about football. Is he suddenly one of those knuckle dragging idiots your are making fun of Suzy?
No. 246874
>>246618Suzy doesn't like sports because watching the fit athletes and dancers probably
triggers her. Its funny. It would actually do her some good if she casually spectated a sport like football or basketball. She can learn the rules of a game and apply that discipline to her vidya. Kek
No. 247070
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Not that I don't disagree but I'm pretty much convinced now that Snoozy is only a sjw when it benefits her
No. 247085
>>247070It's so funny because we all know that Suzy and Arin are lowkey racist but still try to be super PC because a big portion of their fan base is on Tumblr. I mean Oney is one of their closest friends and he's one of the most un-PC people ever
I wish someone would save that video of them saying nigger and just cut out that one specific part and post it every where
No. 247283
>>247070Funny how she is the exact type of person he is talking anbout, yet she tries to act like "Fuck those guys, they're pretty crazy amirite? Glad I'm not one of them"
I feel like he, much like Arin's other Newgrounds friends like Stamper, Zachary and Spazkid only put up with her bullshit because she is Arin's wife. If she wasn't married to him, she'd be the exact kind of over sensitive, tumblrina special snowflake, who thinks everyone who doesn't like her is sexist, that they constantly shit on.
No. 247712
File: 1486606757903.jpg (861.37 KB, 1536x2048, C4Ldvd7UYAEZLgD.jpg large.jpg)

leaning forward so hard she's about to fall over
No. 247759
>>247712…you know her ass has got to be hanging out of the back of that dress (tunic?).
But kudos to her for wearing different shoes and some tights? I personally think this outfit would look better with a skirt or dress that flared some? I think it would be more flattering for her… but Snooze has a difficult time realizing what is and isn't a good match for her figure.
No. 247820
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No. 247822
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I thought she was wearing tights at first. I didn't realize she was that pasty white
No. 247831
>>247820Her face is "off" somehow
Reminds me of Benedicf Cumberbatch
No. 247900
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If you have a look at some of her oldest pics you can see how small her actual bone structure is, shes probably gone from overweight to obese for her height and bone structure.
No. 247941
>>247931I think she was unconventionally attractive when she was thin, her squinty features don't work well with how bloated she is now. But even if she lost the weight it's not going to change her boring personality and lack of talent. In old pics like
>>247900 make up and styling were all done by other people.
No. 247955
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>>247946She was skinny fat when she wasn't overweight, never really had any muscle definition or "tight" body. It wasn't too bad of a look but it's laughable that she thought she had any chance at being a real model back in the day. Just look at her in her bikini shoot. Soft body, conveniently hiding the little roll you know she has at the lower waist/hips.
No. 248071
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>>247820I think she needs to tone down the heavy makeup on the outter corner of her top lid and reconsider how she does her fake lashes. They hang down so low and make her eyes look even smaller. Generally not something you want to do with hooded-eyes to begin with.
Does she do the inner corner/cateye thing in order to try to look more Asian? It really does her no favors and again, makes her already small eyes look even more beady. I think added more depth to the inner top corner of her eye helps to fill the space a lot, and more in the bottom corners help make her eyes look a little bigger? But over all, the lashes and everything are still killing it.
No. 248346
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Of course she's still going to be doing fucking lootcrate unboxings
No. 248384
File: 1486708487364.png (1.12 MB, 1828x612, Untitled.png)

since im sure suzy or some of her inner circle lurk…some advice.(excuse the shit paint job)
left picture:
The left eye is the bad eyeliner the right would be how you should do it if insist on doing your whatever you're trying to achieve. Use a brown/contour shade if you want to make your eye look….uh i don't what you're trying to achieve? Asian-y eye? Black liner is too harsh if you're pale af.
Right picture is what IMO would suit Suzy's face better. Suzy has a fat face with wideset beady eyes.
Highlight in between the eyes on the nose bridge and between the brows. I have a wide nose bridge and highlighting that part brings it forward. Note: don't spread it around to make it a highlight unibrow.
Stay away from smokey eye. You have tiny eyes and a fat face.
Don't bring your contour all the way to the middle of your face. Again, you have a round face. Bringing it to the middle of your face is unflattering. Only contour the sides of your cheekbones and bring it only slightly towards your nose.
Stop making your eyeliner so thick and try to make it thinner and flick it more towards your brows. sharp angles work better with round faces. The way you do your eyeliner makes your eyes look puffy. AND STOP PUTTING WHITE POWDER ON AS YOUR SHADOW BASE.
Rule of thumb for brows. Arch should line up with your the outer part of your iris. And typically inside of brows should line up with your nostrils, but your face is weird so bring them a little closer together.
And lastly, line your damn fucking lips before you overfill them.
r. concerned citizen
No. 248488
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>>248384Her sister already has her beat in every way, better personality, better at makeup, able to keep in shape.
No. 248491
File: 1486737025988.jpg (236.27 KB, 957x508, snoozeshoop.jpg)

>>248071This is my version.
Straighter brows, lightened.
Decreased inner corner, lighter around her eyeduct and darker shadow in her crease.
And i think she would benefit from having lip injections for her upper lip.
No. 248509
>>248486Tan ≠ 'Malibu Barbie', why are you so offended?
Suzy probably
would benefit from a bit of a tan seeing as she's a hog and being pasty makes you look even more like a squishy dollop of lard.
No. 248522
File: 1486743298936.jpg (149.85 KB, 1247x778, snoozy1.jpg)

>>248384Do you mean like what I did on the left?
NOTE I DID NOT MODIFY HER FACE SHAPE IN ANYWAY, all I did was use layers with 10-20% opacity on places that were indicated and brought the eyebrows closer
No. 248639
File: 1486762477921.png (90.44 KB, 750x833, IMG_0281.PNG)

Considering he is a black man, he must be immediately guilty, huh Suzy? I mean, it must be their "culture" as you like to say.
No. 248944
>>248486Calm down ~*~pALe pRIncEss~*~
Tan does not automajically make you orange. I'm taking about the nice dose of color you get from actually going outside. See Suzy's twin for a good example of what i mean.
>>248522I used a still from her youtube videos. Her IG pictures are too facetuned to properly compare. And yes. Except she needs to make her liner thinner.
No. 249049
>>248953Wait…you mean to tell me there's other descriptive words???
It doesn't make sense that she uses the same simplistic descriptions when reviewing products despite constantly bragging about her speed reading, like if you're "reading" so much then how come your vocabulary is so mediocre?
No. 249492
File: 1486891567577.jpg (31.33 KB, 300x450, 925_by_mortemer_stock.jpg)

she had so much potential with that weird face of hers
No. 249591
>>249584I remember seeing pictures of her for the first time that Arin posted on his old "egoraptor" webpage, and my very first thought was WTF is up with her face?
When comparing pics of her then to pics of her now, she at least looked better since she hadn't completely let herself go and turned into a total slob, but still, I remember being fascinated by her face in a bad way, and how "off" her features were.
No. 249614
File: 1486916442368.jpg (535.66 KB, 1231x837, tumblr_muge4715cz1qils0po7_128…)

>>249591Honestly she didn't look too bad like, four-five years ago if you compare her to now.
No. 249760
>>249711Most models are generally weird looking since they're trying to look unique and catch your eye so you take a second glance at their product, suzy could have been a model due to her abnormal featured and how they play out with the right type of make up, however she's too fat even when she was "thin" she was still skinny fat with too much flab
I think tahts what anon meant when they said she's waisted potential
No. 249761
that sorry fot typos
No. 249870
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>>249584>>249711 vvvv
>>249760this is what I meant, yes. She had the height and weird face that wasn't revolting to look at. Even then, molly bair, hari nef and hanne odiele are a few models with uncomfortably ugly faces that are getting a lot of work.
pic not related
No. 249921
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>>249645im fucking dead. that was amazing
No. 249930
>>249645She has lost weight, but on all the wrong areas. That's why her philtrum is flat, and not her stomach.
>>249921Suco de laranja intensifies
No. 250201
File: 1486963126811.jpg (138.66 KB, 427x640, metrochess2006-0228.jpg)

>>249975>>250038that is her and jean, but the picture was unrelated to the conversation. have another
No. 250270
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>>250230you know, Jean's 15 y/o weebness is actually quite endearing. She was one of those ultra weeb girls that was into lolita, cosplay and sewing. As for suzy, I think suzy might have been the favorite judging by jean's LJ.
No. 250418
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That's called being a hypocrite you dumb cow. And of course her fans are giving her a pass with bullshit excuses like "It's ok. You're only human" and "It's hard to take your own good advice". The bitch constantly judges people from on high yet she has constantly proven to be just as bad if not worse than the people she criticizes.
No. 250493;DR: Suzy is now off of any thyroid medication because it was making her hair fall out and her doctor confirmed that it would not grow back in, and since forgoing looks over logic, Suzy would rather bloat up to 250 lbs. rather than deal with a bit of alopecia.
In turn, this means that her thyroid isn't regulating her metabolism, which in her own words causes her to have 'trouble with the weight'.
So, we've going to see an even bigger Suzy yet! Place your bets! How big will she balloon?
No. 250501
File: 1487009734828.png (338.82 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2017-02-13-13h06m51s35…)

>>250493Nice military outfit there too, I can't wait to see Suzy's version of classic army films:
A Few Good Menus.
The Heartbreak Fridge.
Hoagies Heroes.
Engorging Basterds.
Omaha Beached Whale.
A Lotta Chips Now.
Full Metal Skillet.
Das Gravy Boot.
Lapband of Brothers.
Tora Tora! Tore Another Pair of Pants.
No. 250511
>>250493 and
>>250418 make me hope that she finally faced the truth and stopped blaming everything on her thyroid
No. 250527
>>250493Every time she does one of these videos it pisses me off. It's nothing more than "Please feel bad for me and give me asspats and tell me how great a person I am". It's so goddamn transparent and scummy, yet her retard fans show up in droves whenever she needs a boost to her self esteem. Not one person offered an actual solution her problems, they all just try to out do each other in seeing who can kiss her ass more.
Here's a solution to your weight problems Suzy: Put down the damn fork and get your fat ass to the gym for once instead of lookin for every excuse under the sun about how it's not your fault.
No. 250548
>>250493Not a Susie thread regular but every time I see something posted on this it makes me so fucking furious. She's either a massive liar or her doctor constantly bullshits her, maybe because she thinks susie is an idiot who isn't actually capable of understanding the truth?
I don't think she was ever on any kind of medication or thyroid problem to begin with. Her story doesn't make any sense, and her understanding of how thyroids function is just so wrong. This in particular:
>because it was making her hair fall out and her doctor confirmed that it would not grow back in,Any change to your body due to your thyroid is reversible, and should immediately start to reverse once you're on the correct medication/had the correct treatment. Not only that, but
hypothyroidism, which is what she's been claiming to have hence the weight gain, already makes you lose your hair?! Her meds should be countering the hair loss she should already be experiencing due to her condition. It just doesn't make any sense?!
No. 250694
>>250270why does Suzy always have shitty bangs? Jean's clearly look better here and it's the same now that they're adults. it's like she enjoys terrible haircuts.
also, link to jean's LJ? i'm curious about what she had to say about snooze
No. 250728
File: 1487037918935.jpg (19.01 KB, 248x400, valensnooze.jpg)

