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File: 1727646014310.jpeg (261.56 KB, 1536x2048, clarethecunt.jpeg)

No. 2040288

I know about a bitch who probably has already earned a place here.

Meet Clare Ruth Gundersen. Clare was a child actress, with an IMDb page and some roles under her belt.

As an adult, Clare is an attention whore with a period blood fetish and a hateboner for the game Friday Night Funkin'. Here's some juicy details:

>claims to be hated by the entire FNF fanbase and acts like she has a huge (nonexistent) penis for that

>claimed to be part Japanese, is now saying xenophobic shit about Japanese people
>harasses minors online and sends them rape threats
>ironically claims a minor's drawing caused her to self-harm
>friends with pedos and predators like BlueCatRiolu and Wonkytoons
>her boyfriend, who draws period blood fetish pics for her, was recently exposed for talking to minors inappropriately, she stays with him anyway
>cries about being harassed by FNF fans, her friends tell her to get off twitter, she doesn't listen anyway

Her twitter, where most of her faggotry is taking place: https://x.com/MariCatgirlLove(blatant newfaggotry)

No. 2040294

are you going to post any proof or what?

No. 2040297

File: 1727647433928.png (21.45 KB, 601x198, img-2024-09-29-23-01-36.png)

So I searched up this person online since OP apparently isn't going to provide proof and I found this Google doc someone made collecting evidence:

I looked up the game and I genuinely cannot comprehend the level of autism necessary to hate a basic as fuck flash game this much (picrel is from the linked document, I didn't draw the retarded red circle on it)

No. 2040362

No. 2040369

If not for the post on Twitter I would've thought this was a tranny

No. 2040483


No. 2041121

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