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No. 211467

A 22 year old beauty youtuber known for drama and playing the victim when called out. Most recently she started a shitstorm when she accidentally exposed abusing her pet dog in a "day in my life" video, by leaving the 10 week old pug locked in a tiny pitch black bathroom for 12 hours every night in its own shit and piss. Furiously played the victim when called out and is deleting all criticism, wahhing about haters and muh depression, despite other evidence she neglects the dog like taking 3 trips away in the first month of owning it, taking it outside before it has shots and locking it up in the bathroom for hours at a time during the day as she "checks emails".

The day in my life video:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danimansutti/?hl=en


John Kuckian's video on the dog abuse, pt 1 and 2

No. 211470

Man, this pisses me off. So, she's not willing to treat the puppy better, even after being called out?

No. 211471

Omg poor baby!is there anyway we can report her and save this poor little guy!? People like this disgust me

No. 211472

Oh wow. At first I thought this just sounded like a vendetta, but then I saw the footage of that little room filled with shit and piss. Poor little doggie.. :(

No. 211477

There is sooo much drama surrounding this girl for years. You can read a summary here:


No. 211488

You can file a report to the RSPCA here:
If someone could find out what part of Australia she's from, as well as doxx her and enter her street address, town/suburb, phone number(s) and post code in the report, this could be dealt with.
I'd do it personally, but I have no idea where to start on getting her information. Hope people actually do something instead of leaving her comments that she will delete.

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