>>250694she never says anything bad, but some of the things she says about her parents/siblings makes it seem like suzy got a some favoritism i think jean's writings were endearing and adorable.
No. 250776
>>250728She actually talks shit about her parents quite a lot in her older vlogs. She's accused her mom of being verbally abusive, and in her grump interview where Dan interviews her she says that her mom "taught her to hate women" and made fun of her for wanting to be a model lol. Says she has a bad relationship with them which isn't surprising.
In snooze's latest video she says she's not doing subscription box reviews anymore because her anxiety and depression are too bad, and they're boring (wow that must be so hard to get paid for sitting on your butt talking about bath bombs on camera my heart is truly breaking for her struggles) and asks if anyone wants her to start a "Dear Suzy"-type advice series.
I don't know what kind of advice she could possibly dole out but I'm almost hoping she does because I'm sure if would be stupid and hilarious.
No. 250780
>>250493Oops sorry, didn't realize it was already posted. But the medication thing is total BS I also rolled my eyes that she acted like hair loss is a death sentence. Would she also refuse chemo if she needed it because it might make her hair fall out?? I understand nobody wants to lose their hair but to make that more important than your actual health is just retarded.
It makes me wonder if she's going off of her antidepressants also because of weight reasons, since she's talking about that so much. It just seems weird that she would quit all of these meds at the same time. She's going to be so disappointed when she finds out that her shitty diet and inactive lifestyle is whats making her bloat up and not ~muh thyroid problemz~
No. 250795
>>250548>>250780Hypothyroid fag here. The only way synthroid could make you lose your hair is if you're taking too much. Because Suzy doesn't even have hypothyroidism, just a cyst that she's trying to pass off as hypothyroidism (and synthroid can help shrink cysts), I can only assume that the hair loss she was experiencing was because she was on too much synthroid in the first place. Hyperthyroidism also makes you lose your hair. Suzy was probably hoping the hyperthyroidism would be an easy solution to her weight problem, but values her hair more. Also, thyroid-related hair loss IS reversible.
There is some truth to what Suzy is saying, but she couches it in language that make it seem like she's much worse off for pity and attention. But the permanent hair loss is a lie and the hypothyroidism is a lie.
No. 250804
>>250776I swear this bitch wrote the book on flip flopping for sympathy. Because when she talks about her parents, she talks about how loving and caring they were and how she was like the favorite and they let her get away with everything while her brothers always got punished. Or how whenever she visits them during the holidays she posts pictures with them and talks about how supportive they are.
It's just like that Valentines Day episode where she claimed that she was so popular and all the boys wanted her in high school, then when Holly talked about being bullied, she immediately changed her story to "Oh yeah, I was picked on all the time for liking anime and video games". She will literally say anything if it means she can play the victim and milk sympathy from people too stupid to catch on. How can people honestly support human garbage like her?
And of course she will do that "Dear Suzy" bullshit because she loves the sound of her own voice and deludes herself into thinking she is this deep, philosophical thinker and wants to be seen as this genius who has it all figured out, despite the fact that she is one of the most vapid, shallow, idiots you will ever find. She lives her life according to what's popular and trendy at the time despite toting herself as this unique and complex individual who isn't held down by societal norms. She thinks she deserves a fucking medal for being a girl who likes video games on the internet. She is so up her own ass about who she is and what she has "accomplished" (While of course never acknowledging that she wouldn't be shit if she didn't have Arin to constantly bail her out of failure or to leech off of for popularity) that of course she thinks she is qualified to give out advice to stupid people willing to actually listen to her. All because they are sad, lonely losers who have no friends and pretend that because they for some retarded reason, choose to listen to her yammer on about nonsense for 10 to 15 minutes a day, it means they are friends with her and that she actually gives a shit about them.
Sorry for the rant, but I hate that she gets away with shit like this.
No. 250815
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>>250804>>250776Not going to look for it unless someone HAS to see for themselves, but one of suzy's+ jean's HS friends made a post (in 2005) about all of their friends and first impressions and how much she loves them now. She said that when she first met suzy she hated her because she was so fake and bubbly. I thought it was quite funny because the suzy portion of her post was just about how fake suzy was and she ended it in a 'but i like you now' kind of way.
Also, Jean still posts about her parents or at least her dad on ig.
No. 251639
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Vape life
No. 252103
>>251429lmao wonder how many of those suzy subs are gonna check gab out with those lame view counts
I haven't seen the gab/suzy overwatch videos because I value my sanity but idk I'm feeling pretty edgy lately and might check them out just to laugh at her
No. 252171
>>252103You aren't missing much. She's still utter shit at the game. Still getting carried by her teams into wins. Still complaining about the team when she is by far the most garbage player. Still diving into team battles with no plan and instantly getting killed. Still not using her abilities or using them at the wrong time.
What gets me are the comments telling her how great she is at the game when she clearly isn't. It's just kissing her ass and telling her how amazing and perfect she is.
No. 252322
File: 1487202608496.jpg (26.87 KB, 600x469, full.jpg)

>>252252don't let your hate for snoozefest blind you. martina is uglier than suzy.
No. 253214
File: 1487324139826.jpg (50.29 KB, 437x584, maxresdefault~2.jpg)

>>252252I mean, don't get me wrong, I think Suzy looks like a sow with FAS, but Martina more attractive than her? I wouldn't go
that far.
No. 253232
>>253214i don't think martina is attractive but i still think her face is better than suzy's.
but maybe thats because she has a decent personality, so she doesn't seem as ugly.
suzy is just ugly inside and out
No. 253233
>>252322she looks like a fucking frog here
and she was even thin then, RIP she will never be attractive
she's a fat frog now
No. 254027
File: 1487464525457.png (873.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170218-193313.png)

Oh snooze…never change
No. 254449
File: 1487536012646.png (1.18 MB, 974x936, live.png)

Looks like GG had some live shows this weekend and Snooze was actually in them I guess?
No. 254480
>>254467you know if she did come in to my store I would be happy to give her my F&F discount just so she could wear something other than fucking jeans and a sweater.
Open invitation to suzy to come get some new clothes that are flattering. Just follow the colons, g'days and kangaroos and you'll find us.
No. 254527
File: 1487544802381.jpg (180.8 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_olm0k51w0u1rbchblo3_128…)

>>254449A less flttering angle.
No. 254536
>>254525I don't get it either. I'm a lazy dresser. I'm not going to put on high heels and a dress to go out to buy fucking onions, milk and bread. I understand not bothering for mundane, everyday tasks.
But she's doing a live show, she's set herself up as some kind of fashion queen, makeup guru, supercute gamergurrlll. And this is the best she can manage?
No. 254626
File: 1487563856959.png (978.05 KB, 1148x591, Arin get the donuts.PNG)

>>254527>less flatteringAs if she has any flattering angles.
No. 254672
File: 1487582303176.png (68.39 KB, 640x348, IMG_8930.PNG)

The things tumblr GG fans post are fucking weird and hilarious.
Lmao @ "Arin" and "muscular" being in the same sentence.
No. 254709
>"I like to think about them kissing"NO
No. 254717
File: 1487597270294.jpg (53.52 KB, 400x441, tumblr_olny2bBk4B1sjz1hjo1_400…)

Still choosing to not be the ~fashun gugu~ she pretends to be.
No. 254753
>>254672>muscular but soft???
Their fans are genuinely fucked in the head. Disgusting people.
>>254717Those thighs…
No. 254794
>>254717God it looks like she just rolled out of fucking bed in that pic… she's not very cute at all is she? And the pedestal their fans put them is so fucking cringy, like shit it's weird how fans draw her super cute and fashionable and thin when she's the complete opposite of it
>>254741Iirc he talked about seeing a girl on the street that he thought was pretty and him and Suzy agreed on that but it seemed like he was being beta about tbh idk snooze doesn't seem like the type to compliment other girls often or at all, unless they're for her own gain
Still trips me out how she managed to stay calm when meeting Stephanie joosten knowing that she's an actual model
No. 254799
>>254794especially since every male on the planet drools over Quiet lmao/also Stephanie knowing Japanese/living in Japan
she would just feel like shit on the inside and arin would feel jealous of gab's and stephanie's talking skills
No. 254803
>>254741Suzy is definitely the type of insecure girl who immediately gets passive-aggressive and bitchy the second their husband/boyfriend even so much as even compliments another female. And that has probably been turned up to 11 with how fat she has gotten lately, so of course he will be looking elsewhere now. I bet she constantly thinks that he is cheating on her, despite her "We were always perfect for each other" bullshit. It seems like the only girls Arin is allowed to compliment or comment on their appearance are fictional girls because those are the only ones who can't usurp Suzy from her gravy train that is Arin.
Also, she never compliments other girls unless she is trying to kiss up to them and leech on them because she hates being compared to other girls because of how small she always comes up, despite her claims of "girl power" and "us ladies need to stick together and stop trying to tear each other down". She is the exact type of shady bitch she is always complaining about, the type who always cause drama despite saying how much they hate it.
And also it's extra cringey because like Chel, she thinks that by being like "Yeah I'd totally bang her" and talking about girls in only the way creeps and rapists do, somehow makes her "one of the guys". No Suzy, it doesn't. It makes you a creep, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to constantly hear from guys about how much they want to fuck you. Although considering your desperate need for attention, that wouldn't surprise me if you were in to that.
No. 254880
>>254838Not that anon but I mean Suzy has proven that behavior sooooo technically not an armchair diagnosis
Like if you're willing to subject yourself to one of her lps where she speaks like that it would be her hunie pop series
No. 254906
>>254880I'm that anon and I was going to say exactly this. It's not armchair psychiatry if all of this stuff is public knowledge. There is literally hours of recoded footage to pull from not just her but Arin as well.
I swear, it's like on Rantgrumps when you get accused of "getting too personal" when you talk about Suzy's "thyroid" problems, despite the fact that she has made videos talking about the damn subject.
No. 254930
File: 1487623974407.png (478.19 KB, 540x538, GGSuzy.png)

>Ass is too wide for the chair >Stomach bursting out across the lapI've lost so much weight you guis!
No. 254941
File: 1487625590192.png (765.88 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170220-155813.png)

Jesus Christ why does she insist on using snap chat filters? Please stop you're not being cute in a quirky way
No. 255002
File: 1487632006647.png (866.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170220-180435.png)

Bet she gobbled them all up too… if they're doing live shows then would they be on tour? Wouldn't that give her an even better excuse to eat at fast food chains everyday or are they doing live shows equally apart that they aren't constantly driving from city to city all day long?
No. 255160
File: 1487647732339.jpg (53.7 KB, 604x483, arin.jpg)

>>243525I legit wonder what they will end up looking like in 5 or so years
No. 255178
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>>255165No wonder they're screaming
No. 255199
>>255171How far up her ass is she? Like, does she think people are trying to poison or kill her or some shit? News flash Snooze, you ain't that important.
Although, some autistic fuckhead did send them a set of knives once. But that ain't enough to make anyone think "omg! someone is trying to kill me! I'm must be like super important!"
No. 255210
File: 1487651650885.png (210.45 KB, 257x403, busty.png)

