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No. 215400

Since the Tumblr thread is mainly about SJW, let's keep this seperate.


Post the latest fails, media articles and everything else related to people calling themself Living Dolls.

No. 215401

No. 215402

The owner of the site, that is exposing Val, is back:

No. 215403

File: 1418425172065.jpg (227.09 KB, 768x859, 54754.jpg)

Now calls herself a mermaid.

No. 215404

Why would ANYONE think that make up is a good idea?

No. 215405

she also has a fundraiser for her to go to Japan and go to a cosmetology school there. No one donated to it, but it's really annoying when people think they're entitled for money for things like this. Also why would you want to go to beauty school in Japan? You would only be able to do makeup on Asian eye shapes. It's just as annoying as those girls on youtube who have natural double eyelids and will make eye makeup tutorials with titles/tags in Japanese. I could understand if you have hooded/tapered eyelids because they are similar to Asian eyes, but what use is it to some Asian girl to see you put makeup on your double eyelids?

No. 215406

Can we talk about Berry Tsukasa?
I like her and all but damn the editing she does to her body and face is blatant. I feel as if I'm her only fan that can see it.

No. 215407

Her Tumblrinas are delusional as all fuck. She's shopped to hell and back.

No. 215408

It's not even like if she wouldn't state that she shoops at her profile, they are just dumb.

No. 215409


Well, contrary to popular belief a lot of Asian girls do have double eyelids although the shape of those differ from Western double eyelids. Not everyone over there is born with monolids, but I know what you mean with that being annoying.

No. 215410

How does berry actually look like? I was never really sure how shooped she actually was….

No. 215411

I apologize, I do know a lot of asian girls can have tapered/hooded eyelids similar to Western tapered/hooded eyelids and they can achieve double eyelids with surgery, tapes, and glues, but that's about it. I follow a bunch of asian beauty gurus, but I just assumed the ones with double eyelids had a surgery or something.
I really cannot wait for the kawaii trend to end tbh, so many girls who have seen Kota's success are making "look-at-me-i'm-so-kawaii-putting-makup-on-my-western-features/styling-my-hair-give-me-a-japanese-modeling-contract-now." None of them are ever helpful either, unless you have the same eye shape/skin tone/etc as them and are a visual learner.

No. 215412

Also, I'm not hating all girls who use Japanese in their videos. It's just that most of these girls don't even speak Japanese or even have Japanese captions, but expect Japanese people to watch them and give them a modeling contract because they're oh so kawaii~ Melodee Morita is a good example of someone who also makes videos for a Japanese audience, even if she wasn't Japanese, I wouldn't mind her at all because she actually speaks the language, isn't doing videos for a modeling contract/praise, and is actually helpful.

No. 215413

She looks so fucking retarded. God I hate her.

No. 215414

I hope that rat's nest is a wig.

No. 215415

Is this Valeria or someone else? Either way, this makeup looks like shit and nothing like a mermaid.

No. 215416

get glasses or new ones if you have some already

No. 215417

No. 215418

With how much she shops and copies other people's makeup, it can be hard to tell since neither she or whoever is in that photo look human.

No. 215419

Don't look*

No. 215420

>dat ridiculous wig to hide her real jawline and even her nose when she turns

No. 215421

Both doesn't look different to her shoops, she got quite a bunch of other videos too but she uses the side bangs to archive the illusion of high cheekbones.

No. 215422

>it doesn't look different


No. 215423

>can't read
Did you even look at her other videos? Doesn't seem so.

No. 215424

Heah, because her nose is totally not visible, right.

No. 215425

Can we please go back to the actual topic of people who call themself living dolls?

No. 215426

lol berry is totally the same and you sound really jealous.
maybe because she's cuter than you?

No. 215427

Did not mean to cause ot with my Berry question. >>215425
Should I make her a thread?

No. 215428

She isn't even lulz-worthy.

No. 215429

I wish I had seen this before I made it. How2delete

No. 215430

No. 215431

>implying it isn't possible to edit videos too
Come on look at Kooters.

No. 215432

Confirmed for retard, because the people that record her live webcam streams totally all edit her videos, right.

No. 215433

How would one edit your facial structure in a video? Seems impossible.

No. 215434

… do you think movies are 100% real too? Harry Potter was a documentary, Voldemort really didn't have a nose, etc.

No. 215435

Yes, and those have million dollar budgets for the technology and trained professionals required to do that, and it takes years to make. It's idiotic to make that comparison.

No. 215436

Look, I'm not saying these chicks can make dragons appear. Obviously that takes money and expertise.

But the point is that you can change your face in videos - quite easily even, if you follow tutorials. It's idiotic to act like editing video is impossible.

No. 215437

Those are videos of her recorded by other tho. You can adjust the brightness, saturation and similar things at your webcam but you can't apply AE to your livestreams.

No. 215438

File: 1477254055700.png (145.59 KB, 320x480, Screenshot_2016-10-23-16-14-18…)

Has 0 followers, tags her pics with #dollkin #angelkin, found her in the #livingdoll tag.

No. 215439

Obvious selfpost. No one cares.

No. 640617

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