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No. 211109
OH GOD PLEASE can people check this mess out?!'s one of those tumblr 'My (blatantly fake) Dissociative Identity Disorder is so edgy and awesome!' types. Meanwhile, she calls herself a witch, and pretends her 'alters' are astral witches from past lives. Talks to her pentagram necklace, insisting it holds the soul of a demon hunter… and she's twenty fucking six! Rambles about her narcissistic mother but boasts about herself to the point of looking narcissistic herself. Lately has taken to boasting about how much sex she's getting every other sentence.
Listen to the latest livestream she posted (maybe the first ten minutes, not the whole two hours!) to her channel for details of a vampire she vanquished with her talking necklace to save her twin 'alter'. This is no joke to her, or at least that's what she assures her building audience (who seem to all have the same made up bullshit)
No. 211117
>>211109WOW this girl is way older than I thought she was. "She seems pretty cool for an 17ish year old" I thought, "kudos to the erratic but thoughtful camera work". Apparently she's actually 26.
>"No girl that I've ever slept with has needed lube"This is a great way thing to say if you're looking for a way to reveal that you're bad at sex
No. 216357
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>>211109>actually using your email on an imageboardshit nigger what are you doing is part of this community and is probably just trying to expose someone she has a grudge against
No. 216892
>>216861As a DID anon, Taty is annoying but not really thread worthy. A lot of people in those communities don't give a shit about her. Besides, there's already a fake multiple thread.
/snow is not your personal army. We're not here to suit your vendettas. It's obvious that you're only posting her because you personally have a problem with her, not because she's a cow. For the record, shit OPs with little to no information have a tendency to get locked, so this thread likely isn't going to last. And if you think Taty is bad, you /really/ should check out the other thread. Trust me, there's a lot worse out there. Taty is a nobody in comparison.