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No. 221429

Didnt see thread for them and i bet youll find lots of milk to post about them.
Sadisticwhitedom glorify abuse and post about how he "consensualy" abuse inferior-cunt and tinydoll (previously prettylittlevictim and baby-pig) they all claim to do it consensualy but it looks like the girls are actually mentally abused to think its ok.
Especially when they tell tinydoll that shes fat and let her starve herself.
(Sorry if the thread is a mess im new here)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 221462

Are you the same person who kept trying to get info on them on brat-grrrrl2 thread? Kek

No. 221478

This didn't need a new thread. It could've stayed in the kinkster girls thread. And while I personally am entertained by them, they don't have much milk (anymore, at least).

They're fucked up and I feel bad for tiny-doll but she stays in that situation so…And she's extremely private now so you aren't going to find much info about her.

No. 221485


lol you're not new here, you posted every time somebody else posted in the kinkster thread begging people to make a thread about this lot. I agree that they're boring now and don't deserve their own thread.
Move on.

No. 221489


As far as I'm aware there's not much milk on them. Perhaps a few years ago but who cares about that anymore? Definitely not the most problematic kinksters on tumblr but you seem incredibly thirsty for something to be posted on them kek

No. 221502

HAha oh boy, nice attempt at hiding your samgefagging

No. 221516


Hahaha this thread fails

No. 221565

Im not the same person just found the forum so thought ill make a new thread to contribute :(

No. 221567

Where is the kinksters girls thread?

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