>>255165He's got tits as big as snooze's now.
No. 255745
>>255658As far as I can tell, Arin has only followed fad diets for the vast majority of the time he's been on Game Grumps.
He tried paleo and wouldn't shut up about it for at least a year.
No. 255755
>>255237i still watch their videos every now and then, and Arin does mention his weight quite a bit. He's talked about how he recently got a personal trainer, he goes on many fad diets, and will periodically cut sugar or gluten out of his diet. Suzy has also filmed them going on their "daily" morning walks.
Yet somehow both of them just get fatter and fatter. It's pretty clear neither Arin or Suzy is willing to put in actual effort into their appearance, especially when they have fans to mindlessly stroke their egos.
No. 255797
>>255755Yeah. Their fans gas them up so much, especially Suzy. They treat her as some sort of body positivity icon when in reality Suzy is obviously not comfortable with her body and makes excuses for her weight gain. Maybe if Suzy was confident I could see it but she's not.
In fan art they never draw her like they do Arin either. They draw Arin fat as hell and Suzy as a stereotypical "curvy" bottom heavy girl. If Suzy was drawn like Arin I'm pretty sure it would piss her off.
No. 255810
>>255528I know that feeling
tfw Arin has bigger tits than you
No. 255873
>>255807Send it to her and say it's fanart lmao, would love to see her reaction
Doubt she'd actually publish or look at anything that doesn't give her an ego boost tho
No. 256410
File: 1487828681114.jpg (55.81 KB, 756x567, 1487739590486.jpg)

>>255807pretty good however the nose was a bit too human-looking
No. 256518
>>256489So I'll start off and say that the atmosphere was terrible; you can guess what the typical Game Grumps fan looks like, now imagine them all packed into one room sharing their body heat. It wasn't pretty.
I had a pretty good view of the stage, it was a few minutes before the show started so they were checking lights, etc. From behind the stage I could hear them testing some music as well, the thumping of the bass was way too pronounced.
Suddenly, I realized that wasn't the bass at all - it was loud, reverberated stomping. The next second I could see the source - Suzy Berhow had come out from behind the stage, her heavy footfalls shaking the entire room.
The crowd grew silent as she made her way to the center of the stage, her sweater straining to keep closed, threads and buttons literally at their breaking point.
Then, she approached the microphone, and said:
"Welcome to Game Gr-" suddenly, a pained expression played across her face, and from deep within her gut we could hear a low rumbling. We all braced for the worst, but we had no idea of the true catastrophe waiting for us.
For over a minute she burped - babies cried, women went mad with hysteria and dogs could be heard barking over the car alarms around the venue.
I'm not OP, but I'm waiting for his story too - thought this would entertain for the time being…
No. 256528
File: 1487859268793.jpg (20.63 KB, 526x526, 16865161_10155028725853571_678…)

>>256489>>256493>>256503>>256505>>256510>>256514ok here we go. i apologize for length, but i have some opinions. to preface i admit that game grumps is my guilty pleasure, i've liked them for a long time and i have some deeply personal reasons for continuing to feel attached to them. i am not a fan of suzy though. i should also mention that i was higher than a giraffe's butt hole through this whole thing so hopefully the details are accurate.
for starters not everyone was there. vernon and suzy warmed up, and then arin and dan were the main event of course. there was nobody else. i kind of felt ripped off for several reasons because
a) i really like brian tbh and i had read in past reviews of the live show that he was involved
b) suzy and vernon are the least popular and least entertaining to watch
c) if they're going to make this whole deal about having like 70 people as part of game grumps i feel they could make a bit more effort to have more of them on tour (not necessarily all)
d) there was no money sunk into the actual performance. all that was on stage was a wii u, chairs, and mics/speakers/etc. the tickets were $40 (to answer your question
>>256516), so at ~$10 per grump on stage i felt the show should have at least been way more entertaining than it was.
aaannnnnyyywayyyyy. here's the suzy bit.
this happened:
>>254930can confirm that suzy was in a hoodie and jeans for this show as well. suzy played super mario bros with her eyes covered with the pikachu hat. the audience had to shout instructions to help her get through the level and she made it decently & impressively far. after 2 game overs she was all "oh i'm gonna try again" but for yucks she clearly had the hat positioned so she could see what she was doing on the screen and finish the level. she sucked at it. she made it to the end but not as big mario, she lost the mushroom power up and didn't even do any of the secrets. it was a bit painful.
suzy thanked everyone for coming out even though it's cold outside, the joke being it's not actually that cold at all for us locals. nobody laughed and she sort of made a joke like sarcastically saying "ohh thanks for laughing" which people did laugh at. later arin made the same joke about how it's cold outside but the delivery was better and it got way more of a laugh. it's pretty clear that even out of grumps fans nobody gives a fuck about suzy.
this is pretty much all there is about suzy, if all you care about is reading about suzy you don't have to finish the rest of this post.
to bring arin & danny out, suzy & vernon chanted "hey i'm grump" and had us chant "i'm not so grump" and all together "and we're the game grumps", which brought danny and arin running on to the stage to "pour some sugar on me" by def leppard. danny looked less "rock star" and more "weird scrawny uncle", idk how to explain it exactly. just regular jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers. again, like suzy, not a lot of effort put into looking nice for this.
they played the newest mario party for wii u. for player 3 and 4 they split the auditorium in half and each half was a player shouting commands. for mini games they would select people from the audience. to be fair the audience participation was through the roof, it was like a sporting event instead of a comedy show. they also made an effort to pick people from all sections of the auditorium including the balcony. this whole thing was honestly the highlight of the show. my friend hates game grumps but came with me as a favour so i didn't have to go alone and even he was getting into this part. it was just very competitive and a fair bit of fun. saying this, it was the kind of fun i can get for free with some friends in my living room so there's that. not $40 fun. player 3 & 4 were consistently in the lead and danny & arin sucked at the game. i'm not sure if that was on purpose or what.
there weren't a lot of super funny jokes, and some jokes had even been used previously in their mario party runs on youtube. there were lots of "in jokes" and references to past episodes, which is to be expected, but there was not really much else to the show beyond that. they really hyped the audience and everyone was nuts because they were excited to see the grumps on stage. but they didn't put any effort into making this an interesting show. it was kind of like game grumps church, just way too much hype about the people who were on stage instead of about what they were doing on stage. like being in our presence was the show instead of putting on a decent performance. i know they are capable of a lot more than what they put into this show.
they also all insisted on calling vancouver "the 'couv" which is just cringggee. at least danny acknowledged it sounded like a disease or something: he ran around the auditorium giving high fives and when he got back on stage he joked about using antibacterial gel because he was covered in "couv".
the last 20 minutes were spent doing Q&A. a few people asked if they were going to finish certain series and arin admitted that they don't finish a lot of games because they get too hard. someone asked if they would ever consider having jon on the show again to finish sonic 06 and arin said he is completely open to it so i guess the ball is in jon's court to make that happen but i don't think he will.
also danny and arin took their pants off and it was entirely uncomfortable. nobody asked them to do it. they just did it.
they capped the show off by doing one of their star bomb songs. people were cheering too loudly so i couldn't really hear which song.
for the fans, the level of autism was just too damn high. a lot of overweight people, i think we were probably at the theatre's weight capacity. it was definitely an unattractive motley crew of people. people were jumping around and shouting things just really autistically. there's really no other way to describe it. and when vernon announced that the next question was the last one people still kept their arms in the air afterwards like they would be an exception and danny and arin would hand pick them out of the audience because they were so impressed with their persistence or something. there were 3 people who had really decent cosplays of danny sexbang in the blue jumpsuit, ninja brian, and arin in the sonic dress.
after the show my friend said that he thought suzy was sweet so i had to explain her entire back story which was fun. we spent the rest of the evening getting less and less sober and bitching about how the show was sub par at best.
i think that covers everything of interest. i hope you enjoyed my overwhelmingly long autistic synopsis of game grumps live.
No. 256532
>>256528Daaaamnnn not to be rude but it sounds like you got gypped
I went to the first live shows they announced in LA and they did it at an actual comedy club and had food and bar service so it was an 18 and over event iirc?? But yeah we got Brian for our show and he was actually pretty funny and charming, and Arin and Dan looked pretty good too, I think we paid 25 or 30$ for the show??? Idr
Man I'm sorry about that, like don't get me wrong it sounds fun and I'm glad they improved on the crowd participation for it but like you would think with all the money they get they'd do something a little bit more extravagant i guess
No. 256536
>>256532don't worry it's not rude at all. i definitely would not be going to one of their live shows again, at least not for this price if this is the kind of show they're going to put on.
also $40 CAD is ~$30 USD so not too far from what you paid, just thought i should make that clear.
No. 256539
>>256536Oh okay that's good, sorry didn't even register vancouver as Canada
God but I'm glad Suzy got to see that it's not because she's *~*~gamergrill~*~* that no one likes her its because she's really fucking unlikeable
No. 256545
>>256541ehhnn it wasn't really a bitchy tone, it actually seemed a bit humble to be honest. it was an okay recovery from a bombed joke and filled the awkward dead silence that had followed. it was really minor but the comparative reaction to arin using nearly the exact same joke was hilarious.
another interesting comparison was that they told us about when arin asked danny to join the show. danny said he would be the most hated man on youtube because he was replacing jon, and arin told him not to worry about it, to just be himself and it would blow over in a few weeks, and it mostly did. i wonder if arin told the same thing to suzy because the hatred for her has never blown over.
when i told my friend i didn't like suzy he accused me of not liking her because she's a girl, but then i told him about holly who i actually find enjoyable.
i wonder if suzy truly doesn't realize how disliked she is. i don't understand how she could continue to record game grumps episodes and go up on stage when most of the people watching don't like her.
No. 256608
File: 1487875928950.png (472.01 KB, 593x442, gamegrumps.PNG)

>>256528here's a picture i found on instagram of the grumps without pants in case anyone doubted how entirely uncomfortable i was. arin's dingle was just way too visible.
No. 256610
File: 1487876209881.png (555.3 KB, 926x557, suzy.PNG)

and here's suzy just being a huge baby about the cold. we're in the warmer part of canada, there was no snow and it was about 45 F yesterday. i was wearing a sleeveless shirt with a spring leather jacket over top and i was fine. i'd love to send her up north to my folks place where it gets to -40 sometimes.
also is it just me or is that coat too small to zip up??
No. 256664
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>>255165>>255210"muscular" "going to the gym" "having personal trainer"
No. 256793
File: 1487898790913.png (1.18 MB, 1381x897, suzycoat.png)

>>256668I'm pretty sure this is the same coat that she was wearing. This pic is from May 2015. It's not a full body pic but you can still see that the coat zips up all the way.
No. 256832
File: 1487905891860.png (700.98 KB, 733x535, Suzygrumplive.png)

