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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 221596

A website where bunch of sad people complain about how people are mean to others but spend time being mean to others. Theyre wasting time on focusing on other peoples lifes instead of doing something productive.
They lack intelligence because they literally misunderstand half of the things they post.
Also make fun of peoples traumatic experiances calling them liars and attention seekers.
Body shame, slut shame, and have psychopatic tendencies (literally laugh at the thought that somebody might be dead).
Possibly 90% of them are insecure salty teenagers who have no responsibilities at home and try to fix their self esteem by shitting on other people.
They kinda make me sad but i feel like they neee their own thread so we can drag them down too because thats what you supposed to do to insecure people right?
(Spoiler alert: its not. You supposed to focus on your own life instead of others. It makes life more interesting)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 221597

I wonder which cow got salty about their thread and posted this.

No. 221598

There are so many possibilities

No. 221599


No. 221606

Someone's bitter.

No. 221612

Say, which cow are you? Could it be Moomoo?

No. 221616


If it was any cosplayer it would be Luna

No. 221618

So butthurt. Thanks for giving away your IP address to admin-sama, OP.

No. 221619

Moved to >>>/sty/738.

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