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No. 2056156
Tophia "Tophiachu" Syldell is a 30 year old homeless tiktoker based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She lives with her family, and gained notiriaty on tiktok for being cringe and then turning out to be a serious cow who thinks that tiktok will save her family from homelessness. Fans of her compare her to Chrischan in terms of mental stability and competience. Some of her greatest hits include animal abuse, cringe tiktok duets thirsting over asian men, watching "asian teen porn", and being homeless.
>Donald Slydell (60)>Tophia's "father", heavily debated because Mamachu was allegedly pregnant when they met, but Tophia claims he is her father>bipolar, twitter full of schizotweets and porn tweets where he believes he owns a bank (attempt to grift)>mentally unstable and placed green crosses all over the former chu household>neighbor claims that he set fires inside of the apartment>missing multiple teeth and believes that he's teething like a baby>would flirt with teen girls and young women on his own tiktok lives, in the family home>currently in jail (as of 2024)>arrested in 2004 for battery>arrested in 2022 for attempted kidnapping>issued warrant in january 2023 for his arrest for failure to appear in court for the attempted kidnapping>went missing in august 2023>aggravated assault arrest in october 2023; released a few days later>armed robbery arrest in november 2023; charges dismissed because he was incompetent>relapsed in june 2024>missing again in october 2024>shoplifting, criminal tresspassing, disorderly conduct, and assault charge in late october 2024>charges dismissed again for being incompetent on nov 4th 2024>released on nov 5thMamachu
>Marie Lucero (63)>Topia's mother>verbally abused by tophia, enables her lifestyle and defends her daughter on lives with her>doesn't wash herself and stinks (according to papachu)>forced to say she isn't being aused by tophia, by tophia>seemingly uninvolved with her son>claims that papachu hits her and says that she does it back>possibly inbredBrotherchu
>Donald Slydell Jr. >Tophia's younger brother>occasionally appears on tophia's lives, but mostly stays out of them, can be heard yelling at her on live>accused of being abusive by his ex-gf, Angie. later admitted that he did it>doxxed same ex-gf on live>apparently had a job once, but quit due to being bullied>stole a car>living in the filthy motel with mamachu and tophiachu while papachu was in jailNOTABLE MILK
>Tophia gains internet notoriety for her stiches with asian men, and her general apperance>Known for abusing her animals, particularly the dog hersey>the dog got attacked by another dog, ran away, and they didn't look for it until 3 weeks after it went missing>replaced the dog with another dog without even looking for it>Tophia was obsessed with a n asian tiktoker named glennfeather, made an alt account to follow him after he blocked her>tophia is a known consumer of asian teen porn as well as furry porn>caught on tiktok live using xvideos to watch these videos>family evicted from the apartment that papachu was setting fires in>constant ebegging for doordash, scamming "fans" to pay for food and pay the family's bills>admitted to stealing papachu's va money to pay motel rent, but won't let him live with them>catfished on interpals to try and get money> tophia herself constantly being caught interacting minors and talking to minors> tophia is constantly in drama and obssed with another tiktok cow, shawtybae, and talks about her despite being objectively worse>claims to be half black (papachu) and latino (mamachu), but this is heavily debated among people that watch her content>family known for living in abject filth, in their previous apartment roaches were seen crawling over the walls>claimed to have csam on tiktok live, and then later said she doesn't have any LATEST DRAMA
>tophia was revealed to have been living in a motel with mamachu and brotherchu, by a housekeeper at the motel>were evicted for being absolutely disgusting animals who would never let them clean the room and would only request new sheets, and never paying the motel (allegedly), and said they would pay after she gets her money from tiktok>post being evicted, mamachu takes a shit in the motel parking lot>all of this was revealed by the housekeeper (Squid) on tiktok, tophia then begins arguing with the tiktoker back and forth, claiming that Squid dox her, doxes squid, and that squid deserves it>denies that the family is homeless (again)LINKS
tiktok: No. 2056159
one of her infamous tiktoks
No. 2056168
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state of the motel after the slydells were kicked out
No. 2056171
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some of the apartmentchu before they were evicted
No. 2056174
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interpals catfish profile where she tried to catfish men for money
No. 2056176
>>2056163didnt they jump on her for specifically seeking teen porn? correct me if im wrong, but didnt she also have a pinterest folder with notably underage asian boys?