>>239030Welcome to Gain Grumps Live - someone took these photographs from around the front row and I couldn't believe it at first.
Look how round and chubby her face has gotten; her double chin has ballooned and she looks so fat!
No. 256835
Seriously, Suzy. Stop lying and just start wearing the muu muu.
No. 256855
>>256832Oh lord. At this point she should just have kids now and then have an extreme mommy makeover.
But as we know, Arin and Suzy struggle everyday to take proper care of themselves.
No. 256860
File: 1487911113312.gif (323.99 KB, 275x275, 1467327038132.gif)

>>256832good lord. there is no chin, only another neck
No. 256970
File: 1487940316627.png (353.97 KB, 586x522, what.png)

are you fucking kidding me?
No. 256983
>>256970gdi, Wendy's.
I thought you were a little bit better than this.
No. 257058
File: 1487956132103.gif (423.53 KB, 267x200, 1417121865174.gif)

>>256970>>256988>>256983She's the perfect Wendy's spokeswoman though, y'all missing the fit. She really does go there and really looks like she just might eat at Wendy's a few times a week MINIMUM. When she says her menu favourite, chances are she has tried the whole menu and it is indeed her favourite thing. I bet she knows some neat Wendy tricks, for once she doesn't need to lie and pretend to endorse/know something about a product she endorses.
No need to be mad, this is the most truthful advertising I've ever seen, nice Suzy!
No. 257134
File: 1487967435241.png (342.47 KB, 348x518, arin.PNG)

Here's the wendy's stream for those who are interested: now arin is eating a burger with a bun made of french fries, a patty stuffed with chicken nuggets and cheese, beer battered mustard flavored onion rings & pickles, and a ketchup made from coca cola. he has taken MULTIPLE bites of this monstrosity.
No. 257137
>>257134annddd it's already over.
maybe arin was nervous but he was red in the face and pretty huffy this whole stream
No. 257296
File: 1487985397533.jpg (791.7 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_olw0v7pvrf1uvkotqo1_128…)

The two pictures I can find of Snooze ath the Vancouver show are incredibly blurry, but this is probably her worst outfit so far for these shows.
No. 257297
File: 1487985423082.jpg (262.93 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_olwm0xL0hx1saqa3do1_128…)

>>257296One with her and Arin
No. 257336
>>257313yeah i think its kind of like a work uniform
not that she doesn't look like this outside of grumpin
No. 257407
File: 1487993041601.gif (1.87 MB, 540x339, tumblr_olpnznVgIg1w0j4lio1_540…)

>>257352Like, this is/was her literal change to show us she actually wears her ootd clothes in places other than videos… but instead she comes out like this for every goddamn live show she's been in. Nothing is stopping you from at least wearing a cute top with jeans other than yourself, Snooze.
(I'm only using this gif bc a) they both look okay and b) it keeps coming up as a recent post in the Suzy Berhow tag on Tumblr.
No. 257413
>>257407*chance, not change. fuck you alcohol and your anti-proofreading behavior.
I also didn't close my parentheses. Damn it.
But this gif is from a vid right before their honeymoon I think? I can honest to god hope I don't fuck up my health this much because I'm about their age here.
Like, how does her lighting go from this to whatever the hell it is now? She looked legit okay for a mid-tier beauty YTer but now she looks like baby's first tutorial video (plz subscribe so I can get a better camera!!1!) Because at leath this lighting hides some of her flaws but also mildly flatters her? Like I can legit see why people could find her weirdly attractive here but now I am absolutely lost when people envy her and her current form.
No. 257819
File: 1488042014274.png (657.52 KB, 593x602, grumps.PNG)

i get that she might not want to wear 99% of her ootd outfits while performing with game grumps on stage because those outfits are a bit formal/dressy, and game grumps is more of a casual atmosphere.
however, that does not excuse her sloppy outfit. she should wear something more like pic related. a nice shirt, leggings, and boots (that actually match her outfit tho).
No. 258598
>>258595iirc, she graduated hs and went to art school for a little while? But then dropped out.
she also has some sort of taxidermy certificate?
No. 258603
File: 1488122655284.png (1.36 MB, 640x902, ehh.png)

>>257819Okay, I now we shit on this outfit when she posted it because of her drag queen choice in make up, but even something like this would look more put together than what she had been wearing to the live shows.
No. 258950
>>258891…There's an actual theory about that? I'm assuming it's because his favorite color is pink, he has long hair, and has occasionally worn a dress/make up for the lulz?
What the fuck, that's just overwhelming sad.
No. 258975
>>258958It was easier to find than I thought it would be.'s in the comments. Now, I don't think this means he wants to be a woman by any means, it's just a few comments but this is the comment that started that. This and him liking "girl things" just fuel the fire so people take it beyond what it should be. But lets say it was true, that's never going to happen, he's been with Suzy all his life and doesn't know any better, so if this is true then she would never let him explore that part of himself.
bonus entry that made me laugh think this is when him and suzy had broken up for a while? he mentions a 'katie' being the last person he fell in love with.
No. 258990
I always got gay vibes from him, honestly. I don't think he's trans, but he seems really in touch with his feminine side at times.
>>258975All these years later and I still have no idea who this Katie girl is, he used to post about her a lot on his Deviantart page too: No. 258995
File: 1488163385799.jpg (194.25 KB, 542x460, sunshine_by_kt_-d3htv5p.jpg)

>>258990Apparently Katie is from Chicago, so it's hard to say if they were actually dating or if it was a online long distance thing.
I do kind of wonder how Arin would be different if this relationship had panned out and Suzy never came back into the picture. Would he be as obese and tired?
No. 259123
>>258891Wasn't whoever sent Arin those emails trying to force him to come out as bisexual a Tumblr user? There probably are a few crazies that seriously think that. Especially since the grumps encouraged all the polygrumps shit.
Hell I've seen trans headcannons of grumps on Tumblr
No. 259572
File: 1488193525279.png (100.64 KB, 750x1049, IMG_5943.PNG)

>>259236>> forced trans headcanons on anyone/thing is fucking cringe Anyways I used to think Arin was bi or genderfluid at least, but it's just him being a fucking beta, he's always like girl characters because *~*hawt gurlll*~* it is fucking sad he never got to know more people aside from Suzy, I remember he drew Katie on his deviantart account and Suzy was in every single comment sections talking about how cute or hot Katie was, it was fucking weird
What kind of person breaks up with someone so they can fuck someone else and still stalk the ex's sns' lol
No. 259783
File: 1488226519259.png (72.54 KB, 639x549, Holly ptsd.png)

usually PTSD is caused by things like rape, grievous bodily injury, witnessing death, murder, etc.
Holly got PTSD from being on a reality show
No. 259819
File: 1488230760356.jpg (221.03 KB, 2000x2000, reminder.jpg)

>>259790Just a little reminder for you anon
No. 259860
>>259783>>259784>>259788PTSD can come up in different ways, basically any situation that is high stress. I used to work in the complaints department at a call center and the stress of it got to me that I started having panic attacks any time my personal phone rang or when I had to make a personal call, which is symptoms of PTSD. It can occur for really stupid reasons, but if it made sense it wouldn't be a disorder.
In any case Holly isn't happy cosplaying anymore so people shouldn't rag on her to do it. I love Holly though so I'm a bit biased.
No. 260029
File: 1488254794136.jpg (1.09 MB, 2200x1250, wut.jpg)

No. 260052
>>260029Geez, Arin sure has let himself go. He looks like a mess.I don't see why Game Grumps fans are always drooling over Arin and Dan. Neither of them are very attractive.They'd look better if they actually put some effort into their appearance.
Also at first glance I totally thought that far left pic of Arin was actually Suzy.
No. 260055
>>260046(Arin and Dan take off their shirts and bare their chests to the audience, then swap shirts with each other)
Dan: "This shirt is so sweaty. Oh my god."
Arin: "You look like you're wearing your boyfriend's shirt."
Dan: "I am."
They deserve all the weird ass gay fanart and fanfics they get. They pander to that shit so bad.
No. 260079
File: 1488260579551.png (278.35 KB, 500x430, tumblr_inline_no9g8lE2on1qgp29…)

>>260062Dan actually does cleans up pretty nicely. He'd look a lot better if he tamed that bird nest on his head. It looks so dry and unkempt. A little hair product would go a long way! He should shave too.
No. 260421
File: 1488305027148.png (362.52 KB, 479x1073, Screenshot_20170301-014710~2.p…)

>>259850>>259853>her arms and stomach aren't fat?Yes they are and yes it is. Pic related. I have no idea how you could be so blind to this.
Note that she also sucks in in her OOTD videos. Suzy got lucky in that her fat doesn't typically go to her waist or stomach area, but she's got to a size now where she definitely has a gut. See
No. 260434
File: 1488305925284.jpg (133.5 KB, 480x533, dance_std.jpg)

>>260421she can't even stand without copying other people
No. 260438
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>>260079I agree. To be honest I think Dan is actually hot when he's cleaned up and kempt.
No. 260458
File: 1488307393635.png (439.96 KB, 723x535, 1487905891860~2.png)

>>260433>she just looks like a skinny girl who got bloatedYou're either a fan of hers or you're as fat as her yourself. There's no other reason why you'd be this defensive.
>>260446>she's averageYeah, you sound fat.
Suzy is a pig, deal with it.
No. 260478
>>260421Plus the fact that this isn't a recent photo
Suzy is fat deal with it, she definantly has a bmi well over 25
No. 261100
File: 1488348776980.jpg (337.07 KB, 1110x1432, C3iHc4rUEAIggp3.jpg)

read which institutions each author is associated with
No. 261125
File: 1488352390348.jpg (66.77 KB, 500x661, 1468301601628.jpg)

>>261100Guess that's what happens when you quit your tenured position in London to go tell dick "jokes" with your buddy.
>Brian Wecht: Ph.D. UCSD (2004). Postdocs: MIT, IAS, MCTP, Harvard. Was tenured faculty at Queen Mary, London. Then left physics to fully be Ninja Brian. No. 261269
>>261260Not gonna dwell deeper into this, but I know that he had a thing with atleast one fan. She was pretty vocal about it a few years ago. But it honestly seemed like a healthy and stable (and also short lived) relationship so I don't think less of him for it.
I don't think Dan is "that guy" who rapes little fan girls. He just enjoys his fair share of sexual encounters with legal, consenting girls who happen to be fans. Nothing wrong about that.
No. 261306
File: 1488383917046.jpg (704.03 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_8967.JPG)

