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File: 1728615446516.jpeg (222.56 KB, 828x1792, B74C7CE8-03B4-41F3-80BB-34B8F8…)

No. 2044569

Hey, everyone. Wtf is wrong with this powerviolets girl? she is 27 on roblox, sexualizes children, incest baits and doxxes people. Her name is Violet Hetson & has a ripoff band off the name powerviolence. Her boyfriend Danny does her bidding & she turned him into a sissy. She considers her boyfriend Danny her "twin brother" . She overshares on the internet & doesn't have any common sense. She is a failed nepo baby (bc she's daughter of Circlejerks' Greg Hetson) she has no money of her own because she wastes it all has been evicted from NYC , and complains about not getting paid from the shitshows she does at bars. she paid for a verification badge and sunk money into a competition that she didn't win.

She thinks her songs are funny, unique, and cool because they’re called smegma along with a lot of other words middle school boys would think are funny

She only hates on female popular artists never male. And also tries to play fake friends with local artist that she thinks are better than her so she can get gigs. She also pays to play

She got happy when her ex best friend got cancer and said that the girl deserved it

She looks down on sex workers, even though she’s a telemarketer

Is one of the first people to say fuck the police but then make a fake police report and then threaten people with her father having friends in the CIA

Also hides the fact that she has a Jewish star tattoo because she doesn’t think it’s cool anymore

She’s trying to act like she listens to rap and try to do finger waves

uses her boyfriends account to harass other people

She is the main reason her father cannot retire because he’s funding her lifestyle and rent

Can’t even remember her own songs which she doesn’t have many of at all

Where is the same outfit pimple patches and bows in her hair and then tries to come for other peoples looks

She has same teeth gems

She thinks she’s really smart, but she only graduated from an institute

Constantly talks about her yeast infections

She kicked out her bandmate Caesar based on allegations to try to mask her weird shit

Bc he wasn’t arrested and prosecuted therefore in AMERICAN LAW innocent until proven guilty

Powerviolets instagram:

see other screenshots below(shit thread)

No. 2044572

File: 1728615583803.jpeg (361.63 KB, 828x1792, 86F44536-14FF-4E2A-81C5-C7B636…)

here's her roblox chat log. what a pedo

No. 2044573

File: 1728615695795.jpeg (325.01 KB, 828x1792, E6889189-AE63-4F18-B96E-F449C2…)

this is gross man

No. 2044574

File: 1728615772121.jpeg (322.54 KB, 828x1792, DA7F1103-84A3-47DD-B964-2519A8…)

she made danny a sissyboy

No. 2044576

File: 1728615871924.jpeg (219.91 KB, 828x1792, 338DC5B8-BD14-4205-99D5-B2C7ED…)

and takes a pic of danny pissing, wtf

No. 2044577

is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid?

No. 2044578

File: 1728615953593.jpeg (301.56 KB, 828x1792, C3F5A7BB-D6C9-4326-8B58-E5089C…)

she dont even know how to style her hair, trynna copy black ppl

No. 2044579

no anon ur just retarded as she is. you're shitting out retard

No. 2044581


No. 2044583

go back… if you hate this nobody so much go post about it on reddit where people will actually care and not realise how retarded you are

No. 2044586

anonymous, where she says she's 27, states her age (the person talking) she said semen tits in her story about playing at a park featuring a children's drum corps in baltimore

No. 2044587

anon ur the retard lmao tf she a pedophile. we just puttin her on blast

No. 2044592

File: 1728616745106.jpeg (149.34 KB, 828x1792, CCA2C778-4E87-4A73-B9B2-162615…)

and she begs people to add her on roblox

No. 2044594

File: 1728616837800.jpeg (310.92 KB, 828x1792, C8C32B18-5626-4A3C-ABE5-843547…)

she needs to get a life , she pushin 30 lmao eww(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2044595

File: 1728616991409.jpeg (218.77 KB, 828x1792, 1080B03A-E66D-49FB-BF55-123DCC…)


No. 2044596

Hi chufende@gmail.com who the fuck are you and who the fuck is this.

No. 2044597

File: 1728617078899.jpeg (228.25 KB, 828x667, D0CC86AA-6E77-4C1F-9EE4-D176DF…)

her insta. fkin pedo, nobody would ever book you, jerkoff

No. 2044598

Finger waves are not a black hairstyle you underage twitter ape. Stop vendettafagging this literal WHO??? Show us on the doll where she touched you?(infighting)

No. 2044599

File: 1728617344163.jpeg (209.78 KB, 828x1792, 45D17383-2A42-4F35-8E1E-AFD194…)

violets a nobody, she been exposed here before . she is an absolute weirdo

No. 2044600

anon ur the ape , dumbass, go fuck yourself jerkoff. a guh suck ya madda mon(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2044617

File: 1728619261858.gif (2.86 MB, 480x270, 8o1X.gif)

I'm going to bet thread OP is the cow herself having a manic episode

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