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No. 211025

Not sure if this thread will take off at all, but…

Taylor Skeens is a 23 year old Musical.ly “star” and YouTuber.

A few months ago I kept seeing a video of hers pop up in my recommended’s for some reason and finally watched it. It was 15 minutes of this girl with this whiny, daddy-molest-me voice complaining about her fans asking about her divorce which she doesn’t want to talk about… then talks about it. Overall boring.

Last week, the same thing happened. Kept seeing her in recommended’s with another dramatically vague video title. Here we go. Now it’s 18 minutes of her complaining about an ex boyfriend who she began dating fresh after her divorce, telling people online that she’s a cheater. After 5 minutes, the video is her attempting to justify the reason she cheated and talking about the problems they had, despite stating that she wasn’t going to talk about it? And now she has another boyfriend.

This girl seems like a huge attention whore who purposely does things that she knows people will ask about, and then gets angry about people asking when she has already said she likes sharing her life online. IIRC, One of the problems in her marriage was her oversharing her life online. I think there could be some milk here.

The videos: (First one) youtube.com/watch?v=WYoHcIo45Z4&t=638s
(Second one) youtube.com/watch?v=QoRKkm4pqDg&t=303s

YouTube: youtube.com/user/morgantaaylorr
Twitter: twitter.com/tayskeens
Instagram: instagram.com/bright.eyesss/
YouNow: younow.com/itstaytayxx#ac…
Musical.ly: bright.eyesss
Snapchat: itstaytayxx

No. 296640

I remember seeing her get hacked by twitter.com/mooninite and her nudes leaked. I've tried tweeting him to get the pictures but he won't respond.

No. 1318747

Would love to see this thread take off. This girl will document her whole life for views. She goes thru boyfriend after boyfriend, then airs her dirty laundry after each relationship doesn’t work. I heard she was cheating on her ex with her current bf. Also pretty gross that after her and Adrian broke up she started dating his friend, Angel.(necro)

No. 1328593

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The caption tho. Yikes

No. 1328714

way to necro a thread, her post is pretty based.

No. 1328718

Queen shit.

No. 1328764

Open the bob for them then, pick me. This thread is retarded, and Indian scrotes are the worst

No. 1329047

wait does she have a significant Indian audience ?(subjectfagging)

No. 1329060

I’m pretty sure this is a joke about “send bobs and vagana”/creepy South Asian scrotes with limited English soliciting women in DMs

No. 2099362

She is going thru psychosis religion style rn and lost a ton of followers, lol(post proof/this is an imageboard)

No. 2099676

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No. 2099680

Every e-whore does this now. Nothing special

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