Do you guys think she'll hop on the new Zelda game bandwagon or do you think she'll hate it since Arin obviously will?
Never forget when it took her exactly a week to apparently change her mind
No. 261585
>>261280Completely agree, but I will say that
IF he has been with fans, considering how autistic the GG fandom is over his jewfro, then he must have a sixth sense for tight-lipped women.
No. 261637
>>261100Whats fucked is that GG and NSP are gonna be short lived careers. Theyre not like RT or Yogscast with an actual company attached and theres no real long term thought put into this. He left a tenured solid as fuck job so he could gamble (with a kid keep in mind) his future on a shitty 'band' that only got famous cause dan decided to fill in a spot on a couch.
I understand chasing your dreams and yeah aiight maybe NSP / GG makes fat bank now…but youre basing your life income on something that at ANY GIVEN TIME can just be obliterated.
If youre Dan or Arin & Snoozy i get it. They dont seem to really wanna do anything, like shit Dan got his dream fufilled and Aroozy get to binge, go on trips etc with only cats to think about. (Not that theyre not precious lil babies)
Thats just what i find really retarded in all this.
(Plus people straight up kill for a tenure and he left it to play keyboard behind a greasy jew in a leotard to offkey synth beats about lazers and fucking)
No. 261656
>>261637As much as I don't care about NSP, I think Brian had enough of a financial safety net to leave his job & pursue the band. People live as starving artists all the time with literally no education/degree/back-up plan, not that that is smart, but Brian at least has a PhD. If NSP fails he can still at the very least teach- even if it's part time at a community college.
Maybe it's dumb but I think it's nice when people pursue art, even if it's a parody band that sings about dinosaurs and dicks.
No. 261746
>>261280sorry, i only mentioned it because other anon brought it up and i only heard the gossip for the first time like last week and thought it was an insane coincidence…slightly hoping that
>>260480 knew more that I didn't…my info came from someone in their inner circle, but at the same time– they are a petty group of friends and honestly maybe danny just mentioned it one or two times and whoever told me about it found it annoying and it blew it out of proportion, making it sound like he was bragging. i am a casual fan of theirs as well, and ultimately you're right he can date whoever he wants, fan or not…
back to the suzy bashing
No. 261770
>>261656given that he spent the gap on a shitty internet band, he might get passed over by others who at least have been working on it for a bit, even for a part time community college gig–which will never pay enough for a baby.
how old is his child? depending on how long he was working as a tenured professor it likely isn't enough for all the things the child will need – or a university education, down the line
No. 261785
File: 1488424547679.png (697.67 KB, 920x602, 2…)

>>261125I think in the end he gets to spend more and less stressful time with his family and if he really wants he can actually go back. For all we know he is on sabbatical.
In Suz news have you every photo edited your face so much that your glasses look like a cheap snapchat filter?
No. 261840
File: 1488430912240.png (471.62 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2017-03-01-23h57m49s79…)

>>261785>>261793Any attempts that Suzy has on photoshopping her face for instagram are completely undone when she uploads a video that shows off her bloated, extremely full face.
It's looking less like her Instagram and YouTube are two different accounts, and more like they feature two different people.
No. 261869
>>261785>if he really wants he can actually go backit's pretty difficult to keep up with a field if you leave academia and aren't "practicing" science as your day job.
then again, for Brian it's all theory, which you don't need a lab for (especially string theory amirite), and if he's still publishing he's sticking with it, despite his extremely heavy workload of posting "buttsex" on the Game Grumps twitter account
No. 261877
>>261859how many state schools you think have physics departments with string theorists?
it's not like he can just commute down to Cal State Northridge, and there's no way in hell Cal Tech would take him as anything but an adjunct at best
No. 262254
>>261859>>261869I'll admit I'm not in his exact field or part of the world but in my experience with science/academia, people who drop a respectable position to go do something dumb (like play in a shitty geek band called Ninja Sex Party of all things) aren't necessarily welcomed back with open arms. At my old place a girl came in for an interview who dropped out of a PhD track at MIT to chase after her crush (who dumped her right after) and even though her credentials were great, everyone was super sceptical about her because can you really trust the professional judgement of someone who drops out of MIT for no good reason? What if she abandons this position on a flight of fancy, too?
Plus even going into industry is considered a death sentence for an academic career, not just because of the pay but because people can never keep up if they're not in the middle of the action. Maybe it's different for theoretical physics, idk.
Maybe if he spins it as a sabbatical and finds a less competitive place to apply to he can get tenured again, but I agree with the anons who are saying it was a dumb move to leave in the first place. Especially with a young family.
No. 262741
File: 1488573020129.jpg (388.15 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20170303_152735.jpg)

Nice try, Snooz, but even with you pulling on it we can tell it barely wraps around your body.
No. 263055
File: 1488613438062.png (110.32 KB, 242x383, 58ba68cfc8d92_Screenshot_20170…)

>>262741Nice try there Snoozbag.
No. 263063
File: 1488615978035.jpg (18.87 KB, 400x320, de8.jpg)

>>263058Fuck her arms are literal ham hocks :^|
No. 263094
File: 1488628009700.png (37.24 KB, 640x344, IMG_9028.PNG)

Does she ever shut the hell up about Overwatch?
No. 263100
You can hold fat in the entirety of your arms and in your legs, in your stomach, in your hands etc.
But that doesn't make you fat.
Makes perfect sense.
No. 263102
>>263094Don't you understand anon? She's a GAMER and GAMERS complain all the time.
She must be playing even worse than usual if people are getting that salty. Her negative k/ds make me shudder.
No. 263132
>>263102To be fair, she mains Mercy so a negative k/d ratio is kind of understandable, but her ratios for characters in classes other than support are pretty terrible too.
As much as I hate toxic players in OW, I'd love to hear her get cussed out for playing like shit, kek.
No. 263188
File: 1488641972143.png (827.3 KB, 879x905, oh mercy.png)

>>263168wait. She only got to Gold? There's where I got with only my placement matches because I only wanted to see where I stand. She even has "friends" that could carry her–I play with strangers who don't mic. She really is absolutely terrible.
>>262741Thankfully she has a jacket that might fit that Arin bought her for Valentines Day. At least he's not in denial about her size.
No. 263253
>>263227I weirdly find Suzy a lot more likeable in this than usual. Her and Barry actually have decent chemistry.
I chuckled when she was like "I might be actually dumb" before laughing after losing on the treasure chest thing at the end. Feels weird to say but it was kinda cute.
No. 263257
>>263253Same actually, her voice was less annoying than usual and she seemed pretty chill. Also I thought she looked alright by Snooz standards honestly.
I wonder if she's ever actually watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or if she just bought that shirt bc it's a popular thing that might get her more attention?
No. 263478
>>263227what's the context for DQ? I don't feel like watching her entire video to see that moment
the only thing I can think of is Dragon's Quest
No. 264378
File: 1488834744911.png (303.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170306-160956.png)

Does anyone know why she suddenly started tweeting about babies and one day giving birth to them? Perhaps arin was suggesting something about kids since he's stated in a video before that he would love to have children one day if I'm correct
No. 264390
>>264378Well she and Arin are heading towards their thirties, so this would be around the time they'd start planning for children (if they were to have any). Definitely can't see Suzy being a good mother though, she seems way too self-centered to cater to another human being.
It makes me wonder though…what happens to Game Grumps if Suzy gets pregnant? Once the baby was born Arin wouldn't be able to record as much since presumably he'd be helping take care of a newborn, which sucks cuz he's the main host.
On the plus side, Suzy could use the baby weight as a new excuse for why she's such a ham.
No. 264448
>>264439I thought his excuse was that he cut his chin while vomiting into a toilet when he got sick at MAGfest.
I bet Suzy wishes she had a built in excuse like that. She just resorts to obviously covering her chins in photos and hoping no one will notice what she is doing.
No. 264549
File: 1488850461917.gif (682.82 KB, 500x282, anigif_enhanced-buzz-3087-1424…)

>>264378Both Arin and Snoozy have terrible diets!! You can see them putting pepsi in their baby's bottle and thinking it's normal to give them a ton of sugar before they're 3-4 years old. Please, if there is a God, don't let these two have a kid.
No. 264572
File: 1488852054435.jpg (143.18 KB, 700x699, baby bump.jpg)

>>264568lol remember her "baby bump" pic?
No. 264596
>>264572This is disgusting and should be illegal. Congrats, you're a selfish cow who is birthing a child with terrible health and probable birth defects because you're too selfish to put down the fork.
I wonder if Suzy will ever get this bad though?
No. 264660
File: 1488867979645.png (111.81 KB, 640x695, IMG_9030.PNG)

>>264378Maybe she saw this post by the freaks at polygrumps
No. 264665
>>264660i don't think holly would get pregnant. at least not for a long while. her and ross don't seem like the type right now.
that last paragraph tho. whyyyyyy
No. 264683
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>>264660It's the grumps fault for encouraging them tbh
No. 264770
File: 1488898280877.gif (459.06 KB, 256x144, 1430279386869.gif)

>>264660OMFG Why are these people so fucking creepy?? I don't like Suzy or Holly, but they're still people and trying to place bets on who's gonna get knocked up first is fucking disgusting imo.
No. 264863
>>264840It won't stay there for long; you can't really say anything critical or bad about them on their main sub without them (or their most diehard autismo fans) arcing up and getting extremely defensive. That's why rantgrumps/ventgrumps exists.
Remember when Suzy got called out for the Etsy scam stuff, Arin was furious and made that huge angry comment whiteknighting her ("she feels so sad n defeated u guissse"). Suzy herself commented too and tried to make up some bullshit excuses to defend herself.
No. 264876
>>264836One comment: "Thyroid issues are especially difficult to confront because there is no single solution for everyone, often because of other accompanying health problems…"
Hold on while I get out me fucking violin. There's no easy solution to any number of health problems. That doesn't mean you just give up and use it as an excuse for your own laziness. It takes time, effort and patience to find a treatment that works for you. No single solution? No shit. Everyone is different.
Sage for bitter and chronically ill.
No. 264918
File: 1488920255250.png (19.76 KB, 166x200, 697846354635.png)

>>264834>Arin goes from looking like Spencer on iCarly to the lead singer of Seether>>264841Sort the comments by top voted and you'll see some of the ones agreeing with the OP. Even the ones trying to make excuses have a few people calling them out, like the one bringing up her "thyroid problems".
No. 265133
File: 1488940929760.png (703.96 KB, 1024x576, unaware_suzi_by_tinydavy-db119…)

those macrophiles sure love suzy
No. 265183
File: 1488944040538.jpg (102.98 KB, 1080x810, 17125903_1240660746010063_3883…)

Suzy is really pulling out all of the stops here for a fat girl Myspace angle:
- Lean forward so you seem thinner
- Bend your knees slightly so you seem physically smaller, and therefore not as large
- Grab the bottom of your sweater and stretch it down with your hands, that way it looks like the sweater isn't bunching up around your fat gut.
I'll bet if Suzy took this photo normally we'd be able to see at least an inch of bloated white stomach peeking out from beneath her sweater.
No. 265199
>>265183Now all she needs is The Cure to start playing on her page and she'll win "Fat, White trash, goth" Bingo.
No doubt that if she took this normally, we see her fat gut peeking out of her sweater and folding over her waistline. She'd also have her hand up to her chins in an attempt to hide them.
No. 265596
File: 1489010163391.png (149.77 KB, 1068x840, 2017-03-08 16.54.15.png)

>>261306Don't worry, she's never played a Zelda game to begin with
No. 265802
File: 1489025517768.jpg (214.73 KB, 1564x1034, 1481691497800.jpg)

>>265596holy shit, Zelda is the most basic bitch gamer girl game there is. everybody has played Zelda.
No. 265856
File: 1489028149445.png (388.03 KB, 564x379, lmao.PNG)