unrelated side note but i think she's genuinely inbred. maybe a built up of distant incest, like generations of first or second cousins? and maybe an uncle and a niece somewhere in the line too since she looks very odd (her small forehead really irks me)
No. 2056178
brotherchu yelling at tophia after someone from grindr tries to break into the motel
No. 2056179
roach crawling on tophia's cup in a live
No. 2057405
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looks like brotherchu kept his newest job. someone from reddit spotted him and tophia today
No. 2057423
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>complains about trump and his admins picks>repeatedly says "trigger warning" after something making the point saying trigger warning pointless >says her family spend $111 on groceries >says that they don't want to move to another place that they don't own because they don't want to be kicked out again>says she would be good at owning a pet rat but can't own one because fatherchu doesn't like them>says that she used to live in a house where a bunch of bodies were found >says the reason she didn't do true crime on youtube was because she didn't want to have to ask families for permission >claims people can't criticize her for buying stuff on tiktok shop, despite not having money >rambles about squid some more, repeatedly calls her the maid despite squid not being the maid >says that they didn't piss on the bed in the hotel room because the beds were "bone dry"when they left
>says that her family absolutely isn't behind the squid dox >claims that squid has an eviction on her record and that squid doesn't have a choice but to live with her cousins>"she can rent anywhere she wants!" tophia claims while living in a car with her mom and brother >says that she could have ended up like george floyd and that squid calling the police on her was an act of racismpicrel, tophia outside of the place she chooses to live
No. 2059912
>>2059204>>2059700All of this non-stop complaining about
>HURRR no milk!!!1!1is exceedingly annoying and non-contributory. If Tophiachu were a thing 10 years ago, there would be no doubt about her thread-worthiness. She is the archetypal lolcow and reminds me of many old school mentally handicapped cows like CWC and Pixyteri. She doesn't need to be
problematic, just lulzy. Sit back and laugh, nonnies.
No. 2059957
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>Tophia's only employment history was working at a Dunkin Donuts for a week and a half many years ago(she was fired for hygiene issues)
>Ranting and constant race-baiting trying to gain control of the narrative
>has a history of making colorist remarks herself and exaggerates a Blaccent sometimes
>There was a 6 month period where Tophia and her mother were receiving Papachu's pension while he was out on the street
>Papachu opened multiple credit lines in Tophia's Name a year after she graduated from high school, according to her they ran up thousands of charges on food(she confirmed its all in collections)
>Brotherchu had been frequently spotted on Grindr when rent was past due/ in-between motel rooms.
>Brotherchu currently works at a sub shop
>Tophia has a half sister named Sophia.
No. 2060153
>>2059957>exaggerates a blaccentShe's literally black wtf did the african american community disown her?
>coolected papachu's pension while he was out on the streetgood. fuck that dude, there is a rumor he sexually abused her and he talks about seeing prostitutes and posts porn on twitter
No. 2060160
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>>2060153Exaggerating any accent that you don't actually have is cringy, anon. And this
>there is a rumor he sexually abused herlike you said is just a rumor, there's no proof besides the mildly uncomfortable videos where he kisses her on the cheek, and Tophia herself has denied the rumors. CSA isn't an accusation to just throw around (and I mean this with the
victims in mind) and even if she was a
victim of CSA it's no one's place to speculate on it.
Anyway, picrel is one of the types of creepy posts he likes to make on his social media accounts. He apparently suffers from a psychotic disorder.
No. 2077490
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I don't mean to necro an old thread but in lieu of the possible TikTok ban, Tophiachu has seemed to make a rednote account and is already acting racist. I'm not caught up on the tophia lore but uh, calling Mandarin "Japanese" seems kinda racist to me.
No. 2082708
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Tophiajak(shitty fan art/sage your shit)
No. 2097862
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I posted this over on /ot/ but Tophiachu said her mom and brother might have been killed in a shooting and is waiting to talk to police
No information yet about how it happened
No. 2097952
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No. 2098073
>>2098066I don't think so. I thought he was already in jail for sometime before this.
>>2097952This is such a horrible tragedy. I hate that she went through this. I'm hoping that her haters and trolls back off and stay out of her life for a long time so she can cope with what has happened. I can't imagine going through something as traumatic as this. I hope her mother survives, the last I heard she was in a stable condition at the hospital.
I saw this video today, it's short and it gives a good summary of what happened.
No. 2098182
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>>2098073>I lost myself at a diddy party no baby oilThe car gets even worse.
No. 2098238
>>2097995Unfortunately from what I've heard about the area she lives in, the crime rate is pretty high and carjackings are a somewhat recurring problem there so it really was a bad case of wrong place at the wrong time.
Nonetheless Tophia may be a delusional headcase but no one deserves something like this, I agree with you and I hope that her mother will be okay because even though she did play a part in Tophia's delusional sense of self, she's not a bad person (at least compared o her father). But the situation feels grim because she's elderly and it feels slim that she'll make it but hopefully luck will be on her side.
>>2098073I really hope that Tophia goes back to the shelter and starts to get her life changed around. This is a horrible spot for her to be in and it will be especially dangerous if she wanders the streets. I know she didn't like the shelter but she'll really need to suck it up and go back for her own well-being until she can see her mother again and even then, they'll still need to consider the shelter because they lost their car.
Again hoping her mom will be okay and will just need a few weeks to recover.
No. 2098292
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>>2098073No he was arrested yesterday