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No. 224051

-Kenzie Fodness
-Claims she's not an anachan, but is constantly showing her "progress" and body checks
-Begs for food on Instagram that we all know she's not gonna eat
-Is a "little"
-Lies about her mother abusing her
-Is Wiccan(bad post, read the rules)

No. 224052

Omg I've seen her, definitely one of the biggest lol cows

No. 224055

Is being wiccan something worthy of being mentioned in her description? I don't know anything about Tumblr or whatever happens there besides what I read here, so i had to ask, sorry. are they all fake wiccans now?
(Yes I'm pagan but not wiccan)

No. 224056

links? I think she is dating a guy I almost dated

No. 224058

Most people find it ridiculous, yes. It's weird to pretend to be a witch if someone is older than 8 and the online Wiccan community is just embarrassing because of rabid fangirls and American horror story:coven fans.

No. 224059

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Her last "daddy"

No. 224061

HOLY SHIT it's actually her, she literally dated the guy I almost dated and he kept me updated on her imma see if I still have her skype

No. 224062

shes also underage and dating some wannabe H4x0r who pretends to be aesthetic by saying phrases that make no sense and doing lots of drugs

No. 224064

"kenzieidk" is her skype

No. 224068

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What has he been spanking? Her bones?

No. 224069

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The malnutrition has obviously rotted her brain because her idiotic comments baffle me

No. 224070

No. 224073

This person should be in the general ana-chan thread. Your vendetta and newness are showing.

No. 224075

What the fuck is with this influx of garbage threads

No. 224077

Well, you're not wrong.

No. 224080

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No. 224081

She reminds me of a munchie wannabee with all her lies

No. 224085

Some cow-tipping Instagram faggot made a Jonzie08 parody account and it's attracting flies.

No. 224135

No one asked for your shitty opinion if you think it's ridiculous or weird. the question was if it's common or not on Tumblr.
Also just fyi not all wiccans are "witches" but I won't try to explain anything because you clearly have a well defined and biased idea of the religion that's based on Tumblrinas.
Saging because ot

No. 225088

just another attention seeking bitch. I agree with other anons that she belongs in the general pro-ana threads. she's a bit of a cow but doesn't really deserve an entire thread because she's so boring.

No. 225659

What bones? She's pretty chubby girl…

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