>>265550>Suzy I believe is strongly of the camp of “all women are bitches out to take my man”yep that pretty much sums her up
No. 265968
File: 1489043753490.png (23.5 KB, 608x615, SUZYBERECTROWB.png)

i made a fanart for the suzy
No. 266030
File: 1489059060505.gif (1.38 MB, 200x150, 1484215058707.gif)

>>262205>>265968I fucking love this thread, Fucking goldmine!
No. 266107
>>265596Honestly no everybody has the time to play most of the Legend of Zelda games and the earlier ones are hard af, not gonna lie. So I wouldn't blame her for not playing the very first ones but the other popular (wind waker, majora masks and so on) are literally for KIDS.
You don't need to be a good player to finish them, and worst of all you look up a walkthrough on the internet for the tough levels.
Seriously Suzy that's lame for a supposedly gurl gamer whose sole job is to do videos and play video games. It's not even as time consuming as a FF game.
No. 266196
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>>266084this one's pretty bad
No. 266200
File: 1489085330209.png (313.65 KB, 609x264, CHSRO7C.png)

does suzy have suzy has fetal alcohol syndrome
No. 266238
>>266233I think
>>266196 captures her chins more
No. 266401
File: 1489104226805.jpg (45.29 KB, 499x255, surejn.jpg)

Two tweets from today
1. She just added new illness for her to get attention. Your joints hurt? From stress? Sure Suzy. Not from your weight?
And also: what stress?
Elaborate please.
2. Okay that's too easy. Thanks.
No. 266404
>>266401What the fuck does she have to be stressed about? She just sits on her fat ass all day and leeches off of her husband and plays Overwatch. They aren't living paycheck to paycheck or are starving. Like, good god does this bitch have no self-awareness.
Also yeah. Come on Suzy. You can at least try to hide how much of a fat cow you have become. Creaming your jeans over a donut shop opening doesn't really help your "But muh thyroid" case.
No. 266439
File: 1489108748582.jpg (133.75 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_omko0fWKOG1qils0po1_128…)

Anyone going to catch the stream? I don't know how the average person would be able to tolerate a straight hour of her… much less four hours.
No. 266445
>>266426Yes because I'm really going to waist my supplies on an Internet joke
Fuck off with your art superiority and sense of jerking off your own ego
No. 266702
File: 1489123307061.gif (1000.08 KB, 500x281, sweatpants.gif)

>>266439>Limited edition hoodie for saleYeah, because that's all you can fit into, Snooze.
No. 266778
>>266130I was talking about the very first ones tbh and they're challenging, especially considering older games were made to be difficult to lenghten their lifespan, as you wouldn't buy several games at once.
They don't hold your hand and sometimes required you to buy magazines in which there were walkthrough and maps, or hints were given in the booklets.
>>266150Admitting to not playing some games when they came out years ago it's excusable, I didn't have the funds to have several consoles for example.
But she's been married to Arin and has a shit ton of money to blow on stupid crap.
That could even be a serie idea for her yt channel "Suzy plays famous games for the first time!" with a relive your childhood kinda feel.
I'm not even trying and I'm still coming up with ideas that would kill two birds with one stone.
No. 266814
File: 1489141546059.jpg (1.26 MB, 1618x2018, Body-Conscious.jpg)

>>265968 You've inspired me to try one for myself amazing work annon
No. 266832
>>266778I agreee, those were definitely hard.
But unlike us who maybe don't want to dish out money to get those older games, Suzy has NO EXCUSE for not having at least tried them at this point, because her husband has a gigantic game library. I had never gotten to play ANY Megaman or Metroid games as a kid bc we just couldn't buy a ton of games, but in the past few years I bought them on virtual console and played that shit. Suzy is just the epitome of lazy, fake gamer girl.
No. 266901
File: 1489158104407.png (271.47 KB, 319x334, suzyzelda.PNG)

>>266832i'm not so mad that she hasn't played the games, i have a pretty extensive game collection and there are even some popular series i haven't played before. what upsets me is that she has mentioned them both previously as if she HAD played them, and even has legend of zelda merchandise.
No. 266927
>>266908If you even mentioned any of this past stuff to her I bet you would get blocked faster than she can inhale a box of donuts.
I can understand not finishing a loz or ff game but never playing one at all? That's embarrassing.
Half the time she don't even play the games herself on her own channel. She acted like she was the one who influenced other lpers to play HuniePop but any time I watched a video of it she wasn't even playing it, Arin was.
No. 266937
>>266927Not only would you get blocked, but you'd also get reamed out by her sea of retard fans who defend her from any kind of criticism.
And she didn't even start the Hunniepop trend. It was Markiplier and Pewdiepie as always who started the trend. And even others like Jesse Cox were playing it before she did. Like always, she just looks for whatever is the hot new thing on YouTube and plays it, all the while pretending like she is this huge trendsetter and not a complete sheep who can't do anything without leeching off of others success.
No. 267038
>>266814lol the violin hips
No. 267457
File: 1489229293575.png (71.9 KB, 634x346, IMG_9047.PNG)

I was looking through her videos on kkg and this shit is kinda sad
12k when it's only just her
500k when she has all these other popular YouTubers
I was also seeing a lot of videos with only 2k-5k views lmao
No. 267500
File: 1489240984685.gif (616.07 KB, 500x336, eyerollgif.gif)

>>265550That dude pretty much nails it!!
Also, we got this special snowflake who thinks she's Snoozy
>ChubbyTuna 2 points 2 days ago To be fair I'm a bit of a Tomboy and I burp loudly (When I'm comfortable around the people who are present) and I talk about girls I would smash even though I'm straight. I can relate to that behaviour I've always been that way.
You go gurl!! You're not like those other gurls and burp and fart and sometimes even poop. tee hee
No. 267674
>>267672No idea.
But whatever it is isn't good.
No. 267686
File: 1489270011556.png (81.45 KB, 719x387, 20170311_230451.png)

Wait, she calls gluing butterflies into a frame taxidermy? Lol did she ever actually stream that?
I don't follow her streams, also you have to pay 5$ to subscribe??
No. 267695
>>266912Zelda and FF are the most basic "chick" RPGs too. Every single girlfriend I have that games has played at least a few from each series.
Suzy is an embarrassment, I'm surprised she even admitted to it.
No. 267713
>>267700I got bored after 20 minutes so… yeah.
She's playing Overwatch now, though.
No. 267715
>>267700It's actually terrible.
Her stream stops every 15 minutes or so due to tech issues and now she's playing Overwatch and blaming her team for everything. First thing she says is "Wow this team is garbage", runs in alone and asks where her team is and is basically getting carried.
so I'd say the usual
No. 267729
>>267721She also recently stopped the stream because of issues.
But since it cut out, it makes it so we don't have to sit through everything to find her shitty OW skills.'ve only recently started playing as Torb and it pains me. She's… not good.
No. 267909
File: 1489293015040.png (76.29 KB, 640x644, IMG_9049.PNG)

Of course she has to try it
I guess in a week we'll be seeing her tweeting about how depressed she is and she's gaining weight because of "muh thyroid"
No. 267936
>>267933Yeh. I'm sure pretty much all of them are of her pretty much her touching herself over the prospect of eating some sugary snack or dessert.
And yet not a single post of her getting her fat ass into the gym or eating healthy. It is always "Look what gross disgusting food I'm about to shovel into my fat mouth. Aren't you totally jealous?"
No. 267948
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>>267936She posted about getting new gym clothes almost a year ago. Which she probably never used because that would mean she would actually have to go to the gym.
No. 267958
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>>2679482016 compared to 2013
Sometimes I feel bad for her then I remember that she did this to herself. No thyroid or whatever excuse she uses. Just her being delusional about her laziness and bad diet.
No. 268060
File: 1489318293616.png (83.6 KB, 660x368, vlcsnap-2017-03-12-07h28m30s43…)

The fact that Suzy thought this question was true and doesn't know that the tides are caused by the Moon is why there's no hope for the future.
We have this bloated, sedentary pig woman who is as heavy as she is dumb and she's getting rich for leeching off of her husband. I weep for the future.
No. 268187
>>267919The couple times I went in, there were around 200-250 viewers? But towards the end there were less than 100.
Almost 300k subscribers and not even 1% of them show up in the middle of the day on Saturday.
(she got, like, 22K views over all during the time though? So I'm wondering how many people joined went "where's Arin? Oh, he's not here" and left. )
No. 268207
>>268060Are you fucking kidding me? This girl is such an idiot. I would be so embarrassed to be married to her. No wonder she has no friends.
…actually, I bet her and Anisa would get along really well. Vapid, no personality or real hobbies outside of what're the person they're currently dating is into, 0 fashion sense.
No. 268232
File: 1489344138413.jpg (205.97 KB, 700x700, 1460411897771.jpg)

>>264378Different strokes for different folks, I know, but I fucking hate girls that try to seem cool and edgy (if that is what they're going for) by bragging about how much they hate babies, find birth disgusting, refer to babies and infants as nothing but a burden sucking out their souls as if they're really having the time of their lives wasting every day as a shut-in playing video games, eating junk, and not taking care of themselves.
It just puts such a bad taste in my mouth taking something so beautiful and important and so much bigger than yourself and equating it with 'EEEEWWWW CROTCH GOBLINS LOL EEEEEWWWW MY VAGINA OMG SO DISGUSTING' Brag about how gross and awful and what a burden they are to the women that can't have them, but hey, at least guys will think you're cool or whatever the fuck they're going for.
No. 268266
>>268264oops meant to respond to
>>268060guess I'm the dumb one here
No. 268283
>>268060HOLY SHIT SUZY WHY. That's fucking hilarious.
>>268232Agreed, I don't want kids probably ever but the term "crotchfruit" gives me full-body cringe.
No. 268297
>>268278I just think it's really telling of someone's personality and maturity when their way of expressing that they don't want children is not 'I really don't think it's for me, I have other aspirations for my future and don't have that desire, personally.' but 'Ugh disgusting little creatures taking up all of
my precious time and energy, I saw a video of a lady giving birth and omg gross! lol.'
Reminds me of those girls that talk about having a period in the most nasty, exaggerated detail to try to be funny. It's bad enough immature guys think of a natural biological function as completely repulsive as if it's some kind of burden to them, but girls happily giving them fuel to the fire by agreeing. It just shows that they've never grown up.
Sorry for the rant.
No. 268418
>>268297>>268243Hell I dont even care if a woman chooses not to have kids because "it would cramp my style, I like to party and fuck around", it doesnt always have to be some grand noble decision to be an altruistic, virtuous woman who is furthering feminism and accomplishing a lot. It's a personal choice. I dont really want kids, I wouldnt be able to support them, and I know a lot of millennials are making that same choice.
Making it an edgy callout, like, "UGH kids are so disgusting, Im too good for that" is kind of annoying.
No. 268423
Hahaha, really? Like I said Ive been drinking a little bit.
I didnt mean to speak for women or what they find attractive. I know that attraction is subjective so it's always going to be subjective.
Just, as a dude, I would rather look like Danny than Jon. That's probably my bias. I'm going on what I remember them looking like. I've only seen Danny, Jon, Arin, Ross, Holly and Suzy. I havent seen Jon's content in a while but I dont remember him looking, um, tall, buff or handsome. Yeah, youre right with Ross, I just kinda think he's funny.
No. 268570
File: 1489380357237.png (228.76 KB, 640x962, IMG_9056.PNG)

I kind of like the dress but of course she fucks it up with those chunky ass shoes. She finally accessorized too but it's her own ugly ass necklace.
No. 268572
>>268570Honestly, this would be kind of cute if she'd lose a bit of weight and learned how to accessorize better. She needs to start avoiding such tight fitting dresses and stick to more flared a-line styled dresses that won't emphasize her massive love handles.
A less massive necklace that doesn't hang so low and of course, per usual, less chunky looking shoes, and this might be salvageable.
No. 268575
File: 1489381830853.jpg (24.06 KB, 660x440, llm-little-green-men-01-alien.…)

>>268570 Get some bangs, Snoozy.
No. 268816
"The dress is a size medium but I definitely could have gone down a size and maybe got a small - it's pretty big on me"
No Suzy, you're pretty big on that dress - it looks like someone found a pink sock and then overfilled it with oatmeal until it nearly ruptured.
If she tried to squeeze herself into a size small it would have lasted three seconds before all of the stitching exploded like someone trying to vaccuum seal a hydrogen blimp.
No. 268826
>>268818she's been goff so long that she's forgotten how to combine colours, kek
no word about her art degree
No. 268870
>>268816as someone who has made quite a few posts about how shit her style is, i gotta say, this is not only the best she's personally looked but the least atrocious her outfits have ever been….. if you cut the thumbnail off at the ankle and take out those atrocious shoes though
ngl i actually looked @ where to get that skeleton jacket + the dress, jacket is 100$ and dress is 90$. so much money spent on shit she'll never wear again after this…
No. 268877
File: 1489429998295.jpg (424.63 KB, 2048x2048, BFF252D3-208D-4AFA-B809-FC61E6…)

a size smaller
No. 268878
File: 1489430044278.jpg (423.96 KB, 2048x2048, E24C2306-32CB-4193-B2D8-5094F2…)

No. 268879
File: 1489430239012.png (43.73 KB, 466x342, IMG_2697.PNG)

That chicken wing oh my god,
Im saging all these cause I don't wanna bump without real drama,,
No. 268887
>>268886she'd go back to her life before:
working at retailers like godiva or disney
At least then she'd be off her ass and not as fat as she is now
No. 268899
File: 1489431414031.gif (14.84 MB, 640x360, mwjMMR.gif)

>>268816Suzy the self proclaimed model with "many years" of experience under her belt.
No. 268922
>>266434once you have TMJ it can be flared up from stress. TMJ is caused by clenching and grinding your jaw, something that is exacerbated during stress. sage for off topic.
that said, I'm sure suzy has pained her jaw from stuffing her maw more than she should lol
No. 268923
>>268907She looks so awkward in that way too small dress. Her hips somehow look even worse in motion, not to speak of her saggy ass which appears to hang a full ass-width below where it should be.
How in the world can she look at these videos and go "yeah, that looks totally hot and curvy"?!
She looks like a goddamn stuffed sausage that has somehow gained consciousness and thinks it's a goff moderru.
And I'm not even touching her face. Jesus.
No. 269049
>>268899I want to use this as a reaction image but I just don't know when to use it
"yeah fuck you I'm great and better than you but also totally aware I'm not actually"
No. 269091
>>268816Goddamn suzy is horrible at styling herself. That first outfit is especially ugly. Those shoes and that jacket do not match the dress at all. Her hair doesn't suit some of the outfits either.
She's so delusional, there's no way a small would fit her. I'm sure it's entertaining to watch her stuff herself into those clothes. I wish she'd just wear things that are proper fitting. Her outfits would look a lot better if she did. She always looks like a stuffed sausage when she wears those skin tight dresses. She can barely move in them too. I guess that doesn't matter much anyway since she doesn't wear them out in public.
No. 269102
>>268899 Her movements are so exaggerated and clunky looking. I wonder if she was as awkward with her movements back then as she is now. If she was that explains why her modeling career never took off.
>>268922Knowing suzy and the crap that she usually eats I doubt she has made any changes to her diet either. Sticking to a soft food diet helps a lot with the pain.
No. 269135
>>268870I actually kind of like the skeleton jacket in her first outfit because I sometimes like pretending I'm a bit edgy… and my skeleton items are my guilty pleasure.
… but $100 is too much for something like that.
No. 269733
>>269049I want this one to be a banner
Seriously is perfect
Just at the moment she blows the kiss a glittering appears.
No. 270019
>>268879jesus her arms are probably thicker than my thighs.
(saged for ana-chan potential… but at this point I'm honestly convinced they're bigger around than my thighs when I'm standing.)
There's no way in hell you're a small, Snooze.
No. 270026
>>270023many, many thanks for not trying to call me out on weight.
But honestly? she could be on her way to their size if she doesn't stop blaming her thyroid and starts taking accountability for her food choices. I don't really follow Chel but I lurk Momo's thread and though Suzy isn't gaining as fast as her… she could still end up down that same road if she isn't careful because there are too many ass-patters to combat any negativity.
No. 271356 Suzy just got 300k subs, and the main sub made a thread congratulating her.
Only to have it it filled with comments about how much of a shitbag she is, how many chbdhe leeches Game Grumps for her success and all the other shitty things she has done. Unfortunately, they are mostly downvoted into oblivion, but they far outweigh any positive comments. I wonder how she felt when she went there looking for praise only to see that people still don't like her and think she is a shitty person.
No. 271368
>>271356Damn some of these comments are hilarious
Props to the guy stating how economically she's basically losing profit rather than gaining profit.
The only thing she's gaining is mounds of fat
No. 271372
>>271356Jesus christ, even the people defending her are getting dragged down into shit for not praising her to being the goddess that the die hards believe she is.
Her fan base is a toxic shit show
No. 271486
File: 1489778383676.png (599.17 KB, 595x598, Screenshot 2017-03-17 02.18.16…)

I wish she would stop trying to push her bangs to the side god just fucking gmngfkjfg
No. 271670
File: 1489792896920.jpg (418.23 KB, 1076x1300, 1489792733072.jpg)

This might just be one of the dumbest things Arin has ever said. People can die on construction jobs, but sure, Arin's 1 piece of art every few months is SO hard to produce.
No. 271689
>>271670Meh. As someone who has been in both "labor" and creative fields, there is some truth in this. With a labor job, there's always the satisfaction of completing something and little room to doubt it as one might do with a creative endeavor.
Not saying it's easier by any means, but sometimes the constant state of doubt that comes with any creative job can be exhausting.
Sage for blog
No. 271691
>>271689I agree
Art jobs are draining mentality wise while labor jobs are draining physically
Since arin is mist likely depressed, having a sit at home mental job is most likely more taxing on him compared to a job where you are always on the go and not given too much time to your thoughts
No. 273860
File: 1490049743417.jpg (351.04 KB, 1200x900, C7ZSF68U8AAbBzi.jpg)

They look so happy together <3
No. 273911
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Who told her this looked good?
No. 274023
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No. 274060
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>>274023She's gotta bring Arin in to fix her shitty views
No. 274072
File: 1490069753753.jpg (42.67 KB, 750x750, mkGEXTE.jpg)

>>273878weird af thing to nitpick about but it's convenient if you carry a lot of keys, keeps them from being a weird bulge in your pocket, idk
this is also prob one of the better pics of suzy recently because you can hardly make out any of her except those glowing white thighs
>>273911then this happens with them tree trunk legs, from the thumbnail her face looks like pic related
No. 274079
File: 1490070432026.jpg (60.14 KB, 604x453, egoraptor.jpg)

Between Arin and Suzy there was only one good looking woman.
Seriously, he used to be a pretty attractive guy, makes you wonder what Suzy did to make him settle for her, the weight gain of both is a pretty good sign of their unhappiness.
No. 274098
File: 1490074632173.png (14.54 KB, 588x104, haaaaaaaaaa.png)

another gem from our size 2 princess
No. 274828
>>274777Spoiler: She never got better. She still is as garbage as ever, only healing one teammate (mostly only the tank if there is one) or damage boosting the whole time. She never combos with other teammates and she still manages to use her ults at the worst fucking time either only reviving one or two, or reviving them into an ult swarm.
But yeah, they totally shit on her the whole game which is fun to see. More often than not she is the reason her team loses and never why they win. All she is good for is feeding the other teams ults due to constantly diving and getting killed. Having her on your team is essentially a 5vs6.
No. 275013
>>274828Really? And this is back from, what? July?
I honestly can't tell if Adam was being serious or just being courteous when he complimented Suzy's healing because it seemed like they had complimented everyone but her throughout the video and he was like "shit, better say something nice".
No. 275166
File: 1490209695433.png (598.8 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2017-03-22-15h07m22s29…)

>>239030Holy fuck, Suzy is getting fat!
No. 275169
>>275166"In other news: Water. . . wet"
We kind of already know that
No. 275180
File: 1490211344709.png (799.07 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2017-03-22-15h34m05s48…)

My favorite part of that video was watching the Game Grumps Maid vaccumming and dusting everything - I mean, when you work hard every day playing video games there's just no time to do something easy like clean an entire house for pennies on the dollar.
No. 275206
File: 1490214411102.png (321.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170322-162342.png)

She'll probably block them for posting such a hateful comment
No. 275322
File: 1490222539883.png (771.47 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-22-22-41-00…)

First time seeing what polygrumps is. I want to fucking kill myself.
No. 275413
File: 1490228662117.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170322-172217.png)

Jfc suzy…
No. 275486
>>275166she would have a cute face if she didn't wear that black eyeliner. It gives the illusion that her eyes are smaller than they actually are which defeats the whole purpose of eyeliner. She looks like she has tiny slits for eyes.
I bet she would look nice if she just wore eyeliner the same way normal people do.
No. 275487
>>275180Oh my god
What video is this? Is it still up by any chance?
No. 275512
File: 1490235882991.jpg (291.05 KB, 1080x1349, tumblr_on8x0rx9MX1qils0po1_128…)

Her insistence on these boots.
Aren't they out of date style wise? Like, I wore these in high school 5-6 years ago. I haven't really seen them since then.
No. 275537
File: 1490238095847.jpg (24.43 KB, 400x412, MS9SCJf.jpg)

>>275512shop her hair red and she looks like this imo
No. 275603
>>275413faces are not supposed to be that shiny unless they are covered in sweat. She's in room temperature environment during winter wearing a T-shirt. She is not sweating. That is how gross and caked on her makeup is. I can't even imagine how uncomfortable that is. I get breakouts when I put even a little too much of something on. When I look at this picture I can feel my pores screaming.
but maybe it's not makeup and it's really sweat cuz she's a fatty and fatties sweat just by walking three feet from the couch to the fridge amiright
No. 275710
>>275555For real she looks like one of the girls that did the 100 layer foundation challenge
Doesn't she use the dior show flash spray foundation too?? Like she uses expensive shit and she still doesn't know how to makeup, which is hilarious when she's a self proclaimed goffic gamurr beauty guru
It's like that saying, you can have all the money in the world but it won't buy you style, but you can hire a stylist
I'm sure she splurges like crazy at sephora/mac/ulta whatever and they give a free makeover when you spend a certain amount??? So why not take advantage of it?? Unless she's too fucking bullheaded to do so
Also why doesn't she just get lip fillers? She has the space and it would probably benefit her face
Does anyone know what skin type snooze has??? Cause the only time I get super oily like that is if I over exfoliated the night before or I've been wearing my makeup for 8+ hours
No. 277019
File: 1490446777711.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-25-12-56-55…)

>>275626 I thought I recognized the model.
She started painting it over 3 months ago. And I'm pretty sure she's done other models with the exact same eyes on them before.
No. 277039
File: 1490451551618.png (375.48 KB, 908x501, ggmunny.PNG)

>>277019in all fairness it takes time to coordinate 6 people, film them painting, and render & edit the videos. 3 months seems like a fair time frame for something like that.
the bid on hers is currently 2nd highest out of the 6 munny dolls, the only one beating it is dan's ninja brian munny doll. she also has the highest number of bids. did suzy do something right for once?
No. 277350
File: 1490487526159.png (1.28 MB, 722x880, streak.png)

Another ootd video is likely to happen in the near future. But I have to ask: is that a shitty clip-in blonde streak I see? Or is she actually going back to that style now?
No. 277416
File: 1490496663027.jpg (522.04 KB, 1126x816, tumblr_muge4715cz1qils0po5_128…)

>>277350Do you think she's going to try and go back to this hairstyle?
No. 277454
>>277420>>277435Yeah, but this was the first picture I found with the hair I was thinking of… so I just went with it. Could I have found a better one?
But I thought bird shit tights and the fox tail on the side would be more indicative of the Suzy aesthetic: unable to style herself no matter her size.
No. 277573
>>277040I agree, this actually looks pretty decent.
Her art isn't amazing but it's one of the only skills she actually has. She seems to have improved quite a bit since
>>241984 (you would hope so too seeing as that was years ago).
I don't know why she insists on trying to base her channel around shit she can't do or skills she doesn't have. It makes her seem so disingenuous and like she's trying way too hard.
Suzy, work on your skills as an artist! You could probably actually get some recognition for producing something good all by yourself without having to piggyback off of other people.
No. 277624
>>277573 It's probably because art channels don't direct as much online traffic.
If you think about the really big channels it's mostly beauty gurus, vloggers and let's plays and Snooze is trying to do them all.
Remember she said she doesn't want to be famous she just wants to be rich, she's selling out any way she can, I do think she could really make something of an arty geeky channel, but she wouldn't be able to get those sponsors~
No. 277626
>>277624That's the thing though:
She actually could make it work because she's part of the game grumps
No. 277661
>>277626Yeah. She could take advantage of GG related foot-traffic for something other than things she has no talent with. I mean, if she wanted to add the Grumps to it, she could do art challenges against them maybe?
idk. At this point, I'd really enjoy it if she took her channel in a direction that actually required a little bit of talent so she has something going for her.
No. 277974
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No. 277991
File: 1490570606900.jpg (50.12 KB, 400x550, 5UdDywM.jpg)

>>277974this is giving me war flashbacks to felice fawn's horrible goffic alien phase holy crap
No. 278207
>>277974ugggh, Anon. You made me think she uploaded something new. But… he's been slacking because of her depression or w/e excuse. idk. I don't care enough to check her twitter since she blocked me.
Like, she blocked me quicker than Kiki's paranoia did. I don't know which one can't handle potential lolcow users more.
No. 278632
File: 1490650163475.jpg (56.09 KB, 686x550, hmmfood.jpg)

Suzy happy, Suzy got food.
No. 278648
>>278627rooster teeth is at least expanding massively into way more than lets plays - they've put out a few animated series as well as live-action ones, and i think theyre supposed to come out with a sequel to the movie they put out (lazer team). they've also had massive success with rwby (apparently its really popular in japan?) and you can't talk about RT without at least mentioning red vs blue. their podcast is also pretty successful, though my personal favorite is their 'game show' On The Spot. even though it all recycles a lot of the same people, it does so in a way that makes sense.
which really just makes game grumps look even more shit in comparison. achievement hunter is only a small portion of RT and is becoming smaller as they expand into other creative directions. sure, lets plays are a lot of their bread and butter, but they've kept relatively the same core group of letsplayers for the past bunch of years (and i will fucking fight you if you try to say that their only new truly regular guy jeremy isn't a wonderful addition and miles better than ray ever was)
game grumps, on the other hand, is sticking to the same old tired routine and their attempts to copy RT's successes like their let's play live is just… well, see upthread/last thread when someone went to one and reported back. LPL is a gathering of autism and fedoras no matter how you slice it and a stupid concept imho but RT at least puts a ton of effort into it and you get your money's worth.
tl;dr game grumps wishes they could be RT
(sage for RT sperging)
No. 278756
>>278577Is weird taste challenges what they're doing now? Arin did a La Croix one and now… this.
>>278648eyyyyy. Another OTS fan.
No. 278806
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Suzy eating fruit. It's a miracle
No. 279091
File: 1490680876117.jpg (94.55 KB, 714x920, CvPwIEPVIAAvRcf.jpg)

>>278814remember when Holly was cute for like a day?
No. 279145
>>279128They were referring to this
>>259783 She doesn't give any explanation, I honestly had a bias for Holly until she pulled this crap. The post seems really passive aggressive and just a poor excuse, I can understand anxiety but certainly not PTSD, gurl needs help
No. 279577
File: 1490745359296.jpg (168.12 KB, 1440x1440, C1eOD6yVEAABcRH.jpg)

>>279570first she dropped the pink hair for a pukey grey-green
No. 279581
File: 1490745561882.jpg (518.63 KB, 2048x2048, C59-3SsUYAEVMyT.jpg)

>>279577and then she started wearing this awful lipstick shade that's way too dark for her and just abandoned styling her hair
I will say one good thing about Holly: she didn't join in on the dogpile on JonTron, and they still seem friendly toward one another.
No. 279586
>>279577Honestly I dont get the Holly hate, she's really cute to me. She manages her weight well and looks homely without makeup, seems to put at least a bit more effort into what she wears. Her political posts are a little aggressive, sure. I think she really struggles with mental illness and anxiety, not that that excuses her weird twitter behavior, but it should be taken into account.
Anyway I think the bluegrey hair suits her better than the pink
No. 279648
File: 1490750215631.jpg (413.58 KB, 1638x2048, C79KgoFUwAAsduv (1).jpg)

>>279586yeah shes openly said she doesnt like leaving the house much tbh i just attribute her weird behavior to possible semi-hikki lifestyle. where as suzy's weirdness is just straight stupidity.
also Holly's fashion is at least a little better even though its very instagram-y
shes the lesser of two evils
No. 279680
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No. 279681
File: 1490752803174.jpg (147.61 KB, 1080x1080, 15034940_338556009842352_54221…)

>>279680I can't tell if this is a costume or an outfit
No. 279688
>>279680Not gonna lie, I like that coat/dress/whatever
>>279684At least holly seems more genuine. Snoozy only wears hoodies and sweatpants now. haha
No. 279722
File: 1490756246044.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0318.PNG)

>>279717I assume this is what you are talking about?
No. 279747
>>279680Holly looks like a 45 year old lady here.
The prints are cool though.
No. 279811
>>279802Alright, but going off that logic, Holly is barely a grump. She guests occasionally but so do people like markiplier, and when he comes up we discourage further discussion unless it relates to the grumps direct(ie the supermega friendship drama)
Holly may not have enough milk to discuss on her own, but /snow/ no longer has a strict rule against who may get a thread. People who want this thread to stay on topic are being called whiteknights. If anons who discuss holly want discuss in peace, then they should make a thread. It's simple.
No. 279866
File: 1490779368720.png (445.94 KB, 592x598, 6db21be0.png)

No. 280001
>>279994why are you so rustled by anyone talking about holly??? there's been as many negative comments (she looks a crazy old pigeon-collecting woman) as there are positive. did you escape the taylor r thread or something?
this derail about it is worse than people talking about holly in the first place. she's related to the grumps and any squeezed bit of milk from her is going to be in the context of the grumps, get over it.
to stay somewhat on topic, at least holly's outfits are flattering in fit even if the style is kind of hobo atrocious. i wonder if it'll take actual seam-ripping mid 'OOTD' vid for suzy to actually size up
No. 280004
File: 1490805139133.png (141.91 KB, 640x919, IMG_9108.PNG)

Looks like Suzy's going to get a fitted suit that she'll wear once for a video and then never wear it again
No. 280138
>>280004Yeah, try "fitted"
She'll probably lie about the size.
No. 280223
File: 1490829987657.jpg (197.65 KB, 1080x1169, 16123492_715618941938635_65611…)

>>280162she's a boring hipster at best
No. 280236
>>280162I don't like Holly but I can see why people would like her compared to Suzy. Like compare her first appearance on gg and Suzy's first appearance. She seems more genuine, I guess?
I mean you could remove Holly from everything related to gg and she would still be kind of unique. Suzy has to have Arin and her friends to be relevant, it's like she can't be her own separate person. She doesn't even care about her main channel anymore and that could've actually had potential.
No. 280258
>>279675I mean not all of her outfits are the best but every now and again she'll pull off some really cute ones
Sage for talking about holly
I'm surprised suzy didn't try to hop on the band wagon where people just eat in front of the camera. I know there's a lot of Japanese youtubers that do it who are popular, however it seems when white people do it they're all weird ass feeders.
No. 280260
File: 1490833022242.png (954.8 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170329-201027.png)

>>280258Shit, sorry forgot to post pictures for point
No. 280688
>>280426I lowkey believe her hair is a sort of rebellion against her dad who desperately wanted a bleach blonde girly girl and so she keeps it short and pastel because it's less effort and maintenance
that made more sense in my head I guess
No. 280972
File: 1490906770454.png (4.56 MB, 1718x693, okayy.png)

oh yeah Suz was totally abused and has the worst family.
No. 280973
File: 1490906909923.png (6.69 MB, 2009x870, olokay.png)

sounds like a child of abuse to me.
No. 280975
File: 1490907065930.png (9.26 MB, 2174x1114, genes.png)

thx for my looks mom n dad
No. 280989
File: 1490907889515.png (4 MB, 1139x917, plzstop.png)

The fact that Suz of all people gives beauty advice… is so beyond me. How does someone her age miss how to wear lipstick that bad?
No. 280998
File: 1490908274046.png (4.62 MB, 1130x1068, HAHwhat.png)

makeup GODDESS.
No. 281002
File: 1490908434925.png (5.89 MB, 2013x765, done.png)

Sorry for my image dump but man for some reason I just couldn't help it today. I am just sick of Suzy at this point. I want someone to slap some sense into her.